3 Rules

Don't hate me because I'm different

"I mean, just for a short time...", you cleard out. You felt your own pride going deep down, just for asking them.

"NO! Why should we...", Youngjae started but was interrupted by Yongguk.

"First come in, then we can talk about everything, arasso?"

"Hyung no...", Youngjae started again but Yongguk just gave him a look to shut up.

You looked at the 6 pairs of eyes, who were looking at you, then you breathed in and out and came out from the dark, to the bright light of the house.

Rapidly you covered your face, with your scarf and looked down.

"What are you doin Sae Ra?", asked Jongup confused.

"N-nothing, it's just...", you looked for a excuse, but there wasn't really one in your mind yet. You should had thought about it earlier but...

"What are you hiding?", asked Himchan curiously.

"N-nothing, I..."

"Certainly a hickey.", stated Daehyun.

"What? No!"

"Then show as your face.", demanded Himchan.

"Now.", added Daehyun.

You had no choice, had you? Slowly you took the scarf and your sunglasses out of your face, in the same time.

The boys gasped in shock.


"What happened to you?", fulfilled Zelo the sentence of Himchan.

You had bruises all over your face, and also at parts the boys couldn't see. You sighed frustrated as you didn't find a good excuse, so you just did what you always did...being cold and mean.

"Not on your business.", you looked emotionless at their faces.

You saw annoyed but also some concerned faces. Damn it, could they just say: 'Yes, life here for awhile' and leave you alone? Was it really that hard?

"Tell us what happened to you.", said Yongguk.

"I don't want to. I already said it's non of your business. Just say yes, or no."

"Ok, then no.", Yongguk answered.

You looked at him with big eyes....or let's better say, your full of bruises eyes had widen a half inch. But you couldn't give in and plead. To much pride is always a big problem. So you straighted more up and you lift your chin towards Yongguk.

"Ok then. Thanks for nothing.", you took your two bags and disappeared in the dark. Yongguk closed the door behind you.

"Yongguk hyung, don't you think that was a bit...harsh?", asked Zelo concerned.

Yongguk patted his shoulder and smiled. "Just wait a moment Zelo."

All of sudden, they heard a hard knock at the door.

"Who is it?", Yongguk did dumb.

"Just open that ing door!", you yelled from behind. He opened it with a surprised face. "Sae Ra, you? I didn't expected that!"

"Just..just shut up, ok?", you entered angrily and walked towards a room, gratefully the living room, and sat down at the white couch.

Zelo and Yongguk smiled at each other and walked towards the living room, like the others.

"So?", Yongguk stretched the letter 'o' very long.

You sighed frustrated, but you had again no choice. Anyway, you had nothing left to lose.

"I had a fight."

"With who?", Yongguk asked.

"Is this important?", you asked annoyed.

"If you want to live here, yes. We tell us everything here.", the others nodded in agreement.

You sighed again frustraited. "With people from my school."

"So, it wasn't only one person...", Yongguk stated knowning. 

"Yes." You hoped it was enough for them to know, but no, Yongguk continued.

"How many?"

"Yongguk, I think, it isn't necessary to..."

"How many?", he interrupted you. Again a sigh left your mouth. 


"Three?", the eyes of everyone wided, even them of Youngjae. Three people against one girl? This was clearly too much.

"Three girls against one girl is unfair.", stated Jongup. You chuckled to yourself bitterly "Yeah, three girls..."

"Repeat that?", Yongguk looked at her with odd eyes and you mentally face-palmed yourself for thinking loud.

"Say, it again.", he demanded. You gulped. Yongguk was more intelligent then you than you thought.

"I just said, 'yeah, three girl' ", you repeated, hopefully sounding bored.

"They weren't only female, huh?", Youngjae stated for Yongguk. "There must be at least one guy, am I right?", Yongguk asked.

You looked down at your lap. Why should you lie? You were to tired to. Not replying was now the best thing you thought.

"What kind of man would dare hitting a girl?", Himchan shook his head disgusted.

*He didn't hit me, he just hold me. Hitting was the female part.*, you thought bittely but didn't said a word.

"But still...", Youngjae started. "Why do you want to live here?"

You looked slowly up and he flinched at your look. You looked tired, sad, annoyed...but also slightly amused. You leanded back and closed your eyes then you blurted out:

"The one girl I hit *Jin Ae, that * is the daughter of the appartment owner I lived in. Let's just say, she had to explain, why her cheek had a bruise, and yeah, this was the end of me happy live in my little home."

They all looked at you quietly while you had your eyes still closed. 

*Poor girl*, thought Himchan

*This is really crap*, was in Daehyun's mind.

You slowly opened your eyes and looked at them and you tried to smile, what looked a bit strange, because of your with bruise fulfilled face.

"But hey, I'm not weak. I gave them three enough back, so don't pitty me or think that I'm weak. But wait.", she looked at Yongguk.

"Yongguk...can...can I live here for awhile?"

"Don't you have any relatives?", asked Himchan for Yongguk.

"No.", you looked down at your lap. "I'm alone here in korea. Just for one or 2 weeks, then I'll be gone. I swear."

Yongguk looked at the others, he saw their hesistating gazes. "Talk. In the kitchen", ordered Yongguk and they all entered the kitchen.

"What do we do?", asked Yongguk.

"Let's just vote, arasso? I'm tired, I need my beauty sleep.", groaled Himchan.

"Arasso. So, who wants her to go?" Three hands lifted, Himchan's, Daehyun's and Youngjae's.

