
Don't hate me because I'm different

"STAY HERE!", shouted Youngjae.

"I SAID I'M FINE! MOVE!", you shouted back.

You two stared at each other annoyed. You could understand that Youngjae was worried about you, but you hated to be treated like a baby. Yes you fainted and you only woke up 2 hours later, but still! You were fine now!

"YOU FAINTED!", he yelled. "You have to stay here and get checked!"

"I said I'm fine!", you groaned annoyed. You were about to get out of the bed, but Youngjae pushed you back and covered you again with the blanket.


"SARAH SMITH!", you heared a new voice shout. You looked at the door where Sehun was standing panting.


"If you dare to go out of this bed, I'm going to rip you in two, GOT IT!", Sehun yelled and came closer to you.


"I won't repeat myself!"



"Ok, ok. Geez", you looked angry at the ceiling while Youngjae and Sehun eyed you angry.

"Did you call him?", you asked Youngjae without looking at him.

"Yes, I did.", he replied.

"Did you call the others too?"


"Good.", you sighed tiredly. "I don't want them to make a big fuss of that."

"But shouldn't we-"

"No, we shouldn't.", you interrupted him. 

"Why are you so stubborn?", Youngjae whispered but before you could say something the doctor came in.

"How are you feeling Miss Smith."

"I feel great. Can I leave now?"

"Yah!", hissed Sehun and nudged you, but you just rolled your eyes.

"It was nothing too serious, but you still have to look after your health. Are you taking the pills for your heart?", asked the doctor.

"Mhm.", you replied.

"Really?", he took his glasses off. "Because your heart function decreased."

But instead of answering you just shrugged. 

"She'll take her medicine doctor.", bowed Sehun. "I'll make it sure."

"Ok good. You can take her home since it's nothing too serious, but she has to rest a lot and she shouldn't-"

"See! I'm fine. Let's go, I'm so tired of that bull.", you groaned and stood up from the bed.

You gave the doctor a little bow and left the room.

"Aish! This girl!", Youngjae and Sehun bowed to the doctor and also quickly left the room.

After awhile the two found you back in the room with the orphan kids.

"Noona what happened?", asked a boy crying. "You suddenly fell on the ground and didn't wake up!"

"I just felt dizzy my sweetheart.", you said and kissed the boy on his forhead. "I'm totally fine! See!", you smiled widely at him and he smiled back



"Pinkie Promise?"

You laughed at his sweet plead and held out your pinkie. "Yes, I promise."

He hugged you one last time and then he joined his friends playing. You watched them playing when someone sat beside.

"Sehun-ah", you whispered.

"Hmm?", he also looked at the kids.

"I...I want to be as happy as they are.", you smiled. "I want to laugh, jump, play around...and dance. I want to dance until I can't anymore."

"This won't happen.", Sehun whispered. "We'll win the money for your heart operation and then you'll be able to live and to dance for a long long time."

"A long long time.", you smiled. "This would be great."

Youngjae watched you two in sadness when Sehun put an arm around your shoulder. Winning the money wasn't your only problem.
But would you also get the heart you needed?


"I'M BACK~~", you shouted and stormed into the living room where B.A.P was sitting.

"Hi!", they greeted you back. 

"Oh! Youngjae hyung is also here!", Zelo cheered.

"Hey.", Youngjae greeted weakly.

"Why are you that exhausted?", asked Himchan and put an arm around Youngjae. "Wasn't your date how you thought it would be?"

Youngjae blinked a few times. "Date?"

"Or was it maybe too good?", Daehyun wiggled his eyebrows in a strange way. You and Zelo made grimaces and pretended to throw up.

"I'm...not dating anyone.", said Yooungjae slowly.

"Yeah, sure.", Himchan patted his shoulder. "It's ok. You don't have to tell us."

"But hyung, I'm really not dating-"

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say Youngjae.", he patted his shoulder again.

With a confused headshake Youngjae sat next to you and Zelo.

"Did you saw his girlfriend?", whispered Zelo to you.

"Yes.", you nodded your head.

"How does she look like?", asked Zelo curious.

"She's a foreigner.", you whispered excited. 

