Get to know Sae Ra

Don't hate me because I'm different

"I think we should go now guys.", suggested Yongguk.

It was past eleven and you all were still sitting on the floor of the dance hall.

Yongguk had noticed that Daehyun had somehow changed his attitude towards you. But maybe he was also imagine things.

"Oh yes, you're right. Let's go Sarah.", admited Sehun and you both stood up.

You two said goodbye to the boys and were about to leave when Sehun remembered something.

"Sarah, I forgot something in the studio. Do you mind if I search for it?", he asked with big eyes.

You shook your head ans smiled. "Nah, no problem. Just don't search for to long arasso? It's already late."

You waved when he walked the few steps back and entered the studio.

*Didn't I forgot something too?*, you asked yourself while walking, but then it hit you. 

"Shouldn't Daehyun dance today in a skirt?", you said out loud and sighed. Man this was a great chance to laugh at this so-called tough boy.

*Whatever. Next time.*, you smiled to yourself and walked the cold way back to Luhan's home.


"Oh. Sehun what are you doing here?", asked Yongguk friendly with a open smile.

Sehun looked at the boys with serious eyes. "I have to talk to you guys.", he said and sat on the floor again.

B.A.P looked at each other with puzzlement but sat down one by one.

"What's the matter?", Yongguk asked and looked also serious.

*Wow he's really the leader. I hope he'll listen to my words.*

"Look", Sehun started. "I don't like you boys."

"We don't like you too.", said Youngjae as a matter of the fact.

"But", Sehun continued like he didn't heard a thing. "I need your help."

Now the boys got curious. HE needed their help? Wow, it has to be something important.

"Or let's better say, Sarah needs your help.", he sighed deeply and let his head hanging down. He looked very helpless.

"I can't watch over Sarah all the time, you know. I already finished school and I'm working in an old factory. If I could, I will just stay by her side and help her with everything, but I just can't. And this is bothering me endlessly. That's why I need your help."

He looked up to Yongguk and his eyes were pleading.

"Sarah is always in fights. Always. And I can't stand it anymore seeing her with bruises which are painted of with make-up or injuries that she tries to shrug off." He sighed again deeply. "I have just one request to you guys."

He folded his hands and looked to everyone with his pleading eyes.

"Please stay by her side and protect her from everyone who wants to hurt her. I know it's much. I know it will get on your nerves and I know that you don't like her, but it's just because you don't know her as a person."

Himchan wanted to say something but Sehun just continued.

"I don't want any answers now. I want you to know Sarah better. She is not the one she pretents to be. She is different. And all this cold attitude she has towards you guys is because she really cares about you. I know it's strange. I know you don't believe me, but try to understand her a bit."

Sehun stood up and walked towards the door, but stoped in his tracts.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. She'll be in the Goopyo-Hospital in the station where the ill kids are. She'll be there at 8 o'clock. And don't let her see you boys there. She'll throw a tantrum."

He left the boys alone in the dance hall.

"I already like Sae Ra. But should we still go?", asked Zelo and looked at Yongguk.

He looked like he was in his own thoughts. "I think we should.", he said finally.

"What? WAE?!", yelled Himchan all of sudden. "I don't care about her. So why should I bother myself with her? That doesn't make sense!"

"But Himchan, you don't like Sae Ra because you think she's mean."

"I just don't think so hyung, she totally is.", said Himchan stubborn.

"But maybe we are wrong just like Sehun said.", pointed Yongguk out.

"Tzz. He just said it , because he don't want that his prescious Sarah", he tried to speak her name out in the english accent Sehun does all the time "comes home with bruises. But we shouldn't care. We are not her friends!"

"I'll go tomorrow.", said Jongup and stood up.

"Me too.", said Zelo and Jongup ruffled his hair.

"I want to know her better. I think there are many things we don't know about her. And I ask myself what she does in a hospital with ill childern.", stated Yongguk and stood also up.

"I don't know what you guys think", he looked at Youngjae, Daehyun and Himchan "But I'm also in. If you don't want to know her better it's your decision, no one will judge you.", he smiled at the boys.

"Arasso. Let's go home now, I'm hungry.", said Youngjae and stand up.

"Yah, you fatty! You don't get one bite! You already had more than just one box of Tai-Food.", said Himchan stubbornly like a mother.

