
This Thing Called Love


Sora’s POV

“I think we should break up”


I let out a small laugh. Baekhyun and his little jokes sometimes get overboard. “Your jokes are not funny anymore.”

“I’m not joking.” he said blankly.

“Stop it, it’s not funny.” my face darkened as he still won’t admit that he’s playing a prank on me.


I shook my head, afraid to say something then suddenly tears started to run down on my cheeks.

Baekhyun sighed. “Get out of this house after dinner. I don’t want to see your face afterwards, I don’t want to see you with my friends and I don’t want you to talk to me at school or everywhere. Let’s act like strangers and let’s forget all the memories that we made together.”

Am I hearing things right? Is he really serious? But why? I stood up and left the room without another word.

Outside, I lean my back on Baekhyun’s door and tears were spontaneously fall down. I took a few minutes to calm myself before I bid my goodbyes to auntie and left the house for good.




All night I did nothing but cry, cry, and cry. I didn’t want to tell my maids and butlers especially to Mr. Kang on what happened that night when they kept asking about it.

The next morning my eyes were swollen and my hair was a mess. This was entirely his fault. I never felt so depressed and destroyed in my entire life. Only he can make me smile, laugh and cry like this.

I wanted to skip classes today but I remembered that today’s our 3rd semester exams. I obviously didn’t studied last night but nonetheless I’ll take the exam.

As I arrived the school people were looking at me. They probably noticed my swollen eyes and my horrible face.

Out of nowhere Sulli and Victoria intertwined their arms around mine.

“We have some bad news for you today Sora-ah.” Sulli said with no sincerity at all in her voice.

“Yesterday we saw Baekhyun and Krystal kissing in the soccer field.” Victoria continued.

Ah, so she was the reason why he wanted to break up with me.

“No need to tell me.” I said without getting affected. “Like I care.” I shook their arms and walked faster to my room leaving them dumbfounded.

Serves them right. Like what Baekhyun said, ‘Let’s act like strangers and let’s forget all the memories that we made together.’

Even if I don’t like his idea maybe I’ll try that for a week. If I manage to survive then we’re officially over.



“Time’s up. Pass your papers.” our instructor exclaimed.

I didn’t take the exam seriously. All the lessons we learned vanished in my brain. I couldn’t care less that I’ll probably fail this semester.

I already passed my paper and I was ready to leave until Suho blocked my way.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

I felt like crying already but I held it in. This is the first time that someone asked me if I was alright after the break up. I always thought that no one would care about me when Baekhyun’s not on my side anymore.

“Get out of the way.” I harshly said.


“I said get out of the way! I want to go home!” I’m acting like the old Sora again. The Sora who never breaks a smile and the one who never wanted a single friend.

“Sora.. what happened?” he worriedly asked.

I ignored him this time and walked pass him. I’m sorry Suho.



Author’s POV

Exams were over and students finally can relax again and rejoice. Krystal with Sulli and Victoria headed to their lockers to return some books.

Krystal opened her locker and found a note inside.



Meet me in the school gates.




“Omo! What’s that?” Sulli peeked on the note. “Aigoo! You’re admirer is waiting for you!” she squealed.

“Go ahead, we’ll wait for you.” Victoria playfully winked at her and gestured her to go already.

With a worried face, Krystal obeyed and went to the perspective meet up.

As they watched Krystal heading outside the building the duo immediately smirked at each other.

“The game’s just getting heat up.” Victoria said.

“Indeed it is.” Sulli grinned.


Sulli and Victoria looked for Sora and found her in the middle of the corridor and quickly they dragged her outside the school’s building.

“Let go of me!” Sora cried.

“You’ll thank us later.” Sulli said with annoyance in her voice.

Victoria victoriously smirked and pointed out the people who were in the school gates. “Look at that.”

Sora gazed at where she was pointing and spotted two people hugging who are not too far away from them.

Sora blinked several times and tears once again started to form in her eyes. Recognizing who were the two people Sora let out an enormous number of tears.

“See that?” Sulli emphasized. “That describes why Baekhyun doesn’t want you anymore. He doesn’t need someone like you who doesn’t even care about him.”

Sora watched how Krystal tightly hugged Baekhyun while she pats his back. Flashbacks suddenly her head. All this time, was he really cheating on her?

She remembered the time when Krystal was all so clingy with Baekhyun during camp, the time when she spotted them hugging each other in the corridor, the time when she saw two people in the soccer field, kissing and this.

One was enough but four was just too much. He has hurt her without him knowing.

What happened to ‘I’ll never leave Sora’s side ever’? Was that promise all a bluff?

Did he only use her to make others feel the pain he had experienced?

Was everything just an act as well?

“Now I understand.” Sora muttered.

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mylovelybyun #1
Chapter 49: I thought baek was dead hmmm m crying but this last chapter make me happy thnk u authornim
Chapter 49: you got me there. glad that baekhyun is alive.. nice story author nim
LostNightingale #3
Chapter 49: *phew* Baek is alive and well! I was about to tear up when I read the previous chapter. Thank you authornim for the happy ending!
Chapter 4: hehehe, Baek's getting on Sora's soft spot~
Chapter 3: Owhhh... so sweet~
Chapter 1: Kkk, Baekkie got ignored ;D
Sora.... don't be too mean to him!!! XD
Chapter 49: I cried so hard...T.T oh how much i really love this story. Thanks for this beautiful story author-nim!
Chapter 49: This is so beautiful :') I'm crying so much right now omgg! bacon is so cute! Thank you authornim for writing this story!