She's different.

Love isn't cruel.

It's almost dark when Hyun Joong and Hyun Woo reached at Soul Hospital. Hyun Joong parked his car near the cafeteria entrance. While walking into the entrance, Hyun Woo saw his sister was sitting near the glass window alone. The two of them approach Hyun Woo's sister and to be surprised, her noona doesn't realize that Hyun Woo has been standing in front of her a few minutes. Hyun Woo tapped his noona shoulder and it gives his noona startled.

"Oh? Hyun Woo?"

Shin Woo starts to come back to reality as she was dreaming and thinking about something.

"Noona, what's up with you? I've been here a while ago and you're still dreaming."

"Nothing. I'm sorry Hyun Woo. I'm just thinking of my patients. Come, sit. Oh and who is your friend here?"

Shin Woo give a look at Hyun Joong with her brown eyes and formed her lips into a smile.

"I-- I'm Hyun Joong. Kim Hyun Joong." Oh god, she is really pretty!

Hyun Joong said while blinking his eyes a few times. 

"Oh hi there. Well, what brings you up here guys?" 

"You wanna know noona? I told him that you were more pretty than the potrait at our house as he was praising you telling me that you are very ellegant and pretty! Haha right buddy?"

Hyun Woo gives a smack to Hyun Joong's shoulder. 

"Omo Hyun Joong, you are so sweet!"

Shin Woo pinched Hyun Joong's cheek that makes him shock and speechless. 

"Sorry Hyun Joong, but if you want to be my boyfriend, I guess just in a another world because I've already have a fiancee. Haha" Shin Woo continue. 

"Huh? Ahh, no way noona. I'm just praising you. There's no connection that I wanna be your boyfriend."

Says Hyun Joong while rubbing his cheeck because of the pain.

"Hello, I'm still here you guys."

Hyun Woo waved at them and smirked.

"By the way, why are you all alone here noona? Don't you have a pal to chit chat with like always?

"Who says I'm all alone here? I'm with someone. But she when to buy some drinks. She'll be here in any minutes."

Shin Woo raised her head up try to find someone that she knew. When Hyun Joong fissured.

"Hey, I think I wanna buy some drinks. Hyun Woo, what do you want?"

"Ahh that's great. Can you buy me a can of Coca-Cola?"

Hyun Woo blinked.

"Arasso. Noona, do you want me to get you a drink?"

"There's no need, Hyun Joong. I already have my Coffee Latte. Thanks for the ask!" 

Hyun Joong nodded. He gives excused to Shin Woo noona and Hyun Woo. He walks to the counter and asked for soft drinks but it was not sells there. The woman who's in charge of the counter said that soft drink was sold at the vending machine at the second floor near the visitor cabin.  While climbing up the stairs, Hyun Joong sees that there was no one at the corridor of the visitor cabin. But then Hyun Joong saw a girl was kicking and smacking the vending machine hard and it makes her falls down. The girl give a loud sigh and gets up and smacked machine the again. 

"Oh god, why does this machine is so stupid? You've eat my money but you don't give me the drinks. Aishhh! Stupid machine!"

Says the girl while pressing the button on the machine continously. 








"Hyun Woo, what brings you and your friends here?"

Shin Woo took a gulped of her coffee.

"Noona, I need some money. I've run out of money."

"Money? Aigoo you little evil. Is that why you come all the way here with Hyun Joong? Where's the money that dad gaves you last few days back then? Finished already?"

Shin Woo gives a death glance to her brother.

"Hehehe. You know noona. I've spent my money to my college needs. These days it's very cost a lot."

"Yeah right. This will be the last time okay? If you need more money go and find a job. Understand?"

"Ahh, noona! This is why I love you tight tight! Kumawo noona. Hihihi"

Hyun Woo gives a hug on her noona's shoulder tightly. 

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Chapter 51: This story is realy sweet n thnx for the happy ending ^_^
JLouisse #2
Chapter 52: Hi! Late reader here ! Such a nice story. Thank you author for this fanfic :)
Now , proceeding to read the sequel :)
kimsojn #3
Chapter 22: Wowo i m late too read but its awesom
nss1991 #4
Chapter 51: awesome story !
Rani16 #5
Chapter 52: hello. I'm a new reader. I
read from part 1 - end. Very
happy, because a happy
ending. At first, many make
the heart worry. Kekeke,
such as Somin in kidnap
incident, Hyunjoong being
beaten. But, the love story
HyunJoong and Somin, very
romantic ^ ^. Although
initially, they have a
relationship that is not
good.hehehe ^^ I particularly
liked the story line that you
created. . Love story. + Love
+ sad + happy + sacrifice,
became one. ^ ^
Chapter 52: and oh, sorry for reading it late.. i really couldn't find time reading the chapters one by one because of school stuff.. sorry! and happy 2013 to you!
Chapter 52: wohooo!! I did a reading marathon of all the chapters wahahaha.. gosh! you're really industrious enough to be updating regularly.. i wish i can have the same attitude (yeah right! dream on, kyle!) hihihi.. thank you for this story.. you were wonderful in writing this with those turn of events.. **clap clap** looking forward for more! :)
reikka #8
Chapter 52: such a beautiful story.. Happy New Year!
chubit #9
Chapter 52: Yeeah!...appy New Year author Eza..Thanks for wonderful story.
Chapter 52: The story is beautiful... different story theme but attractive........ i liked that... thanks for enjoyed us...... feel so happy about the end of the story......