"Really?!", Zelo had widen his eyes in surprise. You nodded again. "She has blond hair and blue eyes. She looks like an angel!"

"Daebak!", Zelo looked stunned at his hyung. "You are really something hyung!"

"Yah! Sae Ra! What are you telling the maknae!", Youngjae nudged you, but you just laughed.

"But if she's pretty, then why are you hidding her?", asked Zelo confused.

"I'm not hiding anything! I don't have-"

"He just don't want to share such a beauty with you.", you whispered to Zelo.

"Yah, hyung. You should share!", whined Zelo.

"Share? How do you share a person?!", asked Youngjae loud.

"So you do have a girlfriend? Daebak hyung! Invite her for dinner!", suggested Jongup.

"But I don't have a girlfriend! Really!", Youngjae argued.

"Let's leave him alone hyung.", said Zelo to Jongup. "He doesn't want to share yet."

"Share what?! Huh?!", defeated Youngjae shook his head. "Forget it."

He glared at you while you smiled brightly at him. You showed him a peace signe and then you walked over to the couch where Yongguk was sitting.

"What are you watching?", you asked him curious and sat next to him.

"A war movie.", he said, completely focused on the TV.

"You like war movies?"

He nodded his head.

"But you're not a voilent person Yongguk. Why are you watching these kinds of movies?", you asked him.

"I like the stories behind them.", he explained. "War movies show how desprate the gouverment is for money. They don't care if the people of their country die or the innocent civilans of the other country. They just want power and money and-OH MY GOD! DID YOU SEE THAT!", he suddenly shouted. "HE WAS WEARING AN AK 47!"

You just stared emotionlessly at Yongguk. *The story behind it, huh? My .* You shook your head.

Finally an advertising came and you were able to switch channels.

You sipped threw them until a stage performance of Shinee was shown.

"Oh my good!", you squeaked and jumped up and down.

"What are you watching?", asked Jongup and sat next to you.

"Shinee!", you squeaked again. "They have a new song!"

You wiggled your body to the music while Jongup looked with amusment at you.

" you like Shinee."

"I love them.", you confessed. "I love how they sing, how they dance and-OH MY GOD JONGHYUN!"

Jonghyun made a "gun" with his fingers and "shoot" into the camera. You held your heart and fell from the couch.

"Jonghyun killed me with his awesome- and handsomeness!", you giggled and stood up again.

"How can someone be so good looking?", you sighed. "I mean look! He's like...perfect!", you giggled and jumped up and down.

"I'm such a bad fan!", you suddenly whined. "How couldn't I know that they had a new song called Everybody?!", you faked a sob. "I'm such a bad Blinger! My heart!", you clenched onto your heart and faked a sob.

"Whatever!", you suddenly yelled and stood up. "Everybody~ Everybody~", and sang along.

When Shinee's performance was other you clapped along, like you were in the audience.

SNSD would be next but you switched channels.

Only after awhile you noticed that it was dead silent in the room.

Slowly looking to your right, you saw everyone gaping at you. They had their mouths open from the shock and their eyes looked like they would fall out any second.

"What?", you asked and blinked a few times. You just noticed now that Daehyun was holding his mobile phone directed to you.

"What are you doing?", you pointed your finger at the mobile phone.

"Did she...did Sae Ra...just fangirl?!?", asked Zelo and everyone nodded.

Just seconds after the house was shaking because of their laugher.

"Did you see her? HAHAHA!", laughed Daehyun. "How can he be sooooooo handsome?", he imitated you.

"Oh Jonghyun! OooOOooh Jonghyun!", laughed Himchan too and held his heart. "He killed me with his awesomeness!"

"I'm such a bad Blinger! A bad one!", even Yongguk joined them.

"God, I'm so thankfull I had a camera here!", Daehyun whipped his tears he gained from laughing. 

"Did you film it?", you asked him slowly.

"Of course! I would be the biggest idiot if I-AH! SAE RA!"

"GIVE ME THAT DAMN PHONE!", you had jumped on his back and tried to get the phone.

"NEVER!", he held his arm wide away from you.



