Chapter 26

Sehun is my...what?!

Aigoo. For some reason I couldn't access the site these past few days hence I wasn't able to post this at once. Mianhaeyo~ T_T

Thank you to nekomiou for the wonderful poster^^

Here it is, the chapter about what happened on their way home! I'm equally excited for this! Hope you all like it~ <3

It was an arduous task to focus on the streets. Tiny zaps of electricity startled me whenever the image of what happened in the noraebang cross my mind. I was annoyed for two things.

One, who did Sehun think he is catching me off guard all the time? Oh, I almost forgot. He's my boyfriend, so he had every right to do that. But can't he at least consider that I forgot about us momentarily so I can't handle such interactions yet?

Two, I was annoyed at myself. For having weird thoughts. Some part of me was disappointed at how close it being a real kiss. I involuntarily bit my lower lip and looked up at Sehun who was walking beside me. He seemed to be in deep thought, his usual poker face hiding whatever it was he is contemplating on so seriously. For the second time tonight, my gaze traveled his face, scanning his features so intently as if I was about to take a quiz about it. His jawline is very soft and unpronounced, yet there is a manliness to its smooth contour. His eyes that were looking straight ahead were mirrors. Those brown irises reflected the lights from the streetlamps like orbs.

Although his expression was dark, his pale face was illuminated by the light like a beautiful museum display. Those displays you'd like to reach your hands out to but are not allowed to. I suddenly realized that I already raised my hand to touch his face, but came back to my senses in time and withdrew it immediately. I checked to see if he noticed. He didn't. Phew. I turned my attention to the sky. It was already midnight, yet it was not too dark because the moon was shining brightly. Just like Sehun. My moon. In the middle of my confusion of who I am and who I was, his smile chases the darkness away. He makes me genuinely happy just by being around. How quaint. What happened a while ago was something highly uncomfortable, yet now that I am walking with him, I feel so secure. Could it be that I...

I placed my right hand on my chest. It was hammering loudly. I shuddered at the thought.

"Are you ok?" Sehun suddenly came closer to me hesitantly, looking worried.

"Uh...what? Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, confused at his sudden reaction.

"You're shivering. You must be feeling really cold in that outfit. And it is unusually chilly tonight" he explained.

"I'm fine" I answered briefly, still feeling the thick atmosphere between us.

We walked in silence to the bus stop. Luckily, one passed by even though the hour is late. It was almost empty, save for a few workers who probably stayed overtime. We took the double seat near the rear end of the vehicle.

For the first few minutes, we were quiet. Trying to find something to distract myself with, I checked my watch. 11:30?

"That's weird" I murmured.

"Hmm?" Sehun sat up straight.

"Ah...nothing. I just thought it's weird that Chanyeol said he had to negotiate with the front desk because we went past our reserved hours" I thought aloud.

"Why would that be weird?"

"Because he told me that he reserved it until midnight and," I showed him my watch "there's still thirty minutes left."

We looked at each other in confusion, then shrugged in defeat. The bus stopped at our destination and we alighted. A gust of freezing wind flew by, making me shudder again. I tried my best to hide it so that Sehun won't worry about it anymore.

It seems that we have been walking in silence the entire night. I guess what happened can't be ignored the way we did before when I gave him an innocent peck on the cheek at the cafeteria. Somehow, this one is more...serious? I don't know why. Maybe that's just what I think. Another breeze blew and I couldn't stop myself from shivering. I knew the skirt was too short. I should have gotten a longer one, instead of randomly selecting anything from my closet.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Sehun shake his head and start shrugging off the coat that he had lent me a while ago and motioning to put it on me.

"No, no, no! Andwae! Sehun-oppa, that would be so cliche" I placed my hands in front of me.

"You're freezing to death and you worry about being cliche?" he argued in his whiny maknae voice.

"And what about you? Do you think your wifebeater can protect you from suffering the same fate?" I challenged.

"Who cares?" he debated.

