The Best Absolut Perfect Brainiac

Don't hate me because I'm different

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

You groaned and tuerned to the left.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

You put your pillow over your head and groaned again.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

" IT!", you yelled and stood up, switching off the alarm clock. It was 5 a.m. You took a shover and made yourself ready for school, but before you left the house you cooked breakfast for the boys. At 6 a.m. you were ready with their food and headed to the door.

"Where are you going?", asked you a voice with a yawn.

You turned around to see Youngjae standing behind you.

"To school where else?", you answered.

"At 6 a.m.?", he yawned again.

"Don't you remember? If the neighbours see me, you and I will get in trouble.", you stated and Youngjae nodded. "That's true."

" if you don't mind.", you turned around again to leave but he stopped you.

"Wait mon- I mean Sae Ra."

"What?", you asked now annoyed. You wanted to leave before someone saw you.

"What about my diet? When do we start?", he asked shyly.

*Oh yes, his diet.*, you remembered.

"Today.", you said and left finally the house. You left the poor Youngjae dumbfounded standing there. *Today?*, he thought a bit in horror but he wouldn't back down.


You arrived early in the school and entered the library. You sat down and started studying for the history test which would be today, Yes, you had missed the last two days in school, but surely they hadn't did that much.

And it would be a test that every student in this school had to do. They had prepared every class in this school since the beginning, so it shouldn't be that hard.

"Hey. Do you mind if I sit next to you?", asked a polite voice next to you. You looked up to see Jongup smiling at you.

"Jongup? What are you doing here?", you asked quiet shocked. It wasn't even 7 in the morning.

"Studying, of course.", he sat down and put his books on the desk. You looked suspicious at him and he explained:"Remember? History test?"

*Ah, that's the reason why.*, you nodded and you both started studying.

"By the way", he interrupted you. "Do you have the notes for the days you weren't here."

You shook your head, never leaving your eyes the notes you had infront of you. Suddenly Jongup pushed some other notes infront of you.


"These are the notes from the last two days.", he explained."I think you'll need them. There are some new dates and explainations."

"Oh really?", you took the notes and studied them with a frown on your face.

Inwardly Jongup chuckled and watched you with awe. *I like how she lookes when she's concentrated*

With a smile he stopped gazing at you and continued studying just like you.


"Thank god!", cheered Zelo after the history test. "It's over."

You had to smile because of his relieved face what Jongup caught immediately. "How was it?", Jongup asked you.

You shrugged. "It was ok. Yours?" "Yeah, also quiet ok."

You nodded and turned your head to the class. You froze a bit when they saw you interacting with Jongup and Zelo.

*Do they look at me because they know I was fat? Or maybe Baekhyun didn't held his promise and told everyone I was a GoGo-Dancer.*

You thought shocked and stood immediately up. Zelo blinked a few times. "Where are going?"

"We have lunch, don't we? I'll go first. Bye.", before they could say something you had ran away.

"She still doesn't trust us, does she?", asked Zelo disappointed with his head hanging down.

"Unfortunatly, she doesn't. But we'll make her, trust me.", Jongup ruffled Zelo's hair and Zelo immediately felt better.

You were about to go to your beloved bench when someone turned you at your shoulder around.

"Hey.", he smirked.

*What does he want from me?*, you thought annoyed.

"So school mates doesn't greet each other anymore?", he raised an eyebrown at you.

*Mates? My .*, you thought still annoyed. You didn't answered and just looked at him.

"Ok. Fine. Then I'll ask you directly.", he started finally. "I need your help-"

"Ok, wuoh, wuoh, stop.", you put one hand up. "You need my help?", you started laughing. "Please, stop joking."

"Do I look like I'm joking?", he asked with the most serious face you've ever seen.

"No.", you answered still with a smile on your face. "But why should I help you?"

"Because you have to."

"Ok look.", you started to get annoyed again. "The only thing I have to do is breathing, so let me out of your D.O. ok?

You turned around to go, but he hold you back and pinned you at the wall. "You", he said menacing but you didn't even blink.

"Is there a problem?", asked a familiar voice and you turned your head to see B.A.P standing a few steps away from you. Daehyun was at the front with crossed arms, Yongguk and Himchan on his side, while the maknaes and Youngjae were more behind,

D.O. knew he had no chance to win so he let go of you and walked past B.A.P

"Are you ok?", Daehyun was the first who came to you. "I'm fine.", you nodded  and were about to leave when he hold you back.

"Hey where are you going? The cafeteria is on the other side.", Daehyun pointed out.

"I never go there.", you stated but he wouldn't let go. "Yes, I know. But you didn't even took something to eat."

"That doesn't matter.", you shrugged.

"Come on let's eat together, Sae Ra.", said Zelo now but you shook your head. "I told you I do-" But Daehyun already pushed you towards the cafetaria. "Hey, let go. I don't want to go inside!", you said angry.

"I don't care. I want to eat with you, then I will eat with you, got it?", Daehyun dragged you all the way there until you reached a table and forcely sat you down.

"Zelo, Jongup, take care of her. She's not allowed to move an inch away from here", he comanded and the boys nodded eagerly.

You glared at them, but they didn't cared and left to bring the food for you and the maknaes.

Everyone was staring at you and you felt totally uncomfortable.

"We are back.", announced Daehyun with cheer and put a table infront of you with food. "Let's eat.", the all digged and you joined but you saw that people were staring at you and whispering. You felt sick.

"Anyway, how was the test?", asked Yongguk in the round.

"Ok." came from 4 mouths but one said: "Great, like always."

"Youngjae you show-off!", Zelo threw some fries at Youngjae. "Don't play with food!", scolded Himchan. "Sorry Mom.", he muttered and you laughed. The boys turned their gazes to you and also smiled happily. This you had built...maybe they were able to break it down.

"Hey boys, why are you sitting with this monkey here? Come here to us. I'm sure we're much better company.", said a femal voice next to Himchan.

The boys looked at you and you had made fists with your hands and looked down at you lap.

"Not interessted.", said Himchan coldly.

"Yes, and don't call her monkey again.", said Daehyun to your defend.

"I think you friends are waiting you can leave now.", said Yongguk also quiet cold and the girl left with an inrritated face.

"Maybe I should go", you started to stand up but Daehyun pushed you down again. "No. You stay.", and he continued eating.

"No, buts, just eat already.", said Himchan and gave you a look.

A little smile appeared on your face again. "Thank you for defending me.", you whispered but the boys had still heard you.

"OOOOHHH~~ Dongsaeng is shy!" and he gave you a kiss on your cheek.

You let your chopstick fall.


"Did you..."

"Did you just kissed..."

"What have you..."

"Here goes our maknae! I am so proud!", laughed Daehyun and patted Zelo's back like a grandfather.

"You taught him these kind of things!", yelled Himchan and slapped Daehyun on his head.

"Ahhh~ Hyung~", whined Daehyun and rubbed his head.

"Don't do things like this again maknae! Especially not in public!", scolded Himchan and looked at you.

You had continued eating with your head low.

"Are you ok Sae Ra? Really these boys are so immature.", scolded also Yongguk with a glare.

"I-I-I'm f-f-fine.", you stuttered and were about to hit yourself. You were totally embarassed and the boys noticed that.

Daehyun took this as a advantage to tease you a bit.

"Omo, Sae Ra! Are you blushing?", he poked your cheek.

"I-I-I'm not.", you stuttered. MAN! Why do you have to stutter now?

 "Not? Hmm. Than...", and he also, like Zelo kissed your cheek. "Stop that!", you hit his arm and he laughed. "See now you're blushing! I-OUCH!", he yelled.

This time it was Jongup who had slapped Daehyun's head. "You dare?!", yelled Daehyun with raised chopstick.

"Don't kiss a girl without her permission!", stated Jongup with not amused eyes.

"You", said Daehyun menacing and his hand lungged for Jongup but Himchan slapped his hands.

"Don't touch him, he's right!"

They started arguing like crazy and you had to smile because of their behaviour.

Maybe...and only maybe they were really ok.


"You said we'll start with my diet today.", said Youngjae after school. You nodded. "Let's do our homework first and than let's start with your diet."

After lunch and homework you told Youngjae to make himself ready. 

He knocked at your door. He was wearing sports cloths and told himself every second he can do this, he can loose weight, just like you did.

"Come in", you called and he opened the door.

He looked at you from head to toe. *Wow*, he thought in aw.

This was the first time he saw you legs and they were LONG.

You took your bag and looked at him. "What are you staring at?", you blinked.

He blinked also a couple of times to get out of his daze. He looked at your face and you had put on make-up and and mascara.


He turned his red head and tried not to look at your legs or face. "I thought we'll start my diet. Why do wear this.", he pointed to your outfir without looking.

You looked at your then at his outfit. "Oh, we are not going to do sport today Youngjae.", you said and walked past him.

"Then what are we going to do?", he asked confused. "We are going to the city."

"City? How should the city help me to loose weight?", he asked irritated. "You'll see.", you winked.

You two walked downstairs while the boys wereon their X-Box.

"Me and Sae Ra are leaving!", announced Youngjae and they all turned around. They had widen their eyes when they saw you in your outfit.

"Where are you two going?", asked Yongguk suspicious. "City.", you answered and opened the door.

"See you later!", waved Zelo and concentrated again on the game.

You and Youngjae left and took the bus to the city.


"Let's go in there.", you pointed to a store and you two entered it.

"What are we doing here?", he asked. "I want you to choose and outfit you like.", you said and he nodded. He had no idea what you wanted to reach with it, but were the one who is helping him.

