New Students

Don't hate me because I'm different

A/N: I just reread my chapter and it was kind of boring. I'm sorry guys :( Hopefully this one is better :)

*What the are these boys doing here?*, you thought shocked and ran towards when while Jongup followed you, also were irritated.
He didn't expected seeing his hyungs also in your school.

"Hey dongsaeng! Wow your school is very big.", said Zelo happily and looked excited around.

"Yeah, and the girls here aren't bad at all.", said Daehyun with a dirty smirk while a girl passed giggling.

"Anyway, where's your gym? I want to talk to sports teacher."

You ignored all their questions.

"What the hell, are you guys doing here?", you asked straight.

They all brought their attention to you now. "We enrolled in your school.", answered Zelo simply and pointed to his uniform, just to show how obvious it was.

"Yes, I'm aware of that.", you said annoyed. "But the better question is why?"

"I enrolled because Jongup hyung enrolled too.", said Zelo.

"I enrolled because Zelo and Jongup in one school would just make trouble. I have to watch after them.", said Yongguk like an old grandpa.

"Don't look at me like this, I was already in that school monkey.", said the braniac.

"Unfortunately.", you said and ignored his presence and went on looking at Daehyun.

"Here are hot chicks.", said Daehyun as matter of the fact. Seriously, this playboy.

And you looked at Himchan. Which excuse would he have?

"None of your business.", he said unfriendly and looked away. 

*Okay, I guess someone is having PMS right now.*, you thought but said it out loud. Himchan would just get more mad.

"Omo, what happened to your school uniform? Why is it red and wet?", asked Jongup and took a closer look at you.

"Because...", you were about to tell the boys what happened before you stopped yourself.

The boys were now in your school. That means you'll see them the whole day and they are going to talk to you. That means that they would get bullied too if they don't pay attention. You were unpopular in your school. Everyone hates you here. Also the younger ones. Everyday you have to deal with the mean things they are doing to you. How could you deal with the things they would do at B.A.P because of you?
Everything would be your fault. You are already shoving Baekhyun away, so he wouldn't be a victim just like you. 
It seems like you had to do the same thing with B.A.P right now. 

When you got out of your daze and looked up, the boys were looking at you in curiousity. You hadn't told your story of your red uniform yet.

"You.", you started coldly and looked at the six boys.

"I give don't give a what you guys are doing here. Do what ever you want, but don't talk to me, don't greet me, don't wave to me, don't smile at me, don't even think of me when you are in this school with me, get it? Leave me alone. Behave like we are strangers and never met before, arasso?"

You didn't even waited for their replay and left the boys dumbfounded at their spot.

"What's her problem?", asked Himchan. Everyone just shook their heads.

"She has some issues, I guess.",  said Daehyun and smiled at a girl who passed by.

"But hyungs, Zelo...what are you really doing here?", asked Jongup irritated. Their answeres earlier weren't the best ones. 

Yongguk sighed and patted Jongup's shoulder. 

"You remember your reason for enrolling here Jongup? Because of her bruises? I don't want to take care of you guys here, but care of her."

Jongup nodded his head in understanding.

Zelo rubbed the back of his neck a bit embarassed. "I came here to spend more time with her. We barely see her and since she moved out now, we'll see her less and...yeah..", he stopped talking and blushed a bit.

Yongguk smiled at the maknae. Zelo gets very fast attached to someone, no matter if they are mean or not, he always sees the best side of one persone. Yongguk was extremly proud of their maknae.

"And you Daehyun hyung? Are you really here because of the girls?", asked Jongup innocent.

Daehyun shrugged. "Yeah, but also because I was borred and I need some action. She will surely tell the jerk of bestfriend that we all enrolled here. Hmmm...I ask myself what he will do about it. It'll be surely fun.", Daehyun smiled to himself satisfide.

"Really, you only look for problems.", said Youngjae still eating.

"But I also came to take care of you Youngjae, we'll be in the same class.", he lifted his hand for an high-five but Youngjae just shook his head and left.

"Well, let's go now. School is starting.", said Yongguk and clapped his hands. "See you later guys."

They all nodded and headed to their classed.

Himchan looked back and saw Jongup walking away. *You didn't even asked me why I enrolled, Jongup-ah.* But then he remembered your face the feeling of annoyence took place again. *I have the feeling you like that Sae Ra a little bit too much Jongup. I have to take care of you, or she'll only break your heart.*, he thought before entering his new classroom.


"So everyone! We have a new two student here! Please be friendly and welcome them in our class."

You looked up in surprised and praid that the new students are some transfer students from China or something and not-

"Hello everyone! My name is Choi Junhong and this is Moon Jongup. He's my hyung but we are not related. Oh and by the way you can also call me Zelo. I prefer Zelo. It's cooler, isn't it, Jongup hyung? Anyway we are new here and I hope you are nice to us. We are also nice people aren't we Jongup hyung? Take care of us.", Zelo bowed and so did Jongup not even bothering answering once.

Jongup wasn't even able to introduce himself before Zelo didn't start walking looking for a place to sit down. Zelo spotted you in a corner, all alone. Everyone had a partner, just not you. You slowly shook your head.

*If he even dares sitting next to me, I will-*

"Hello, I'm Zelo, it's nice to meet you! You don't mind if I sit next to you, do you?", but he not even waited for you replay and sat down.

*-kill him.*

"Hello, I'm Moon Jongup. Please take good care of me and my dongsaeng.", he bowed and looked up again just to see Zelo sitting next to you. You could see something in his eyes, but then he looked away and sat down next to a tall guy.

*Great. This day is going to .*


"So, you are new here?", asked a girl Zelo after the school had rang for the break. He nodded. "Yes, me and my hyung."

"In which school where you and your hyung?", they started a small talk, ignoring you completly, which you were thankful of. You stood up and saw also Jongup standing.

"Cafeteria?", he asked you, but you ignored him and walked past him. *Sorry Jongup, but it's better like this.*

You walked to the Cafeteria to take you meal when you heard someone calling your name. Yes, seriously, your name and not 'monkey'.

You looked up to be greeted by Yongguk with a warm smile.

"Let's eat together Sae Ra.", he suggested.

"No.", you answered simply.

"Come on Sae Ra. You've never eaten with us, neither when you were living in our house.", you hushed Yongguk and looked around if someone had might heard it. Luckely no one was paying attention at the moment.

"Do you remeber what a said earlier?", you whisper asked him. He shook his head confused.

"I told you not to talk to me or greet me. You are breaking the rule Yongguk.", you continued whispering.

"Since when is this a rule.", you looked amused at you what made you roll your eyes.

"Whatever. Just leave me alone, arasso.", you took her food and left Yongguk in the Cafetaria. He shook is head and looked at you.

*What am I going to do with this girl?*


You were sitting on your bench and eating your luching.

"So we meet again.", Baekhyun smiled at you but didn't even look up.

"What are you doing here again?", you asked quiet unfriendly. You were still pissed because of B.A.P being here.

"Eating lunch, just like you.", he sat next to you and began to eat, not bothering that you glared at him annoyed. You sighed tired.


"Why are you always that cold and angry Sae Ra?", he suddenly asked. "W-What?", his question had came all of sudden.

He turned his face to you and started explaining: "I mean, I am friendly to you. I'm not like the others, calling you monkey or bullying you. But you are still as cold to me as you are with the others. Why?"

He was right. Hell yes, he was absolutly right, but how could you explain this to him?

When you were about to open your mouth you heard someone call Baekhyun's name.

"Yah Baekhyun! Are you friends with that monkey?" These were some older pupil like Baekhyun. Obviously his friends.

He sighed and looked up.

The boys and girls were walking towards you two while you and Baekhyun stood up in the same time.

"I always ask you where you are going at lunch time and this is it?", asked the same boy and raised an eyebrown at you. You looked straight back what somehow annoyed him.

"What are you looking at monkey? Never seen an human in the forest?"

*Don't do or say anything Sae Ra. They are his friends.*

You looked away from his face and looked at the ground to stay calm.

"Hey, leave her alone.", said Baekhyun protective. Is he crazy? Why is he protecting you from his friends?

"Woah Baekhyun, what's your problem? Are you putting this monkey here other your friends? Are you two dating or what?"

He pushed Baekhyun lightly but this was already enough for you.

"No, we are not dating. He asked me in a kind way to stop bothering him. He said it's annoying, so I'll stop talking to him now. That's it.", you lied.

"That's it?", he raised an eyebrown at Baekhyun, but Baekhyun was looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. He sighed when he saw your pleading look and nodded.

"Aigoo, Baekhyun. He's always nice to people who doesn't even deserve it. He was nice for telling you to leave him alone in a nice way. Many would have just slapped you monkey. You know, to teach you manners."

"His friend. His friend. His friend.", you repeated in your head.

"Then I'll take my leave now.", you bowed, but the guy stoped you with his annoying voice.

"You should apologize at Baekhyun. I mean it was you, who was bothering him."

You turned your head to Baekhyun before bowing. "I'm sorry for bothering you, Baekhyun sunbae. This is the last time. I hope you'll forgive me."

Baekhyun just nodded. This all was so ridiciouless. She had to apologize when she hadn't done something. Bull.

"So and now that you have apologized... his shoes."

You looked at the boy with a raised brown. "You are kidding me."

"Does that face look like it's kidding?"

*You wouldn't like to hear my answer.*

You didn't answered and continued looking at him.

"What are you waiting for, his shoe."

"Stop it, hyung.", said Baekhyun but the elder ignored him.

"Do it.", he said in a menacing voice.

"Make me.", you answered emotionless.

A little smirk appeared on his face. "How you wish." He slowly raised his hand. Before Beakhyun could do something his hand was coming down to your face. You closed your eyes, but seconds later you didn't felt any pain. You slowly opened your eyes, just to see Yongguk standing next to, holding the wrist of the boy.

Yongguk talked slowly and calm what made it him more creeper. "If you dare touching this girl just once, I'll rip your arm off, got it."

Yongguk looked so scary even you got scarred by his look.

He looked down at you, but his expression looked kind of sad.

*What am I going to do with you Sae Ra?*

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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~