"I do! So put that back on" I ordered. I really do care.

He was unmoving for a while. "Are you sure you'll be alright?" he asked softly.

"Yes, I'm perfectly ok" I assured him. He did as was told and wore his coat again.

We resumed our walk. My house is still two blocks away, but the bus doesn't pass there. Out of the blue, the weather didn't feel like cooperating with me. The winds became even colder than before. My teeth started to chatter involuntarily. As I was focusing on stopping my shudders, I felt a set of arms wrap around my shoulders from the back.

"No, you're not ok" Sehun whispered.

I was stiff from the contact, but the warmth radiating from him softened me up and I decided to stay in his embrace.

"Sehun-oppa...what are you doing?" I asked softly.

"Well, you said you don't want my coat because it would be cliche. But you're clearly about to freeze in this weather so I'm helping you stay warm" he explained "and I did as you told me. I'm still wearing my coat."

I just nodded. The rational thing to do is to shrug him off, but I guess it won't hurt to be irrational sometimes. This felt right.

We continued to walk, with Sehun hugging my shoulders from behind, his head resting on mine. We looked like marching penguins because the position made it difficult to walk normally, but no one was around and I didn't mind. Somehow I had the idea that I could just stay like this for as long as time permits, forever if possible.

"Sehun-oppa..." I started.


"W..why?" I asked incoherently.

"Why what?" he asked back. I know I'm not making myself very clear, but I was unsure of how to ask properly.

"Why did you...umm..why did you k-"

He abruptly stopped in our tracks and turned me to face him.

"Why did I kiss you?" he supplied. I nodded.

"Why did I kiss you..." he repeated, this time looking around as if imposing the question upon himself.

I patiently waited for his answer because I earnestly wanted to know. Maybe if I knew his motives, I would understand my own feelings.

"I don't know. I do not...have the words for it" he answered, his hands ruffling his hair.

I didn't say anything, waiting for him to continue. After several minutes of silence, hearing only each other's breathing, he finally turned to look at me.

"Maybe it's because the devil is a selfish being" he riddled.

"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled.

"Maybe it's because I don't want the angel to fly away" he continued speaking in mystery.

"Oppa, I don't unde-"

"Maybe because..." he cut me off, taking my hand in his and placing it on top of his chest. I could feel his racing heartbeat, even faster than my own.

He didn't even finish his sentence, but I understood.

"Or maybe because..." he let go off my hand and took me by the chin. For the second time tonight, he cupped my face and drew his face closer to mine.

"Alright, Sehun-oppa, you won the contest, you won" I panicked "you don't have to do this."

"I won?" he raised an eyebrow. Then he closed his eyes and smiled. "I don't care."

And with that he crashed his lips on mine. The kiss was deep, stealing my breath. If a while ago what I felt were sparks, now it is electricity. It rushed to every part of my body, chasing the cold away. My heart threatened to escape my ribcage. What is happening to me?

Then everything dawned on me. This heart is beating so loudly for him. The heat that always crept up my cheeks are for him. Maybe I already felt like this before I forgot everything. Maybe even before, I had already...liked him. Or loved him? This man before me...Sehun...I love him. Would it be too early to say this?

And without realizing, I started to kiss him back. I felt him smile before continuing to pour out all of his longing. My knees buckled down, and he placed an arm on my back to steady me, never breaking the kiss. I placed my hands behind his neck, trying to express the feelings locked up in my chest that words cannot say.

It was me who broke the kiss, struggling for breath. Should I do what usually happens in dramas and confess my feelings now?

"I...uh..." Sehun muttered, blinking rapidly as if surprised by his own actions. I also was.

I took his hand in mine and started to walk. "Let's go" I smiled. I understand that the atmosphere would be awkward after a kiss, and I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable and feel like he had to explain himself. There is no need for an explanation. Tonight we had communicated with each other how we felt needless of words.

So right now I'm not gonna say those three words. Because I want to keep on falling in love with my Sehun.

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao