Sae Ra's Secrets

Don't hate me because I'm different

"URGH! HELP! HELP! JESUS! MY LORD! I CAN'T BREAVE! ARGH!", Luhan shrieked while you choked him.

"OH NOW YOU ARE CALLING FOR THE LORD HUH? YOU KNOW WHAT? LET ME HELP YOU TO FIND YOUR WAY TO HIM", and you locked your hands tighter on his throat.

B.A.P was watching the scene while eating. They wouldn't help because 1. Luhan made obviously fun of the thing what was really important to you, and this was your religion, your love for the dance and that you helped ill orphan. And 2. ...for goodness sake he was a guy! Can't he handle a girl on his own?

"W-what's going here?", asked a male voice shocked. B.A.P turned their heads and saw Sehun standing at the door frame.

"Hey, you're back. Take a seat, Sae Ra cooked.", Zelo offered with a full mouth.

"It's delicious.", added Daehyun while shoving rice in his mouth. The other boys nodded and continued eating.

He looked at the boys in annoyence when he suddenly heard Luhan yelp.

"SARAH GET OFF OF HIM!", yelled Sehun and walked towards you, who was sitting on Luhan's lap, still choking him. You wouldn't let go, so he held you on your arms and pushed you of Luhan. Luhan breathed heavily.

"NO SEHUN LET GO!", you shriek and kicked your feets. "I kill him! Oh no, I kill him twice! I kill him first then I dig him up, bring him back to life and kill him again!"

"This girl is insane!", yelled Luhan.

"Insane? INSANE?! I'm gonna show you what is insane!", you shouted started to kick with your feets again.

Sehun was still holding tight in his arms, so you wouldn't move. "Yah! Pabos! Help me!", yelled Sehun to the boys.

They looked at each other. Than they shrugged and continued eating.

"Are you deaf? HELP ME!", he yelled again.

"No.", said Jongup seriously and looked up from his food. "We won't help you. That jerk deserves it.", said Himchan.

Sehun looked shocked at B.A.P while he had to bring up lots of power to prevent Sarah to kill Luhan...or to kill him.

"Hey, who do you call jerk! You know this is my house!", said Luhan offended from the ground, he still hadn't stood up.

"ENOUGH!", said a mad voice and everyone shutted up. Even you stopped struggeling. Yongguk looked with annoyed face at Luhan, Sehun and Sae Ra.

"I helped. Now let me eat in peace. Geez.", Yongguk shook his head and ate his side dishes.

"Ok...", Sehun almost said thank you, but he remebered that he didn't liked the boys.

"What's wrong Sarah? Why did you try to kill Luhan?", demanded Sehun when he had let go of her.

"I didn't tried to kill him Sehun-ah.", you defended yourself. "I was just giving him a lesson."

"And what did you wanted to reach?"

"He knows now, no to mess with me.", you said arogantly and sat on the white big chouch, with your ankles crossed.

"You changed a lot.", stated Luhan and stood finally up from the ground.

*What does he mean by changing a lot? She was always like that.*, thought Youngjae and put more rice in his bowl.

"It's none of your business if I changed or if I didn't. Just get in your ing head that you can't mess around with me anymore." Now you looked at Sehun. "I move out. Now.", and she stood up.

"What? What are you talking about? We just moved in!", said Sehun.

"And I'm going to move out right now. I won't live with that idiot in one house! Never ever!", she walked out of the room followed by Sehun he plead her to think twice about it.

"Wow, she really changed a lot. I'm impressed.", Luhan chuckled and sat down on the white couch where you had sit.

"What do you mean by that?", asked Youngjae ang grew curious. Wasn't she always that agressiv and loud?

"Since when do you know her?", he asked back.

"Recently.", answered Himchan now.

Luhan nodded his head in thought but then he shrugged. "I think I can tell you."

He walked to the boys and sat down on the other corner of the table.

"You america she was really loved. You know, because her father is black, her mother asian. The oh so great coloured. I always despised her, but hey she was the friend of my favourite cousin", he shrugged and continued. 

"She was oh so nice and oh so loveable and adorable. She had greate grates, good friends and a very open family she only had one problem."

He looked around if you were maybe back, but as he saw you were still somewhere else he walked towards the living room and the boys followed him.

He opened a little closet and took a photo album out.

Luhan opened it and showed the boys a picture.

They all gasped in shock.

*Now way...*

*That can't be her...*

*But that's her face...*

"This can't be true...", whispered Zelo and took the picture of Luhan's hand.

It was a picture of you, but were FAT. Not chubby no, but really really FAT.

"And she was still loved in america. Ok, they were people who told her, she was fat, but her friends helped her and insured her she wasn't fat. Bad Liars."

"B-but how did she lost all her weight?", asked Youngjae stalked. Not even he was so fat!

"I starved myself and did sport."

Immediately the boys turned around looked at your emotionless face. You had heard the whole conversation *Crap*, they all thought.

Luhan gullped when you walked up to them.

You took the picture of Zelo's hand. "This here.", you pointed to the picture. "Is the past.", you ripped it in many little pieces.

"I hoped you had fun spying in my past."

You turned around and left the room. "Oh no. She got it completly wrong.", Jongup shoot up and ran behind you.

"Sae Ra! Sae Ra wait!", Jongup got you and hold your wrist.

"Don't touch me!", you yelled at him and jerked your hand out of his grip.

"You got it completly wrong!", Jongup tried to explain but you didn't gave him a chance.

"So you mean you didn't tried to find something out about my past?"

"Yes!...I mean no...I mean.."

The other boys came an they saw that Jongup was struggiling for the right words.

"You know what.", you said and your tears find the way up to your eyes, but you wouldn't cry. "I almost trusted you boys."

You hit your forehead with your own palm "I am so stupid. But thank god I found out. You just wanted to find out things about me, to spread it out. Come on. Go ahead. Tell everyone that I was a fat cow back in the US."

You looked down and breathed in deeply.

"But even if you do, I don't care. I will stand up for myself."

"We didn't mean to..", tried Zelo but you cut him of.

"Save it. I have enough.", you turned again around to leave with your suitcases when you turned around once again.

"I almost believed that you cared for me today at the hospital. Even you Himchan. You should become actors, you're really good."

And with this you left the house of Luhan.

"Where is Sarah?", asked Sehun when he came 15 seconds after Sae Ra left.

"She left. She saw me showing the boys an old pic of hers?", Luhan shrugged and walked back to the living room.

"What kind of photo?", asked Sehun irritated. "Where she looked like a big old fat cow!", answered Luhan loud.

"WHAT? YOU SHOWED THEM THIS PHOTO?", he shrieked and looked scared around. "Where is she? Where the heck is she?", he walked outside and ran the street down, but you were nowhere to see. *Damn it!*, he tried to call you, but you wouldn answer.

He walked back to the house and faced B.A.P. 

"How did she react when you found out?", he asked.

"Angry. Very angry." *And deceived*, thought Yongguk sad.

"That's not good.", Sehun shook is head. "She has nowhere to go. Otokae."

"Stay calm, Sae Ra knows what she does. Sooner or later she'll come back. As you said, sha had no where to go. So she has to come back.", insured Himchan.

4 days had past, but still no one had seen you.

You weren't even at school.


Sehun and B.A.P were worried sick because of you. You had turned your phone off so no one could reach you. It was like you were gone.

Daehyun, Himchan and Youngjae tried not to show it that much, but Zelo went almost crazy.

"What if she is injured?", he asked.

"What if was in an accident and doesn't remember?"

"What if she's dead?", he shrieked and Sehun hit the table hard. "SHUT UP!", he shouted. Seen Sehun that terrifying scared Zelo and shuted up immediately.

