Sae Ra's and Chanyeol's past

Don't hate me because I'm different

"LET ME GO INSIDE! I'M GOING TO BREAK THAT BASTARD!", Sehun struggled against Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun. "LET GO!", he yelled.

"Boy calm down!", scolded Yongguk. "What's the big deal anyway with this guy?", asked Youngjae.

Sehun looked to Youngjae with a furious look. *I better shut up*, he thought and kept quiet.

"And why did Sae Ra ran away?", asked Zelo unsure and Sehun looked immediately to him. *Oh no Sae Ra.*

"Let me in. We have to take Sarah back home. Now.", he wanted to walk past the boys but they didn't let him go.

"Tell us why. I thought she needed that job here. Why are you now-"

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT UP AND DO WHAT I SAY HUH?!", he shouted and the boys looked stunned at him. Why was he so agressive?

"Seriously boy, what's your problem?", asked Daehyun. "I don't get-"

"Let's go.", they heard your voice and they all turned their heads to you.

"Sarah!", Sehun immediately ran to you and hold you on your shoulders. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry, I didn't wanted to leave you, but they-"

"It's ok. Let's go home.", you walked past them and looked at the ground. *What's wrong?*, thought B.A.P and followed you just like Sehun.


At home you went immediately upstairs and locked yourself up in the room.

"Sarah?", Sehun knocked the door. "Sarah, please open the door.", but you refused the whole night to get out. The boys got concern. What was the problem? Did you knew this boy from the stage? Why was Sehun so agressive towards him? Really it was frustrating to know nothing about this.

"I'll come back tomorrow. Please don't let her be alone ok?", he pleaded. 

"Why?", asked Youngjae.

"Believe me, she'll need you. Even if she doesn't talk don't force her to...just be there as her friends ok?", he opened the door.

"Has it something to do with the boy?", asked Himchan out loud. Sehun stopped immediately in his tracts.

"Don't dare mention him infront of her, or I'll kill you ,got it?",he threaten.

"Are you then going to tell us what's wrong with the boy and Sae Ra?", asked Yongguk.

Sehun sighed annoyed. "Isn't it enough, if I just say not to mention him infront her?"

"No.", they said in the same time and Sehun sighed again. "Fine. I'll tell you. Tomorrow. Bye." and he left their house.

It was already quiet late so the boys suggested to get ready for bed. Since they had only one bathroom and it was Himchan's turn,he would surely take his time. So the others went to the living room to play with their X-Box.

"I hope it's nothing bad.", started Zelo all of sudden.

"What do you mean?", asked Jongup.

"The thing with Sae Ra and the boy.", he said and looked sadly down. They all looked sympathetic at the maknae. They understood his concern...hell, it was driving them also crazy.

"Don't worry maknae. I'm sure it won't be something bad.", assured Yongguk. "He's probably a boy who also bullied her. That's why Sehun got so mad.", he stated and everyone nodded in agreement. 

When Himchan was finally ready, they made themselfs ready and went to bed.

But one couldn't sleep. Yoo Youngjae. His thoughts were still on Sae Ra.

How she looked in the dress, how she ran away from the boy earlier and how she locked herself up and refused even going down for the whole night.

He couldn't handle it anymore and stood up from his bed. He walked upstairs and knocked slightly at Sae Ra's door.

"Hey, are you awake?", he whispered and knocked one more time. No one opened the door. He thought about going back to bed but something just held him there.Slowly he reached for the door handle and the door opened. *It's not anymore locked?*, he thought surprised and entered.
Youngjae walked to your bed to look at you. He could clearly see you since the moon was shine throw the window. You looked so stressed while sleeping. "What is bothering you Sae Ra.", he whispered and sat on the ground analyzing every movement of your face.

"No.", you suddenly mumbled. "Yes...No..Maybe..No"

Youngjae looked curious at you. *So she talks in her sleep*

"No...liar...betrayer...", you winced in your sleep. ""

*We thought wrong hyung*, thought Youngjae sad. *It's something bad* 

He stood slowly up because he didn't wanted overhear you private things. He walked to the door when you suddenly mumbled. "Stay."

