Second Competition (Part 1)

Don't hate me because I'm different

A/N: I'm so sorry guys! I haven't updated for months now!!! I have so much stress in school, with my family, I just couldn't get myself to write and to update. But when I wrote this chapter I was about to update it the next day, but then my laptop got broken and ARGH! Nothing was working out...

But now, I'll do my best to update regularly!

Thank you very very much for everyone who stayed and will continue to read the story. For everyone who leaves. Thank you for reading it so far!! 


"...and 26!", you shouted

"...26...", Youngjae groaned.

"...and 27!"


"...and 28!"


"28 Youngjae!", you shouted.

"...twen...ty..eight...", he groaned.



"You can, come one! Only two are missing! Now Youngjae: 29!"

"Twen...twen..I CAN'T!"

"You can, come on! After these two we are done! Come one!", you clapped your hands. 

"!", he groaned and fell on the ground.

"Nooo!", you whined and hit your forhead with your hand. "You had only one push-up left, Youngjae!"

"I...know...o..kay?", he breathed heavyly.

"Aish! This is not it! Let's start again! And one-"


"Ok, ok. Geez.". you sighed and stood up from the bench. "Let's get you something healthy to eat.", you suggested. 

"How about an apple and water?"

Youngjae just stared at you blankly. 

" about watermelone?"

He continued glaring at you. 

"Then what would you like to get?", you sighed annoyed and looked with a frown at Youngjae.

"French Fires!"


"With a really really big Cheeseburger!", he showed you with his hands the size of a cat.


"And a coke! Medium size!"


"But let's get this ty apple with the damn water.", Youngjae sighed defeated.

"Wow, you have a really ty mouth Youngie, what happened?", you laughed and head locked him.

"I was hanging out with a ghetto girl."


"Let's get my apple, I'm hungry!", he whined and got out of your head lock.

"Yes, sir.", you laughed and walked with him back home.

"I'm back!", shouted Youngjae into the house, but no one replied.

"Are they out?", you asked.

"I don't know. I just came back with you, didn't I?", he stated.

"Yeah, yeah whatever.", you rolled your eyes and walked into the kitchen. 

You found a little note on the kitchen table.


We went out shopping.
We saved you some bananas, fatty.
See ya

You laughed at the note and called Youngjae.

"They went out shopping Youngjae!"

"Oh, ok.", he walked to you and read the note.

"Gosh, this boy! I don't get why we are best friends.", he sighed and threw the note away.

"You're both idiots, of course you have to be friends."

Youngjae just glared at you while you stuck your tongue out.

"I'm nervous.", he suddenly said.

"Nervous? Of what?"

"Well, we'll have our first live show tomorrow...I'm...I'm not confident.", he confessed. "What if I dance wrong, or I slip, or if I forget the choreography?", he sighed shakely.

"Wow, you really are nervous.", you said and walked over to him. "Don't be nervous Youngjae. We are all there. We'll do this. We win and fail together. And even if we lose... whatever.We tried."

"We can't lose, Sae Ra. You know why."


"I'm serious. These others might not know, but I know how important this win is. It contains a life..."

"Youngjae listen-"

"I can't do a mistake. I practised days and nights to become a good dancer. I have to be good, I can't effort any mistakes."

He suddenly felt your hand on his.

"As long as you give your best, everything will be ok. Everything will work out."

You smiled at him and he smiled weakly back.

"AHEM!", coughed someone loud from behind and you two turned startled around.

Himchan was glaring at you, while Daehyun stared confused at your hand on Youngjae's

"Hey, guys.", you greeted and put your hand away from Youngjae's. Instead of greeting you back Himchan walked over to Youngjae and pulled him away from you, to the living room while Daehyun continued staring at you.

"Is something wrong?", you asked Daehyun with a frown.

"Maybe...", he muttered, but you couldn't understand him.

He left the kitchen too and you followed him to the living room.

Zelo, Jongup and Yongguk were sitting on the couch and talking while Himchan was talking to Youngjae in a hushed tone. Daehyun sat beside Yongguk, while you looked at the shopping bags infront of Jongup.

"What did you buy?", you asked loud, gaining the attention from Jongup, Yongguk and Zelo.

"Hi dongsaeng!~~", said Zelo and waved happily.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever.", you rolled your eyes and walked over to them. You were about to take a look into the shopping bags when Jongup snatched them away from you.

"You can't look.", said Jongup firmly.

"Huh? Why?", you asked confused.

"It''s a surprise.", Jongup stuttered.

"I hate surprises. Just show me now!", you said and reached for the bags, but Jongup took one step back.

"No. You'll see it tomorrow.", he said with a finality you didn't know from him.

"O...kay...", you frowned at him and he fastly left with the bags into his rooms.

Your phone started to ring and you saw Jongin's number on it.

"Hello?", you answered the phone.

"Hi beauty!", he greeted you and you started to giggle, getting strange looks from the boys.

"Are you free?", he asked you friendly.

"Sure. Just tell me where and when!", you said with a smile, ignoring B.A.P.

"I can pick you up if you want to. Just text me your address."

"I'm at my friends, I'll text you their's"

"Great. See you then."

"Yeah, bye Jongin!"

"Later, beauty.", he hung up and so did you. You shook your head while smiling. Jongin was a really nice guy, even though he loved to flirt with you like a love sick puppy, it was fun hanging out with him. But not even that, he also helped you a lot to improve your almost perfect dance skills.

"Who called you?", asked Youngjae who was all of sudden next to you.

"That was Jongin.", you answered him while texting. "This boy from the skatepark. You do remember him, don't you?"

"What?! This freak?! Why does he have your phone number?!"

"Why should he not?"

"Because!", he yelled but stopped. "Because...", he said unsure and looked for a good excuse. "Because...he's a guy and you're a girl!", he said loud, satisfide with his answer.

"And it's not like that you are a boy and that you have my number, too?", you frowned at him.

"That!", he yelled, but stopped again. "", he said slowly.

"Oh yeah. I see the difference.", you said sarcastically.

"I mean, you don't know him that long. He shouldn't have your number!"

"But he has.", you sighed. 

"That's not appropri-"

Your phone started to ring again and surprise crossed your face when you saw that it was Jongin again.

"I'm there.", he said right away. "Come out."

"How did you..."

"I was actually in this neighbourhood.", he laughed. "I'm with the car. Come out and let's get something to eat~.", he sang.

"Okay~", you sang back and hung up.

With a smile you turned to your members. "Well, boys. I'll get going now."

"What? Wait! Where are you going?", asked Youngjae loud.

"I'll  grab something to eat with Jon-"


"Gosh, Youngjae! Stop screaming!", you shouted now back. "What's wrong with you?"

"You can't go!", he argued.

"Why not?", you asked annoyed.

"Because...because....", he tried to find a good answer but Daehyun interupted him.

"We need to practise. Tomorrow is the show."

A bit stunned you bit your lip. "You're right.", you said after a while and walked over to the door.

"Yah! Where are you-"

"I'll just tell Jongin that I can't come. Now shut up.", you yelled at Youngjae and left threw the door.

"Oh...", Youngjae turned quiet and sighed tierdly. Slowly he turned to his friends who were starring at him with a frown.

"Seriously, Youngjae. What was that now?", asked Daehyun his best friend.

"Wh-What do you mean?", stuttered Youngjae and looked everywhere but Daehyun.

"Well this: 'YOU CAN'T GO! STAY HERE! NEVER MEET WITH ANOTHER GUY!' .", he said as matter of the fact.

"Huh? What?! Me? No! Don't talk nonsense!", Youngjae yelled and startled everyone.

"Okaaaay.", said Daehyun stretched.

"Why are you screaming?", asked all of sudden Jongup who had returned from his room.

"I -"

"It's nothing!", said Himchan fast and laughed nervously, while the others frowned at him.

"Okay.", Jongup shrugged and looked around. "Where's Sae Ra anyways?"

"She's outside.", said Yongguk calm.

"Why's that?"

"She's talking to a bastard.", muttered Youngjae a little too loud. When he looked up he saw Jongup frowned at him, while Himchan was glaring.

"I...I mean...", he stuttered but was interupted by the door.

"Great news guys!", you shouted into the house. 

They all turned to you to see a boy with a light smirk standing next to you.

"Jongin is going to help  us!", you cheered and clapped your hands.


"Ok! Let's start! And 5, 6, 7, 8!", and the music filled the rom with his manly and strong beats.

Jongin was helping B.A.P with their choreography.

"You could put some break dance in it.", he suggested. 

"I can do it!", shouted Zelo.

"Me, too!", said Jongup and they three started to discuss everything while the others had a little break. Daehyun noticed that Youngjae would be staring at you once in a while. Sometimes his gazes were sad and sometimes admiring. When you once lost your balancy, Youngjae was immediately there to help you up. He would whisper something to you while you nodded assuring. He wouldn't look pleased, but you would give him a smile and say something what would make him laugh.

*Strange*, thought Daehyun while observing Youngjae. *Since when did he change this drastically?*

"Let's continue!", said Jongin an you was immediatelly by his side.

After half an hour you all stopped practising. 

"Thank you so much for helping us!", you bowed to him, ignoring B.A.P's strange stares.

"You're welcome, honey.", he hugged you and you hugged him back.

"BOYA!", shouted all of sudden Youngjae. "You can't do this!"

You gave Youngjae an annoyed look while Jongin nodded understanding. "Ok, I won't hug this beauty again, even though it'll be really hard."

"Aish, stop it!", you laughed and pushed him lighty.

"I thought you wanted to go." , said Youngjae harsh what surprised you.

"Youngjae!", you were about to scold him, but Jongin interrupted you.

"He's right. I need to go now. Bye boys, bye beauty.", he winked at you and waved to the boys before leaving. The same moment he left Youngjae started to complain: "This jackass! Who does he think he is?!"

He walked annoyed up and down. "He thinks he is soo great with his dancing!"

"Well, he is-"

"NO HE'S NOT, ZELO!", shouted Youngjae and startles everyone again.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you today?", you asked him with a frown. "He helped us a lot for tomorrow. You should be thankful."

" I...", he started but was interrupted by Himchan.

"Does he know that we are participating for Korea's Best Dance Crew?"

"No.", you sighed. "Telling him the truth-"

"Is not a good idea.", said Daehyun. Surprised everyone turned their heads to him. "I mean we don't know him and-"

"But I do!"

"No, you don't Sae Ra.", said Daehyun a little harsh. "Just because he's friendly and helped us doesn't mean that he's a trustworthy person. And you're dancing  as a boy called Sam in this show Sae Ra, don't forget that.", he sighed. "We have to keep it a secret."

They all turned their attention back to you who was looking a bit sad. "You're right.", you said after a while. "It's better to keep it a secret."

"Who knows if he'll rat us out.", muttered Youngjae loud enough.

"Seriously now?", asked even Himchan now annoyed. "Shut up, Youngjae."

"Ok!!", Jongup clapped in his hands. "We have to be there early in the morning. Let's stop for tonight.", he suggested.

"Yeah, Jongup hyung is right. I'm tired to death.", yawned Zelo and fell on the ground.

"Bye then.", you waved "I'll see you tomorrow infront of KBDC building."

After saying their goodbyes, your memebers left the dance studio. You stayed their for awhile and repeated the dance two more times until Youngjae entered the studio again.

"Did you forget something?", you asked him sweating, heavy breathing.

"Yes, I did.", he said and walked closer to you.

"What did you forget?", you looked around, trying to find something.

"You.", he said calm.


"I forgot you.", he repeated and took your hand.

"Are you trying to flirt with me Youngjae.", you smirked and winked at him.

"No, I'll walk you home. So let's go."

"Wait, Youngjae, I have to-"

"Go home and rest, I know.", he pushed you a little. "Come on now."

"But Youngjae-"

"Yah!", he suddenly yelled and startled you AGAIN.

"You know you shout a lot today.", you told him.

"Because you're not listening to me.", he complained. 

"Arasso. Let's go, before you rip me apart."


Daehyun's POV

"How are you feeling?!", asked the announcer of KBDC into the crowed.

"GOOD!", they shouted and cheered.

"How are our dancers feeling?", he asked and we all cheered loudly.

Honestly I feel ing nervous. I mean seriously, we have to compete with 19 of the best dance crews in Korea. I saw some of them practising and DAMN! They are no joke.
Trying to keep calm I observed the female dance groups. I never noticed how hot female dancers are, especially the group TK. (It stands for Twerky Koreans. KEKEKEKEKE)
But even these hot twerkers couldn't make me any less nervous. I continued looking around until I saw Sae Ra- I'm sorry I mean "Sam" coming from the toilet. She (or he) walked really cooly over to us. My gazed wandered to Youngjae whose eyes were nervously looking around until he spotted our leader.  Suddenly he seemed to relax while looking at her (or him).

Noticing Youngjae's gaze, she (or he) was about to apporach him, when suddenly someone grabbed her arm. It was her ex-bastard Chanyeol who whispered something into her ear. ( that 'him', she's still a girl, ugh!)

She pushed him annoyed away and walked over to Yongguk. She whispered something to him and he visibly stiffened.
Whispering something back, she nodded and he sighed while rubbing his forehead. Our Sae Ra patted his shoulder and Yongguk laid tiredly his arm around her shoulder.
I looked back to Youngjae who looked...rejected.

Gosh, our Youngjae.

I know him since we were little poopers. and oh my goodness when Youngjae was jealouse he was able to throw a tantrum for two days.
And since yesterday I see nothing has changed. Even after this boy (who's not better looking than me) had left, he wouldn't stop complaining and complaining!
When I was about to punch him right in the face, he fell asleep.

Lucky motherf***er.

Excuse my language.

I was just SO annoyed and I REALLY wanted to punch him so....excuse my language.

But I noticed it was not just jealousy what Youngjae must be feeling. How he's behaving around Sae Ra is quiet strange. He seems overly protective around her and sometimes when he looks at her his gaze...seems really gentle.

Gosh, I don't want to conclude the impossible, but could it be...

"GET READY DANCERS!", shouted the announcer and brought me out of my thoughts. "Let's start with the first Crew!"

We would be Crew number 15. We had to wait for a while and while watching these fantastic dance crews my thoughts shouted just one thing:

We are screwed.

I looked at my members and they all seemed really nervous expect from Sae Ra. Seriously , how cool could a person be?!

"WOW! That was great! A big applause to Beast!", shouted the speaker. "Let's go to our next group!", he started.

"They are a 7 member group who have a foreigner as leader. He's half afro-american and half korean. Big applause for Sam and his dance Crew B.A.P!", he shouted and the crowed cheered loudly for us.

".", I heared Himchan curse. "I can't do this. I can't do this.", he repeated over and over again while walking. "There are too many people! I will mess up. I will mess up!"

"You can do this Himchan.", said Yongguk encouraging. "We all can do this. "

"Of course we can. We are B.A.P", I said and our maknaes howled agreeing. If they would know how terrifide I am....

Before the stage Sae Ra stopped and looked down. She closed her eyes for a second before turning to us and giving us an eye-smile.

I don't know why and how, but I was freaking calm after her resurring smile.



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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~