Chapter 20

Sehun is my...what?!

Aigoo my readers~ your recent comments made me laugh^^ One more person subscribe please so that the 69 changes to 70 :))

To everyone asking for another Chanshi-Sehun moment, wait no more and read on~ ^o^

I waited for Chanyeol in the middle of the bustling­ streets of Myeongdong. I didn’t want to go back and watch the receptionist flirting with him again. Chanyeol asked if it was because of jealousy. Disgust is more appropriate. After several minutes, I found him walking back to my direction with a goofy grin.

“So you got a room for Saturday?” I asked the obvious.

He shook his head. “Not just a room. A VIP room” he beamed, proud of himself.

“And what exactly did you do to get that in no time?” I crossed my arms. As if I didn’t know the answer. Before Chanyeol could reply, he was interrupted by a whistling sound. I looked around. There didn’t seem to be anyone calling for us.

“Oh!” he exclaimed as he probed his pockets for something. He took out his phone, pressed a button, and the whistling disappeared.

“That was your ringtone?” I asked.

“Yup. Trou-trouble maker~” he sang. It came out scary because of his deep voice. I’ve actually heard that song from a music show a few days ago. Catchy one, but the choreography made my eyeballs pop out. It was crazy. But what’s crazier is Chanyeol setting it as his ringtone.

“Will you please change your ringtone?” I asked nicely.

“You don’t like it? Trouble maker~” he sang again. I let out a breath.

“Who called anyway?” I inquired.

“Hmm…I don’t recognize the number” he pondered.

“Let me see” I said while reaching my hand out.

I took his phone in my hands. As if on cue, a new message appeared on screen.

Hi Chanyeollie! I just wanted to check if you wrote the correct number. See you again on Saturday! I’ll prepare the VIP room for your friend’s birthday very well^^

“Eww. I didn’t think you would really do that” I said.

He looked over my shoulder, gasped, and immediately took his phone back.

“I had no choice! At least we got a good venue for Sehun’s party” he reasoned.

“Still, eww. Chanyeollie?” I teased.

“Oh c’mon, little angel” he pouted.

We bickered all the way to the bus stop and on the way back to school.

I heard the lunch bell ring just as we entered the gates. Perfect timing. We did arrive on lunch time as promised. My brother and I walked to the cafeteria, with him steadying me by the shoulder so that the students shuffling along the hallway wouldn’t knock me over. When we finally reached our destination, we saw Sehun seated in a table with enough chairs. Chanyeol waved at him and Sehun smiled upon seeing us.

“How was the checkup?” Sehun asked.

“Hmm, doctor said my cast can be removed by next week because the fracture should have completely healed by then…just like yours” I pointed out.

“That’s good news then” he smiled.

“Where’s Kai?” Chanyeol asked. Oh, right. I didn’t notice that he wasn’t here yet.

“Saw some girl along the corridor on our way here. Then he told me that he’ll just catch up with us and ran after the girl” Sehun explained.

“Does the girl happen to have full bangs and…” Chanyeol said while making circular shapes with his thumb and forefinger and placing them in front of his eyes.

“Glasses? Yeah, do you know her?” asked Sehun.

“Not really. But Kai couldn’t keep his mouth shut yesterday during dance practice and kept on blabbering about this girl with that same description. Must be another one of his prospects” speculated Chanyeol.

As I was imagining how the girl probably looked like, my thoughts were halted upon hearing my name being called.


I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Lu Han. I couldn’t help but smile upon seeing him, but when I remembered yesterday’s events, I suddenly felt confusion stirring inside me.

Lu Han stopped in front of me with that usual gentle smile. “Where have you been all morning?” he asked in a worried tone.

“I had to have my cast checked by the doctor” I explained.

“And how was it?”

I repeated what I had told Sehun a while ago and Lu Han beamed at the news. Then he gave me several sheets of paper and explained that he copied notes for me while I was away. I involuntarily bit my lip and turned to Sehun and my brother.

“I’ll see you guys later” I waved before motioning to leave with Lu Han.

“Wait, where are you going?” Chanyeol stood up from his seat beside Sehun.

“Having lunch with my friend?” I pointed my thumb to Lu Han.

Chanyeol showed off a huge, awkward grin and said, “We’re all friends here! You two should eat with us.” He abruptly pulled my arm and made me sit down on the seat he previously occupied before seating beside me, sandwiching me between him and Sehun.

“Are you sure you don’t mind, sunbae?” Lu Han asked hesitantly.

“Of course we don’t! You can sit there” Chanyeol pointed to the seat across from him.

Just after Lu Han had sat down, Kai came walking towards us with a girl next to him. She was that one they were talking about.

“Hey guys! Meet Hye Jin” he said as the girl politely bowed. Chanyeol and Sehun greeted her. As I was about to do the same, I noticed that her eyes were wide open and glued to something in front of her. I followed her line of vision and saw Lu Han’s face with the same expression.

“Do you mind if she stays with us for lunch?” Kai asked everyone with a smile.

Before anyone could answer, the girl blurted out “Ah, I forgot that there’s something I need to do. Maybe some other time, Kai-ssi. I’m sorry.” Then she ran away. Kai shot as a confused look before running after her.