"She isn't dead idiot.", Sehun said angry. He sighed and rubbed his temples. Since you left, he had an annyoing headache.

Suddenly his phone started to ring and he hopefully picked up. "Hello?", he asked.

"Sehun! Let's go clubbing today.", said one of his friends. *Why isn't he Sarah?*, he thought annoyed.

"No intressted.", he said blankly.

"Come one, you have to go with me! Do you remember the transfer student Emily? The foreign girl from Italie? She finally wants to date me. I need you to show some of our dance moves, and for this I need you! Please, ok? Please~", he started to whine and making aegyo sounds.

"Ok, I come.", he gave in. Aegyo had always affected him and it still does. Unfortinutely.

He hung up and looked at the boys infront of them. They saw on Sehun's face that it wasn't Sae Ra and hung their heads low. Somehow Sehun felt sympathy for them. They were also kind of concern because of Sae Ra.

"I go clubbing today. Does someone want to join?", he asked and they all looked at him in shook.

*And he calls himself bestfriend? Clubbing while your bestfriend is lost?*, thought Jongup in disbelief.

Sehun saw their faces and shook his head. "I don't mind. I can go on my own."

He stood up.

"No, wait.", said Himchan and stood also up. "I'll join you."

"HYUNG!", shrieked Zelo disappointed. "We waited for 4 days already. I'm sick of this atmosphere. I want to have fun now.", Himchan stated.

"He's right. Count me in.", said Daehyun and stood also up.

"Me too.", said Yongguk and everyone looked at him in disbelief. He sighed.

"You know that Himchan drinks a lot and Daehyun will only get in fights if he flirts with too many girls who already have a boyfriend. Even if I don't like it, I have to look after you." 

They all undestood his reasons.

"Ok, than I'll stay with the maknaes.", said Youngjae.


The club was big and full with people.

They danced to the good beats and some of them were already drunk.

Because Sehun had promised his friends to do some special moves for his girlfriend they seperated from Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun.

"What do we do?", asked Yongguk.

"I'll go and get something to drink.", answered Himchan.

"I'll get a girl.", said Daehyun and looked around for a candidate. *Oh boy*, sighed Yongguk and shook his head.

But they all stopped in their tracks when they heard the DJ making an anouncment.

"So my party people, how are you?", asked the DJ and people yawled as response.

"Are you ready for our great GoGo dancers?", the crowed yawled again and the dancers came out. 

They had masked on their faces and danced happily and y to the beat which made some men go crazy.

After a few minutes the DJ announced that the GoGo-Dancers will give some s and immediately the arms rosed up.

"Who do we take....hmmmm...this young man here!", he pointed to Yongguk who hadn't had rose his hand unlike Daehyun.

He shook his head but a GoGo- Dancer had already come to take him to the stage.

So he gave in and sat down on the chair.

He was so embarrassed and couldn't believe what they were doing to him. Every men would like it, yeah die for it, but not Yongguk.

Females should behave like that. They should study, get a great job and taking care of the family and not trying to harden .

Another female came and dance towards him, but she froze and looked kind of shocked. Yongguk titled his head in irritation.

"Her face is so awfull familiar. Where have I seen her before?", but it was too dark see good and she had a mask over her eyes and the half and nose.

She gave Yongguk her , but it wasn't dirty as the other 2 girls who had done it. In fact it wasn't dirty at all. She didn't even touched his lap with her . She made it quiet short and left with a big applause from the crowed.

Finally Yongguk could leave the stage and sighed in relieve. What a torture!

"And hyung, how was it?", smirked Himchan.


"Really, you are the only man, who doesn't like things like that. I mean...hello? .", said Daehyun as a mtter of the fact and shook his head.

"How will you ever get a girlfriend when you are such a scaredy cat."

"Yah! You punk, watch it!"


*What are they doing here? Oh no, no, no,no!*, you shrieked inwardly.