"But I'm hungry~", he whined

"I don't care." And Himchan left with a whining Youngjae behind him.

They all left the dance hall and Daehyun thought deeply about the things Sehun had said.

*Should I go, or shouldn't I*


"Here we are boys. Goopyo-Hospital.", said Yongguk in relief. They were searching for the hospital more than one hour and very happy to finally find it.

But what made Yongguk happier was the fact that really all six of them had come to find more out about Sae Ra.

Yongguk didn't even wanted to ask why they had come. If he would ask the question they'll just get annoyed and maybe change their decision.

They entered the Goopyo building and they were totally confused. Where should they go now?

They looked around but the shields of the hospital confused them just more. Jongup looked nervous at his watch. It was almost 12 a.m. 

"Hyung, maybe Sae Ra is already gone.", said Jongup and looked disappointed.

Yongguk sighed frustrated and wanted to suggest to go home when they heard some little children giggling.

They followed the noise and found a room with many little kids. Some were painted ,others were playing with little cars or with dolls. 

They entered the room and a woman in the beginning of 30 greeted them.

"Can I help you?", she asked politly.

"Yes m'am. Do you maybe know a girl who is called Sae Ra? She's around our age and-"

"has dark skin. The foreigner girl.", she said and smiled.

Yongguk didn't know what he should say, because actually Sae Ra wasn't a foreigner...she was still half korean. But he didn't wanted to explain and discuss this matter and just nodded.

"Of course I know her. She helps here a lot."

*She helps?*, thought Youngjae in disbelieve.

"What does she do here?", asked now Daehyun curious.

"You can ask these kids here. They talk more to that girl than me. Hey, kids." The childern looked up and looked at the six handsome boys which were infront of them.

"These are friends from Sae Ra. They want to know what Sae Ra often does here. Do you want to tell her friends?", she asked with a baby voice.

"YES!", they synchronic.

"Let's make a circle kids!", suggested Yongguk entusistically and they nodded in agreement. 

Yongguk loved kids and so did the kids. As fast as they could they sat down and looked with excited eyes at the boys.

"So kids", Yongguk started. "Sae Ra is one of our friends. Would you like to tell us, was she does often here?", he asked they all nodded again.

One guy lifted his arm. "Yes, you little boy.", smiled Yongguk.

"She often plays with us.", said one boy. Another boy raised his hand. "And she makes often jokes."

"She helped me to draw Cinderalla."

"She makes funny faces."

"She helped me to write my name."

"She taught me how to count until 20!"

"She's like the mother we never had.", said a nine year old girl and the boys got confused. Mother they never had?

They looked at the woman and she looked a little bit said. "You should know", she started. "They are all orphans. Sae Ra takes care of them, help them, teach them. She has so a big heart towards childern. Also with our elders she likes to play scarbble.", she chuckled.

"You are really glad to have a friend like her. So open and nice. Always smiling and helping people as good as she can."

WOW! The boys were impressed. Especially Youngjae, Himchan and Daehyun. You could be nice. And how the woman had said it, you could  be REALLY nice. And it had soften their hearts when they heard the girl saying that you were like a mother. They really do like you.

"But why are all these childern here?", asked Zelo now. What were orphans doing in a hospital. He didn't get it.

"I tell you outside guys." She opened the door and the boys steped out with her.

"These orphans are very ill.", she admitted sadly. "Sae Ra, me and some other people want to make their remained days as good as possible. The childeren know that they are ill, but they don't know what they have and how bad it is. And I'm sure, it's better like this."

She looked up, but the boys weren't judging her. Of course not, she and Sae Ra just wanted to protect the children.

"Oh! By the way, where is Sae Ra?", asked Jongup.

"I think she is at Soo Ha's room."

*Who is Soo Ha?*, asked Jongup himself but before he could ask, Zelo already asked the question.

"Soo Ha is one of our teenagers here. He is 14 years old. Since he is the oldest he also always tried to help his dongsaeng or protected them. Already on the first day, they understood each other very well. Although he doesn't trust people that fast. She is really good in making friends I think. Otherwise, she wouldn't be friends with such handsome boys like you.", she smiled and the boys smiled back.

When Jongup heard that Soo Ha is only 14, he sighed inwardly in relief.

The nice woman brought them to the front of Soo Ha's room when they saw another woman standing infront of it.

"Pil Suk? What are you doing here?", asked the nice woman.

