Not You Again

This Thing Called Love

P.E classes were held at the gym (obviously). The girls and the boys are changing into their gym clothes at their locker rooms.

“So what’s your plan?” Victoria asked. She and the others were already done changing. They decided to stay in their locker rooms for a while.

“Simple, let’s hit her in the face with a ball.” Krystal smirked with crossed legs as she was leaning into her locker.

“Good idea Stal!” Sulli high-fived her.

Amber and Luna just kept quiet. They didn’t even know why the others really hated Sora that much and they were planning not to participate on Krystal’s evil plan.

“Yah unnie.. Are you gonna join us?” Krystal raised a brow at Amber and Luna.

“Can we pass? We’re just here to play volleyball…” Luna said.

“Whatever.. do whatever you want. You’ll miss the fun.” Krystal rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room, Sora clearly heard what f(x) was planning on her. Apparently their voices were loud enough to hear their conversation.

“How can they be that stupid..” Sora mumbled. She was also done changing and then headed outside.


“OK! I want people to practice serving. GO!” the P.E teacher announced.

Immediately students made a formation.

On Sora’s right was Amber then Luna and across them were Sulli, Victoria and Krystal.

“Here.” Amber led you the ball.

Sora just kept a blank face as she grabbed the ball out of Amber’s hands.

Sora dribbled the ball twice. She held the ball on her right hand and her left arm was the one she’ll use to serve the ball.

She tossed the ball up and waited to fall on the right position that she can hit it.

As the ball was already right in front of her, she immediately hit it with full force.

The ball was served really high which made other student to stare at it in midair.

Before anyone realized it the ball landed on Krystal’s face real hard.

“ACK!” Krystal fell on the ground.

“STAL!” f(x) yelled. Quickly they went to Krystal as well as the other students except you.

“Seonsaengnim! Krystal is hurt!” Victoria informed the teacher.

The teacher went to Krystal. “Are you all right?”

Krystal shook her head while covering her face with her hands.

“Can someone send her to the clinic?” she asked.

f(x) volunteered. They supported Krystal to stand up and left the gym.

“Ok everyone back to our activity.” the P.E teacher clapped her hands and went towards Sora.

“And as for you Ms. Lee, you can join Mr. Byun at the bleachers.”

Sora unknowingly nodded her head. Her head shifted to Baekhyun, he waved at her but she ignored it once again. She just went to the other side of the bleachers somewhere far away from him.

Sora was watching the other student playing volleyball until she felt a presence beside her.

“Anyeong!” Beakhyun beamed.

“What are you doing here?” Sora coldly said.

“I’m excused.” he simply said.


“I can’t tell you.”

“Then don’t.” she turned her face away from Baekhyun.

“Yah! How can you be this cold to someone who’s willing to be friends with you?!” Baekhyun was pissed at her.

“I don’t need friends. They’re a waste of time.” Sora said still looking at the other way.

“Aishh.. you’ll regret this one day.” Baekhyun said.

Sora didn’t replied. She stood up and went to ask something to her P.E teacher.

Baekhyun just gazed at her and sighed.


It was already lunch time, Baekhyun lost his appetite for a reason.

“You’re not eating?’ D.O asked him.

“Nah.. I’m not in the mood to eat.” he answered.

“It’s probably because he hasn’t befriended the ice princess yet.” Chanyeol snickered and Kai high-fived him.

Baekhyun stood up which made the others looked at him.

“I’m gonna go somewhere to have fresh air.”

Baekhyun left the cafeteria leaving his friends dumbfounded.

Baekhyun decided to go to the rooftop since no one usually goes there, also he needed to find some place for himself.

As he reached the school’s rooftop he found a girl sitting… perhaps sleeping on the corner. She was sitting through the ground and her body was leaning on the wall as her head was hung down low.

Baekhyun immediately went to her. He bended down his body to see the girl's face. He widen his eyes as he recognized her.

“Sora?” he accidentally said it out loud which made him cupped his mouth.

Good thing Sora didn’t move an inch since she’s really a heavy sleeper.

Baekhyun can’t help but smile at the view he’s seeing.

“So you’re always here during lunch time.” he squatted in front of her to see her face clearer.

“You look like an angel when you’re asleep. But too bad when your awake you turn into a scary witch.” he mumbled to himself and quietly laughed at his own joke.

Baekhyun sat beside Sora while observing her face.

He leaned his body through the wall and carefully placed her head on his shoulders.

“Sweet dreams my princess.” he whispered.

Baekhyun closed his eyes and leaned his head on top of Sora’s head.  In a short minimum time he drifted off to dreamland.



Anyeong! Thank you so much for 15 subs! xD 

Love you guys! <3

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mylovelybyun #1
Chapter 49: I thought baek was dead hmmm m crying but this last chapter make me happy thnk u authornim
Chapter 49: you got me there. glad that baekhyun is alive.. nice story author nim
LostNightingale #3
Chapter 49: *phew* Baek is alive and well! I was about to tear up when I read the previous chapter. Thank you authornim for the happy ending!
Chapter 4: hehehe, Baek's getting on Sora's soft spot~
Chapter 3: Owhhh... so sweet~
Chapter 1: Kkk, Baekkie got ignored ;D
Sora.... don't be too mean to him!!! XD
Chapter 49: I cried so hard...T.T oh how much i really love this story. Thanks for this beautiful story author-nim!
Chapter 49: This is so beautiful :') I'm crying so much right now omgg! bacon is so cute! Thank you authornim for writing this story!