You were one of the freaking GoGo-Dancers and now these morons were here. Damn it! Damn everything.

But you couldn't leave the place. You lived there. Yeah you lived in a ing club! You had nowhere to go and you would never return to LuJerk and B.A.P s, so you pleaded your boss to let you leave here. He just demanded of you to dance every night and you would get lower paid because you wouldn't pay and rent to live there, so you just accepted. Sleeping under a bridge is nothing for you.

But now THEY were here. *Otokae?*, you jumped up and down and tried to find a solution.

"Wow, in the light your body is much better.", said a maly voice behind you and you turned around. Just a drunked idiot.

"You're drunk, please leave me alone sir.", you tried to be as polite as possible in that situation.

"Don't you want to have some fun?", he asked and came closer. You rolled your eyes. Why now?

"No, I don't want to have fun. So leave me-AH!", he had pinned you again the wall and put his hand under your skirt "Don't be like this. I know you want it.", he squezzed your and you struggled immediately against him, but he was stronger even in his drunk state.

"Let go!", you yelled but he refused, when suddenly a hand had turned him around by his shoulder and punched him against the face.

The drunk man fell immediately on the ground.

"If a woman says let go, than let go."

Shaking you looked up and saw the one you expected the last. Baekhyun.

"Sae Ra?", he asked shocked. "Y-You are a GoGo-Dancer?" *Oh no crap!*

"I-I...", you didn't knew what to say. You were ashamed and still scared because of that on the ground. He didn't moved, so he was gladly completly knocked out.

"L-Listen you have to help me Baekhyun.", you pleaded but not looking to his face. "The new boys who transfered in our school are here and-", but suddenly, he turned you around so your body was pressed against his and he ducked your head down to his neck.

"Don't move.", he whispered in your ear and and also ducked his head in your neck. You could feel his lips against it.

You wanted to push him away but you heard someone akwardely clearing his throat.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to disturb...", you recognized Yongguk's voice and almost fainted. *Please don't recognize me*

After a few seconds, Baekhyun pulled you back and smiled softly. "He's gone."

"T-Thank you.", you couldn't believe that he was still smiling at you even after he found out now. But you felt really ill when you looked at him. *He will tell everyone. Not that everyone does know now that I was a fat, but also that I'm a GoGo-Dancer. I'm done.*, you shaked in fear.

"What's wrong?", he asked gently.

"You are going to tell everyone that I'm working here."

"Do you really think I'm that mean?", he looked sad but you looked at the ground. "Look I won't tell anyone of what happened today.", he sighed tired. "Honestly, I wanted to apologize."

You looked up to him. "Apologize?"

He nodded and now he was the one who looked at the ground. "I shouldn't have talked to you so in public. Than you would maybe haven't been in trouble because of me."

At first you didn't remembered what he was talking about but then it hit you.

The time, when his 'friend' wanted to hurt you and Yongguk rescued you.

"Oh that.", you shook your head. "It's ok."

"No, it's not. And I'm really sorry." He looked at his watch.

"I have to go now.", you nodded. "Don't be scared. I won't tell anyone. I promise.", he smiled again and was about to go, when he stopd himself.

"And by the way...", he said "I won't bother you anymore at school. So please come back, ok?", with an encouraging nod he left your side.

*Sweet Baekhyun. He thinks I didn't go to school, because of him. Pabo.*,you smiled to yourself and went outside.

You needed some fresh air.

You bumped into someone chest and looked up. You gulped in fear. *Crap*

"You", pointed Sehun with Yongguk, Daehyun and Himchan behind him. "Are in BIG trouble."


Yeah, here a new chapter...again quiet sad, I'm sooooorry! But tomorrow you know...I like drama :D
I think without drama everything is quiet boring, but I'll update tomorrow too and being less a drama queen *faints*

Hahaha! Ah and thanks for the comment! It's good to know that some people like my writing ;P

See ya tomorrow :D


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~