Youngjae turned slowly around to look at you again. "Stay.", you said again in your sleep, but it was like you pleaded Youngjae not to go.

He walked back to you and your hair lightly. The stress he saw earlier on your face was gone and you stopped to talk. With a little smile he stood again up and went to his room.

He opened his wardrobe and took the cloths off you bought him last time. He tried to put them on.

*It's still tight.*, he thought. *But you're right Sae Ra, it's getting better. Thank you.*


"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!", you beamed in the morning. They all gave you a weird look. *Does she feel better now?*, thought Youngjae surprised. "What?", you asked with your hands on your hips. "Can't I greet my friends?"

With surprised eyes they looked at you. "Friends?", whispered Himchan. You nodded eagerly. "Yes, friends."

"It's the first time you mention us as your friends.", stated Yongguk. 

"I know.", you sighed. "But I'm thankful to have friends like you. I mean you let me live here in your house.", you smiled happyly.

"Let's go eat now!", you cheerfully raised your face and went to the kitchen.

"Is she playing a show?", asked Himchan Yongguk but he shrugged with his shoulders. "I don't know, but it seems real."

They walked in the kitchen and gasped at their sight.


"What the hell..."

"Are you serious?"

"FOOD!", screamed Daehyun and started digging in like a maniac. "I AM IN HEAVEN!", he munched the food like there was no tomorrow.

He put so much food in his mouth that he could barely breath. "Does it taste good?", you asked and looked at him with happy eyes.

He wanted to say yes, but he couldn't even open his mouth. Suddenly something had sticked in his throat and he couldn't breath.

*DAMN IT!*, he thought and started choking and hitting his chest. "BATHROOM! NOW!", yelled Himchan, took Daehyun with him and lead him away from the kitchen.

"What is he going to do?", you asked surprised.

"Sticking his finger in Daehyun hyung's throat, so that he can start to throw up.", explained Zelo still shocked because of the food.

"Oh. That's uncomfortable.", you stated. You looked at the boys and you saw they wouldn't move. "Don't you like the food?", you asked sad and pouted. *Why is her pout so sweet?*, asked Youngjae himself.

"No, no...we uhm we are just surprised.", said Yongguk and sat down as first one. "Why?", you asked confused.

"You never made THAT MUCH food. Not even for dinner...can we even eat this for breakfast?", asked Zelo and also sat down. "Yes sure. Food is food. Digg in now or it'll be cold!", you said and they all obeyed.

They started eating and they heard you humming something. It was awfull familiar.

"Did you...did you just hummed CRASH?", asked Jongup a bit startled. You nodded with a smile. "I like that song."

"But who showed you our CD with the songs?", asked Youngjae confused.

"No one. I just took it.", you confessed.

"Omo, we have thief as friend!", laughed Zelo but only Sae Ra joined in.

"Is it-is it not ok?", you asked careful. They all looked down. "You know...", started Jongup. "We don't really like it when people hear our music."

"Why?", you asked confused.


"Just forget it.", muttered Yongguk and you felt guilty. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do something which was-"

"FOOD! I'M BAAAAAACK~~", sang Daehyun but was immediately hit by Himchan. "Arasso.", Daehyun muttered sat down and ate very slow.

"Anyway, I'm going to make me ready.", you said all of sudden and they looked up at you.

"Where are you going? To the hospital?", asked Jongup.

"No, no...just out.", you left the boys dumbfounded in the kitchen but they didn't bothered themselfs too much with it since your food was so delicious. It disturbed every thought.

After 15 minutes the doorbell rang and they all greeted Sehun, more or less friendly.

"Where's Sarah?", he asked.

"Upstairs.", Sehun nodded and wanted to leave but Himchan called him back. "Tell us now why we can't mention the name of that boy infront of Sae Ra.", he demanded and Sehun sighed.

"OK, started like this..."

Back in the U.S.

"Sarah, we love you so much! You're our best friend! No one is going to break us apart!", cheered your friends and so did you.

