Bittersweet - What I want to tell you, my rising star

Heartbabykyu's Wonkyu drabbles









“Are you home already, baby?”




“Have you eaten? Taken your medicine? Have you taken your bath? Are you in bed resting now?”


A soft chuckle halts the rapid firing of questions.


“Slow down, Wonnie bear.”


“Sorry, baby.” He could practically hear the sheepish grin from the other end of the phone followed by an embarrassing chuckle.


“I miss you….” Kyuhyun mumbles softly, thinking that his boyfriend would not be able to hear him.


But Siwon heard him. “I’m sorry, baby boo….”


“Mhmmm…” Kyuhyun mutters non-committedly as he rolls onto his side and sigh tiredly, closing his eyes for a moment to rest while pretending that Siwon is by his side caressing his hair like he would if he is here.


“Congratulations for the successful completion of your musical, darling. I’m so proud of you, my rising star.” Siwon whispers.


“Thank you.” Kyuhyun grinned tiredly, nuzzling the pillow under him, pretending that it is Siwon’s warm chest he is burrowing into.


“Promise me that you will take lots of rest, no starcraft.” Siwon said sternly. “And eat well, take your medication on time.”


“Come make me.” Kyuhyun challenged playfully.


“You sure that’s what you want, baby? You know what a beast I will be if you challenge me like that.” Siwon replied playfully followed by a low growl to emphasize his point.


Kyuhyun burst into giggles, tinkling merrily into Siwon’s ears and gladdening the man’s heart. As the giggles died down, silence follows for awhile longer.


“Will you join me here?” Siwon asks abruptly. He knows his request is impossible for Kyuhyun to fulfill but he still want to ask simply because it is the normal thing to do between lovers….isn’t it?


Kyuhyun pouts in silence. He wished he could say ‘yes’ in a heartbeat. But he knows Siwon is aware too what his answer would be.


The usual realization that the path to their love is filled with too much obstacles tire the younger one out suddenly and Kyuhyun finds himself falling asleep against his will.


“Hey baby?”


“Hmmm?” Kyuhyun murmurs dreamily.


“Thank you for being mine.” Siwon’s voice floats into Kyuhyun’s ears just as he fell deeper into sleep. As he took a deep breath to relax further, he could have sworn Siwon is by his side kissing him gently on the cheek.


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Chapter 13: I was crazy on your stories back then. It was surprisingly cheesy cringy but cute. I love it. I forgot about your username bcos it was very long time. Then I got lucky when I met you on Twitter. Thank you for your stories I hope you will right wk again. Xoxo
Chapter 61: Part 2 pleaseee ㅠㅠ
I love Wonkyu 2019.
Chapter 18: so cuteeee
Chapter 7: please accept my friend request ㅠ.ㅠ
mrs_kyu #6
Chapter 62: It`s sad but it`s sweet but it`s sad haha
I am glad it`s happy ending
WonLGWonnie #7
Chapter 62: T-T so sad to see the plot twist at the end. Poor Kyu to be in coma for a year...and living in his dreams thinking Siwon is the one in coma... I cringed when I read Kyu's slit on his wrist... Ouchhh...! But glad he woke up at the end~ *yeah!!*

And welcome back, though I don't know if you are back for sure. Don't keep hiding under your rock! We missed you! *hugs*
Chapter 62: huhuhuhuuu i love this... Finally kyuuuuuuuuu /SOBSSSS
Chapter 62: That just stabs me in the heart. So heartbreaking yet beautiful ;~;
And how they waited for each other. Lots of luvs❤
Chapter 62: And that's why i didn't comment on your blog >_>
Stay put rabbit or i'll pull the gun!