Retarded Jongup

Don't hate me because I'm different

"How does it look doctor?", asked Sehun the man infront of him.

The old man shook his head. "It will just get worse, if she don't get the operation.", the old man sighed.

Sehun slowly nodded his head.

"Mr Oh.", the man said and leaned back. "What about the pills?", he asked. Sehun frowned confused

"What's with them?"

"Is she taking them?", asked the doctor.

"Of course.", Sehun nodded. "They're get less day by day. I'm controlling it."

"Did you ever saw her taking these pills?"

Sehun looked with disbelieving eyes at the man infront of him. "No way..."


"ARE YOU SERIUOS?!", Sehun shouted at you. You were lying lazily at his couch.

"What?", you asked with a frown and put a big part of a steak in your mouth.

"You're not taking the pills!", he yelled, but your face didn't show any emotions. "So he's right?", Sehun shook his head in disbelieve.

"How can you Sarah?!"

You didn't replied and continued eating.

"YAH!", Sehun almost lost it. He walked over to you and took your plate with the meat on it.

"Don't you remember what the doctor said?! He said no meat!"

"Yeah, and he also said that I should have been dead three months ago.", you shrugged.

"But you're making fun of it? You're not taking it serious Sarah!"

"If I would take it serious Sehun-ah...", you stopped and looked away. "I would have lost already."

You whispered the last part but shook your head and forced a smile.

"The doctors are not always right Sehun-ah. I am may not healthy, but I'm still breathing. And as long as I can do everything what makes me happy, I'm fine."

"But if you don't take these pills you won't be fine anymore."

"I hate these pills!", you argued. "These damn pills...because of them I can't dance Sehun!"

You stood furiously up. "I always have to stop dancing because I'm getting tired. I can't even force myself to be awake when I take these pills! I'm slower, I'm not anymore concentrated. I feel like Sehun.", you shook your head annoyed.

"I'm not taking these damn pills anymore. No.", you took the plate out of Sehun's hands and started to eat angry your food.

Tears started to roll down your cheek while you were eating. Sehun looked completely lost. He knew you loved dancing, having fun, fooling around, but your health was more important for him.

"What about the dance competition?", he whispered. It was yours and his last hope.

You shook your head and tried to surpress your sob which escaped your mouth. *So they still didn't respond.*, he shook his head sadly.

Sehun shook his head furiously. "They'll answer.", he said firmly. "Soon, you'll get the responds and you'll be able to win it."

You looked at him. You could see him tearing up. You patted the place next to you and Sehun sat down. You hugged him tightly and nodded your head. *Yes, they'll answer soon.*


"Did you find a school?"


"Do you have a job?"


"Then what are you doing?", asked Yongguk you with a deep frown.

"Nothing.", you shrugged.

You two were sitting in a caffe shop, since Yongguk invited you to talk.

"But you have to do something Sae Ra.", he said. "You can't just go on like this."

"But no one wants to take me.", you reasoned. "I have an american citizenship and I'm underage. I can only go to school, but it's hard to be accepted.", you explained.

"Why?", he frowned.

"Well, even when my grates are excellent, my outbursts in school are not that great."

You started to count. "Fighting 85 times with students in 3 school, verbal and physical, disrespectful towards teacher, stealing-"

"You stole?", Yongguk looked shocked at you.

"I didn't. Someone wanted revange. I had hit someone's littler sister and.. yeah.", you shrugged and took a sip of your water.

"Girl, what am I going to do with you?", he shook his head. You offered him a big smile. "Yeah, what are you going to do with me?"

"I have an idea, but I still have to ask someone...", Yongguk frowned deeply. "Wait here.", he said and left for awhile.

You looked after him and a little sad smile appeared on your face. *God, Yongguk...your such a good person*

You closed your eyes. *No wonder, I was a damn fangirl of yours when we were in the same school.*

You slowly opened your eyes and you almost got a heart attak when you saw someone sitting infront of you.

"Never", you started with an angry look. "Never ever do this again Jongup."

"Hehe, sorry.", he said and smiled his sweet smile.

"If you're hear to see Yongguk, he's outside.", you pointed to the door where Yongguk had left.

"Actually...", he started. "I came here to see you. Youngjae hyung told me that you were here with Yongguk hyung."

"Oh, ok.", you said and looked at him. "What's the matter?"

Jongup took a deep breath and remembered what Himchan hyung had told him.

'Girls are complicated.', he had said. 'Be nice. Smile a lot. Offer her your seat and tell her how pretty she is. Complement everything she does and says and then bam! Do it like in the dramas! Look desprate when you tell her your love. Talk about something that you two could never be together, but you still want it. I swear, she'll be head over heels for you!'

"You look pretty.", Jongup suddenly blurrted out. You looked at him with wide eyes.

"", you had ripped baggy jeans on and half of your hair was bonned as a ponytail. Half of your make up was still there from yesterday and since you were in a hurry,  you had a bit toothpast on your cheek. Yeah, really pretty.

"No problem.", Jongup said. *Ok. Say that's she's pretty. Check.*

You yawned and Jongup immediately caught it. "You look great when you yawn!"

You gave him a weird look. "Thanks."

Satisfide he thought. *Complement her: Check.*

You took a sip of your water, but rou sneezed right after when you had the water in your mouth accidently drenching Jongup's face with it.

"Wow, even when you sneeze you look amazing.", he said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Uhm...Jongup...I spit water in your face."

"Oh really? Good. Because it was getting hot in here. The little cooling was great. Thank you.", he said and whipped the water of his face with his right palm.

*Okaaaaaay*, you thought and raised an eyebrown at him.

"You're alright?", you asked and he nodded his head rapidly, but then he suddenly frowned and shook his head. He slapped his hand furiously at the table and stood up, completely startling you.

"I'm not fine!", he yelled of sudden.

"I thought so.", you commented.

"Sae Ra.", he said all of sudden pained and looked desprate to his right and then to his left.

"I...I can't anymore."

"Me neither.", you took a sip of your water.

"I...I like you ok!", he said. You looked at him with wide eyes. "What?"

"But we can't be together!", he said loud and pulled his hair desprate. "It'll just be complicated for my hyungs."

"The Jongup-"

"But we can try!", he said all of sudden and took your hand. He was holding onto you with his right hand, the same wet hand he had whipped his face 20 seconds ago.

"Let's try to have a relationship, Sae Ra, no matter whose against it or not!"

He looked at you with expectant eyes while you looked at him like you would slap him any moment in his face.

"Jongup...are you drunk?", you asked serious.

*Did I do something wrong?*, he thought and remembered Himchan's speech again. No. In his oppinion he did everything right. He has maybe no idea of getting a woman to fall for him, but Himchan hyung has. So his hyung must be right.

"No...", Jongup said slowly. 

"Then why are you embarrassing yourself here infront of everyone?", you asked and looked to your right. Jongup did the same and was shocked to see the whole caffe shop looking at him.

"I-I-I", Jongup stuttered and blushed madly.

"S-S-Sorry.", he whispered and almost ran out of the caffe.

You looked after him with confused eyes. What the was that?

You looked back at the people who were still staring at you and raised your glass with water, giving them a little nodd and gulping it down.

"Hey.", Yongguk came back, but stopped when he saw the people staring at you. "Did something happen?", he asked you, but you were in deep thought. *Not something, but someone*


"YOU DID WHAT?!", laughed Daehyun at Jongup. After coming back with a red head, Daehyun, Youngjae and Himchan wanted to know what happened. Jongup told them the embarassing moment and Daehyun couldn't stop laughing.

"Himchan hyung, what for did you taught him?", Daehyun laughed.

Himchan shrugged, but inwardly he was smiling. Honestly, he knew what   he had taught Jongup, but Jongup was such a retarded person, he just tried his luck. Himchan didn't wanted Jongup to end up with you. It's not that he didn't like you, but it was just... Jongup was his dongsaeng and he wanted some really nice and calmly for him. Not someone like you who would always bring problem. Jongup had no idea of woman and having someone like you as his girlfriend would be his end!

Himchan wasn't mean, but he was caring and he would do everything to safe his dongsaeng from pain and other things!

Meanwhile Youngjae looked the most grumpy. So Jongup really confessed, huh? Pabo, of course it would fail. Sae Ra is not someone who would easily fall in love again. She wouldn't just start a new realtionship, after the Chanyeol.

Youngjae frowned deeply. But why does he care? 

He shook his head annoyed and ate his salade Sae Ra had teached him to make.

"HYUNGS!", Zelo shouted when he ran inside the living room. He was panting.

"What is it?", Youngjae asked.

"The lettter!", Zelo held it in his hands. "It's from Korea's Best Dance Crew!"


"Open it Zelo.", Sae Ra said. They seven were all sitting in the living room. They were all staring at the letter.

"I'm scarred.", Zelo said.

"Just do it!". you yelled almost losing your mind. *It's my last chance.*

With an unhappy face, Zelo opened the letter and started to read loud.

"Dear B.A.P. It's us a pleasure to tell you that you're one of 15 dance groups who are allowed to dance in our show Korea's Best Dance Crew-"

Before Zelo even finished they all started to yell in happyness! They did it! They really did!

You had already stand up and made a victory dance.

Zelo continued: "Please fill out the formular with all your male dancers and send it to our-"

"Wait!", Sae Ra shouted and looked at Zelo "Repeat the sentence."

"Please fill out the formular with all your male dancers and-"

"Male dancers?", you repeated and frowned. You walked over and read the letter. You looked at the formular and  on the right side was written: 'Male Dancer Group B.A.P.'

"I-I'm going to call them. Wait.", you took the phone pressed the number of the company.

You tallked for an endless time with them until you hung up.

"They thought, I'm a guy.", you said shocked.

"How?", Yongguk asked with disbelieve eyes.

"The cap! It was the damn cap!", you shouted. "They couldn't see my face, but yours. They thought it's a male group.", you sat down and burred your face in your hands. "They said only girl groups oder boy groups are allowed, but no mix.", you groaned and felt like throwing up.

"I...I... DAMN! IT!", you cursed and walked up the stairs.

The boys looked after you with a sad face.

"What to do hyung?", asked Zelo Yongguk. Yongguk was still looking at the stairs when he decided:

"We'll participate."

"Really?", the all said as one. "Yes.", Yongguk nodded. "It's may her dream, but also ours. We can at least try...even if it's without her."

"But that's not fair...", Youngjae said, also looking at the stairs.

"It's not....but we are also dancing for her. We started it as a team and we'll end it as a team."

"Will you tell her?", asked Himchan Yongguk and he nodded.

They all were writting there names in the formular, when they heard your footsteps.

"Sae-", all of them paused when they saw you.

"What?", you asked and walked over.

"Y-Your", Jongup started but you shrugged and filled out the formular.

"Great.", you said with a big smile. You looked at B.A.P who was looking shocked at you. "Call me Sam.", you said and ruffled your cutted hair.

(Just imagine, she had cut her hair like this....but more messily xD)


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~