Dance Buddys

Don't hate me because I'm different

"SAE RA!", screamed Zelo when he saw you entering with Youngjae.

"Hey.", you said weakly, faking a smile.

"Omo.", said Yongguk when he came from the kitchen. "Why are you here? Didn't Youngjae bring you your back?", he asked confused. 

"He did.", you said. You side glanced to Youngjae who was wearing a pocker face.

"Sae Ra would like to tell you something.", he said and looked now at you directly. "Am I right?"

You looked away and walked over to Zelo eating some chips. 

"Yah!", you shouted when Youngjae took the chips bag away from you.

"This is nothing what you should eat.", he said with pressure and you sighed annoyed.

"What do you want to tell us?", asked Zelo with curious eyes.

"Nothing.", you replied.

"AHEM.", Youngjae 'cought', but you ignored him.

"Sae Ra!", he said loud startling you and his hyungs.

"Stop screaming Youngjae hyung.", you said and took the chips back.

"Did you just call him hyung?", asked Daehyun who came from his room.

"I did, hyung.", you answered Daehyun with a smile.

"Why?", he asked confused.

"Since I'm going to walk, talk and behave like a boy in the coming weeks, I have to practise it. So...What's up hyungs?", you tried to make a deep voice.

"Ridicouless.", commented Himchan who came from the bathroom with a mirrow in his hand.

"Says the guy who takes more care of himself than a girl does!", you shoted back.

"Yah! Just because I'm pretty!"

"No, you're just a retard!"

You two started bickering and in the end Daehyun and Youngjae had to held you back, stopping you from hurting Himchan.

"MY HAIR!", he screamed when you were able to pull it.

"Serves you right retard!", you yelled at him. 

"Stop it you two, now.", said now Yongguk angry. You two immediately shutted up, but not before you had stuck out your tongue.

"Where's Jongup anyway?", you asked them.

They looked unsurely at each other. "Well...uhm...", Yongguk started.

"You hurted him.", said Himchan right away.

"Me?", you pointed to yourself. "What have I done?"


"You rejected him after his confession.", answered now Daehyun when Yongguk didn't find the right words.

"I did?", you raised an eyebrown.

"You didn't answer either.", he explained. "Of course he thinks you rejected him, duh? You came here and behaved like nothing happened."

*Darn it.*, you thought and sighed. "Is he in his room? I'll talk to him."

"Oh hell no!", Himchan blocked your path. "Leave him alone. You'll just hurt him more."

"We have to clear things out or we won't be comfortable around each other.", you reasoned.


"Let her go.", said Yongguk. "She's right."


"Jongup will be disappointed when he hears about that.", exclaimed Zelo.

"Yah, maknae!"

"I'm not the maknae anymre hyung! Sae Ra is!", Zelo pointed to you.

"No, she's not!"

"Yes she is!"

"No, she's not!"

"She is!"

"She's no- wait a minuted...SAE RA!", he shouted but Daehyun and Zelo held him successfully back, while you continued walking to Jongup's room.

"You work hard Zelo.", complemented Daehyun.

"Thanks.", Zelo beamed proudly while holding his struggling hyung.


You knocked at Jongup's door.

"If you're not Sae Ra you can leave.", you heard Jongup say.

"Then I'm glad to be myself today.", you said when you opened the door.

Shocked Jongup jumped up from his bed. He blushed deeply.

"Y-Y-You....Oh god.", he sat dwn again. "I-I didn't...I mean...y-you...I-I..."

"Calm down, Jongup.", you laughed lightly.

"I heard that you're down...", you started and looked at him. 

"...because of me." He didn't dare to look at you.

"I'm sorry that I didn't respond to your...confession.", well you couldn't even tell if it was really a confession, though.What he did was bizzare , I tell you.

"But I'll do it now.", you said. He slowly turned his head and looked at you.

"I like you.", you said honestly and took his hands. A feeling of hope enveloped Jongup.

"But as me friend, Jongup.", you said also honestly. The bubble of hope had been stabbed, by the weapon of friendship.

"I'm sorry.", you apologized.

"I-I't ok. Ha Ha.", Jongup akwardly laughed. "How could I be so stupid and think that you...", he trailed off and fixed his gaze at the ground.

"Why do you even like a girl like me?", you asked him all of sudden.

"I mean, I'm loud, I insult people, I fight a lot and I'm too dark in this society. To be exactly I'm one of the most ugliest girls. Are you maybe blind, Jongup?", you asked him seriously.

Jongup chuckled bitterly. "If I were blind.", he looked now at you. "Then I wouldn't have witness how nice and caring you can be. How sensitive you actually are and how beautiful you look when you're happy."

You two stared at each other for a while until Jongup broke the eye contact.

"But don't mind me. I'm ok.", he said after a while.

"Can you...can you forget your feelings for me?", you asked him slowly. "If I go back being mean and cold can you forget your feelings?"

"Why?", he asked confused and looked at you.

"Because I don't want to hurt you.", you took his hands again. "Find someone better who'll stay by your side for a long time Jongup."

"What are you saying? It's sounds like you're leaving soon.", he laughed akwardly and took his hands out of yours.

You closed your eyes for awhile.

"Forget about me, Jongup.", you repeated, this time sternly. "Just forget your feelings."

"If it could be this easy.", he whispered.

"Think about the competion.", you reasoned. "If we two are uncomfortable around each other, we won't be able to dance probably."

"Hmm.", he nodded his head.

"You're also my friend Jongup, I don't want to ruin our friendship.", you explained.

He just nodded again and you stood tiredly up. "I'm going now.", you whispered, but before you left you hugged him one last time. "And I'm really really sorry."

You walked out of his room and closed his door.

"You're ok?", you heard someone say. You turned to your left to see Youngjae leaning onto the wall.

"I am.", you answered and were about to walk past him when he stopped you.

"You're quiet good in changing the subject.",Youngjae said. 

"Not now, Youngjae.", you said serious.

"Then tell me when? How can I let you go and dance in this competion when your condition-"

"I'm fine.", you said sternly. "If that's all, I'm going-"

"I'll tell it my hyungs."

For Youngjae's surprise you suddenly graped his collar and pulled him closer to your face.

"Youngjae.", you said slowly, scarring him a bit. "Please don't."

He widen his eyes in surprise when he saw your pleading eyes.

"I need the money and I can't let you all do this by yourself. We are B.A.P. We are a team." You sighed. "Please."

Youngjae hesistated for a bit, but then he nodded his head.

"As soon as you feel weak or strange, you'll stop, arasso?", he asked pressed with closed eyes

You nodded rapidly your head. "Thanks."

When Youngjae finally opened his eyes, he only noticed now how close you two actually were.

He blinked a few times and so did you. Suddenly Youngjae's controll of his body was gone and he leaned in.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!", Himchan shouted and startled you both. You pushed Youngjae away and looked at him with wide eyes. 

" I KNEW IT! I FREAKING KNEW IT!", Himchan continued to shout and grabbed you and Youngjae by your ears.

"HYUNG!/ HIMCHAN!", you two screamed in pain, but Himchan had no mercy.

"What's going on?", asked Jongup when he came out of his room. 

"NOTHING!", all three of you shouted. Himchan gave you two immediately a death glare which shutted you both up.

"Ok...then...", Jongup gave you three a weird look before he entered his room again.

Himchan let go of Youngjae and pointed to his room. "In my room. I'll punish you there."

"But hyung-"

"Now!", Himchan hissed. Youngjae obeyed tiredly.

"Now to you.", he said angry. 

" We didn't do anything! I swear!", you said in pain. Himchan let go of your ear and sighed.

"You didn't just rejected my dongsaeng, but you're also now hitting on my other one?", Himchan asked in disbelieve.

"No! Really! I would never do that! Nothing happened Himchan!"

"You were holding onto Youngjae.", he said bluntly.

"I-I did, but we didn't kiss! Really, I'm not lying!"

"Thanks to me!"

"Himchan", you whined. "Please believe me, I'm not like that."

But it didn't seem like you could convince him today. "Go home.", he said before entering his room where Youngjae was waiting.

You shook your head sadly and left the house without saying goodbye to the others. You walked slowly doing the street until you stopped and shouted:


"True, though.", said someone next to you. You turned to your left to see the guy who was the last time in the skatepark.

"You!", you gasped and pointed at him. 

"Yeah, me.", he smirked. "You ok?"

You just nodded and were about to play with your hair when you remembered that it was short now.

"Does your day because of this horribal haircut?"

"Well no, it's just-Wait, what?!", you asked offended. 

"Calm down, just asking.", he shrugged his shoulder.

"Well, no.", you said angry. "If you excuse me, I'll go now."

"Hey, hey.", he stopped you. "I'm sorry. Don't be mad.", he apologized.

"But I am.", you frowned annoyed.

"Let me make it up, hm?", he pleaded.

"How?", you asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhm...", he thought for a while. "Well, I was about to dance in the studio, but if you want I can by you a caffe"

*Dance?*, you thought and remembered him dancing to the beautiful slow music whe you saw him the first time.

"I want to see you dance.", you said to him with dreamy eyes. He was surprised by your sudden mood change, but he nooded.


You looked at him with wide stunning eyes. He was great, almost perfect when he danced.

When the song finished you clapped your hands loudly. "BRAVO!", you cheered.

He laughed at your childishness. "Have you never seen a guy dance before?", he teased.

"Not as good as you.", you reasoned.

"Oh.", he smiled at you and you smiled back.

"You dance too, don't you?", he asked after a while.

"I do.", you said. 

"If you want", he started. "I can teach you some dance moves."

"REALLY?!", you squeeked. Normally you wouldn't flip out like that, but he was REALLY a great dancer. To learn something from him was almost an honour for you.

"Yes, really.", he laughed.

"Oh, just by the way, what's your name?", he asked you.

"Oh, right.", you stood up from the floor. "My name is Sae Ra."

"Hey dance buddy Sae Ra.", he took your hand in his and shook it. "I'm Jongin."


So here I'm back!!
sorry that I took so long!

And thanks to luvyuh4evr who commented all the time.
I'm really greatful for your comments :$

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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~