Afternoon with Daehyun

Don't hate me because I'm different

Weeks have passed but there was no answer from Korea's Best Dance Crew.

B.A.P have already give up, while you were still hoping for an answer.

Since you were bored you decided to visit B.A.P and brought food with you.

You knocked at the door and were greeted by a grumpy Daehyun. "What?", he asked unfriendly.

"To you too, a good afternoon Daehyun-ah!", you said ironically and passed him, not even waiting for his premition.

"Where are the others?", you asked while looking around.

"Not here as you can see.", he said and closed the door behind him.

"Yeah, great. But where are they?", you asked again but he shrugged.

"I don't know and I don't care. You can leave.", he said and walked grumply to the living room.

"Ok, if you don't want the food...", you sang and took some steps back to the door. You felt a sudden hand on your shoulder and he turned you around.

"Food?", he raised an eyebrown.

"Bulgogi. Just for you if you want.", you said and raised the box in your hand.


You two were sitting in the kitchen. Daehyun was eating the bulgogi, like he had been starved for centeries, while you looked at him with amusment.

"What?", he asked with a full mouth.

"You're cute.", you said honestly and he chocked on his food. "Aish. Seriously, calm down. It's not like I never complement you.", you said with a frown.

"You never did.", he assured you after drinking his water. "But it's funny that you only noticed it now."

You shook your head at his comment but smiled.

"I'm serious. You're really cute, but I don't get why you act like a player.", you frowned a bit. "Is it maybe lack of confidence?"

"Me? Lack of confidence? Yeah, right.", he laughed at you.

"Seriously, look at me Sae Ra.", he spread his arms widely. "I'm the dream of every woman.", he laughed again.

"Gosh. I can't even talk to you.", you sighed and stood up. "I'm taking a shower it's too hot in here.", you announced and left Daehyun alone with his bulgogi.

He looked after you with a disapproving look. How comes it that you shower at a house you don't live?

But somehow...he only noticed now that you were wearing a skirt...a too short skirt in his opinion.

*Concentrate Daehyun.*, he thought to himself. *It's Sae Ra. The random girl who makes your life sometimes harder. The Sae Ra who can't even give you a complement without regretting it seconds later, the same Sae Ra who helped you once, the same Sae Ra who believes in you and your friends, the same Sae Ra with the damn long legs-STOP IT!*

He shook his head and looked at his food. His hunger was gone, so he went to living room and looked TV

Nothing interesting was coming on TV, so he decided to go to Himchan's room and to borrow one of his DVDs.

'More than friends.', was written on one DVD which was hidden behind others.

Curious Daehyun took the DVD and played it on the screen.

The first 20 minutes were like always. A guy who liked a girl, but the girl didn't liked him back bla bla bla, typical drama. But then there was a sudden change. The guy suddely started to have feelings for his best friend. One day they were alone at home...the boy wanted to try something...they took their shirts off....and pants...and then they went to the swimming pool...and...

"Not only Himchan but also you.", he heard a husky female voice say and jumped surprised from the couch.

"YOU!", he pointed with a shaky finger at you. "YOU SCARRED ME!"

"Sorry. I didn't wanted to scare our scary cat  while watching his gay .", you shook your head disgusted.

"Now I know why you're such a player. It's not because of the lack of confidence, but because haven't outed yourself."

"Wait, wait, wait, what? Outed?", he asked irritated.

"It's ok Daehyun-ah.", you assured him and patted his back. "There's nothing to be ashamed about. There's nothing wrong about being gay."

"What the...ok, you are misunderstanding something. I am not, I repeat, NOT gay."

"If you say so.", you said and patted his back again. "But if you want to talk...I'm here."

"YAH!", he shouted but you ran away from here. "STOP THERE! THIS INSTENT!"

"NO WAY! I'M GOING TO CALL ALL YOUR FRIENDS AT SCHOOL AND TELL THEM ABOUT YOU-AAAAAH!", you screamed when he catched you in your old room, pinning you on the wall.

You were laughing none-stop, while Daehyun was glaring at you. "Stop laughing.", he demaned but you couldn't.

"I SAID STOP LAUGHING!", you were hurting his pride. Of course he wasn't gay! But if someone would find out that he watched something like that...that would be his end.

You managed to stop you from laughing, but some chuckles would escape your mouth.

"This isn't my video.", he said with an angry look.

"Yeah right.", you rolled your eyes. 

"I'm serious!", he half shouted.

"I'm too.", you laughed again.

"I'm not gay.", he said firmly, but you stuck out your tongue. "Prove it!"

He looked at you from head to toe. "Bad idea.", he said, a little smile appearing on his face.

"Why?", you frowned and looked at him.

"You're only wearing one of Youngjae's t-shirts.", he said and his smile became brighter.

You looked down at you and groaned inwardly. Damn it! When you were ready showering you forgot to take a towl with you, so you took one of the shirts, which were in the basket and walked out of the bathroom. But when you heard the strange noises from the living room, you just had to look what was going on.

*At least, the t-shirt is large enought to cover my and .*, you thought and looked back to Daehyun. He was looking at you, like a hunter would watch his prey.

"Yah! What do you think, you're doing ert? Let go!", you demanded, but he refused to.

"No. I'm proving you that I'm manlier then you think."

He suddenly lifted you up by your legs, what made you wrap your arms around his shoulder. "YAH!", you shouted at him. It wasn't really comfortable that Daehyun was holding you by your thighs.

But he ignored you and walked over to your old bed, throwing you on it and placing himself on you. He pinned you at the bed by holding your wrists.

"If I scream and the neighbours hear that, you'll be in trouble.", you warned him.

"You're in a house of 6 males and only wearing a t-shirt. Who do you think will get in trouble?"

You gave him an angry look. "Fine. Then let me go."

"I'm proving you that I'm not gay.", he said and again a little smile appeared on his face. "How do you like it? Slow or more rough?"

"You know what rough means after I killed you Jung Daehyun!", you said angry.

"Say that I'm not gay.", he demanded.

"You're not gay.", you sighed.


"Can you get off of me now?"

"Let me ask you one more thing.", he looked at you with curious eyes. "Why did you leave school?"

He saw you thinking for a while before saying. "I need time."

"For what?"

"Many things."

"For example?"

"Get off of me Daehyun, you're too heavy."

"First answer my question!"

You let out a frustrated scream and seconds later the door was suddenly swung open.

"Oh mother of god...WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!", Himchan shouted furious.

You two looked at Himchan and then back to each other. *Oops.*


Daehyun and you were kneeling infront of Himchan and Yongguk, while Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo had to leave the room.

After seconds of silence you blurred: "It's all his fault!"

"YAH! Liar!"

"It's true! It was you, who wouldn't let me go!"

"You provoked me!"

"I didn't!"

"Of course you did! What do you expect of a man when he sees a girl only wearing a t-shirt infront of him?!"

"You're such a ert!", you shouted.

"STOP!", Himchan raised his voice and you two stopped arguing.

"I don't know who started this, but you two were in a room. Alone. Daehyun on top of you Sae Ra, while you wore only a t-shirt..."

"I'm not like that!", you almost shouted. "You know that!", you looked at Yongguk. "You know that."

"I can only judge when I exactly know what happened.", Yongguk said firmly.

"She insulted me!", Daehyun said angry.

"What did she say?"

"She call me gay!", he glared at you, but you didn't even glanced at him.

"Why should she call you gay?", Himchan asked  confused.

"Because the DVD I took from your room was-" *OH DAMN IT!!*, he cured himself.

"YOU WERE IN MY ROOM?!", Himchan exploded. "WHICH DVD YOU WATCHED?!"

Daehyun blushed madely, while you tried hard not to laugh.

"More than friends.", he whispered and you could see that in Himchan's face every colour vanished.

"You should have throw it away, when I first catched you with it.", you said to Himchan and Yongguk looked shocked at his dongsaeng.

"You knew what was on the DVD?"

"He has to know. He bought it.", you said with an attitude and stood up.

While Yongguk was scolding his dongsaeng for having such videos, you and Daehyun slowly disappeard from the room.

"I'll be dead tonight.", said Daehyun and groaned pathetic.

"But...", you looked at the door were Himchan and Yongguk were arguing and then back to Daehyun. "It was fun."

He didn't wanted to but a little smile appeared also on his face. "Yeah, it really was."


Hey everyone. First I wanted to say: this is not the chapter I've been writting the last time.
I just saw a video from Daehyun and then I thought, Sae Ra should have a day with him :D
hopefully you liked it!
Saranghae <3

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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
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Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
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