Chapter 56

Sehun is my...what?!

"Wake up, Chanshi" came my brother's serious tone, invading my dreams.

"I don't wanna~" I grumbled as I hid my head under the pillow.

I stayed up all night thinking about what my mom had just told me about going to China, so now my eyes are extremely drooping and begging for more time to sleep.

"Alright, then I'll just tell Lu Han to leave because you don't want to go down and meet him" Chanyeol said as he walked to the door.

Oh crap.

"Lu Han?!" I jerked upright, tossing my blanket aside.

"Yeah. He's in the living room. You didn't even tell me that you're going out with him today" said Chanyeol as he picked my blanket up.

"Ah yes, yes. I'm sorry. It sort of slipped my mind" I muttered as I patted my head to straighten out my disheveled hair.Not realizing that I was still in my pajamas, I tiptoed to the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Chanyeol blocked the way with his arm.

"To meet Lu Han of course" I blinked.

"But you didn't even ask for my permission" he said firmly.

I sighed. "Chanyeol-oppa, may I go out with Lu Han today?"

"Does Sehun know about this?" was his instant reply.

For a few seconds, I processed his question in my mind and gasped. "Actually, I...uh..." I bit my lip as I stumbled over my own words.

"So he doesn't?" it was my brother's turn to gasp, "C'mon Chanshi, you can't just go out with other guys without telling your boyfriend!"

"Of course not. I go out with you" I grinned innocently, knowing that I was making false arguments.

"Well, I'm your brother!" he replied.

"And Lu Han is my best friend!" I retorted.

Chanyeol huffed once before giving me a disapproving look. "But you still should have told Sehun."

"I was planning to, but things just keep on slipping from my mind lately. Besides, he isn't my father for me to do that" I argued.

"But he is your boyfriend!" he pointed out the obvious.

"Oh, enough with this, you giant shipper" I motioned for him to shoo.

"What ship? Ah, nevermind. You're not leaving" he crossed his arms childishly.

"What?! No, move away. You're making Lu Han wait" I tried to push him off the door frame.

"I wasn't the one who overslept" he chided.

"Oppa, please" I pouted and gave him the best puppy look that I could muster.

"Hmm. Let me think. No" he replied.

Suddenly, I had a eureka moment.

"Alright," I slowly moved back to my bedside drawer to retrieve something from it, "then I'll just stay here in the house today and look for something else to do."

Chanyeol grinned victoriously but started to suspect when he saw me holding something behind my back.

"And since it's so boring, maybe I'll just go online and post some random things" I continued.

"You know, stuff like this. For everyone to see" I revealed the photo in my hand.

"WAAH! Where did you get that?" Chanyeol's eyes widened.

"From Sehun-oppa's album. His mom gave this to me last night" I said proudly.

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" he raised a brow at me.

"Does the sun rise in the east?" I asked.

He drew out a deep breath before moving to the side to let me pass. "Fine, you win. But go change quickly first will you" he pointed to my pajamas.

"Thaaank you, oppa! You're the best~" I beamed and gave him a hug before rushing to the living room.

"I told you to change first!" I heard his voice call out when I was already on the staircase. Oops. Too late. Aigoo, Chanshi.

"Umm...hello Lu Han" I greeted him, chewing on my lip from embarrassment from forgetting that we're going out today. To think that he even reminded me about it last night. Chanshi pabo.

"Oh hey....Chanshi" he looked up and if he was taken aback by my appearance, it didn't show that much. Or maybe he was just being polite.

"I'm really sorry I woke up late and hadn't prepared yet" I told him.

"No, it's alright. You do look like you need rest. Would you like to take a raincheck?" he asked.

"No no no!" I waved my hands in front of me, "we should go out as promised. Just give me a few minutes to remove myself from this monstrous state."

"Okay," he chuckled, the sides of his eyes crinkling, "I'll just wait for you here."

"Thanks! And feel free to roam around! My house, your house" I said hurriedly before dashing to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower to get rid of the makeup that I had forgotten to wash off last night. Guess I was too distracted. Then I scurried into some comfortable clothes and brushed my hair back swiftly. As I made my way to the living room, I noticed that Lu Han was nowhere to be found.

But then I heard faint music coming from a nearby door. It was the study room.

Slowly, I peeked through the slight opening. I didn't realize that I was leaning on the door. It creaked loudly and then...

...a memory came in a brief flash.

"What are you doing here?" Lu Han had said.

What is this memory?

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao