
Don't hate me because I'm different

B.A.P was again waiting for you infront of the school.

"Where the heck is she?", asked Daehyun annoyed. "Is she sick again or what?"

"No, she was perfectly fine yesterday. Let's just wait 5 more minutes.", suggested Jongup. He really wanted to see you.

"Waiting for your pet?", asked a male voice behind them. It was this D.O.

"Get lost.", said Himchan angry. He turned to his dongsaengs. "Ignore him. He's not worth it."

"Just for your information." D.O just continued talking like Himchan hadn't said a thing. "Monkey isn't any more at our school."

They frowned at the short guy infront of them. "What are you talking about?", Yongguk finally spoke up.

"I heard she dropped school.", D.O started laughing. "She went probably back to the forest."

Before D.O could react in any way, Jongup had grabbed him by his collar. "Watch your mouth boy.", he said angry.

"Yah! Jongup, calm down!", said Himchan and pushed him away from D.O. "What are you doing?", Himchan asked shocked. Jongup never used violence. Never.

"Didn't you hear what this bastard said about Sae Ra. I should just-", he was about to walk back to D.O, but Daehyun helped Himchan to hold him back.

"Calm down Jongup.", said now Yongguk with a firm voice. "And you!", Yongguk pointed threatening to D.O. "You better shut your mouth about our friend before you're going to regret it!"

"Uh. Yeah. I'm shaking.", said D.O ironically and left B.A.P alone.

"Do you think he said the truth?", asked Zelo concern who had been quiet all the time.

"We'll find out today evening.", said Youngjae now. He couldn't believe that you just dropped school. You were one of the best students, even better than him. And you would never drop school because of these s. Never.This wouldn't be you. You're a fighter.

"He's right. Let's go now, we'll be late. And Jongup.", called Yongguk. "you know that violence doesn't solve a problem, so please think before you do something."

But instead of answering Jongup just looked away and walked passed his Hyungs.

They didn't understand him. He just transfered school because he wanted to be by your side. He wanted to take care of you and save you from every violence even when it was mentally.

B.A.P went home after school and they were damn tiered. It had been a long day and everything they wanted was to eat and to sleep.

"Are you cooking hyung?", asked Daehyun Himchan hopefully.

"I'm too tired. Let's just eat pizza.", suggested Himchan and opened the door.

They entered their house but it was strange. They heard noises from the living room coming.

The boys walked to the living room and were greeted by you. "Hello!", you said cheerfull. "How was school?", you asked and took a handfull of chips.

"You? What are you doing here?", Youngjae pointed to you. "How did you come inside?"

"With the key.", you answered.

*Oh yeah,  she knows where the second key is hidden.*

"And what are you doing here?"

"Eating.", you pointed to the chips.

"You know what I mean.", Youngjae said annoyed. You stood up from the couch and streched yourself.

"I'm here because of you Youngjae.", you explained. "Get yourself dressed with comfortable cloths. We are going for a run."

The others gave you and Youngjae an 'Are-you-kidding-me' look.

"What are you looking at?", you yelled. "Youngjae get yourself ready."

He hesistated for a bit. He still had homework...

"Do you want me to help you to get dressed?", you asked and he widen his eyes immediately.

"ERT!", shouted Himchan and grabbed you by your ear. "I thought I taught you a lesson!"

"LET GO!", you screamed. Damn it was ing hurting when he grabbed your ear like this.

"I learned my lesson, I learned it! Let go. AHH! IT HURTS!"

Meanwhile Daehyun was smirking like an idiot. "If you want you can help me get dressed Sae- HIMCHAN HYUNG!"

"Why are you two such erts huh? Feel the pain!", he hold your and Daehyun's ear tighter and you both screamed at the same time.

"Hyung get ready.", whispered Zelo to Youngjae. "Before Himchan hyung tears their ears apart."

Youngjae nodded and left quickly for his room.

"Hyung you are really to harsh.", said Jongup and pushed you away from Himchan, having an arm protective infront of you.

"Whatever.", said Himchan and rolled his eyes.

