The Revealed Truth

This Thing Called Love

After that night Sora couldn’t think of anything other than Baekhyun and Sunyoung. Even at the moment she woke up she can still feel the pain from yesterday.

Sora blankly stared at her room’s window. She was already done doing her daily routine. It was only 6AM but she still doesn’t want to go to school at this time around.

Suddenly she decided to open her nightstand’s drawer and found the picture she stole from Sunyoung’s house.

“So this must be Baekhyun and Sunyoung.” she finally solved the mystery in the photo after two months of trying to figure out who were the people in it.

“Why didn’t she tell me about this?” she mumbled.

In the matter of time her phone vibrated in her blazer’s pocket. She picked it up and saw Sunyoung’s name.


Ahn Sunyoung

Incoming call


Sora didn’t know if she should answer or not. But she realized that she needs to talk to her.

With shaking hands, Sora pressed the accept button and placed the phone on her ear.

“Unnie…” Sunyoung’s voice wasn’t that lively. It was somehow she was about to cry.

Sora just shut and didn’t say anything.

“I-I know you’re mad at me.. Junmyeon told me what happened last night.” Sunyound said with a shaking voice.

“Sorry for being a bad friend. Everything that Krystal and her gang said was all true. I am Baekhyun’s ex-girlfriend. When we were dating I only acted that I have feelings for him. I was only dared by my friends to date him but I never thought that he likes me a lot so I was afraid to break his heart if I tell him the truth. But in the end I still broke his heart.” she faked a laugh.

“I don’t want Baekhyun to be like this. I don’t want him to get hurt because of me. I hope he’ll get over me soon.”

Sora held her phone tightly as she continues to listen to her.

“And Unnie, I’m going to transfer school today, somewhere far from Seoul. I don’t want to hurt anyone else anymore especially Baekhyun, so I made this decision. I hope you and Baekhyun will forgive me someday. This is goodbye for us for now.”

Sora slowly removed her phone from her ear and hang up. She wanted to cry but decided to keep her tears.




“Noona, something wrong?” Sehun asked worriedly.

Sora snapped out of her thoughts and gazed at Sehun.

“A-ah, it’s nothing.”

It was lunch time again, Sora sat with EXO K excluding Baekhyun at the rooftop. Neither one of them wanted to eat. For some reasons they weren’t in the mood to eat their food at the moment.

“I heard Sunyoung dropped out.” Chanyeol said.

“I know..” Sora answered with a gloomy tone.

Sehun noticed how Sora was not herself and hastily wrapped his arms around her.

“Are you alright noona?” he began to rub Sora’s arm.

“Y-yeah.” she stuttered.

“No need to hide it. Just cry.” Kai blathered out.

All eyes were now on him.

“I know you’ve been keeping those tears since this morning so this is the right time to spread it. We’re here for you.” he continued.

Sora’s tears fell down from her eyes. Sehun placed her head to his broad shoulders as he tries to wipe her tears.

Chanyeol patted Kai’s back and said “You’ve changed. We’re proud of you!” he whipped of his imaginary tears and gave Kai a big thumbs up.

“It’s not like that. I just don’t like seeing people having a hard time expressing their true feelings.” Kai protested.

EXO-K rolled their eyes.

“Don’t worry, we’re here for our little sister.” Suho said.

Immediately Sehun and Kai send a glare to their leader.

“And of course, Sehun and Kai are also here for their noona.” he added.

Sora giggled which made the boys smile.

“We’ll treat you bubble tea later.” Sehun beamed.

Sora whipped off her remaining tears and a smile appeared on her face. “I’d like that.”


Meanwhile at Kris’ house…

Baekhyun woke up in an unfamiliar room. He quickly held his aching head as he heard a knock from the door.

The door opened revealing Kris with casual clothes and his usual poker face plastered in his face.

“H-hyung..where am I?” Baekhyun said with a weak voice.

“You’re obviously at my house.” Kris shut the door and sat at the sofa near the room’s bed.

“Why am I here?” Baekhyun kept asking.

“You got drunk yesterday. The boys brought you here so your parents won’t scold you for drinking alcohol”

Baekhyun’s mouth turned in to the shape of an ‘o’ while he nodded his head.

“Do you still love Sunyoung?” Kris asked.

Baekhyun blinked. “Why did you ask all of the sudden hyung?”

“Just answer me, yes or no.”

“I-I don’t know.” He scratched the back of his neck.

Kris literally face palmed at Baekhyun’s answered. At the moment he wanted to punch him for being so stupid but saved the punching for a more reasonable situation.

“Get over her.” those were the only words that he can say as a response.


“Yesterday you went to the bar and abused yourself because of her. You even told us that Sunyoung confessed that she didn’t loved you from the start. What if Chanyeol didn’t call you and ask where you were at that time? By now, I bet you’re at the hospital suffering from physical and mental pain.”

Baekhyun looked down and didn’t reply.

“Stop being so damn stupid over that , you don’t deserve someone like her! You’re killing yourself Baekhyun!” Kris was irritated by Baekhyun’s attitude.

“Sunyoung’s not a !”

“Then what is she? A ?” he raised a brow.


“Tell me, you still love her don’t you?”

Baekhyun closed his eyes and sighed.

Ever since they broke up it’s like his world collapsed. Whenever he sees her with another guy, he gets jealous. He still watched her from afar. He even got jealous over Sora when he noticed they’ve become very close. He still has that feeling from before and it bothers him that he still can’t forget about her until now.

“Unfortunately, I still do.”



Long time no update! 

I'm sorry for making you wait! School is a pain in the . But hey, first semester is over and I've got a lot of free time this month (I think). No worries I'll try to be active again. :D

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mylovelybyun #1
Chapter 49: I thought baek was dead hmmm m crying but this last chapter make me happy thnk u authornim
Chapter 49: you got me there. glad that baekhyun is alive.. nice story author nim
LostNightingale #3
Chapter 49: *phew* Baek is alive and well! I was about to tear up when I read the previous chapter. Thank you authornim for the happy ending!
Chapter 4: hehehe, Baek's getting on Sora's soft spot~
Chapter 3: Owhhh... so sweet~
Chapter 1: Kkk, Baekkie got ignored ;D
Sora.... don't be too mean to him!!! XD
Chapter 49: I cried so hard...T.T oh how much i really love this story. Thanks for this beautiful story author-nim!
Chapter 49: This is so beautiful :') I'm crying so much right now omgg! bacon is so cute! Thank you authornim for writing this story!