Getting Himchan and Daehyun

Don't hate me because I'm different

"DONGSAENG~", Zelo beamed when he saw you, but you just made a face. You really didn't liked it, when Zelo called you like that.

"Hey Sae Ra.", Jonup waved. You ackknowleged it with a nodd. 

They were friendly but somehow you were scared that they don't want you as a friend. Only as their dance member because you were good at it. Of course it seemed differently but what you have learned from the school, they would only hurt you if you et too attched to them.

And this was the last thing you wanted.

Suddenly you remembered one thing. The new members you needed.

"Jonup, Zelo.", you called to get their attention. They were about to warm up for your dance practise, when they stop to listen to you.

"I think I now some people that would get along with one or the other way."

"Are these good dancer?", Jonup asked curious. You shook your head.

"No they are not."

"But why-"

"We can teach them.", I told him. "Teach?", Zelo asked unsure. "Why don't we just get proper dancer?"

"Because would never dance with me in a group." you whispered. You thought you whispered very quietly but Jongup had got it.

"Never dance with you in a group? Why shouldn't they?", he asked confused.

Oh yeah. They two didn't know, that you were bullied and called 'monkey' in your school. In the begining  when you met them, they wanted to dance with you in a proper dance hall, with other dancer, to compete with your dance skills, but you had convinced these two, just dancin with her in this small hall and if they wanted to dance in the proper one, they could get without you.
And so innocent how they are, they just agreed, even if your reasons weren't that good. For example that you didn't like people.

But the main real reason of course was, that you didn't wanted them to get bullied too. So more distance from the others was the best.

"Forget it.", you shrugged it away. "Anyway I know these guys. In everything what they do, they give their bests. And I'm sure, if we teach them dancing we get group."

"Hmmmm...ARASSO!", Zelo put his thumb up. "I trust you dongsaeng, you'll do the right choice!" *Sweet* you thouht, but you shrugged away again with the comment: "Don't call me dongsaeng."

"Ok great, but Sae Ra...who are these guys?", Jongup asked.

A small smile appeared on your lips. "Let's just say...they're really popular because of their...hmm how should I say...handsomeness?"


You went to your old school. Your first school.
The freakin first school who made you suffer the most.

You had a cap on, which could cover your face, so no one would recognize you.
You walked towards the gate and felt like vomiting. Your tummy began to tighten and your heart began to do a race. You praide that no one remembered you. If they would...oh my goodness, you didn't even wanted to think about it.

You screw that thought away and focused on your mission. Finding two idiots.
How you already told Jongup and Zelo, you were lookin for to good looking guys. One problem was they were in your old school. They didn't bullied you, but they didn't help you either. They knew you, because you were the most hated and bullied person in school, but the two often passed you, without even notice your crying presence.
Second problem. You disliked them. It was almost hate. Why? Because they were soooooooooo conceited.

One of them excuised himself to go to the bathroom to only look at his hair. Then in the lunch breack he went to his friends and the first thing he had done was to check him up in a mini make up mirror. I mean...seriously?

And then the other one.
It was funny that you disliked him, because, every other girl in your old school just loved him. His looks were so charming, His smile was so breathtaking. When he winked a girl, she was in danger that she faint, just because of him. And yeah, he loved it. This guy had so many, so called girlfriends, that you couldn't even count. He loved to be a player and play with them and you really hated him for that.
He remembered you of your ex-boyfriend...Chanyeol...

You shook your head rapidly to forget about the last thing and focused on your mission again.

You looked and walked around until you saw Himchan in the corner of the yard. He was alone and looking in his mini make up mirror.
*Got that jerk.*

You walked to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around.

"Who are you?", he asked annoyed. "Can't you see that I'm bussy?"

*I'm going to be your biggest nightmare if you don't shut up*, you thought also annoyed. Only because you had to talk to him.

"My name is..."

"Aaaaah, seriously. So annoying. Leave me alone, little girl.", he cut her off and focused again to his mirror. 

*Oh, ok well, then I really have to do it.* you thought amused.

You took to more steps to be really closed to him. You took out your camera. As fast as you could you put an arm around Himchan's neck and pulled him closer to you. Puttin a kiss on his cheek and doing a foto.

"YAH!", he yelled after your little fotoshooting.

"What the hell are you doing?!", he contiuned yelling.

You smiled widly and turned your cap to the left, so he could see your face. He gasped.

"So you remember me, Kim Himchan.", you didn't stop smiling widly.

He pointed with a shaking finger to me. "You."

