Chapter 13

Sehun is my...what?!

This chapter was removed during the server transfer. T_T It's a crucial part of the story so I'm reuploading it without waiting for recovery.


Short update while in exams mode ^^ It will be a different POV, a first! We finally get to see what's on his mind~


"What was that all about?!" I yelled, loud enough to get it through Chanyeol's skull but silent enough for the other two in the dining area to remain oblivious.

"Don't scream at me!" retorted Chanyeol. "I just got the idea from that Chinese kid."

I raised a brow questioningly. "You mean that Lu Han kid? The one who rejected your sister?" He simply nodded.

"What does he suddenly have to do with anything?!" I shouted with exasperation as I pulled on my hair.

"Well," Chanyeol began "he thinks you and Chanshi are going a couple."

"What? Oh my god why?! And you suddenly felt like playing along with him?"

"I don't know how he came to those conclusions. But think of it, his idea is so damn cute!" Chanyeol said with a grin. Cute? If we weren't friends, I'd have punched those pearly whites away a minute ago.

"You are unbelievable," I replied. "How are we friends by the way?"

"C'mon Sehunnie" Chanyeol cooed. The nickname irritated me more.

"I already played along with your first lie. You know I was against that. What makes you think this one will be any different? It's even worse!" I exclaimed.

"Sehun, I.." Chanyeol's tone turned serious this time. "I just...really want to protect my sister. Please."

"You'll end up hurting her more this way. Chanyeol, wake up!" I said.

"Not if she never finds out...not if you don't tell her..." he replied very slowly as if in a trance. He sounded as if he was convincing himself more than me.

"And how about me? I have a life! Did you think I would just agree with this in the blink of an eye?" I asked.

"Yes" was his surprising and disgusting reply.

"And what makes you say that? You must be thinking too highly of our friendship. It has boundaries, Chanyeol" I said.

"Because you are a good man. Just like that kid Lu Han said." he reasoned.

"Look, I'm flattered and all but that's not a valid reason. Like I said, I have a life!"

"But you don't have a girlfriend!"

"CHANYEOL WHAT THE HELL?! YOU KNOW IT DOESN'T SIMPLY WORK LIKE THAT." I can't help but raise my voice at his twisted reasoning. Personally, I think that was an utterly stupid way to put things. Oh hi Sehun. Since you don't have a girlfriend, here's my sister.

"Sehun, please calm down" he hushed me while peeking at the dining area.

"Who would stay calm at that?" I was seriously getting pissed off.

"Please." he said. I didn't respond. Better than beating the crap out of my best friend for years. He took my silence as a refusal. It really was anyway.

"Ah!" Chanyeol pumped his fist and scrambled for his phone. He smashed at the buttons, seeming to search for something. Then he placed the screen in front of my face. There was a picture of me during dance class. I was all derp.

"If you do not agree to being Chanshi's girlfriend, I'll send this out to the entire school!" Chanyeol declared while waving the phone in front of my eyes.

"Tss. Seriously, dude. Are you that desperate? Go ahead. I don't really care. Lying would still be wrong" I replied.

The excitement left Chanyeol's face.

"Ah!" he exclaimed again. What is it this time? "Sehun please do it for me," he continued with a grin "and if you do I'll treat you to bubble tea every single day!"

"How low do you think of me?" I asked in annoyance.

Chanyeol quit smiling. He looked very distressed at my refusal. I know that his intentions are good, but what he is trying to do is just so wrong in every angle. It's not that I'm repulsed by Chanshi. I just don't want to be unfair to the girl, taking advantage of her amnesia to make her believe in crap.

"Just let Kai do it if you're so determined" I suggested. I didn't mean it though. I just wanted to ease the tension from Chanyeol's intent gaze.

"You and I know both know that's not a very good idea" he said.

"I'm not a very good idea either" I retorted.

"Who else can I trust, Sehun? There's no one else! Only you and Kai. You're a brother to me."

His voice was already soft when he said that. If I were keen enough, I'd have said it sounded like he was admitting his defeat. What an unpleasant situation. I am torn between my friend and my principles.

"Alright," Chanyeol breathed. "I understand. I'm sorry, Sehun. I won't force you anymore. So sorry for being selfish."

He was staring nowhere, eyes devoid of any glint of happiness. It didn't look like Chanyeol to me. Through the years that we've been together, my friend was always the one cheering me and Kai up. No matter how difficult the situation is, Chanyeol will always be grinning like an idiot. I guess his sister meant that much to him.

I closed my eyes for a while. How did we end up like this again? Oh. To protect her. She's a really nice girl. It's a bit good that Lu Han rejected her. He didn't deserve Chanshi. Even before the accident, she had been a very sincere and pure-hearted person. Maybe I'm the one being selfish here for refusing her? But I have free will so I cannot just let Chanyeol boss me into a relationship even if I'm not seeing anyone at the moment. I can't just agree out of sympathy. Aish. What a mess. It doesn't make any sense.

I was shaken out of my reverie when I heard Chanyeol's footsteps moving away. My eyes flew open. "Chanyeol, wait." I blurted out. Oh Sehun, what are you suddenly going to say?

He paused in his tracks. I continued, "I...I won't mention anything to Chanshi...yet. Just...let me think about this for tonight." Oh my god.

Chanyeol's eyes brightened up as he looked back at me. "What? Really? Yes, please do think about this Sehunnie!" he said while hugging me and jumping up and down.

"Ugh, let go of me. I said I'm going to think first. I didn't say I'm thinking of agreeing" I defended myself.

Chanyeol drew back and grinned. "Yes, but you are a good man so you will agree soon."

"You're crazy. So now, if I disagree, it makes me an evil man?" I joked, trying to maintain the light mood that just reappeared.

"Hmm...maybe!" he answered.

Aish. Sehun, you and your sympathy. I think I only said that because I felt guilty that Chanyeol looked so depressed because of me. Pabo Sehun. Maybe I'll just tell him tomorrow that I still don't agree to being his sister's instant boyfriend. I'll just pretend that I really thought about reconsidering.

"C'mon, Chanyeol. She's gonna get suspicious if we don't return yet" I said as I pushed him back to the dining room.



The drive home was awkward. Kai's stare was bouncing from the window to my face to the window to my face. He seemed to be itching to say something.

"Just say whatever you're going to say already!" I bellowed. Kai sort of jumped in his seat out of surprise.

"OHH. what was that boyfriend thingy Chanyeol was talking about? What happened in the kitchen?" he finally spat.

I could feel my forehead creasing from the thought involuntarily.

"Yeol wants me to pretend that I'm his sister's boyfriend since he got found out. Apparently he still wants to have someone to pose as her boyfriend. To ward off guys who intend to break her heart like that Lu Han did. It's...crazy" I explained.

"Now that's cute" Kai grinned. Cute? Again? Oh god, what's wrong with my friends?

I remained silent, only gritting my teeth to avoid bursting into curses. It would be hard to drive while yelling.

"You know what," Kai suddenly spoke up "you should really give it some thought. Chanshi's a nice girl" he winked.

"Love doesn't work like that" I answered.

"Hohoho so that's what this is about!" Kai exclaimed. "C'mon, Sehun. You're just going to pretend to be a couple. No feelings required. Chanshi probably doesn't have any for you either because of her amnesia. It'll just be a game."

"That's where we are different, Kai. I don't think relationships are only for entertainment"
I said.

Kai nodded. The guy actually acknowledges his player attitude. "So that's why you've never had a girlfriend, huh. You believe in that 'real love' thingy in fairytales."

"You make it sound like it's something disgusting. Let's just say that I think feelings are not meant to be played."

Kai theatrically touched his chest and pretended to pull an arrow out.

"Sorry," I said "just saying my opinion."

"Well it's kind of expected from you. You take everything seriously. Which is a good thing. Believe it or not I agree with you" Kai mused.

I burst out laughing. "You? Serious in a relationship? Yeah, I'd like to live to see that day. Maybe I'd get into the Guinness for being the oldest man alive."

"It's not my fault that I'm so handsome and a multitude of girls fall for me!" Kai defended.

"Tss. Your confidence is unparalleled" I commented.

For a while, it was silent in the car again. Then Kai spoke up once more.

"But maybe this is happening to you for a reason, Sehun-ah" he said.

I couldn't comprehend what he was trying to imply. "What do you mean?"

"Well if you believe so much in that fairy-tale love or whatever more serious term you have for it, there's no reason to not believe that this could be the beginning of your story" Kai explained.

It took me a while to get that. "Do you have a fever or something?" I asked him.

"Dude, I'm serious! And that's not very often" Kai insisted.

I shook my head. It was too funny coming from Kai. "You know what, we're not kids anymore. So don't fairy-tale me" I chuckled.

"Just give it a thought. It won't hurt to try" he said.

"And how am I supposed to know if this is really what's meant to happen to my story?" I asked. It was so entertaining to see Kai in serious mode while talking about love. It was a rare event in history. Hilarious. And so I decided to play along while stifling my laughter.

"Ah! Do what the leading ladies do in dramas. Ask for a sign!" he said with rounded eyes.

"I never knew that the almighty Kim Jong In watched dramas." See. I knew this was an entertaining topic.

"Where do you think I get my cheesy lines for dates?" he threw back.

I nodded. "So what's this sign that you're talking about? How does it work?"

Kai put his finger up like an expert discussing his expertise. "You set a condition. And if that condition occurs, then it's a sign that you're meant to be together."

I couldn't take it anymore. I exploded into laughter. "Oh my, that was really funny! What have you been watching, Kai? Alright then. If it rains bubble tea, that little frail kid Lu Han is able to carry me on his back, and Chanyeol's voice becomes tiny instead of that deep scary bass he has, then I'll agree to being Chanshi's cover boyfriend" I finished, grinning at Kai's expression of disbelief.

"Sheesh. You're such a cheat, Sehun. They're all freaking impossible. If you were that averse to it you should have just told me. Fine, if I can't change your mind, I won't sweat it anymore. But it would have been damn cute."

Aish. Not that word again.

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao