Chapter 50

Sehun is my...what?!

I almost didn't notice that it's already the 50th chapter! It feels like a golden anniversary. Golden like maknae's hair!

Hahaha~ And of course it should be special.

Sorry if I've been slow in updating lately. I think the yearend is making not just me but everyone else more and more busy. Whew!

Thank you for all your patience and comments. If you don't mind, please vote for this story! ^_^

I slowly made my way back to the living room with my makeup on one hand and my phone and its cable on the other. I didn't notice that I had left it syncing to my laptop because the afternoon had been a busy one with all the makeup and dress fitting. There were 7 missed calls from an unknown number and a message from my brother.

Ayo whaddup, little angel! Call me when you arrive in school, ok? Mushroom-seonsaengnim wants to check on you and Sehun before the perf. And if Sehunnie does something weird again, tell me and I'll show him! I haven't talked to him about last night yet. >_< --your overprotective brother

Aigoo, what a violent friend! I chuckled as I imagined Chanyeol's voice actually reading out the message. I suddenly realized that he didn't mention anything about the missed calls. Maybe I'll just ask him later in school.

I found Sehun in the living room with his trademark Serious Sehun face. I took a seat beside him and prompted to take the laptop from him when he spoke up.

"Why do you have a picture of Lu Han across the screen?" he said.

"Hmm?" I tilted my head to get a better view, and indeed there was Lu Han's photo.

As if on cue, my phone vibrated, preventing me from answering his question. This time, it wasn't an unknown number.

"Hello Beijing Man" I picked up happily.

"Hello Chanshi! Are you in school already?" he asked.

"Umm, not yet. I'm still in my house because I'm not yet ready" I pouted.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you'll look great in any case."

I can't help but smile into the receiver. Of course he has no idea how horrible I look like right now.

"And so would you in your tux tonight! What time is the performance of your group? I'd like to hear the solo that forced you to attend the ball" I laughed.

"We're the first to perform" he said. I made a mental note of that and swore to myself that I should finish my makeup quickly so that I can hear my best friend sing.

"Oh, actually I called up to remind you about tomorrow" he said.

I nodded and realized that he couldn't see it. "Tomorrow? Of course, I haven't forgotten."

"Alright, I'll see you on stage tonight" he teased.

"No, close your eyes!" I chuckled, "Bye bye, Xiao Lu." With that, we hung up.

The smile vanished from my face when my eyes landed on Sehun. He was just looking at me with the expression of a rock. No, a rock had more life.

"Beijing Man...Xiao Lu..." he mumbled.


"Hello Beijing Man" she greeted happily.

Beijing Man? There's only one guy I know who's from Beijing and would most likely have her number.

She was smiling during their entire conversation. Was she that happy to talk to Lu Han? Or maybe what Kai had been telling me since grade school is true. I'm too serious. I sighed and continued listening to the one-sided phone call.

"Tomorrow? Of course, I haven't forgotten."

Tomorrow? What the heck is happening tomorrow? It seems to be something that only the two of them know of. Chanshi hasn't mentioned anything to me. Not that I should know everything, but I'm her boyfriend. Or maybe I don't deserve the information anyway because I'm not a real boyfriend.

"Bye bye, Xiao Lu."

Wow, another nickname? Why does she have so many pet names for the Chinese kid? She doesn't even call me anything besides my birth name.

"Beijing Man...Xiao Lu..." I mumbled. I couldn't take it any longer. "What's Lu Han to you really?"

Chanshi seemed taken aback by my question, but answered casually. "He's my best friend."

"And you keep pictures of your best friend on your desktop?" I asked. It came out whiny, but I no longer cared. What does she do with the picture anyway, stare at it before going to bed?

There was something boiling in my chest that is making me this way...some odd feeling. It's that same feeling I got when the nurse told me that she thought Lu Han was comforting her. And that feeling when he held her hand to twirl her around when her cast was taken off. That feeling whenever I see them together in the cafeteria, chatting happily or playing with colorful pieces of paper.

Chanshi heaved out a sigh and plopped on the couch beside me. She held up one hand to show me cable.

"I left my phone syncing this afternoon and that," she pointed to Lu Han's picture on her laptop, "is Lu Han's caller ID on my phone."

I didn't know how to reply once I realized how selfish my thoughts have been. I just nodded and handed her the laptop.

"Who's the jealous one now?" she muttered while typing on the search bar.

"I heard that," I pouted and crossed my arms, "I wasn't jealous."

"Yes, you were" she sing-songed while bobbing her head from side to side.

"I said I wasn't" I lied. Our fate seems to have reversed.

"Ok" she smiled as she scrolled through the search results and saved a photo of Hyuna's eye makeup.

That's it? Of course she pretends to agree, but in truth she still thinks I was jealous! I cannot let that happen.

"You were the one who was being jealous a while ago when I was talking about someone beautiful" I pointed out.

"Yup. I was jealous" she said in a matter-of-fact way as she hastily lined her eyes.

Wait, aren't you even going to argue?

"I thought you were thinking of another girl" she continued after a few minutes of silence, surprising me with her unusual openness.

"And I had a strange feeling in my chest," she said as she finished up on the eyeshadow and started keeping the makeup, "which made me realize that I can't bear the thought that you're thinking of someone else."

I just remained unmoving and watched her zip up her bag and turn her laptop off. She turned to look at me and laughed nervously.

"It wasn't easy for me to admit that, you know. And look at your face now" she said.

I came to my senses and found out that I've had a look of shock for the past minutes.

"Sorry, I was just surprised with what you said" I admitted. Would any man ever not be surprised if his grilfriend said that she wants him to think only of her? In a y dress. With sultry makeup. Only an idiot would ruin the moment.

"Me too" she said while putting her laptop on the side table. She then went back to sit facing me and said, "but it's the truth. And I guess there's nothing wrong about telling the truth."

That struck a chord. Oh Sehun, you'll never get away from the fact that this is all a big lie.

"So just admit that you were jealous" she poked my forehead playfully.

"I said I wasn't!" I pouted as we stood up and walked to the door. I helped her into the car's passenger seat and ran to the driver's side.

"Yes you were" she continued to tease right after I shut the door.

"No, I wasn't."

"Yes, you were."



"I wasn't."

"Just admit it."

"I have nothing to admit."

"You were jealous."

"I wasn't."

"I love you."

I paused to look at Chanshi to verify what I had heard. She reacted in surprise at her own words and avoided my gaze, pretending to suddenly be very interested in the car window.

"Ok," I grinned before turning the ignition, "I was jealous."

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao