New place.

Love isn't cruel.

"Your breakfast."

She put the tray at the bedside table. Hyun Joong was sitting on a chair near the sliding door. His back was facing to So Min. Then, he turned around and walked to the bed slowly in pain. After So Min had satisfied of what she could see, she decide to walk out  but then she frozed as Hyun Joong demand her to stay.


So Min stopped. She didn't turned around but all that she did was mimicking an annoying face. Then she turned around and face towards Hyun Joong. So Min couldn't believe as he was standing for few inches in front of her. She took a few steps back and Hyun Joong followed her steps. Every step that they take, making So Min feels anxious. She blinked her eyes for few times as Hyun Joong's face was nearer to her. She could see that Hyun Joong only looked at her lips. So Min bite her lips and after that she stopped taking her steps as she was leaning on the wall. 

"W---What are.. What---"


"Don't you dare to kiss me!"

Hyun Joong remained silence. He knew that So Min would be scared if he do like this. Well, every girls will act like this too. That is why he hate so much the expression of a girl that will quickly get nervous. Hyun Joong looked at her lips and went down to her chest. And then continue to her both hands. He grabbed So Min's right left hand and held it high up as level as her face. 


opened. Really big as she couldn't believe that her hand was bleeding. So this is the main problem why she keep on feeling the pain on her hands. She wondered where the wound came. So Min pulled her hands off from Hyun Joong. She took a looked at his fingers and found that there were a piece of little glass was burried on her fingers. Hyun Joong went back to her bed and grabbed his breakfast.

"So careless. Don't you know about that?"

"So? What do you care?"

"Do I look like I really care about you?"

"Oh then why you show me this wound?"

"If I don't show you, you might be keep on with your stupid dreams. Can't you feel that your fingers hurt?"

"Yahh! You should thank me cause I've gave you your breakfast. And beside, it must be the glass that you broke just now."

Hyun Joong glanced at her. This girl is really insane. How come she doens't realize about her fingers? And oh. The glass that broke cuts her hands? Hyun Joong let out a big sigh and stopped eating. 

"Enough. Come here."

So Min shocked. Go there? Hyun Joong shook his head asking So Min to seat infront of him on the bed. So Min shaked one's head. Hyun Joong patted hard on the bed. So Min still refuse. Hyun Joong wanna shout but his swollen under her chest and the swollen on his face, limits his shouting. 

"Miss Jung So Min-ssi. Come here. Let me see your wound. You wanna get compliments because there were a lot of germs in your blood? Come So Min-ssi...."

Hyun Joong forcely talked nicely to So Min while micmiking a sweet face to So Min. She refused it once again and fissured back  at him.

"You wanna treat me? Haha pity you. You're the one who should be treated after getting beated last night.."

Hyun Joong expression seems surprise. He glanced at So Min. There were no smiley face or smiley eyes formed on his face. He showed his bitterly face to So Min.


"Errr.. Hyun Joong-ah. Sorry, I-- I didn't mean--"

So Min can't continue her words as Mr. Jung knoced the door. So Min looked at Hyun Joong and walked back to the door. 

"Yes father?"

"Mr. Kim had arrived. Have you packed all your and Hyun Joong's stuff?"

"Ahh.. I haven't packed neither of them."

"Okay, packed your things up first. Doctor Shin Woo aslo here to check-up Hyun Joong. Go and prepare yourself. After that, helped Hyun Joong. Arasso?"

"Yes, father."

So Min looked backed at Hyun Joong. He still remained silence. No expression formed on his face. So min walked out from the room and headed to her room to pack all her things up. While packing, Shin Woo was checking Hyun Joong's condition. 

"You are lucky cause your abdomen doesn't cracked. If it is cracked, I think you would not taking any breath for today."

Doctor Shin Woo smiled at Hyun Joong. Hyun Joong just showed his expressionless face to Shin Woo.

"Something going on between you and So Min?"


"Arasso. I bring you some medicine if you have some complication. Take care of yourself Hyun Joong. Oh, and I'll tell Hyun Woo about your moved."


"Yes, moved."


"Some place that there would be no one would harm both of you."

"But... Who plan all this? This is all bull. I don't want to move!"

"Hyun Joong, calm down. It's for your own safety."

"Wait, you know about this noona?"

"Yes. I know every single of the plan. Don't be mad Hyun Joong. There's a reason why you have to do all this."

Hyun Joong feels like wanna scream on top of his lungs but he know he can't. He studded his lips trying to resist his anger. After few seconds, Mr. Kim  arrived in the room. 

"You ready Hyun Joong?"

"Ready for what!?"

"You like it or not, you have to. This is for your own good. I don't want anybody to harm you and So Min anymore. Please, if you don't want to this for me, then do this for So Min."

"Nonsense. Who is she? Why do I have to protect her? Aren't they any other guys that can marry her and will protect her? Why must me? And who are you to force me like this?"

"Don't you dare to be rude to me. I am your father. I know what's the best for you. Now, get ready."

Mr. Kim walked out from the door and head down. Hyun Joong's face turns really red as he tried to hold his anger. Shin Woo who was there seeing the arguments between father and son, smiled at Hyun Joong.

"Don't be mad. One day, you'll know why you have to all this."

So Min extended at Hyun Joong's room and blubbered as she heard someone screaming a while ago. Maybe she was too late and didn't know what happened. So she walked in the room and packed all Hyun Joong's clothes. Hyun Joong wanna stood up but he was struggling a lil' bit and made So Min to helped him.

"I can walk by myself."

He pushed So Min's hand away walked away. So Min felt really guilty of what he had said to him. Never mind, let him cool himself first. Then, I'll apologized to him. Mhmm.










"Where are we going father?"

"You'll go to New Zealand and moved there."

"New Zealand? What the... Father!"


"Don't what me! What is going on here? Why so sudden I've to moved to New Zealand?"

"First, you're getting married there. Second, you're gonna spend your honeymoon there. Third, you have to live there as I've already transfer your new class there."


"So Min, this is for your own good."

"My own good?" Huh. If you think it is, you shouldn't marry me off to Hyun Joong and force me to stay there!"

"So Min, you've already made the decision right to marry him?"

"Yes, and it's all because of your selfishness father. If it isn't you're sick, I would run from house."

"So Min!"

So Min startled as Mr. Jung yelled at her. She had loose her temper and talk what she likes without thinking. Well, it is one of her attitude.



In Hyun Joong's and Mr. Kim's car.


"I want you to kill her."


"You don't like this marriage aren't you?"

"Yes-- But.."

"If you don't like this marriage, you have to kill her. And you'll be free. Besides, you'll get all the shares and profits in Mr. Jung company. Or should I call it, the owner of Royal Holding."

"I-- I didn't understand.."

"Sooner or later you will when you realize that life is all about money and not about love. I want you to kill her as soon as you heard Mr. Jung death news. Then, you can proceed."

"No! I won't kill anyone. Why me? Why I have to kill So Min?"

"Listen here kiddo. You are only my foster child. You live wealthily because of my money. I want you to pay back for what I've bought and gave you. So, to pay back, you have to take over Mr. Jung's company and then debt is done."

Hyun Joong hearts almost drop. Foster child? So I am his foster child? What about his sister? Is she also his own sister or just the other foster child?

"If it takes that I've to jump myself out from mountain, I won't kill anyone. And I will pay back your money. "

"Not so fast. What about your sister? So Ra? Hahahaha"


"Yes, she is your biological sister. She's my ransom. One step you failed, she'll get the pay."

"Leave her alone!"

"No, I won't. I want you to follow my orders then I'll let her go."

They arrived at Icheon airport. Hyun Joong's mind everywhere. Either kill So Min and save her sister, or let So Min alive and let her sister been pay for what he did. He feels like the whole world is dark. He can't do anything unless to follow Mr. Kim orders and kill So Min. He have to. He have to for her sister sake. Besides, he doesn't love So Min so why he have to keep So Min alive and let her sister suffered? Hyun Joong and So Min were brought to the special room to wait while Mr. Kim and Mr. Jung sat at the nearby coffee shop.

"Tae Hyun, I'm sorry for troubling your son."

"It's okay. I hope that So Min will be safe in Hyun Joong's arm."

"So, how's your wife and daughter?"

"They'll be here in any minutes to see Hyun Joong. My wife was really worried about him."

"We should stop Woo Jin. We can't stay like this like cockroaches."

"Just let Hyun Joong and So Min arrived there safely. And then, we'll figure it out what to do next."

Both of them stopped the conversations. They both looked at their tea and coffee and took a sipped on their drink. At the same time, Mrs. Kim arrived.

"Where's Hyun Joong?"

"Aishh yeobo. You startled me."

"Where's Hyun Joong?"

"He's in the waiting room to take some rest. If you want to visit him, my guard will bring you."

"No, it's okay. I'll accompany my wife. You stay here. I'll be here in a short while."

Mr. Kim slitted between their conversation and walked with Mrs. Kim to the waiting room. 

"Have you done what I've ask you to do?"

"He is my son. I would never do that."

"Huh. Your son? Can't remember that you can't pregnant your own child?"

"So what? I love him like my own child. You can't ask him to kill So Min and Mr. Jung."

Mr. Kim stopped and held Mrs. Kim hands and they headed to a place that there were no one.

"Don't forget that I can kill you too."

"Kill me? Go on!"

"Don't dare me! Before I kill you, I want to see So Min and Jin Ho die. Then, I'll kill you. Hahahahaha."

"! I swear I'll kill you if it would takes how many times I die!"

"Well, you should ahve respect me you know. Don't forget that I'll make your foster daughter suffer because of what you did."

"Leave her alone. Don't you dare to touch her."

"I would if you didn't follow my orders."

Mrs. Kim shut . She couldn't believe that her husband would be acting like this because of money. She have to do something. She have to stopped her husband evil plan.  

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Chapter 51: This story is realy sweet n thnx for the happy ending ^_^
JLouisse #2
Chapter 52: Hi! Late reader here ! Such a nice story. Thank you author for this fanfic :)
Now , proceeding to read the sequel :)
kimsojn #3
Chapter 22: Wowo i m late too read but its awesom
nss1991 #4
Chapter 51: awesome story !
Rani16 #5
Chapter 52: hello. I'm a new reader. I
read from part 1 - end. Very
happy, because a happy
ending. At first, many make
the heart worry. Kekeke,
such as Somin in kidnap
incident, Hyunjoong being
beaten. But, the love story
HyunJoong and Somin, very
romantic ^ ^. Although
initially, they have a
relationship that is not
good.hehehe ^^ I particularly
liked the story line that you
created. . Love story. + Love
+ sad + happy + sacrifice,
became one. ^ ^
Chapter 52: and oh, sorry for reading it late.. i really couldn't find time reading the chapters one by one because of school stuff.. sorry! and happy 2013 to you!
Chapter 52: wohooo!! I did a reading marathon of all the chapters wahahaha.. gosh! you're really industrious enough to be updating regularly.. i wish i can have the same attitude (yeah right! dream on, kyle!) hihihi.. thank you for this story.. you were wonderful in writing this with those turn of events.. **clap clap** looking forward for more! :)
reikka #8
Chapter 52: such a beautiful story.. Happy New Year!
chubit #9
Chapter 52: Yeeah!...appy New Year author Eza..Thanks for wonderful story.
Chapter 52: The story is beautiful... different story theme but attractive........ i liked that... thanks for enjoyed us...... feel so happy about the end of the story......