"HYUNG!", Daehyun shouted and Himchan was there to take you off Daehyun's back.

"No! Give it to me!", you yelled.

"I won't!", he laughed at you. "I will post this on facebook, twitter, tumblr. Girl you're so screwed."

"Yah! Jung Daehyun!"

"Don't Jung Daehyun me here!"

He kissed his mobile phone and ran to his room and locked it.

"He wouldn't dare, would he?", you asked slowly the rest. "Because if he does...Himchan you're so screwed."

"Why me!", he protested.

"You held me back! Just wait! I'm going to reveal everything. EVERYTHING!"

"Yah, yah, YAH!"

"I'll go home now!", you announced. "And if I'll see this video somewhere...I'll tell everyone about your prescious videos and-"


You laughed at Himchan's outburst and walked out of the door.

"Hey wait!", Youngjae called after you. "I'll walk you home."

"No need to-"

"No need to? You'll just end up fainting on the streets."

You sighed tiredly and rubbed your face. "I wish you hadn't found out.", you whispered.

"And I wish it wouldn't be true.", he whispered too and you looked at him.

Youngjae has changed a lot. He had become more caring towards you. But now you didn't know if it was a good or a bad sign.

"In two days will be our second competition.", you changed the topic. "Our first live show."

"True.", he said with a sigh, well knowing what you were doing.

"Are you excited?", you asked him.

"A little.", he confessed. "But we'll do a great job."

"Of course we will!", you said encouraging. "I mean we have a great leader!", you chuckled and pointed to yourself.

"That's true, yes. ", he said and you stared at him.

"What?", he asked after awhile. You starring at him made him feel uneasy.

"You're being very nice to me lately.", you told him. "I like that side of you better than the guy who used to call me monkey."

Youngjae looked guilty down.

"But anyway, when is our next diet training?", you changed tpoics again.

"There won't be any diet trainings for you anymore."


"Didn't you see what happened today?! Even in the internet they said to avoid any kind of hard sport, but what am I doing? Letting you dance to death."

"Hey, hey, hey.", you nudged him. "You're behaving like it's your fault that I'm sick. Youngjae, I'm not only dancing because of the money. I also want to enjoy my life as good as possible, because even if we win and get the money, who said that I'll get a heart on time?", you sighed. "I really hate this topic. Let's just stop talking about that. Just behave like I never told you about it."

You looked up to the sky. "Let's start with your training tomorrow."

"Sae Ra-"

"I'll be sitting while you'll do push- ups,  jumping jacks and many many other things. You do the hard work and I'll encourage you. Is that ok?"

"Hmm...this sounds ok... I think."

You laughed at his reply and nudged him when suddenly a honk interrupted you two.

"Hey!", someone called from a car and you two looked up.

"Am I disturbing your date?", said Jongin and winked at you.

"Oh! Hey!", you waved. Youngjae frowned unhappily but didn't say a thing.

"Do you have time beauty? I'll invite you for a caffe.", he winked at you and you giggled. "Sure, let's go!"

You turned to Youngjae and waved him. "I'm going. Thanks for bringing me home"

"Your home is 2 blocks away.", said Youngjae, but before you could answer Jongin brought your attention back to him.

"Are you coming?"

"Coming!" You looked back at Youngjae who was frowning annoyed at Kai.

"I...I see you tomorrow Youngjae! Be prepared for a hard training!", you waved him one last time, before you entered Kai's car.

Youngjae walked back home alone.

*This stupid skaterboy. Who does he think he is? Driving with his shiny silver car and wearing his stupid sunglasses! The sun wasn't even shining!*

He arrived finally at home and opened the door to his room.

*And Sae Ra?! She just went inside his care without hesistation! I mean she doesn't even know him!*

Youngjae laid down on his bed with an unhappy expression.

*This is so annoying!*, his mind shouted and he turned to the right, to see Daehyun's phone lying on the table.

He stood up from his bed again and took the phone.

He searched for the video of you fangirling and smiled while watching it.

Taking his mobile phone out, he sent the video to his phone and deleted it on Daehyun's.

Happy again he walked back to his bed and fell into a good sleep.


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~