"AND WHAT'S WITH ME?!", screamed Daehyun in pain. "SOMEONE HELP!"

"You wanted help to get dressed, so let me help you, pabo!", said Himchan and dragged Daehyun to his room.

"WHAT? NO! HYUNG! YOU'RE A GUY! YOU CAN'T-HYUNG!!", and the door was closed and locked behind them.

"He's not really going to...", you shook your head to get ride of these sick pictures you had in your head.

Jongup just shrugged but looked back to you. "Is it true that you dropped school?"

The question didn't surprise you. "How did you find out?", you asked calmly.

"So it is true.", Jongup looked more than unhappy. "Why didn't you tell us?", he demanded.

"Why should I? It's not such a big deal.", you said and shrugged.

"Not a big deal?", he repeated. "You're throwing everything away. Especially your future!"

"Future.", you whispered and laughed. "I don't have a future."

"What are you talking about?", asked all of sudden Youngjae who had come down the stairs. "What do you mean by you don't have a future?"

"Not in this school.", you added. "I'll be in another school as soon as possible."

"Were these bullies too much for you?", asked Jongup concern but you shook your head.

"Other reasons.", you whispered and looked at Youngjae. "Let's go.", you said and walked to the door.

"The rest of you,  see ya at 6 p.m. at the dance studio, don't be late! We are filming our dance video!", you waved and dragged Youngjae along with you.

"You're ready?", you asked Youngjae and he nodded.

"Ok, who arrives first at the skatepark is the winner!", you screamed already running ahead.

"Cheater!", shouted Youngjae and ran as fast as possible to catch up with you.

You two finally reached the skatepark and took a break there. You gave Youngjae some water and took your own bottle.

"You got slower.", you said to Youngjae.

"You too.", he said and raised his eyebrow.


He chuckled at your comment and shook his head.

"Do you believe in good Youngjae?", you asked all of sudden. He frowned at you question.

"Of course not. Something like a god is irrational."

You nodded your head slowly. "Do you think I'm a good person Youngjae?"

"You're the worst person ever.", he said. He meant it as a joke, but you looked down at the ground.

"Hey. I was just kidding.", he nugged you by your arm. "But why are you asking?"

"Just like this."

"Really you got strange.", he said.

"I know.", you sighed and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to rent a skateboard for me. Wait here."

"You know how to ride a skateboard?", he called after you. 

"Yes!", you said back and crossed the street to enter a skate-shop.

10 minutes passed and you were back with your rent skateboard.

"Since when do you know how to ride a skateboard?", asked Youngjae stunned.

"Since I was 7.", you answered and started to ride it. It has been such a long time since you had rode it, but you were still good at it and you loved it. The feeling of wind in your hair and face, the speed, the little adrenial kick you get when you drive a ramp down...

But before you could even reacted someone from behind bumped into you. You fell on the ground with your knees first and then the rest of your body. Right on top of you the person you bumped into you.

You groaned it pain. You could feel that you had hurt you knees.

"Oh man. I'm sorry.", said the guy on top of you and you opened your eyes to be greeted from the same guy who had danced in the dance hall.

"You!", you two said in the same time. A smile spread across his face and damn was this guy handsome, especially when he was only a few inches away from your face...

"I think I found my fallen angel again.", he grinned like an idiot.

"The problem is just that you kicked your fallen angel from her skateboard."

"I should feel sorry, shouldn't I?", he asked and you nodded your head.

"But why should I feel sorry when such a beauty is underneath me. Seriously, I can't complain."

*God! He's worse than Daehyun. Now I wish Himchan would be here.*

"Okay. Great. But can you get off of me?"

"Don't you like it?"

"No! When I first saw you, you didn't seemed so...skinship loving."

"When I first saw you, I didn't see that you were SO extremly pretty."

"You really like people with dark skin? You weren't kidding?", you asked surprised.

"Of course not and damn how I wish we weren't in the skatepark but in my room."

Even if it was blunt...damn he's hot.