I turned my attention back to Lu Han. He was staring at the ground with an unreadable expression. A thought crossed my mind, but I didn’t want to entertain it because I felt that it would be too painful to realize. Feeling suffocated by the awkward atmosphere, I spoke up.

“I’ll go get some food. I’m kind of hungry already” I said while straining to stand up on my good leg.

“No, I’ll just get it for you” Lu Han said monotonously. He swiftly stood up and left for the stalls.

Chanyeol looked at me, then at Sehun. Then he grinned and said, “Since Sehun is also injured, I’ll be the one to get him lunch. Look after your boyfriend, Chanshi!” and with that he sprinted to catch up with Lu Han.

Before I could protest, Sehun and I were abandoned. Chanyeol's last sentence made me feel awkward in this situation. I fidgeted in my seat as I tried to distract myself. I remembered the notes that Lu Han gave me. Perhaps now is a good time to read them. I skimmed the pages. Everything was written neatly.

"What's that?" Sehun asked, making me jump a little from surprise. Upon seeing my reaction, he gave me his usual yet always adorable eyesmile. My face started to hurt weirdly. I placed my palms on my cheeks to check what was wrong with me. It felt warmer than usual. Aish, am I getting sick again? I'm tired of going back to the hospital.

Recalling that Sehun was waiting for my answer, I replied "Notes from this morning's classes. Lu Han wrote them for me."

His smile disappeared and he raised an eyebrow. "Lu Han huh...what subject is that one?" he motioned to the page I currently held.

"Hmm...English. Oh, we have a homework due tomorrow" I mumbled as I scanned the writings.

"I wish I could help you with that, but it's not exactly my favorite subject," Sehun pouted. "I like Math better."

My eyes rounded. "Omo, I forgot! We have a homework in Math due after lunch break! Aigoo, Chanshi, why must you forget everything?" I exclaimed while hitting my own head repeatedly. I was suddenly stopped by cool fingers wrapping around my wrist.

"Relax. Punishing yourself won't make the homework finish by itself" Sehun told me with a chuckle. I pouted as I took my Math notebook from my bag.

Upon finding the page where I wrote yesterday's homework, my head felt like it was whirring round and round. Like the teacher said, it's not like I'm good at it. And because of that, I hate it with a passion!

I tried to solve the first problem, but ended up crossing out my entire solution and tearing the page off. After several attempts, I noticed that my notebook was already thinning of pages because of my constant ripping. I ruffled my hair exasperatedly. Before I could pull out my hair strands from their roots, a firm grip held both of my hands. Sehun placed my hands in front of my face.

"People usually think that finger tricks only work for elementary computation" he began explaining as he held the fingers on my clenched fists and spread them open. I remained silent, concentrating on what he has to say.

"But it actually works for the hard stuff too, like trigonometry" he continued while putting my left hand down and holding on to my right.

"So imagine that your fingers represent the angles" he tapped each one, naming them with corresponding degree measurements.

"Now take for example the 60-degree angle" he held onto my ring finger and folded it down "whatever the number is to the left, take it's square root and divide it by two. That's the sine value, while the same applies to the number on the right to represent cosine."

I stared at me hands for a while, processing the information he just shared. So square root of 3 over 2 for sine...and 1/2 for cosine. Then I looked at my notebook and my jaw dropped. "You're right!" I blurted out. Now I know how to solve the remaining problems. I tried to take my pen with my right hand, but his hand that held it was firm.

"I...umm...need to write down my answers" I turned to Sehun, only to find him staring at me. Then his eyes traveled to the sight of our hands and he slowly released it. I took the pen and began writing, but was halted when I felt him take my other hand. He interlaced our fingers before looking up at me.

"I thought you're going to write your answers? You should hurry up before the bell rings" he said casually. I nodded and continued writing with my free hand. I had no idea what was up with Sehun, but I figured that I do need to focus on my homework for now. I answered it for quite some time and so I started to wonder what took Chanyeol and Lu Han so long in ordering our food.

"Yes! It's done! Thank you for helping me" I smiled at Sehun while proudly showing him my work.

"Great job!" he smiled back.

My eyes shifted to the view of our hands still linked together.

"Umm...Sehun-oppa? Can I have my hand back?"

He pouted. "I helped you with your homework and I don't even get a reward?"

A...reward? Feeling uneasy, I looked around me. At a distance, I can see my brother dragging Lu Han to different stalls and pointing to various foods. Each time Lu Han is about to buy one, Chanyeol shakes his head and drags him to another one over and over again, causing great delay. He also kept on eyeing our table from time to time. Now I think I have an idea of why the food never came.

As I continued to survey the surroundings, I noticed that passersby kept glancing at our direction. Some raise their eyebrows while a majority giggle at the sight of our entwined fingers. I was beginning to get flustered and I felt that odd sensation on my cheeks again.

At that brief moment when no one was looking, I scooted my chair closer and did something that finally made Sehun abruptly release my hand. Shock was painted across his face as I planted a quick thank-you kiss on his right cheek.

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao