Don't hate me because I'm different

"Okay! One last time...5, 6, 7, 8...", and the music started from new.

You and the guys were already dancing for 2 month. You have managed to convince them, to meet 5 times at weeks. Yeah really, it was hard, but hey, threating is still your best friend. Heheh.

They have become really good, for this short time. Also Youngjae managed to some dances without falling. But it seems like he was still angry at you, since you played with him the peppero game, but hey, you have to do everything to win, dont you?

But whatever, they have become really really good.

"Ok great!", you stoped the music. "In 2 month we managed to do 3 dances!", you beamed, you were really happy about hard work of you and the guys. "I'm so proud of you!", you continued beaming.

"What the hell...", started Himchan.

"What is it?", you asked. He looked at you, like you had a third head.

"You smiled, not smirking, really smiling!"

"Mericales actually happens, huh?", gave Daehyun back.

You smile faded and you looked annoyed at them too.

"Hey, that wasn't mean to insult you.", Yongguk smiled friendy.

"Yeah, whatever.", you answered and shook annoyed your head. "Anyway, I have to talk to you guys."

"What is it, dongsaeng?"

"Zelo...how often did I tell you that I'm not your freaking dongsaeng! We are in the same age!"

"I don't care.", he pouted. "I'm still callin you dongsaeng."

"YOU...", you already raised your voice, but Jongup interrupted you, to stop the beginning argue.

"What do you want to tell us Sae Ra?"

"Oh yes! I wanted tell you, that we are almost ready to compete in a dance competition!"

"What the..."

"We can't..."

"Definitly not!"

"Dream on!"

"Uhm...I'm not sure..."

"Yeah, me and dongsaeng will win this!"

"GUYS!", you yelled to get their attention. "I said almost."

"Oh!", they all nodded in the same time. *Idiots*

"But there's still on thing..."

"Which thing?"

"If you wouldn't interrupt me, I would tell you and your hyungs Zelo. So the one thing is..."

"I'm hungry!", complained Daehyun.

"Can I first finish..."

"Me too!", answered Himchan. Jongup nodded agreeing.

"I pay the food when you listen to me!", you said again about louder than usal and that brougt the guys to shut up. They were calmer as ever. *Greedy pigs*

"Ok! The one thing is that I think, dancing on these on typical hit songs, is too boring...", you stoped to see if the guys would interrupt you again, but nothing, they just looked at you quietly.

"So I uhm...wanted to ask after your opnion...if you know unknown songs with a good beat."

Daehyun raised his hand like we were in school. You sighed tired. "Yes Daehyun?"

"Are you really asking us about our opinion?", he raised and eyebrow and you looked away.

Yes it was true. Since these 2 months you managed to dance with them, you never asked for their opinion. They just had to do what you said and follow...but hey, you were the leader. Isn't this enough?
But still...you felt a bit quielty.

But fastly you shook the feelin away and looked blankly in Daehyun's eyes.

"Yes I do. Problem? If you don't want to, I can just look at the int..."

"But hyungs!! What's with our CD?", Zelo suddenly yelled and stood up entusiastically.

"Shut up!", they all shouted in the same time. Zelo jerked at the sudden outbursts and sat down immediately. You looked at them with big confiused eyes.

"Which CD?", you asked.

"Ahahah...", Himchan laughed nervously.

"I-It's nothing...", Jongup muttered.

"But it doesn't seem like that.", you stated with a raised eyebrown.

"Youngjae?", you asked him directly.

"Don't talk to me. I still don't like you monkey.", he gave back and turned his back to you.

"Jackass.", you didn't even hesistate to say it in your normal voice frequence.


"Zelo...", you said with a menacing voice. "Tell.", you took one step towards him. "Me.", second footstep. "Now.", you were right infront of him.

He looked everywhere but not at your face.

"Zelo...", you bend down on your knees. He looked to his hyungs, who were all shaking their heads.

You took his face in your hands and forced him to look at you. "Choi Junhong...", you whispered.

He gaze went to your eyes and he blushed immediately...you were too near... for his opinion.

"Tell me...", you whispered "Or I'll do other things with you...", your gaze lowered to his lips and them slightly meanwhile your bit your own lip.

You saw Zelo blushing more and more and more. My goodness, he looked like a tomate. He was in a daze so he couldn't say a thing.

"STOP SEDUCING OUR MAKNAE!", yelled Himchan.

You ignored Himchan and continued to look at Zelo. "How you wish...Jun...Hong...", you whispered the last part and leand in slowly.

"DON'T", everyone shouted and Zelo got finally out of his daze and stood up immeditately, still looking like a tomato.

"ME AND THE HYUNGS HAVE CREATED A CD! IT'S IN MY BAG!", and with this he ran towards the toilets of the dance hall.

At first you blinked a few times then you burst into laugher.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Really your korean guys are something! Being a bit seducive and you already look like you have seen a bomb exploiding! Ahahahahahaha!! My tummy! AAAH my tummy is hurting! Daebak! Your and Zelo's face hahaha just priceless hahaha!"

You stoped laughing but there was still a big smile at your face. "So you created a CD?"

They didn't answered, they just looked at you with angry eyes. They were angry that you seducived their oh so prescious and innocent maknae. My . If they would knew, what guys in the same age as Zelo have already done...

You sighed and stood up, walking towards Zelo's back. You opened it and took the CD out of it. On top of it was written: B.A.P. "Ah, so you call yourself B.A.P. Funny." You walked towards the CD-Player and played the song.

It started with: "Warrior is back..."

Second for second your eyes wided in the end it looked like your eyes would drop out.

"You!", you pointed to the guys who we looking curiously at you. "Y-You have sang that song?"

Jongup nodded slowly. "yeah..."

"This song is just...", you started.

"Hey, you don't need to put us down ok? We were bored and we..."

"ABSOLUT PERFECT!", you jumped up and down, like a little child. 


You started the music again and there was no voice only some basses hitting. You heard the letters P, B and A.

You already started to dance to the song. You already fell for it.

The music stop and you looked to them. They all looked at you with disbelieving eyes.

"You...", started Himchan.

"Really like it?", ended Yongguk his sentence.

"What nonsense, are you talking about? I love it! This is so going to be our first dance for our debut!", you continued jumping around like crazy.

*Actually*, thought Himchan. *She is quiet cute...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?*

You stoped jumping when you noticed that you were behaving like a fool. You blushed, but the guys couldn't see it. (You know...skin too dark hehe)

"Uhm, yeah, uhm..", you cleared your throat. "I-I am out!",you left the dance hall immediately.

Yongguk chuckled to himself.

"She was embarrased. Sweet."

Everyone looked at Yongguk with big eyes. "Hyung...what did you just say?", asked Daehyun.

"My , how can a monkey of the forest be sweet huh? Look at her! She is NOT sweet. She tried to seduce our maknae!"

Himchan nodded eagerly. "Poor child...I think he is mentally demaged for his life..."

"I-I am not.", Zelo came the corner of the dance hall.

"You're alright?", asked Himchan and patted his shoulder. Zelo just nodded.

"Okay then,  let's go home now! Look, it's already 8 p.m. Geez.", Yongguk stood up and left with his dongsaengs.

"But wait!", Daehyun stoped middle of the way. "Didn't she said, that she would buy us food?"

"Save it, Daehyun.", Himchan patted his shoulder and they walked home.


Great! School again! Wooohooo!

Ok no seriously, you just hate it. Someone should think, that after a time, people will get borred of bullying the same person...this person is definitly wrong!

"Monkey is baaaaaaack~", sang Jin Ae that everybody would take his attention towards you.

"Shut up Jin Ae. Don't you think instead of talking all the time, you should do some sport?", you looked at her from head to toe.

