Getting the worst one

Don't hate me because I'm different

There was he. Sitting alone and eating his sandwich. Hehehe.

You lay in wait like a wolf for a lamb.

You're so getting this jackass, this was for sure. 

Maybe everyone askes themselve why you're getting these idiots who don't even know how to dance.

Here is the answer: First of all,  it was easy to threaten them. The others didn't had such a big name in the school like them. So they would get easy embarassed. Not that you would show anyone the pictures but ...yeah, how you said, it's the easist way to threaten them.
Second: They always give they're best. Always. Yongguk in sport, Daehyun in charming every girl and Himchan in looking pretty.

Ok, ok. Maybe it doesn't sound that good for Himchan, but really, he's always with a mirror in his hands and always looks good. Simply an ulzzang. And also this effort of beein pretty was a big thing. You're sure he takes longer in the bath than you...

So you're sure that if Zelo, Jongup and you teach them how to dance, they would become great dancer. With power and sweat...also when you think Himchan will get a problem with sweating...

But enough of it! Back to your little lamb.

You sat infront of him. Looking dangerously at him. Slowly he looked up. When you saw your deathfull gaze he lifted an eyebrow.

"What the hell do you want here?", he asked annoyed.

"Threaten you.", you answered honstely.

"Threaten me?", he repeated. You nodded simply.

"Wow, now I'm interested. How do you want to threaten me, monkey?",asked Youngjae curiously.

"First of all don't call me monkey, idiot.", I demanded. All of sudden he leaned closer, his face showing amusement. "Monkey.", he said slowly.

If your color weren't that dark, he could have seen how red you had become. Really, you were cooking inside.

"So, monkey.", he began, again emphazising the last word slowly. "Threaten me."

"Yoo Youngjae.", you started. He opened his bottle with water and began to drank. He didn't even TRIED to pay attention. So you just continued.
"You're one of the best students here in school. Good grates. Prices for the best math tests and debatting."

"Seems like a complement and not like a threat.", he gave intelegent back. *Smart alek*

"But!", you pointed out.

"Uh. Wow. No comes the big old 'but', which should make me shiver am I right?", he laved sarcastically.

*Calm down Sae Ra. His worth it. You need him. Calm dooooooooooown*, you breathed in and out.

"How I just stared. But..."

"You're really slow monkey, could you please hurry up? Lunch will be over before you even started to threaten me."

"What if the teacher would know that you fake excuses, and right homeworks for other students?", you asked evely. Deep in your heart you felt sorry. You really didn't wanted to take this one. You knew the truth why he did the fakes and copys.

He didn't answered. He just looked pale at you. You tried to be as calm and cold as you could. Looking back with a pokerface.

You two were sitting like this 2 minutes before he whispered, with his gaze down: "It isn't my fault."

"I know that Youngjae.", you sounded softer and warmer what you really didn't wanted, but it just happened. Sometimes you showed your nice   side even if you didn't wanted. You tried badly to get your hard, cold self back.

"But hey, I don't care. The fact is, that you did it, and that's it."

"But they told me to do it. I had to. Otherwise they would have had me beaten up.", he was looking still down. "And I don't want this anymore."

*I know. And I'm so sorry. Really really sorry. I know how you fell, Yoo Youngjae, I really know.*

"Just how I said. I don't cared, you did it. Point."

"They threatened me, just like you now.", you looked slowly up to see my face. His face was still pale, but it looked more sad than angry, and this really hurted your heart.

"Yeah, but my requirement, is very simple."

"What is it?",he asked hesistated

"Dance with me.", I answered. He blinked a few times. He wasn't sure if he heard right. "W-what?"

"Dance with me in a group. I already have some members. There's one position left...and I need you."

He blinked again a few times. "I don't believe you."

Ok, now you were the one who was irritated. "Why don't you believe me?", I asked curious, not expecting this answer.

"Look at me.", he demanded. So did I. From had to toe. "Yeah, so what?", I asked.

"I'm fat.", he said. "I'm fat and you want me to dance?"

You blinked a few times. Then you burst into laugher. This was really the funniest thing you had heard. Not what he said, but how he said it. Full with conviction.

He looked angry at you. "And now you're laughing at me, because I'm right."

You calmed down but your smile was still on your face. "Because everyone tells you you're fat, you really believe in it, don't you?", you shook your head amused. "Your confidence is zero Youngjae."