"Who want's her to stay?", another three hands, Jongup, Zelo and Yongguk's.

"Why do you want her to stay? She will just bring trouble!", blurted Himchan.

"Why?", whined Zelo.

"First of all, she's a girl. She can't live in the same house with six other boys. Second, rumors will be spread out, not only about her, but also about us. And third..."

"But we know it better, why should we care what other people think?", Zelo continued whining.

"Zelo, I know you like her, but still..."

"Hyung, do you really want her, to sleep under a brige?", Jongup asked in disbelieve.

*Of course not!* But letting her living here...really this wasn't a good idea.

"I have a solution!", said Yongguk all of sudden and stood up. He left the kitchen and boys dumbfounded. They followed him back into the living you, where you were still sitting at the same spot and looking around.

*If they would clean up, a little bit more, this house, would look really nice*

"Sae Ra.", Yongguk called and you looked up to him.

"We've made a decision.", he announced. "You can stay here."

"Really?", you and all the other boys asked in disbelieve. "But...", Yongguk pointed out.

"You have to accept three rules."

"Three rules? What for rules.", you became suspicous.

"First rule: You have to cook for us."



"For you six?"





Yongguk was surprised about your agreement but didn't show it.

"Second rule: No one is allowed to see you going out or in our house. There will rumors, and that's not a good thing. Not for you, neither for us. So you have to leave the house quiet early, when we have school...I hope this isn't a big problem.", he looked at you curiously.

You shrugged with your shoulders. "Yeah, whatever. I always wake up early."

Again, he was impressed by your coolness.

"And the third rule: I think you are a quiet disrespectful person."

"You think?", poor ironic was in your voice.

"So", he just ignored what you just said. "The third rule is, to show your thankfullness and your respect, you have to call us...OPPA!"

You blinked a few times. Then you answered. "Hell, no."

"Acutally.", Daehyun started "I think,it's a good idea."

"Hell, no.", you repeated.

"Why not dongsaeng?", asked Zelo. "It will be fun."

"Hell, no."

"Do you really appreciate to live under a brige?", asked Daehyun in disbelieve."

"No, I don't..but come on! Oppa?", you spat the word almost.

"Just accept these three and you're welcome.", smiled Yongguk while Youngjae gave him a glare from the side. He really didn't liked the idea of having you here in his home.

Your thoughts spin around for a moment, then you looked to Yongguk. "Can we make a deal?"

"A deal?", a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes...first thing. I accept the rule of cooking."

"Great.", he smiled.

"And I will clean up.", you said. "I will clean the whole house. I'll wash the laundry, washing dishes and whatsoever."

"But?", Yongguk already heard the big 'But' in her voice.

"But I won't call you 'oppa' ", again you almost spat the word.

"NO! You have to!", Zelo whined. He really like the idea of you calling him oppa.

"But.", you pointed out again. "I can call you another name."

"Which name?", asked Daehyun with a raised eyebrown.

"Hyung.", you answered simply.

They all looked at you with big eyes, then they all burst into laugher? "H-H-Hyung?", Himchan hold his stomach. 

"You can't call a guy, hyung monkey. That's grammatically incorrect.", Youngjae laughed.

"People think anway that I'm a foreigner, so why should they care.", you whispered, but loud enought that the guys heard you and they all stoped laughing. They saw slight sadness in your eyes.

But you shook your head and looked up. "Anyway, do accept the deal?"

Yongguk looked at the others. Daehyun sighed and was the first one who spoke "If it means, no more dishes for me, yes, why not?"

"I agree."



"If it has to be."

"Then welcome Sae Ra.", Yongguk clapped in his hands. *Thank god* you thought happily.

"But uhm...where do I sleep?", she asked curiously.

"We have 2 guest rooms, you can sleep in one of them.", Yongguk smiled and lead you upstairs to your new room.

"This is going to be fun.", said Daehyun amused. "A girl in our house"

"Hopefully she will not eat up at night Zelo. Like a chocolate candy."

Zelo blushed and remembered what just happened hours ago. "I heard that!", you called from upstairs. You walked down and towards Zelo who froze at the spot. Were you really going to...well, eat him up?

You looked at him with mercyless eyes. "You are not my typ. So just forget what happened and don't dare blushing infront of me." And you walked upstairs again to Yongguk.

"Wow, this was a speech.", said Himchan and walked to his room. "I'm tired. Good night guys.", he waved and the rest went in their rooms also.

Yongguk left Sae Ra's room and went into the room of his and Himchan.

While Himchan was sleeping, he was doing some push-up's. His typical routine.
He became thirsty and walked towards the kitchen. He drank a half litre of water.

The biggest problem of Yongguk, he had a very unsteady bladder, so he run up the stairs to reach the toilet, when he heard some sobbs.

He opend the door of the bathroom a bit and saw you crying with a mobile phone in your hand.

"I-I really can't do this a-anymore..i-it's t-too much.", you said in korean but it turned into english, what Yongguk barely understood.

He felt so pitty for you. He had the strong feeling of protecting you from bad things, like a big brother.

He wanted to hear the rest of the conversation and if he would be able to understand a thing, but again his bladder was calling and he ran the stairs down, out of the house and peed in a bush.

Really. This all thing would be become interessting...


He readers and subbies :D
Hopefully, you like the chapter.
I really don't want to show D.O. as a bad person...but I just didn't knew who I could take. So for every D.O. fan I'M SORRY!
Hopefully you comment, so I know, what I should maybe change and do better, or what you like :)


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
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Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~