"Something really said had happen Ms Ok..."

Sae Ra's POV

"Soo Ha!", you said happyly and entered his room. He looked up but he looked away.

"Is something wrong Soo Ha?", you asked and sat on his bed while he was lying in it. He looked kind of pale but also disappointed and sad.

"Nothing's wrong. You can go."

"Why should I go. I came here extra to see you!", you said playfully offended, but he just gave you a glare what surprised you.

"Ok, Really Soo Ha. What happened?"

"You didn't came for almost a month Sae Ra. What do you expect? Me smiling brightly with open arms?", he asked sacastically and shook his head.  "I'm not that fake Sae Ra."

"I know Soo Ha and I'm sorry that I didn't came, I-"

"I don't need any excuses Sae Ra. Just tell me why you didn't came?"

You looked ashamed at your lap. "I was so bothered with school and work and-"

"So you forgot about us.", he stated. You looked shocked up. "No! No of course not Soo Ha. But I had a hard time Soo."

"For example?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Don't you want to talk about it, or don't you have any excuses left?"

"Don't be like this Soo Ha."

"Then tell me."

"They throw me out of my house ok?", you said pissed and looked down at your lap again.

"They what?", he asked shocked. "They throw me out of my house.", you repeated whispering.

"Come here.", he said and nugged your arm.

You laid down next to him and he took you in his arms. Also when you were older than him, he knew how to comfort you. Sometimes he was so mature you couldn't believe that he was only 14.

"You know, when I'm old enough and I got out of here, I'll buy you a big house.", he laughed and you smiled along.

"With big cars. What kind of cars do you like. Ferraris or Lamborghinis?"

"I guess Lamborghinis.", you laughed but inwardly you sighed deeply. Soo Ha never wanted to talk about his illness. He knew that he was ill, and he knew he will never be able to leave the hospital, but he just pretended that he was fine. Unlike the others teenagers he smiled often and tried to make jokes. He was so cheerfull, it was unbelievable that he was dead ill.

"Sae Ra", he whispered in your hair.

"Yes.", you whispered back. It was so quiet and peacefull.

"I love you.", he whispered and you widen your eyes in surprise. You look slowly up to him and he looked so pale like his white cover. But his eyes were full of energy and love. 

"Soo Ha", you whispered but he just smiled and caressed your cheek with his thumb. He looked so mature, so much older and wiser than 14. 

"I don't want you to say the same words as I did, but I have one request to you.", he said and locked eyes with you.

"Kiss me.", he pleaded. "I want you to be my first kiss before I die."

"You won't die Soo Ha.", you said and your voice broke at the word 'die'. Why does he say that now. He never wanted to talk about it? Why now? He's not the typ of being pessimistic, so why?

"I know I won't die.", he laughed. "But...just take it as exercise for me, ok? When I grow up and leave this hospital I need to be in practise for the women out there."

"Are you really sure, that you're 14? You sound like a 25 year old man, who hadn't a wife for a long time."

"Maybe I am 25. Mantelly but not physically. So it shouldn't be a problem to kiss me, hm?"

"Soo Ha, I don't th-"

"Please ok?", he pleaded again. "I want my first kiss from my first love. Is it that awfull kissing me?", he asked with hurt eyes.

You locked again eyes with him and leaned in to give him a soft kiss on his lips. He deepened the kiss by putting his hand on your neck and bringing you closer. Soon enough you two parted and you looked down.

"Omo! Are you blushing?", he laughed.

"I feel like a e.", you whispered and he laughed more.

"I wanted the kiss, so it is ok. And by the way.", he hold you tighter in his arms and you burried your face in his chest. "It was the best first kiss I could have."

You two were quiet for the moment and enjoyed each other company.

"I will always protect you.", he whispered. "I know", you whispered back. He always said that and you always agreed.

"No matter where I am Sae Ra, I'll always protect you." "I know"

"I love you Sae Ra."

"I love you too, Soo Ha."

And although he knew, your love wasn't the same he had towards you, he could finally fell asleep peacefully by ybour side.

No one's POV

"He died in your arms 20 minutes ago.", Pil Suk sighed. "When she didn't came for the one month his health has gotten worse. We all thought he would die in a few days, but he didn't. He stayed strong. It was like he just waited for her to die in peace. And now, she doesn't want to let go. She is still holding him in her arms."