"Yeah, yeah it's me.", you waved your hand. "Hi."

"What are you doing here? Why did you made a foto with me? Why did you kissed my cheek?", he shrieked rubbing his cheek like my peek was a virus.

"Because I need you, in my dance group." He blinked several times than he burst into laugher.

"Me? In a dance group? With you?", he couldn't stop laughing. "You're really funny."

But your face was more serious then usal but he didn't noticed.

"You have no other choice.", you gave seriously back.

"Or what?", Himchan asked challangly.

"Or our sweet foto here will be on twitter, tumbler, facebook, even Instagram.", you waved with your camera. "Your statues in this school would go down abruptly."

"You wouldn't dare!", he gasped.

"I would! Don't bet with me, I always win.", you grinned. "You have no other choice Himchan."

He groaned defeated. You smiled widly.

"Great, then I'll see you tomorrow at 6 p.m. in the small skatepark, behind the grocery story in the Taepyeon street." you waved. "Don't come late, or...", you waved with your camera.

You left the dumbfounded Himchan and looked for the other idiot. Daehyun.

But as fast as you looked for him, you found him. But not alone. There were 5 girls around him and just ridiculously tryin to impress him and get his attantion. You smaked your forehead. You couldn't even threaten him, when there were so many witnesses.

You waited a little longer and saw him entering the building. You ran after him and looked for a place were you could talk to him in peace. Just then you saw the little corridor who made the way to the janitor. And no one visited the janitor, so it was a safe place to hide.

You took the arm of Daehyun who was infront of you and dragged him to the corridor. "Yah!", he yelled.

"Psssh!", you put one finger on your lips. "Be quiet."

"Who are you?", he asked curious. You were about to tell him, when he cut in. "Aaaaah. Another fangirl. I'm really sorry, but you can't drag me, to a corner of the school. There will be only bad gossip, but hey...maybe one day, if we meet again, we can continue with this talk.", he bowed slightly and was about to go when you did the same trick on Kim Himchan.

"What the hell...", Daehyun gasped when you just kissed his cheek, without hesistating.

"I'm sorry, but we don't know each other that well to beginn with kisses", he said in a shook.

My goodness, this guy was really an idiot.

You took of your cap and raised an eyebrow on him. He gasped again. Also remembering you. But he never thouht he would see you in this school again.

"Oh my goodness it's you!"

"Yeah, it's me. But hey, I don't have so much tim.."

"Oh man, I knew it.", Daehyun shook his head sadly.

"You knew what?", you asked confused. That you would come to find him and put him in your dance group? No way.

"My handsomeness and my charm also impressed you.", he sighed slightly. "Being gorgous is sometime really a curse.", he continued sighing. "But hey, I don't blame you. Loving me isn't a bad thing...but kissing me already, don't you thin this is a bit..."

"Oh my goodness! Please shut the hell up, or I'm going to punch into your face, that you can forget your so called beauty.", you yelled. You had heard enough from that jerk for today.

"But why did you do a foto?", he asked confused.

"Because I need you to threaten you.", you sighed.

"Huh?", now he was compleatly irritated.

"Look I need you. I'm in a dance group. But we need, more member. And one of them, has to be you.", you explained.

"Why me? I can't even dance that good. And that's really the only thing, I can't do good.", he answered.

"Because", you tried to inore the last thing he said. "You are easy to get."

"What do you mean with that?", he furrowed his forehead. Then he made shock and X infront of his chest. "Don't tell me..."

"YAH YOU JERK!", you yelled and hit arm. What the hell is this guy thinking?

"With easy to get I mean, it's easy to get you in my group and not...", you stoped. You felt like you were in a kindergarten.

"But why should I want to go volentury in your dance group?", he asked provokative.

You smirked again widly, like you did it to Himchan.

"Because, this foto of us two...", you waved with the camera. "Can be easily put in the internet....and you know how unpopular I am."

"You wouldn't dare!", he pointed with a shocked face at me.

"I would. Your pure pure fangirls. Avoiding you, because they see you with a girl kissing.", you faked a sniffle.

Daehyun bit his lips frustratated. But then he just gave up. "Fine.", he mumbled. You brightend.

"Great, then I'll see you at 6 p.m. at the little skatepark. This one nearby the Taeypeon street." you waved, puting you cap on, to leave this school. "Don't be late!"

You left the school satisfied and walked home, to change clothes to go to your work.

*I have 2*, you thought happily. *Just another 2 left.* And this would be harder than these two idiots of Himchan and Daehyun. 

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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
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Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
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But yay, love is in the air~~