"Believe me, you really need this."

"Yah monkey shut up, or you'll regret it!"

"You know, I know how to shut up, but when I see you instead there are only two things you do with your mouth. Eating and talking . But hey, maybe we should meet up one time and I teach you how to shut up AND to lose weight, huh?", you smiled as fake friendly as you can.

Jin Ae didn't even had the chance to fight back, because the teacher came in. *Thank god!*


Class had ended and you walked your way home.

But all of sudden you felt a hand turning you around and you looked at Jin Ae, Eunbyul and this guy..what was his name again? Ah right! D.O. Still stupid name but hey, I don't mind!

"What do you want?", you pushed Jin Ae's hand away.

"You really think you have something to say in our school, don't you?" *What the hell is this girl talking about?*

"Just tell me what you want Jin Ae. I already told you, the thing that is leaving your moth, is just . So hurry up.", you sighed annoyed.

Her face became red of anger! "You dare!", she yelled, but Eunbyul hold her back and took a step towards you.

"Do you really think, the race you belong to has something to say in korea?", Eunbyul started. You looked at her with big eyes.

"Wow! And I thought only Jin Ae could talk so much !", you applauded. "You are a WAY better in this. Congrats." 

"But just for your information", you started. "My mother is korean, so I thing also in this state I have something to say, just like other koreans"

"Haha wow!", she looked at D.O. "She really thinks, she's korean." She looked at you with pitty eyes "How sweet."

"What do you mean?", you felt anger coming up and this was not a good sign. Really for no one.

"Just looked at you. This color...ugh! Given by your monkey daddy huh?"

"Don't talk about my father...", you said slowly with a low voice. She shouldn't dare saying some more bad things.

"Oh why? You don't want me to insult your monkey daddy?", she looked at you with big eyes and a pout.

"You better stop..."

"Your dirty, ugly, dark skinned monkey daddy! Haha, I'm sure, he looks like King Kong..."

This was everything she could say when you punched her right away in her face. She immediately fell on the ground. Eunbyul looked shocked at her and D.O. was already about to help her on her feets.

"You dare hitting her?", D.O. yelled at you, you didn't answered. You looked with fierced eyes at her.

"If you dare saying one more thing about my father...I won't hesistate to ruin your face more, arasso?", you saw her cheek growin blue.

"Oh really?", D.O. went behind you and locked your arms behind back.

"Yah! Let go!", you yelled and tried to get out of his handle.

"Eunbyul! Jin Ae! Let's show her, who has really something to say here!"


"Himchannie! I really love your food. It's so delicious!", Zelo beamed.

"I know!", he smiled widely and put some Kimchi at Youngjae and Daehyun's plate.

"Eat a lot, arasso?" 

"Me yeah, but he...", Daehyun looked to Youngjae.


"Just kidding!"

The guys heard the door bell.

"Who could that be?", asked Yongguk from the corner. "It's almost 12 p.m."

"Maknae, go look.", ordered Youngjae.

"No! Way me? I'm scared!", Zelo whined. Youngjae sighed. "Jongup"

Jongup turned his face to Youngjae. "Open the door."

"Why?", he scratched his head.

"Because the doorbell rang."




Seconds passed. Youngjae looked at Jongup with lifted eyebrowns.



"Open the door."

"Oh, you mean now?"

"SCREW IT!", Himchan yelled and went to towards the door.

After a few seconds the guys heard Himchan calling. They all walked towards the door.

And there was you. With sunglasses on your face and 2 bags behind you.

"Hey", you greeted weekly.

"What are you doing here?", asked Youngjae as unfriendly as he could. You shifted uncomfortable.

"Can I...", you took a deep breath "Can I live here?"


Hey my subbies? How are you? 
Like that chapter?
It's so hot here. But hey, better than winter huh? :D
I'm tired now, I go to sleep! :D
Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye :DD


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~