It was your birthday and everyone wanted to celebrate it with you. Your mother had made so much food that everyone was full after 30 minutes. She had made the biggest cake you ever had on your birthday. You ate like 25% procent of it. I mean, don't forget you were fat and you liked eating. No one bullied you because of your weight, so why should you care how much you eat or not?

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!", they sang and you were the most happiest person in the world.

Weeks after you had sports in school. Of course you were the worst in sport but hey, your friends were there, so why care?
You had to run 500 meters which was the absolute worst thing that could happen to you.
You tried your best to ran as fast as you could but after 100 meteres you fell down and many students laughed at you. Even your friends had to hold their laughers in.

"Hey, are you ok?", a male voice asked and you looked up. If you could pale, you would have pailed. It was Park Chanyeol who talked to you. PARK CHANYEOL! The hottest korean boy in your school. He was nice, friendly, open and just DAMN HOT! And HE was talking to someone like YOU!

This was a freaking honor.

"I-I-I-I", you stuttered like a cow and wished yourself to be die right now. Chanyeol was speaking to you and you're stuttering. Great job, pabo!

"Oh look you're bleeding!", he pointed to you knee and you looked down. *My gosh how embarassing*

"Come on, let's go there.", he pointed to a bench and lead you there. He talked to the teacher and promised to take care of you. He took care of your bleeding knee and you just felt embarassed but also happy like crazy at the same time.

"By the way, my name is Chanyeol.", he smiled up to you and you shyly smiled back. "And you are..."

"My name is Sarah. Sarah Smith.", you whispered.

"Sarah Smith? I like that name. It's pretty.", he smiled again to you and so it all started.

Since this day you had the biggest crush on Chanyeol a person could ever had. You had a little foto from him in your purse and always looked at it. It made you smile.

After months you had the courage to talk to him and he just talked to you like to everyone else.

And it was also him who asked you to drink a coffe with him. You died mentally of happyness.

You started to meet each other quiet often and with time you got friends. You talked with him about everything also about your weight. You told him it wasn't bothering you at all and he was impressed by that. He also talked quiet often about a girl he likes but he was to shy to admit it to her.
And one day you felt bad. Because you were sure that the girl had to be amazing. Skinny and a beautiful face. Maybe she was even a model. You couldn't even fight for Chanyeol, because he would obviously take the other girl. The only thing that you had was your intelligent brain and the fat on your hips. That's it.

So in this evening you decided to loose weight. You talked to your friends and they all offered their help even Sehun.

Sehun was anyway your closest friend, but he didn't liked the idea that you wanted to loose weight because of a guy. You should loose weight because of yourself. But you somehow assured him that it was ok and that Chanyeol was someone special. So everyone around you help you to loose weight, with the right food and sports.

The results weren't that big, but for you big enough. Chanyeol had also noticed that you changed a bit and that made you extremly proud.

One night he told you he wanted to confess to that girl he liked  and you felt like a piece of . But you still encouraged him to do so. If he was happy, you would be happy, even if it was with someone else.

He brought you back home but stopped you before you could enter.

"The girl I want to confess to...", he started and you looked curious at him. "How should I start?", he asked.

"Hmmm...take her hand. Squeeze it lightly and say: "I know, we are just friends. But I have feelings for you which are much more than a friend should have, that's why I'm asking you...can we be more than friends.", you advised dreamly. You liked the whole romantic thing. Not directly telling her that he loves her, but still clearly to understand.

"Can I practise it with you?", he asks and you nodded.

"I know we are just friends.", he started and took your hand. "But my feelings for you were already deep, even before we got friends. I don't want our friendship to end but I also don't want it to stay like this. That's why I'm asking you...can we be more than friends?", he asked and smiled at you.

"I would like to you.", you said deeply from your heart even if you knew these words weren't exactly for you.

"Great.", his smile got wider. "Then let's seal it up.", he said and leaned in to lock lips with you.

Surprised you widen your eyes. Did Chanyeol just kissed you? Did the freaking gorgouse and sweet Chanyeol kiss YOU?

He pulled back and smiled happyly. "Finally I could say the words Sarah. I'll see you tomorrow girlfriend.", he winked with a heart warming smile.