The boys shook their heads in shock and disbelieve. How the woman explained it, you two were  really close. And now he had died in your arms. 

B.A.P didn't knew what to do. Should they go in and convince you to let go of the boy or should they wait until you are ready to let him go.

They hesistated but then decided to wait. They took care that no one gets in expected the doctors and waited outside.

After another 40 minutes you were able to let him go and he was taken by the doctors.

You left the room and saw B.A.P sitting on the floor. They looked up and saw your face which was full with tears.

Immediately they stood up and crowded you. 

"What are you doing here?", you asked with a husky voice. You looked and sounded so pathetic, it really hurted the boys to see you like this. Even the other three who were disliking you at the beginning.

"We were looking for you.", whispered Zelo.

"You found me. What is it?"

"We are so sorry Sae Ra.", whispered Jongup and wanted to lay his hand on your shoulder but you backed off. "Don't touch me. If you touch me, I'll break down.", you whispered. "And I don't want you to see me like that." You closed your eyes and took deep breaths.

"I know, right now I look pathetic and week in your eyes, but I am not ok? I am strong. I am strong.", you repeated and repeated and everytime you said it, tears were filling your eyes.

The tears fell on your cheek but you didn't even notice. "I am not week.", you cried.

Suddenly you felt someone hugging you. "It's ok to be week.", whispered Himchan and hugged you tighter.

It was so surprising that it was Himchan who hugged you and who was patting your back that you totally break down.

"Why did he die? Why? He was so young. Only 14! He was such a good and intelligent boy. Why did he had to be ill? He hadn't done something wrong. He wasn't a bad boy, but a good one. A good boy.", you cried at Himchan chest but he just continued hugging you and patting your back.

After 15 minutes you stoped crying already. You already cried enough when Soo Ha died. You didn't had any tears left.

Silently the boys accompanied you to Luhan's house.

They were surprised when they stand infront of a white mansion. You opened the gates and were greeted by a few maids.

*Wow. The cousin of Sehun has also maids.*, thought Youngjae in respect. Infront of the door you stoped and turned around.

"I should have said this earlier, but I hope it isn't to late.", you looked at each of them and bowed. "Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for everything. Thank you for taking me in your house when I didn't had a place to go. Thank you for dancing with me even if I blackmailed you and thank you for being nice to me, even when I didn't deserve it."

You straighted up and looked at six smiling boys.

"We should thank you too Sae Ra.", said Yongguk with his gummy smile. You looked confused at them

"For finally opening up to us.", beamed Zelo and the others nodded in agreement. As they wanted to go you stopped them.

"Do you", you cleared you throught awfully. "Do you want to come in? I wanted to make lunch and since Sehun is working, I would be alone. And I wouldn't have someone to eat with."

They looked stunned at you. You looked never that shy infront of them. It looked kind of adorable.

They all looked at Yongguk and he nodded. "Sure. We all missed you cooking."

"Oh really?", your color changed in a light red and the boys saw it.

*Did she...*

"Did you blushed?", asked Zelo shocked and you shook your head stubbornly. "Don't talk nonsense! I don't blush!", you stated and rolled your eyes.

And there was she. The old Sae Ra. It was good that the boys followed you and find more out about you. About your nice side.
It was especially good for Youngjae and Himchan who only thought the worst of you. They all hoped they'll see your nice side more often and smiled at the thought.

"Let's go in now.", you suggested and where about to open the door when suddenly a REALLY cute guy opened the door.

"You live in Korea since 2 years and didn't even thought of visting me and now that they kicked you out of your house, you have the honor to live under the roof of a such good looking and rich person like me.", he smiled evely. "Shouldn't you at least say thank you, nun?"

*What?! He's already back?!*

"Don't look like this Sarah. Don't say, you didn't missed me."

"If you don't shut up Luhan, I'm going to show you how much I missed you. But not in the nice way."

You hated this boy. Hopefully the lunch you wanted to have with the boys will be ok.

*Or otherwise I will choke this boy*


So here again and update.

I know it's sad, but only like this Sae Ra was able to open up with the boys :)

I hope you don't mind. And I hope you don't mind that she kissed someone who was younger than her.

She just wanted to make his last wish to come true :)

And I think it was the longest chapter I've ever written :D

Oh and thank you, for all your comments! Saranghae <33333


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
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Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~