
Don't hate me because I'm different

In the moment everything was almost perfectly fine.

Weeks had past and you and the boys had grown attached to each other. In the beginning of course you tried hard to avoid them but they wouldn't back off.
They would wake up at the same time like you, eat with you together, bringing you to laugh while playing games with them.
Zelo was more than happy to have a femal dongsaeng now, that he started to give you  kisses on the cheek as greeting in the morning and as goodnight in the evening. At first Himchan and you scolded him but as Daehyun also started to give you kisses on the cheek you kept quiet. Why fighting with two guys who are first of all much stronger and second sometimes very adorable if they wanted.
One by one started to give you kisses on the cheek or forehead...expected Youngjae.

Oh speaking of Youngjae! It was a big surprised for you that he really indured your hard training. Sure at first it was really tiring working with him. He complained so much and often said he would give up, but after throwing a tantrum he would keep quiet and continue. Now, step by step he got skinnier and not even him and you noticed it but also his Hyungs.

You had promised him not to tell his Hyungs that he was on a diet and you would keep your promise. But the boys weren't stupid, they noticed that you cooked more healthier for them, especially for Youngjae. They saw how you glared every minute at him when he even dared looking at the coke Zelo or Himchan were drinking, how you and him would go out and coming sweating back, or coming with clothes which should be to tide for him.
But they kept quiet. They didn't wanted to ruin the mood somehow. In their eyes everything was now perfect.

But for you only almost.

Your classemates were still mean to you. Even if B.A.P would interfer all the time, they just kept on. It was too fun to so you annoyed or angry. 

But the thing what annoyed you the most was that you were still unemployed. You needed money. Heck, yes you needed money. You have gone to your boss to beg him to take you back as a dancer but he would just scream at you and kick you out.

Of course you and Sehun have stopped arguing but you still blamed him a bit for loosing your job.

"MORNING~", beamed Zelo while entering the kitching and giving you a wet kiss on the cheek. Immediately you rubbed your cheek disgusted.

"Yah! Can't you just greet me like every other normal person in the world?", you asked annoyed.

"No, I can't.", he said happy and sat down on the table and started to eat.

You shook your head amused and looked at the newspaper.

"Morning.", one by one entered the kitchen and gave you a kiss on the cheek or forehead. "Morning.", you sighed and pushed the newspaper away.

"What's wrong?", asked Yongguk beside you.

"I'm looking for work but there's none for me. I'm too young.", you pouted.

"Look how cute dongsaeng is~", said Zelo and imitated your pout.

"Yah! Stop imitating me!"

"Stop imitating me!"





"Do you want to get beaten up?", you asked in english and raised an eyebrown. He tried to imitate your english accent but gave up and everyone started laughing.

*So childish*, thought Himchan and shook his head.

"Is there really no other work for you?", asked Jongup sympathetic. You shook your head and rested it on the table. "And my old boss won't take me back as a dancer."

"It's better like this.", said Yongguk with a tight jaw. "I can't even understand why you even begged to come back.", said Youngjae who just entered the kitchen.

"Good morning to you too Youngjae.", you said with an attitude and he stuck out his tongue. He took the seat beside Jongup and Himchan and started to eat his cornflakes.

"Whatever.", you sighed. You stood up from your chair and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?", asked Himchan.

"To the hospital.", you answered.

"Wait for us, we are coming with you!", cheered Zelo and ate faster. Himchan hit his head and he immediately slowed down.

"No stay here. I come back soon, so we can start practising our dance Warrior and No Mercy.", you smiled and took your jacket.

"But if we help you, your work there will be faster done.", explained Jongup also hoping coming with you.

"I won't have there much to do.", you muttered. They all looked confused at you.

You sighed deeply and explained: "I'm planning Soo Ha's funeral.", and you turned around to leave the house, before they could see the tears in your eyes.

The boys looked sad at their plates. They didn't wanted to eat anymore.

"It was the first time that she mentioned his name in front of us after his death.", said Himchan sadly. Everyone nodded.

"I would really like to help her, but she never speaks of her problems really.", pouted Zelo. 

"She doesn't want to worry us.", explained Jongup and took his plate. "Let's do her a favior and clean the house.", he suggested. "Because I think when she comes back home, she'll be really tired. Emotionally.", everyone nodded in agreement and started cleaning the house.

After 3 hours you were back home and you were surprised to see the house so tidy.

"Did you tidy up?", you asked the boys and they nodded. You sat down next to Daehyun on the couch while watching him and Youngjae playing Mario Kart.

"How was your day?", asked Himchan all of sudden. You closed your eyes and leaned back. "Tiring.", you answered.

"What did they say?", he continued gently. He wanted you to tell them what was bothering you. You were still too secretive for his taste.

You put your arm over your eyes and sighed.

"They said they won't do a funeral for him.", you finally confessed. "WHAT?!", they all yelled at the same time and Youngjae stopped the game.

"They won't do a funeral for him because he is...I mean he was an orphan. They say no one will pay the funeral not even the government.", you sighed again, still your eyes closed with your arm. "They mean, they also won't accept any money because they would donate his organs at people who don't have enough money."

You opened your eyes and rubbed your temples. "I don't know if I should be angry that he can't have a funeral or happy that his death wasn't at least worthless."

The boys didn't know what to say. This was clearly unfair but it would help people so...ARGH so frustrating!

"We are sorry.", whispered Daehyun. You shrugged. "You don't have to be. That's reality.", you stood slowly up. "I'm going to sleep now. I'm extremly tired."

"Oh wait!", said Zelo all of sudden and you turned your head to him.

"I know, it's not the right time.", he rubbed his neck. "But Sehun-sshi called. He said he might have found a work for you. You should call him immediately."

"Yes, you're right maknae, wrong timing.", Daehyun shook his head at him and Zelo looked down.

"No, it's ok.", you assured. "I'll call him now."

You took your phone and waited for him to answer.

"Finally!", Sehun answered the phone.

"Hey, Sehun.", you greeted.

"Did Zelo tell you?", he asked.

"Yes. What kind of work?"

"In a restaurant, they are looking for a femal waitress who can speak english."

"Oh great. That should be me. What's the name of that restaurant?", you asked.

"TaeLu Restaurant.", he confessed.

"You are kidding me.", you said with a low voice and the boys turned their heads to you.

"No I'm not. Look, I talked with Luhan and he's sorry for his stupid behaviour-"

"And now he want my forgivness by giving me a job at HIS restaurant? Forget it!", you yelled in the phone.

"Don't be like this. He's really really reallly sorry. Look he almost managed a job for you! You just have to-"

"No. Never in my entire life I'm not going to work for that jack-", suddenly Yongguk took the phone out of your hand.

"What's up?", he asked Sehun and Sehun started to explain the matter. You tried to get your phone back, but no way. Daehyun had stopped you by sitting on top of you.

"Get up!", you shriek but he didn't budge.

"Ok, we'll be there.", answered Yongguk and hung up.

"You can get up Daehyun.", said Yongguk and so he did. You glared at Daehyun and raised your arm. "Hit me just once and I sit on top of you with Youngjae.", he threatened and Youngjae smirked badly.

You gave them both a glare and stood up. "I hope, you'll have fun in the restaurant, but I-"

"...come with us.", continued Yongguk.

"Don't be so stubborn and just try it ok?", tried Himchan now. "You need money, you can't go on like this."

"I can. Watch me.", you said challenging and walked past him.

"I heard they pay well~", sang Yongguk and you stopped. "How good?", you tried to sound normal, but Yongguk new that he got you.

"Three times better than as a dancer."

"Did Sehun really say that?", you asked curious. He nodded eagerly. "But if you don't want it, I'll call Sehun and-"

"No, stop.", you sighed. "What did Sehun say exactly?"

"You have to wear something modern, but still typical korean girl."

"Can I wear pants?", you asked but you knew the answer.

"He said: "If she even thinks of waring pants tie her up and spill cold water all other her face and cloths." ", he repeated.

"Zelo, get the rope", Yongguk advised and Zelo stood up.

"What the hell! No! I'll wear a skirt ok!", you yelled and ran upstairs to hide yourself from these crazy boys.

They laughed at you and started the game again. "What do we have to wear?", asked Jongup. "Suits." "Really?" "Yes." "Oh."

"What do you think, she'll wear?", asked Zelo again.

"I don't know, but she has a good taste actually. It'll be something that suit her personality for sure.", stated Youngjae and everyone looked at him.

"I-I mean, I think so.", he stuttered.

He looked up to the stairs when no one was paying attention to him. *How does she look in a skirt*, he asked himself and continued playing the game.


"Are you ready?", called Yongguk.

"Almost!", you called back. "Seriously, why do girls take so long?", asked Youngjae annoyed.

Himchan shook his head at Youngjae: "If you would know what girls have to do to look good. Putting cream on and make up, doing something with their hair, the right accessories, the shoes-"

"Wow Hyung you really know a lot about it.", stated Daehyun but got immedately hit by Himchan. "So what? I better undestand them instead of trying to flirt with them."

"What's wrong flirting with girls?", asked Daehyun annoyed.

"Save it.", said Yongguk annoyed. "How do I look?", asked Jongup when he came down the stairs.

"You look good!", said Himchan proud. "And me?", asked Youngjae.

"I'm surprised that it fits you now!", said Daehyun impressed. *Me too*, thought Youngjae happy.

"But Zelo..are you sure you want to go like this?", asked Daehyun and titled his head. "Why not?"

"Seriously, you look like a sheep.", laughed Himchan and Yongguk joined in. "Hey, it's cool with the cap!", he whinned.

"Are you guys, ready? I just want to get the job and go home."

They stopped talking and looked up at you. *WOW*

"I had no skirt left...or let's better say a skirt that wasn't too short."

You looked at the boys and they were all nice dressed. "Wow, you really hit the bulls eye of the dress code.", you laughed.

"You all look good.", you complimented, but nothing came back.

They just looked at you with open mouths. "Are you...are you ok?", you asked a bit confused.

"Y-Your dress.", stuttered Jongup and cleared his throat.

"Isn't it good?", you asked and looked down. "Oh man, you're right, I think, I'm completly underdressed. Wait, I'll be right ba-"

"No!", he stopped you and you looked up at him and the boys faces. They had all blushed a bit.

"I-It really s-suits you.", complimented Zelo and rubbed his neck embarrassed.

"Thanks.", you smiled. "So it really is ok? Not too...boring? Because you should know it's Luhan's restaurant and they always like it a bit-"

"You look really good.", assured Yongguk. You sighed in relief. "Then let's go now."

You walked past them, while your hips moved unknowingly y from side to side.

*Oh dear lord.*, praid Daehyun. *Please help me not to fall for her long and y legs and hips. Help me not to think to ert. Oh lord-*

"Are you coming?", asked Himchan and he stopped his pray.

You hoped really everything will be how you wished it. Having a nice evening with B.A.P and getting a job.

But you didn't knew who would come too.


"So you're finally here.", said Luhan with a forced smile. "Nice dress.", he complimented.

"Yeah, whatever.", you looked away. Yongguk lightly elbowed you. "We are glad to be here. Thanks for the invitation.", said Himchan politly and Luhan nodded.

"Have a seat.", he suggest and they sat down on a table near a little stage. You were sitting next to Sehun who had also come and next to Daehyun who felt like dying.

*Please god. Don't let her cross her legs, please don't let her cross her legs, please don't-"

And yes, you crossed your legs and Daehyun was sitting on the side where your leg was now extremly exposed.

*Why are not with me today?*, he whined inwardly.

He breathed in and out. He had a hard time not touching your leg.

*Oh lord, please don't let me get ert thought, please don't let me get ert thoughts, please don't-*

"Daehyun-sshi.", you called him and he looked up. "Can you please give me the salt over there.", you asked and he reached out for it.

"Thank you.", you said when he gave you the salt and patted his thigh lightly. 

*Ok, and here are my ert thoughts.*, he thought and stopped fighting against it.

"Let me introduce you to someone.", suggest Luhan and you stood up, much to Daehyun's displeasure. You followed him and started talking to the boss of the restaurant.

"I hope, she'll get the job.", said Sehun all of sudden. "She will.", assured Yongguk and Sehun cracked a smile.

He hated the boys, but Yongguk...Yongguk was ok.

"Good evening everyone.", greeted a voice and the boys looked to the stage. They saw a young guy standing on the stage. He was so awfull familiar.

"Doesn't he go to our school?", asked Zelo.

"Oh yes. It's this D.O. guy.", said Daehyun and gave D.O. a glare. But D.O. didn't saw it, he didn't even recognized the boys.

"Since I see new faces here, I'll introduce myself.", he bowed. "My name is Kyung Soo, but you can also call me D.O. I'm the main singer here in the restaurant. Have a good time.",he bowed down again and he started to sing.

His voice was really clear and soft.

"Do you think, he sings better than me?", asked Daehyun and Youngjae Zelo at the same time. "Never.", he answered and the boys nodded satisfide.

When D.O. stopped singing he introduced another singer.

"I go to the restroom.", announced Sehun and left.

"He had extra come from the United States. Please give a big applause for Chanyeol!", he clapped his hands and so did everyone.

A very very tall guy came on the stage and bow.

"Good evening everyone. My name is Park Chanyeol. Actually, I'm a rapper...but my singing is also not that bad, so I hope, you'll like it.", he bowed.

He took sat down on a chair and played the guitar while singing.

*How can a boy have such a baby face with such a deep voice?*, asked Youngjae himself. He also looked a bit like a kid, but his voice fit to his looks unlike this boy there.

When Chanyeol stopped singing and left the stage, Sehun had come back.

"Is Sae Ra still talking with the boss?", he asked right away. The boys nodded.

But after seconds he had mentioned your name you were about to come to the table having your phone in the hand. "Look, there she is.", beamed Zelo and everyone looked to you.

You didn't paid attention and bumped into somone. "I'm sorry!" you bowed.

"No, No, it's my fault. I didn't pa- oh my god.", he said all of sudden and you looked up. You froze immediately. This can't be. This is impossible. No. You're just dreaming, just dreaming.

"Sarah?", he whispers and you gulped heavily. This wasn't a dream. He was really staying infront of you. 

"Is that really you?", he whispered again and cupped your face. " changed so much...I", his hands had gotten slapped away, but not by you, but by Sehun.

"You little piece of , what are you doing here?", Sehun asked furious and put you behin his back.

"Long time no see Sehun." greeted Chanyeol. "How were you doing?"

"Do you want to die bastard?", yelled Sehun and everyone looked at him.

"No.", Chanyeol answered . "But I would like to talk to Sarah.", he looked at you. You couldn't stop staring at Chanyeol. This was all so surreal.

"First you have to kill me before talking to her!",he stepped one step closer to Chanyeol but was stopped by B.A.P.

"What's wrong?", Yongguk asked while holding Sehun.

"S-Sae Ra?", asked Zelo unsure and touched your arm. You jerked immediately and ran away.

"Look what you've done!", Sehun tried to push Yongguk aside but Daehyun and Himchan were there to help Yongguk stopping him.

"If you want to cause any trouble then leave this restaurant now.", said a waitress firm and B.A.P and Chanyeol nodded. Sehun was complitely made.

"Come on, let's go outside.", they pushed Sehun towards the door. "You have to cool down."

*What is this bastard doing here? If he dares touching Sarah, I will...*, he thought angry as hell while the boys took him outside.


*He's here. He's really here.*, you thought dispaired. *Otokae?!*, you wanted to cry but you couldn't. 

Why was he here? What has he to do in Korea? Why can't he leave you alone? Why, why, why? 

Your head started aching and rubbed your temples. *What to do?*

"Sarah...", he called. No. No, you won't turn around. "Sarah...", he called again. You closed your eyes and shook your head.

"Please talk to me.", Chanyeol begged.

"Leave. Leave me alone.", you managed to say. "Please look at me.", he said and put a hand on you shoulder.

"Don't touch me.", you pushed his hand away. "Then turn around.", he said firmly.


"I want to apologize."

"Apologize?", you got furious. "For what do you want to apologize, huh? Do you know what pain you caused me, you !", you yelled without looking at him. "I cried months because of you! I felt like dying because of you! You think an apologize is enough?!", you shouted.

"No.", he said and suddenly you felt him hugging you from behind. "Let go.", you tried to push his arms away but he was too strong and you felt too weak.

"But please, listen to me.", he started. "I don't want to!", you yelled. "But I'll still tell you."

"I'm sorry.", he started. "For all the pain I caused you. For crying because of me. To feel like dying because of me. I was stupid. More than stupid. A complet .", with a bit of strength he turned you around.

"But just look at you." he forced you looking at him, by holding your jaw up. "You are so pretty."

"So you admit that I was ugly back in the U.S.?", you laughed bitterly.

"Pabo. You were always pretty. But no one could see it. Your beauty was always inwardly, but look at you now. You managed to show everyone how great you are. I'm so proud of you. Even if you don't want to hear it. I'm so proud of your new pretty self. You are lost star."

Tears ran down your cheek. Star. Star was his name for you back in the U.S. You loved it, more than anything else...and you still did.

"Star.", he whispered and caressed your cheek. "I want you back."

*Impossible.* you shook your head while you tears wouldn't stop. "You hurt me."

"I know, but I want to make up. Please let me be by your side again...please let me be your Channie again."

* Channie...NO! I can't believe his words! Never!*, you shook your head again.

"I was stupid in the U.S. I know now what I did was wrong and I changed.", he breathed in deeply. "If you believe it or not, I changed. And I show, if you want it or not."

Everything was so fast. Suddenly Chanyeol had pushed you again the wall, pinning you on it.  He lowered his head and forced you into a kiss.

You widen your eyes in shock. *NO!!*, everything screamed in you and you tried to push him put he didn't budge. He just hold on your wrists tighter and tried to deepen the kiss.

Second by second you gave in and returned the kiss. When he felt that you wouldn't push him away again and slap him he parted his lips from yours.

"I really had feelings for you Sarah and this time I'll show you them." and he locked his lips again with yours. You didn't struggle you didn't do a thing...just continued kissing him.

Chanyeol. Channie. Your Channie. Your first love. He had changed. He told you. Giving him at least a chance wouldn't hurt you, would it?


So everyone, new character present! Chanyeol! *-*

Hopefully you like it and thanks for every comment!

Love you guys!! <3 <3 <3 Are the bests!


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I just wanted to ask, if the story ' Don't hate me because I'm different' is getting borring for you? Just tell me :)


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Chapter 41: please update
Chapter 40: Aww, Youngjae's jealous! :')
cuteminicakez #4
Chapter 39: ......... U.P.D.A.T.E.......... Its to much to handle
Chapter 39: Ahhhh!! No!! her heart!!! omg omg omg omg! whuts gunna happen!
BobbieB #8
Chapter 39: Okay..there are so many mistakes in this omg.
Chapter 37: omg this makes me go crazy
Chapter 38: What is Baek doing, omfg. ;_;
But yay, love is in the air~~