And that's how you two started dating. Everyone gave you your congrats and you were NOW the happiest person in the world. Chanyeol even offered to help you to loose weight and you still wanted to do it for him. So he could see how much you loved him.

He gave you the tip with the cloths just like gave it to Youngjae.

You had lost a lot of weight but you were still chubby, but hey who cares. You had Chanyeol, your friends, your family, great grates. Your life was perfect.

Saturday evening was party time. One of your friends did a home party and you and Chanyeol were invited. He suggested to meet him there, since you lived in her direction. You came quiet late because you didn't knew what to wear, but in the end you just wore a jeans and wide t-shirt.
You walked to your friends home. The door was already open so you just entered, but stopped when you heard someone talking about you.

" embarassing. She thinks he really likes her.", a familiar voice said.

"She even lost weight for him. Hahaha. If she would know how much fun he makes of her."

*Who-who is HE?*, you thought with fear, but you already knew the answer.

"Stupid little thing. She is so naive, she even things we like her.", another familiar voice said. These were all voices of your friends.

"Sarah is just so naive. She buys us almost everything we want to or lends us money. She's a great person to use. You should be friends with her too.", someone laughed and they all joined in.

"And her oh so great boyfriend is really dating someone else?", asked an unknowing male voice.

"Of course I'm dating someone else idiot.", said the deep voice you loved the most. Chanyeol's.

"Didn't you see that cow? Gosh even lifting her leg is the most difficult thing for her.", you heard him say and you felt like thousand little knifes were thrown directly in your heart.

"But I'm still impressed from her will. She really managed to loose weight, but now she just looks like a baby cow. How can she even think that I could really have feeling for her. She's just a toy. And in the moment she lost enough weight, were I can be sure she won't kill me when she lies on top of me, I her and that's it. I always wanted to a black girl. Even if she's just half.", he laughed everyone else did. You could even hear some guys saying. "Cheers to that!"

You felt like crap. Like the worthlesst thing in the world. Not only your friends but also your boyfriend? The one you loved the most and you would choose over everything. You were nothing for him. Nothing. Just a toy to play and then throwing away. 
You didn't wanted to believe this. You couldn't. It hurted to much. You stepped inside the room and everyone looked at your crying face.

"Is that true?", you whispered and you saw how surprised they all were. They didn't expected that you heard their conversation.

"Oh. Sarah. You're already here.", laughed on of your so-called-friends nervously.

"You all just like me, because I give you money?", you cried and they kept quiet. "And never loved me?", you asked Chanyeol driectly.

"No.", he answered simply and drank his beer.

"Not a tiny bit?", you tried harder.

"Not more like an insect.", he said and you wanted to die. Not more like an insect he said. Not more like them.

You shook your head in disbelieve. "That's not true, I don't believe you. You said-"

"Oh come on. Didn't you heard what we just said?", he groaned annoyed. "Here.", he pointed in the room. "Are you unwelcomed. No one likes you. Really no one. You're just easy to play with, got it? Not even your so called best friend likes you.", he said and in the same moment Sehun entered the room.

"What's going on?", Sehun asked confused and looked at your broken and crying self. "Why are you crying?"

"You also lied?", you almost choked on your tears. "You never liked me? I was just someone you could play around with?"

"What?! NO!", he assured you but you couldn't believe him. "Stop lying Sehun, she already heard us.", said a female and rolled her eyes.

"What are you talking about?!", he yelled completely confused. He just got out for 10 minutes because he wanted to call his mother. 

"Why you Sehun? I thought we were friends!", you sobbed.

"But we are!", he said and walked to you.

"Don't come closer. Go away! I never want to see you again. None of you!", you shouted and ran crying out of the house.

"Man, I really wanted to her. I just have bad luck.", said Chanyeol unhappy and drank the rest of his beer, "Whatever.", he looked at one of  your so-called-friend. "Do you like adventures?", he asked teasing and she giggled.