You stood up and looked down to him. "Meet me at 6 p.m. in the little skatepark, the one which is nearby our school. Don't come late, or our teachers will know about your little...rebellion."

You turned to go, but stoped then and looked back to him. "But if the opinions of others really interests you that much. Late me give you my opinion." He looked at you with curious eyes. "For me you're not fat Yoo Youngjae. You're just lost in this immature world which thinks making others feel bad, would be the best thing to feel better by themselfs." you sighed. "You're not fat, just lost." You turned around and left the stunned Youngjae. *She...she really thinks I'm not fat.* He felt something warm and comfortable in his heart which in this moment he really didn't wanted to loose.

You walked down the corridor and and thought of the talk you had with Youngjae. He was also just an immature guy. *I'm fat*, you repeated his words and sighed. *Yeah maybe you're not the thinest one, but defently not fat Youngjae.*

"You looked stressed today.", said a nice voice next to you. You jumped in surprised and bumped into a locker with you back.

"Omo. Are you hurt?", Baekhyun ran towards you and looked at you concerned.

"I'm fine. You just surprised me.", you answered honstely. "You always come from nowhere. Please stop that."

"I'll try.", he smiled at you. 

You didn't felt comfortable that he was smiling at you. Any time, someone could come and seeing him with you. He would just get in trouble.
So you tried to sound pissed, that he would really fast left your side.

You cleared your throat. "Anyway, you're bothering me. Leave now."

He frowned. "Oh really, what were you about to do?"

"I...", oh damn it, you had no idea. You surched for a reason, when a smile appeared again on his face. "I knew it. Liar."

"I'm not.", you said angry. Saying that you were a liar. Tsssk.

"You are.", he pointed out.

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"That's so childish!"

"Yeah, because you know, that I'm right."

"You're not!"

"I am!"

You were just about to disagree again, when a girl came from the corner. Looking at you and Baekhyun. *Crap.*

"Oppa!", the girl called and walked towards you two. You took some steps back.

"Why are you talking with this foreigner monkey? Does she bother you?", she looked at you. She was obviously older than you. I couldn't say a thing, it would be disrespectfull.

"Yah, monkey! Don't dare talking to my oppa again, arasso! Or I will beat you up", she yelled at you.

You bowed. "I'm sorry."

"Who allowed you to talk huh? Go and don't dare coming near him again!"

You shut your mouth, bowed again and left as quickly as you can.

Meanwhile Baekhyun was glaring at the girl on his side. "Eunbyul. I talked to her first, not the otherway round."

She looked shocked at him. "Why do you talk with this monkey? Or you know what? We just forget what happend and having lunch, arasso?", she suggested, taking Baekhyun's arm and trying to drag him with her.

He pulled annoyed away and left the same direction as you did. Dumbfounded the girl looked after him. *Did I say somethin wrong?*

You were sitting on your favorite bench and looking straight. School was really hart, but you were stronger. You were a victim, but you tried your best not feeling like one. Just keeping thinking of other things.
Like the great time you had in america, with your friends there. Doing stupid things and laughing all the time. No stress just happyness.

"I'm sorry, Sae Ra.", said Baekhyun next to you. You forced yourself not to smile. How you just earlier, he always appears from nowhere and always finds you.

You didn't answered, but you knew that it wasn't his fault. It was just, that you didn't wanted to get in trouble. Not just for yourself but also for him. He was a really nice guy though.

You stood up and bowed. "Baekhyun-sunbae, I really don't want to get in trouble. So please stop talking to me."
You straighted up and you were about to go, when he hold you wrist. "Just one last thing.", you waited.

"I heard you laughing again. Please continue...being happy."

You looked up to him, and one tear left your eye. As fast as you could, you whiped it away and bowed, before you ran away to the restrooms.

This was the first time that someone really cared for you here in korea. For your happyness. And you couldn't even say thank you. Without any noise, you let your tears run free.


Hey there :D
So this is my second fanfic. I hope you like the beginning.
Anyway, I have a questions to my readers.
Should I maybe stop writting title for the chapital and just write numbers?
that you don't already know from the beginning what will happen in there?
I would be greatfull if you give me an answer, also privite :)

Oh and maybe I won't be able to write soon again. I had vacation and on monday school is starting again.
And I have to be better in school :P
yeah, but I hope you keep on reading. :DD
Be your day blessed ;D


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~