Work And Play

You Are Beautiful

Shin Hye looked at the files on her desk,and she could not believe it. Was it only yesterday when she got nothing to do but help out Mrs Cho and do some simple typing and memos. But now she was swamped of to do list and she doesn't know where to start. She didn't know that if her Boss decided to work,and put his mind into something,he can be like a hell.

She took a deep breath and started putting away the file .She still got some notes to type and Memos to do and yes she still has to make a reservation for a certain restaurant for a dinner tonight. She has to do it now before she totally forgets it.

It has been two weeks of hard work for Shin Hye and surprisingly her Boss has been very busy but very professional all those time. None are the mockery or the teasing that he used to throw at her, Now is a totally new Jang Geun Seok who is working in the office. His passion in his travel and to new things,he transfer it in his work. Shin Hye can't help but admired him.And then her intercom buzzed.

"Miss Park can you come in -please." he said. And Shin Hye got up reluctantly as she brought her pads and pens... She found him concentrated on one of the files  as he motioned her to seat down.She sat down on the chair in front of him and waited for him...

"So what your plan for the holiday ?" he asked,still not lifting her eyes from the paper that he is holding.

Shin Hye was quite lost at his question and it was quite unexpected Holiday is not coming until three more weeks and yet she has not made any plan for ,there is nothing to plan,she always spend her holidays with her Aunt,for she got nobody and her Aunt is the only family that she knew. And they just usually spend it in their little apartment ,exchagning gifts in the morning and sharing a Christmas breakfast ,and then her Aint will let her go out with her friends in the afternoon but most of the time,she just stays home with her for she doesn't want to leave her alone especially now that she is quite old.

"Me? Holiday ? I have no plans. And holiday is not until three weeks from now." she said.

"No plans, how about your family ?" he asked.,now looking at her.

"I got none,only my Aunt,so we usually spend our holiday together in our apartment." Shin Hye said.

"I see. No plans of changing the venue for this year?" he asked.

"I don't think so,Aunt Joanne has not been feeling well lately," she said. " Why are you asking ?"

"No nothing,i just want to know what you will be doing for the holiday." Geun Seok said. "And did you made the reservation that I told you ?"

"The dinner for two, yes and it is at seven right ?" she said.

"Good. Now I want you to go home and rest and wait for my call later. " he said. "I think i made3 you work so hard this last two weeks and you deserved a good rest after today. " Shin Hye looked at him with a frown ,wondering what is in her boss mind just now.

"But I still have a couple of things to do,and it is only half past three." Shin Hye said.

"Leave it out for now. All of that can wait. I want you home now." he said.

Shin Hye got up and  wondered if he is sending her home because he too is going somewhere and meeting somebody,hence the reservation for dinner tonight. She wondered what kind of girl does her boss dates. Does he go for somebody sophisticated or to someone that is down to earth kind of girl? Is she pretty with a model figure ? Or is she a simple sweet girl ? She is curious if he will ever go for her kind at all ? She shook the thoughts on her mind.His kind won't go for a girl like her. She looks simple and plain and yes clumsy most of the time .She will go for the girl with self confidence and can walk in high heel without twisting her ankle,unlike her who can't even walk straight in heels and seems to be bumping into something all the time. Somehow she envy the gilr that Geun Seok will be going out with tonight...


Yesung look at the work in front of his desk. Contracts the needs his signature, proposals that need to be reviewed and a thoudands of things. And he just got a call from their office in the U.S and it seems like he has to go before the holidays. He was buying time and was trying to postpone it for at least after the holiday. Holidays are important to him and it is something that his parents has taught him well ,he can enslave himself all throughout the year but take off during the holidays. And yes holiday time is with the family,no matter what. He will be needing somebody,at least one of the managers to go with him too.He thought of bringing Jung myung with him,but he is busy,since he took Geun Young from his department and the new replacement has just started this week.

And as he thought of Geun Young again. She has been good in her new department. In two weeks time she was able to set up the department,hired her assistant,and has sent a file of reccomendations to him,and yet he has to read and study. But for now,the partnership of their company to one of the biggest company in America is taking most of his time.And then there was a knock in his door...

"You may come in." he said.His secretary has gone for the day for it is already half past seven and it is Friday night. He was surprised to see Miss Moon Geun Young  in front of him.

"Miss Moon, is there anything that you need.?" Yesung asked,his mind is still on his forthcoming trip.

"I just want to know if you have read the proposals and what do you think of it ? It has been a week now and i have not heard from you. I am just worried for it is our first report and i want to know the feedback if we are doing the right thing." she said.

Yesung looked at her ,and noticed her shapely body behind that ill fitting suit that she is wearing. Her face is bare and with just a touch of color in her lips.her hair is up in a bun. She lookes older that her exact age with her outfit,and yet he can still the beauty in her. He smiled at the thought. Something must be wrong with him tonight.

He took a deep breath to release the stress and the fatigued that he is feeling right now. "Actually,I have not read your proposals yet. I have been very busy." he said as he stood up,so he can look at her at the same level. "I'll let you know when I have the time to read it. maybe it is better if you can also provide a report to my brother. Maybe I just have to delegate some of this to him,"

Geun Young can see the tiredness in his eyes. it must be hard for him ,and he is still so young to be laden with all these responsibilities. Does he ever knows how to have fun at all ?

"I am sorry,if I seem to eager. I should have known that you are a very busy man. I am sorry Sir." she said "I am sorry to bother you at all."  as she turned around to go.

"Wait a minute. Maybe you can help me here. Hpw about having dinner with me so we can discuss your proposals at the same time?" Yesung said. "Will it be alright with you ? Since you are anxious about my feedback , then at least we can discuss the whole thing together."

Geun Young looked back at him. He looked so tired and it looks like he is needing company too. She nodded her head and smiled/"Yes that is fine with me. A dinner with you it is." ans yesung smiled back at her. Her smile seems to vanish the tiredness and the stress that he is feeling a moment ago....and that is what he needs right now...

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martland #1
Chapter 47: Whoa!! I'm glad you updated this ff. Thank you so much for finishing this story... I really appreciate it.
etiket #2
Chapter 47: hai anne...finally u finish this ff...but how about another 2 sibling...u make it very short..i kind of doubt that this ff is completed...hope u still have update 4 this story
jessie95 #3
Chapter 46: I thought this was finished.OMG! What am i gonna do now :(
martland #4
Chapter 46: I hope you'll finish this story
martland #5
miss this story
martland #6
Chapter 46: Thank you for updating :)
This is more interesting. I'm so glad since this update is about my favorite couple. Whoa! Why did Geun Suk say he'll leave her alone? Will he confess and let Shin Hye choose? I'm waiting for next updates ^^
moiratwentytwo #7
Chapter 46: praise the Lord! this fanfic has already an update. It's been so long. but nevertheless, thank u very much Anne60..Hoping for more updates!
martland #8
Chapter 45: Good for geun young and yesung that they know their feeling for each other now but I wonder how he will deal with Yoona later?
What about the other couple? It seems their misunderstanding quite longer than Geun Young & Yesung's. Really need an update full of them, the younger couple, the more fun couple. I'm waiting for their clear of misunderstanding. Since Geun Suk's getting jealous, I think this will be fun. I love jealous Geun Suk :D
geunshin4ever #9
Chapter 44: oh , i hope shinhye will go with geunsuk on a date in next chap !!!
geunshin4ever #10
Chapter 33: it's so interesting...i'm looking for an update,sooner plz ^_^