Sehun didn't understood the world. *What did just happen?*

Back in time

"After someone explained me everything I had to do everything I could to assure her that I didn't use her. Not at all. Since this evening she had problems to trust people.", he ended his story. B.A.P now completly understood why you were so cold and scared to trust.
If they would experience so much pain, they would have become like you.

"Please never hurt her.", said Sehun everyone looked at him with sad eyes. Sehun had pain in his eyes and so did B.A.P. So it means it was a miracle that you mention them now as friends.

"She really does like you guys..if you hurt her, she'll break. Completly. Please don't hurt her, because if this bastard of Chanyeol-"

"And did you have fun talking about me?", they heard your voice all of sudden and stopped talking immediately. You walked down with a furious look.

"Who allowed you to talk about me behind my back?", you asked angry.

"They have to know since Chanyeol is here.", Sehun said calmly.

"Why do they have to know?", you almost shouted.

"They have to take care of you. If Chanyeol-"

"I'm dating him again.", you said and everyone's jaw dropped. "W-What did you just say?", asked Sehun slowly not believing his ears.

"I'm dating him again.", you looked at your watch. "And I'm late. I'm going."

"What?! NO!", Shouted Sehun and yanked you immediately back. "You are not going out with him."

"Who sais that?"

"ME!!", he shouted furious.

"I don't care about what you say Sehun. I go when I want to."

"No you're not! He hurted you, did you forget that? He humiliated you infront of everyone. He used you. Did you forgot all that?", he yelled.

"No, but he changed!", you yelled back.

"Who says that?"


"And you believe him? Are you stupid?!", he shouted.

"YES I AM ING STUPID!", you shouted back and he shutted up.

"I am stupid.", you repeated but this time calmly. "More than stupid. I'm completly insane when it comes to this boy. You know why?"

"Don't say it."

"Because I still love him Sehun. I still do and I have the feeling, I always will somehow."

He shook his head in disbelieve. How could you be like this?

"He hurted you.", Sehun repeated.

"And I'm willing to be hurted again by him because I love him. Even if everything is a lie, just like the lie in the U.S., I wouldn't mind, because right now I'm happy.", you stated. "Being stupid and blind makes me happy Sehun and I want to be happy. Can't you understand it?"

He shook his head. "I can't and I never will."

You sighed. "We'll talk later. I'm going. He's waiting for me."

You turned around but Sehun hold your wrist. "No, I won't-"

"Let her.", said all of sudden Yongguk and they all looked at him.

"What?!", yelled Sehun startled

"Let her go, if she wants to. It's her decision.", he said and stood up. He walked to you. "You are sure, aren't you?", Yongguk asked. You nodded.

"Then go. Just don't come back late ok.", she nodded again and Yongguk kissed her forehead. A little smile appeared on her face but Sehun's face fell shocked.

He was too shocked to hold you back so you left quickly and B.A.P was alone with the furious Sehun.

"Tell me, what the hell was that.", demanded Sehun and walked towards Yongguk. Yongguk just stood there calmly.

"Didn't you hear her? She's happy.", he started. "And I want her to be happy."

"He's going to use her!", Sehun yelled.

"We don't know. Maybe he really changed. I trust Sae Ra. She know how to take care of herself."

"NO! She's being stupid and blind!! She-She-ARGH !! I'm going! You boys are worthless!!", he shouted and slamped the door behind him.


"Why did you do that hyung?", asked Jongup.

"Didn't you see her in the moring?", Yongguk asked and looked at the boys. "With that big smile on her face? The joyfull laughers?"

"We did but-"

"It's because of that Chanyeol boy.", he stated. "Even if he hurted her, he might have really changed. Maybe it's even fate that they found each other again in another country."

The boys nodded unsure.

"But what if he hurts her again?"

"Than we'll break his neck.", explained Yongguk and they clapped in agreement.


"Sorry, I'm late!", you waved and ran to Chanyeol.

"No problem.", he smiled and gave you a tight hug, just like in the old times.

"Let's go.", he smiled and you nodded eagerly.

*It is the best feeling to be reunited with him*, thought your stupid and blind self while holding hands with your heartbreaker Chanyeol.


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~