"How does it look?", he asked a bit shy.

You smiled widely. "It looks absolutly good at you."

"Oh really?", he blushed. No one had him ever complemented in an outfit.

You nodded eagerly. "Change and I'll pay for the outfit." He raised a eyebrown at you. "Didn't you just lost your job?", he asked.

"Yes, but I still have money, so shut up and change.", you said and he went inside again.

After minutes of changing he came back but you where already holding a bag with cloths.

"What did you buy?", he asked.

"Your outfit.", you answered. "But I have them here in my hand.", he stated.

"No. You have the outfit which fits your size.", you stated. "I buyed it 3 size under your original one."

"WHAT?", he yelled and the people in the shop turned annoyed around. "I'm sorry.", he bowed but glared than at you.

"And how does that help me, to loose weight?", he asked annoyed.

"Buy me something to drink, and I'll tell you.", you laughed and walked outside the store.

*This girl is unbelievable.*, he thought and shook his head.

At an little coffe shop you and him sat down and he ordered cokes for you two.

"Oh.", you interrupted him. "Two waters, please.", you gave him a look and he rubbed his neck embarassed. *Oh yeah, diet. Hehe*

"So", he started. "How does that help me?", he pointed to his bag.

"Look.", you explained. "Acutally it isn't your kilos which are the problem. It is here.", you pointed to your head. "I mean, if you go everyday on a weighbridge and you didn't lost what you hoped you'll get stressed and depressed. That's why I bought you the outfit which is to small for the moment.", you emphazied.

"You shouldn't look at the weighbridge, but at the outfit. Try it every two weeks on and you'll see, step by step, it won't be so tight anymore. And one day it will completly fit you."

"And like this you also lost your weight?", he asked and you nodded. "Clever person who teached you that."

"Hmmhmm.", you agreed and finally your water came.

"Let's go now.", you said after you drank your water.

"Where do we go?", he asked.

"Dancing.", you said and looked at him like he had forgotten that this was the most obviuostly thing in world.

"So you dance again with us?"

"Yes, I have to. Did you forgot what my dream is?", you raised an eyebrown.

"No, but I thought you didn't trusted us."

You sighed. "Don't provoke me Youngjae. The day started good. I don't want it to end bad."

"You're right."


"YES! Passed!", cheered Zelo like crazy. Jongup applaused and you joined. "How about you Jongup?", you asked.

"I passed also, but quiet low.", he pouted. *Jongup is adorable when he pouts.*, you smiled at your thought.

"And you Sae Ra.", you shrugged. "Yes."

"Let's meet the others and ask!", beamed Zelo and ran out.Jongup laughed at his childish behaviour and you shook amused your head.

You saw the others standing infront of a wall.

"What are you-"

"PSH!", scolded Youngjae and looked the list up and down.

"Where...Where...Where...OH HERE!", he narrowed his eyes into slots and then yelled in shock.

"Impossible!", he gasped.

"What's this?", asked Jongup confused. "The top 50 List.", you explained. "50 students who did the test the best are assigned here.", you said and he nodded.

"What's the matter Hyung?", asked Zelo confused.

"What the matter is? Do you really ask me that?! Look!", he pointed to the list and Zelo looked at it.

"Yoo Youngjae...third place.", he read.

"Where's the problem?", asked Daehyun.

"Are you all deaf?", he shriek. "Third place!"

"But still, where is the problem Youngjae?", said Himchan slowlier.

"I was never ever in my intire life third! Third? They did a mistake!", he yelled.

"And look!", he pointed to the list. "The best two even made anonymous!"

"Does that matter?", asked Jongup.

"Yes! Yes, IT DOES THE HELL MATTER!", he yelled. He looked with disgust at the list. "They did a fault. I'm never ever third place.", and with this he walked offended away.


"Hey Umma, how's daddy?", you asked in your phone.

"He's fine darling, but how are you? What are you doing?"

"I'm good. I was about to head home. School just ended."

"Oh really, then-"

"Sae Ra are you coming?", called Zelo and waved while the others also waited for you.

"Yes!", you answered.

"Your friends?", asked your mom happy. You didn't knew what to say but then you smiled.

"Yes friends.", you said heartly and hung up to catch up with the boys and go home.


"Anyway, how was your test darling?",asked your mother while changed to casual cloths.

"It was good Umma.", you smiled.

"Like always first place?", laughed you mum. "No this time, I was second.", you laughed along.

"Really? Well that doesn't matter. You still gave you best.", she assured you and you both said your goodbyes.

What you didn't knew is that someone overheard you phone call.

*So she was second.*, he thought and looked at his test.

100/100 points.

"Hey Yongguk are you coming?", called Himchan. "Sure.", he answered and put his test smiling back into his pocket.


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
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Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
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Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~