
Don't hate me because I'm different

"Yah! New student, let go of my hand!", the boy shouted.

Yongguk was still looking scary as ever but he had let go of the wrist.

"Maybe it's because you're new here", he pointed to you. "But you shouldn't be nice pr hangout with this monkey. She'll only bring you in trouble."

When he saw no reaction of Yongguk the boy sighed and turned to is friends. "Let's go."

Everyone left expected Baekhyun who looked slightly irritated.

"Are you ok Sae Ra?", Yongguk asked. You nodded your head. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Who are you?", Baekhyun asked and looked at Yongguk. *Isn't he a new student? Why would he save Sae Ra?*

"Are you one of his friends?", asked Yongguk back, totally ignoring Baekhyun's question.

"He's more a classmate than a friend.", answered Baekhyun. Yongguk nodded and looked back to you. "Let's have lunch now Sae Ra."

"I told you, I don't want to eat with you.", you said quite unfriendly.

Of course, you didn't wanted to be mean after he saved you, but there was it again. If someone is friendly to you, they get bullied. The boy already warned Yongguk and you would never allow that these boys get bullied because of you. Distance should be the best thing since they enrolled here.

"Shouldn't you be at least thankful? I mean...I saved you...kind of.", muttered Yongguk disappointed.

"I could have handle it by myself, but whatever. I go now.", but after a few steps you turned around and gave Baekhyun a final glare.

"And never talk to me again, Baekhyun sunbae. I only get in trouble." and with this you left.

You were now in the restroom.

You entered the toilett and banged your head against the wall. *Why do I always have to be mean. Why? Why couldn't be everything easier. Really so frustrating.* and you continued banging your head when you heard two girls talking.

"Did you see these new boys?", a girl asked the other.

"YES! They are soooooo hot! Omg, I could die!", they both started laughing and you rolled your eyes.

"So could I. But I heard one of the boys is going to have some problems...", the first girl started. 

*Problems? Who would made problems? They are not talking about Yongguk, are they?*, you thought panicked and listened carefully.

"Really? Which one?"

"The handsome boy with the full lips."  *DAEHYUN?!*

"Oh why him? What has he done wrong?"

"He was flirting with Eunbyul sunbae and D.O. sunbae had gotten jealous."

*Oh you Daehyun! You and your stupid girls!*, you scolded in your head.

"Is he going to beat him up, with his friends?"

"No. I heard because he's new here, they wanted to be nice and only throw at him some old seaweed what was actually prepared for monkey." The girl sighed and continued. "I also so him talk to her in the morning. Maybe it's better like this. He should know with who he should hangout and who he shouldn't provokate."

And with this the girls left the restroom.

You had closed your eyes. Old seaweed? Were these boys serious? How could...but no wait. You opened your eyes. When did they wanted to it?  After school Daehyun would go home with the boys. In this moment they wouldn't dare doing it. But in 15 minutes the lessons would start again. So when do they want to do it?

You went out of the toilett and looked at the mirrow, totally concentrated. "When?", you whispered again and again when you knew it.

You ran out of the rest room. NOW! They would do it now! Of course! Pabo, why didn't you knew earlier?

It was lunch time. Of course Daehyun would go to the cafetaria to eat and to flirt with girls. But not only girls but also guys, or let's just say, most of the pupils in your school. They want to embarass him infront of everyone. And even if rest of BAP would be there, they couldn't beat them up. We had still school. And since they are knew students, the teachers could easily throw them out again. Of course. OF COURSE! Damn it!

You ran like the devil was behind you when you reached the cafetaria and spotted Daehyun.

He was staying with a girl corner. Obviously flirting since you saw the girl blushing.

You looked around and saw D.O. in another corner. Talking with his friends and pointing to Daehyun. D.O. had a green big bucket in his hand. They started walking towards Daehyun.

*Damn it!*, you ran towards them, care less if you bumped into some pupils.

"Hey new student.", D.O called and and for whatever reason Daehyun turned around.

"You should get a lecture for flirting with my girl.", he looked serious why Daehyun bored.

"Don't you think, you should get a lecture from me? I mean, when 'your' girl flirts with me, you can't be a good lover, can you?"

D.O. got red because of anger. "You think so? Then I hope, you like this thing!" and he throw the old seaweed to Daehyun side.

In shock Daehyun had closed his when he felt someone graping him on the shoulder and falling with his back on the ground.

"What the...", he gasped in shock when he opened his eyes and saw you on top of him. He raised his head a bit and and smelly seaweed was on your body. 

"S-Sae Ra?", he whispered but he only heard a growl escaping from your mouth. You stood slowly up and turned to D.O. who also looked surprised.

"What are you doing monkey?", he asked a bit shocked. You had come from nowhere.

"These Seaweeds were actually for me. So I why do you want to throw it to Daehyun. It would be a complete waste."

You looked around and saw everyone looking at you, also the B.A.P boys, you looked complete shocked.

"Hey guys.", you could in the cafetaria. "Do you see me! I have some old seaweed on my cloths. I don't know which kiddo got the idea to do that, but I hope he will finally found his way back to the kindergarten!"

You looked at D.O. who looked totally shocked. "How dare you!", he yelled.

"And oh! For the boy's little girlfriend.", you continued and ignored D.O. "I hope you have some diapers with you, because the , which is always coming out from your both mouths and actions are so annoying, I could really kill myself. Damn it, get your together and start thinking and acting like adults!", you heard some students laughing and turned to D.O. with a little smile. "But seriouly D.O. Old seaweed?", you shook your head and walked past him, leaving the dumbfounded students alone in the cafetaria.

You were now in the hallway. You had leaned against the wall because of pain. When you saved Daehyun from the seaweed you had somehow hurt your back again. Probably because of your fast movements.

"Sae Ra!", called a familiar voice and you turned your head. B.A.P was running to you.

"Are you ok?", asked Jongup concern.

"Yes, I am.", you stand up straight but the pain afterwards was quiet unpleasend.

"We can see that you're not. Is it your back again?", asked Zelo now and came nearer.

"No. I'm totally fi- AH!", you shouted when Zelo had put a hand on your shoulder and the other on your back and he slightly pushed you back with your shoulder.

"Yeah, you're really fine.", said Himchan sacastically.

You gave him a glare, but sighed afterwards, you had no power to argue now.

"You don't have to worry. It's ok.", you pushed Zelo away from your side and started slowly walking.

"We bring you home first.", Said Yongguk now but you shook your head. "You don't know where I live now boys, and you still have school. Just go back and continue eating.", you continued walking and left the boys behind.

It had been Youngjae and Daehyun who hadn't said a word now.

Yongguk looked disappointed at Daehyun. "At least you could have thanked her."

But he didn't reply and looked ashamed at the ground.

"But don't you think, it was a bit overreacted.", said Younjae and looked at Yongguk. "I mean it was only seaweed, nothing special."

Yongguk shook his head and sighed. "Youngjae you're one of the smartest of us, why do you think, she had done that?"

The younger started thinking but didn't get a right solution.

Yongguk sighed. "Because she was concern, Youngjae. If this stupid boy had gotten Daehyun, Daehyun would be embarassed infront of the whole school in the first day. He would have maybe become an her."

Yongguk had now understand your actions. You were only pushing people away to save them from your own situation.

You were a good girl, even if the other boys didn't saw it...yet. You were totally a good girl.

"Do you think we'll see her in the dance practise?", asked Zelo.

"Hopefully not.", said Jongup all of sudden and everyone looked at him in puzzlment. "She is injured. She has to rest.", he explained. But then he looked at Daehyun. "And I don't want to see her being nice to you while you can't even thank her for saving you hyung."

Jongup shook his head disappointed and left and so did also Zelo.

Daehyun was feeling guilty and like an idiot. Maybe you were ok. Maybe you weren't that bad. And he was so a jackass and treated you so mean. Maybe...but only maybe, he should really thank you...shouldn't he?


"Ok, now, the same thing one more time. Youngjae don't forget to lift your legs HIGH! Got it? Good. Then, 5, 6, 7, 8...", and the musiced banged the whole dance room.

The boys gave their best to dance. You had still come even if your back was injured again. Even as Sehun asked you to stay and rest, even as the boys told you they would dance, even without you so you could rest, you had still come.

They really did a great job today so you stopped the practise earlier. 

"Good than. Let's stop for today. Is someone hungry? I pay today.", you offered but no one lift his hand.

"Omo. What's wrong?"

"I guess, we are just not hungry.", said Yongguk with a kind smile. You frowned.

"Don't tell me bull Yongguk. You boys are always hungry.", you looked at Youngjae and Daehyun.

"Youngjae, Daehyun aren't you two hungry. I said I would pay.", you looked at them but they just shook their heads.

"Seriously boys wha-"

"I AM HERE~", you heard your best friend singing and turned happy around. "Sehun ah~", you sang back and hugged him.

Yeah, you two were some crazy guys.

"I brought food.", he said cheerfully and lifted his hand. "THAI-FOOD~", he sang again and you laughed.

Really, when you two were together, you become a totally other person. Happy, laughing, smiling. But then you and the boys were alone, you were still somehow cold towards them. And so was Sehun.

"Here food.", he said coldly and laid it on the floor where the boys were sitting. He still disliked B.A.P.

"They are not hungry Sehun ah~", you said and shook your head disappointed. "And you paid for it."

He glared at the boys and patted your head. "That doesn't matter. Then there is more for us.", he smiled and so did you.

"But hey, how's your back?", he suddenly asked. You shrugged it off and laughed. "I already told you. I AM FINE.", you emphasized every word.

"But I still bought medicine for you.", he gave you a little box with pills and you took it. "But I already have medicine Sehun. Jongup gave me them.", you smiled towards Jongup and he smiled back. He was happy, that you still took his medicine.

"That's the point.", emphasized Sehun. "It can't be a good medicine, if your back still hurts."

"Hey.", scolded Jongup but was interrupted by Youngjae and Zelo's munching.

Jongup gave them a look but Youngjae just shrugged. "Come on guys. We are all hungry. And by the way the boy here bought it, not her."

So they shouldn't feel guity anymore, should they.

They felt all guilty. Even while you all were practising no one said thank you or apologized for they strange behavoir.

But Youngjae was right, and they were all starving, so everyone took the food and started eating, for Sae Ra's surprise.

*You forgot Sae Ra. They don't like you. They don't even want you to buy their food.*. you thought sadly and sat next to Sehun who had put his arm around your shoulder.

If the boys wouldn't know better, they would think that you and Sehun are dating. Seriously you two were soooooooo touchy.

After some minutes of munching you saw that you hadn't much sauce left. You wanted to bend and take the sauce but someone snatched it away and give it to you. 

"Huh?", you looked up and saw Daehyun holding the sauce infront of your noise.

"Here. Didn't you wanted it?", he aksed after you didn't took it. "Oh, yes.", you took it.

After some minutes you were already ready with your food, but you were still hungry. You looked at the big box Sehun brought, but nothing was left.

"Here.", someone hold his Thai-Food infront of you. You looked at the side and it was Daehyun again.

"Aren't you hungry anymore?", you asked confused, but he just shook his head and but the little box with Thai-Food in your hand.

This couldn't be. Daehyun was always hungry. ALWAYS. Just like Youngjae.

"Are you sure?", you asked again.

"Just eat it already.", he muttered and turned to Himchan and Yongguk, joining their conversation.

You were still looking at him, but then shrugged it off and ate the food.

*Maybe he really wasn't hungry anymore.*, you thought. 

*Or maybe he can be nice from time to time*


Hey! So my subscribers :)

I hope this chapter is ok :D


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~