Suddenly you felt that his weigh wasn't anymore on you. He had lifted himself up and was smiling down to you.

"Need help?" and offered his hand. You tried to hide your smile by biting your lip.

You took his hand and he help you up, but you your knees were ing hurting. You gasped lightly and fell in his arms.

"Oh man, you're bleeding.", he pointed to your pants which were dranched with the blood of your knees.

"Thanks to you.", you said bitter.

"Sae Ra are you ok?", you heard Youngjae walking to you. "Oh my god what happened?", he was looking shocked at your pants.

"Nothing, let's go Youngjae.", you wanted to walk, but it ing hurted. Luckly, this boy helped you to stand.

"You mind.", said the boy all of sudden and lifted you bridal style up.

"What are you doing?", you asked a bit shocked. He doesn't even know you, so what is he doing?

"Bringing you to the bench over there.", he started to walk, followed by a confused Youngjae.

The boy gently put you on the bench and kneed infront of you.

"You mind.", he said again and ripped your jeans until your knees.

"Are you crazy?!", you yelled but he just hushed you.

"I'm just helping you.", he said quiet normal. He looked at Youngjae and saw that he was holding two water bottles.

"Can you give me one?", he asked and Youngjae nodded. He handed him your water bottle and the boy purred the water over your bleeding knees.

"To clean it.", the boy explain.

"I now, mister know it all.", you took the water bottle from his hand and took a sip while he had took a handkerchief from his pocket and whipped your blood away.

"That's everything I can do.", the boy said and stood up. "And again, I'm sorry."

"You didn't apologized at all.", you pointed out.

"And you're quiet nasty.", he gave back but smirked right afterwards. "But I like it."

You gave him a look but your stare competition was interupted by Youngjae. "We should go."

Youngjae sounded somehow angry and annoyed.

"Sure.", you got up with a little whimper. 

"Do you want me to hold you again?", asked the boy but before you could say somthing it was already Youngjae who answered.

"No thanks." Youngjae was suddenly infront of you, bending down.

"On my back. Now.", he said demanding but you frowned. "No, why should I-", but you felt how he had took your arm, putting it over his shoulder and lifting you up.

He started walking and didn't even thought of saying goodbye to the stranger.

"See you beauty!", you heard the boy call after you.

"You can let me down Youngjae.", you said but Youngjae refused talking to you. He was too much in his own world.

*Little . Thinks he can flirt with every girl around him, with his strange smirk. He isn't even goodlooking with his dark skin and-*

"Youngjae.", you said louder what brought him back.


"Let me down."

He looked to your knees and frowned. "No.", he answered simple and continued walking.

"And you're saying I'm behaving strange.", you said and frowned.

"I ask myself who this boy is.", you said loud to yourself.

"Why? Do you like him?", asked Youngjae angry.

"Me? Why should I? I don't even know him."

*Good.*, he thought and walked until you two arrived at the dance hall.

"Oh my god! What happened to you?!", asked Himchan shocked and ran to you.

"Nothing.", you answered.

"She fell from her skateboard.", explained Youngjae.

"You know how to ride a skatboard? Why didn't you took me with you?!". asked Zelo sad.

"Sorry. Can we dance now?", you asked and waddled to Jongup's back where the camera was.

"Are you sure you can dance like this?", asked Yongguk concern.

"Of course, I can." You put the camera on a table.

"I think, we should wait-"

"Damn it boys!", you said loud and annoyed. "I'm not a baby! I can handle this little injury, so let's get this started!"

You still saw the boys frowning unsure.

"Please.", you begged lightly and made your eyes big.

Jongup was inwardly melting, but not only him but also one of s.

"Let's do this.", said Youngjae and looked at you. "She's ok."

"Thanks.", you gave him a smile and he smiled back what was damn rare.

You made the camera on. "Tape one!", you shouted and made the music on. "5..6...5, 6, 7, 8!"


Hey everyone!!

Thanks for your upvotes and for every comment!!

also a big fat thank you for everyone that subscribed!

Love you all! You great! Jjang!! <3 <3 <3

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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
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Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~