Sehun is my...what?!

"I'm sorry, Sehun-oppa. But that can't happen anymore" she said as she turned to face Lu Han without sparing a glance on me.




I couldn't hear anything else but those words reverberating in my ear. The sound of the crowd was reduced to a murmur. All I could do was look at Chanshi. A shrill and piercing sound completely enveloped all other sounds in the airport. It suddenly felt like I was slipping away.





I jolted upright in my bed, breath coming in shallow gasps. What...


Surveying the surroundings, I figured that I was in my room. I turned to the bedside table on my right.




It took me five good minutes to process what had happened.


"Oh Sehun, wake up now or--" my mom suddenly barged into my room, "you're awake? Then at least turn the alarm clock off!"

I blinked at her and realized just then that the alarm clock had been ringing in the entire five minutes that I sat on the bed. I scrambled to turn it off.




Right after I apologized to my mom for skipping breakfast, I found myself on the road to Chanshi's house. She said that whatever I was going to tell Chanshi could probably wait a few more minutes.


But I already know the value of a single minute now. I won't waste another one.

It was Chanyeol who opened the door.

"Hey, why so early? Chanshi isn't even ready yet" he beamed brightly. Not that he isn't like that everyday, but he seemed unusually cheerful.

"There's just something very important that I need to tell her. You know...what we talked about yesterday during lunch" I fidgeted as he let me enter the living room.

"And it had to be this early?" he grinned even wider. It didn't seem to match the words. He should have sounded appalled, but no. He was elated. Curiosity finally got the best of me.

"Why the extra cheerfulness today? Did something good happen?" I asked him.

"Oh," he chuckled, "well yeah."

"What is it?"

"Chanshi has been ignoring me since we woke up" he declared with spread arms.

"W-wait, what? How's that supposed to be good news? What ha-" I started firing questions but was cut off by the sound I've been dying to hear.

"Sehun-oppa! You're early today" Chanshi walked into the living room, shyly turning her head to the one side as she desperately combed through her wet locks with her fingers. Yes, she clearly made an effort to ignore Chanyeol.

"Sorry, I'm not yet prepared. I thought I still had a few minutes left before you came" she continued, but stopped when I took her hands in hand.

"No, no. It's my fault. I just really wanted to see you right now because there's something I want to tell you" I stammered.

She nodded for me to continue, her eyes on mine. Beautiful.

"Chanshi I...I really, really like you. No. I love you" I began nervously.

"But you see I...haven't been truthful to you. About our relationship. Chanshi, when you got amnesia..." I looked down on the ground, relearning how to breathe. I can't continue.

I can't.

But I felt Chanshi's hand gently squeeze mine and I knew that I could.

"I lied about being your boyfriend," I finally said, "and I am so sorry. I'm sorry for taking advantage of your condition, but I just..." I searched the ceiling for the words.

"I was afraid to lose you. Because I have loved you for as long as I could remember. And now that I have you, I just can't let go anymore" were my words as the first tear rolled down my cheek.

"But I know this is wrong. It's a lie. And now I'm going to lose you because of it. But it's ok, it's ok" I mumbled, convincing myself more than her.

"Because you deserve someone better. Someone who would never lie to you. I know you probably won't forgive me but I hope you understand that despite that lie, my heart has been truthful. My love for you is real. Very real. I...I'm sorry" I finished as I slowly let go of her hands.

I smiled at Chanshi, as much as I could muster. Then I turned to take my leave.

"Don't go" she said.

I just stood there, unable to move. I didn't want to go too, but that's what I am supposed to do right? So that she can move on to better things in life without me. With that thought, I took another step.

"Don't go" she whispered this time, and I suddenly felt her arms around my waist.

"Chanshi..." I muttered as the tears that have been kept at bay finally decided to spill.

"Sehun-oppa, I already knew" she told me.

I faced her with the widest eyes. "W-what do you mean?"

"Chanyeol-oppa told me everything last night and...I thought...what happens to us now?" she began.

My glance went from her to Chanyeol and back to her.

"Why, Chanyeol?" I asked.

"This is all my fault to begin with. It's my job to fix it" he smiled, a mere spread of his lips.

"I'm so sorry, Chanshi" I said.

She let out a dry chuckle and hastily wiped her incoming tears with the back of her hand.

"I...I believe you" she smiled.

"Aren't you...mad at me?" I inquired with a voice thin with surprise.

"Of course I am! Who wouldn't be? But I thought about it really hard and realized that I can't stay mad at you forever. I don't want to waste the time being angry at you, because life is short. I want all of that time to just be...happy with you" she confessed looking back down at the ground.

"And besides, she's ignoring me already" Chanyeol added from out of nowhere.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I blinked.



"Oh look, look!" Chanyeol pointed to the sky "an airplane! Let's make a wish!"

I flicked my finger on his forehead. "Babo oppa. You don't wish on airplanes. You wish on shooting stars!" I said.

He merely shrugged, his grin never leaving his face. "Who said so?"

"Uh well..." I mumbled. I never really thought about that. My brother is right. Everything is up to us. No one really dictates on how you wish...or how you're going to be happy.

Being with Sehun-oppa. That's what makes me happy.



"So he told me that his wish was that when this day finally comes, that I just get mad at him instead of you" Chanshi explained.

"When she started ignoring me, I understood" Chanyeol grinned happily.

"Thank you" I told him.

"Ah, no. A simple thank-you won't do. You still need to do your punishment" he said.

"What punishment?" I asked.

"You lost to me at the noraebang during your surprise birthday party. I haven't given you your punishment. Now you have to do anything I ask you to" he crossed his arms in front of him to display feigned superiority.

I laughed nervously and Chanshi chuckled as she took my left hand.

"Don't be mean, Chanyeol-oppa!" she pretended to scold him.

Chanyeol just shook his head with determination. "Now now, Sehunnie. I want you to kneel."

"What? No! I revoke my decision. You lost in the contest" Chanshi told him.

Chanyeol winked at me with a knowing smile and it was then that I realized what I had to do.

"Chanshi" I called out to gain her attention. She stopped nagging at Chanyeol to face me.

With both her hands enveloped in mine for the second time today, I got down on my knees and asked "Will you be my girlfriend? For real this time."

She chewed on her lip and closed her eyes. Waiting for her answer made my heart miss out on its rhythm.

And when she looked at me with eyes that sparkled from the gloss of her previous tears, she was so beautiful. It was the happiest moment in my life.

"I have always been your girlfriend," she smiled, "yes, Sehun-oppa."

No, I got that wrong. This. This is the happiest moment of my life.

I stood up to pull her into an embrace. Then, I fished out something that I slid into my pocket this morning. You could say I never lost hope.

The pendant from the necklace caught the overhead lights and made it shine. I clasped it around Chanshi's neck and became nervous again.

"Umm...Chanshi. I know t-that we're still in high school and very young b-but..." I tripped over my own words.

"In a few years, I will...ask you to marry me. Please, say yes" I finally said.

She looked at me with an amused expression and laughed.

"Chanyeol-oppa," she called out, "I think the airplanes worked. We both got our wishes now. Mine just came true."



"I'm sorry, Sehun-oppa. But that can't happen anymore" she said as she turned to face Lu Han without sparing a glance on me.


I froze as I watched her put her arms around Lu Han. Then she spoke to me again.

"I can't look at you before I go...because I'm not leaving" and that was when she finally faced me with the sweetest smile.

She handed Lu Han a letter envelope and waved him goodbye until he reached the gates.

I ran down to meet her and she crashed onto me my embrace. People were watching us, so we decided to leave the airport.

As we walked down the street together, I felt light. All I could see was her smile. And I decided that it was the perfect moment.

"Wait," I said, stopping in our tracks, "Chanshi, I want you to know that I'm sorry and--"

"Sssh. You already told me that, oppa" she silenced me with her finger.

"...and I love you" I still continued.

I felt tiny raindrops fall on my shoulder. Slowly, there came more of them.

"I love you too" she replied.

I leaned in to close the gap between us, but stopped midway.

"Wait, you hate cliche" I said.

"And?" she asked.

"And I'm about to kiss you in the rain" I pointed out.

"You're worried about that? Theriouthly?" she laughed and stood on her tiptoes, sealing the space between us with a soft kiss.

"Ireona~ wake up, wake up!" was what I heard as someone shook my arms, wiping away the last remnants of my pleasant dream. I opened my eyes to the light seeping into the room through the parted curtains.

"Hey, why so jumpy this early in the morning?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Good morning, appa~" she giggled as she gave me a little hug.

"Good morning, my little angel," I chuckled as I tuck a hair strand behind her ear, "where's your mom?"

"She's in the kitchen. She said we'll be having visitors from China and that I can play with them!" she jumped up and down on my lap with a smile on her face.

Chanshi always says that it resembles my eye-smile.

"Well you should go prepare your toys then!" I said, and she nodded rather quickly before rushing off to the other room.

I tiptoed my way to the kitchen. Halfway inside, I suddenly panicked and tried to smooth out my unruly hair with my fingers.

"Don't worry. It looks cute" came a voice from behind the counter.

I chuckled and walked up to the first angel in my life.

"The sun feels really nice today, doesn't it?" I said.

"You mean the sunshine? It's always beautiful" she answered, tracing my cheek with her finger. I understood exactly what she meant.

"Good morning, Senshine" she smiled.

I put my arms around her and realized that I have another 'happiest moment of my life' to add to my list.

"Good morning, Chanshi."


-- END --

It has been almost a year with you guys. Thank you for staying. For the encouraging words, the support, the patience, and the understanding, I love all of you so much. Please forgive me if sometimes I cannot reply to all comments. I hope you'll still read my future fan fics. I usually make one-shots, but my next series would be Kai from the Sky. The first few chapters are already up right now, so I'd be happy if you subscribe to it too^^


Ah. Sometimes a story is really more than just a story. This was my first fic and writing it was a great experience. I have made friends through it and on rough days, it gave me happiness. I hope it also made you happy.


I can't thank you enough. 정말 진짜 사랑한다잉~ >_<



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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao