Chapter 15

Sehun is my...what?!

Behold, an update! This means I just finished another exam. Haha!

Thank you for your comments. Some of them disappeared during the server transfer though. m(T_T)m Your words inspire me a lot. ^^


"You two can go now. Lunch break is halfway over so you need to go and eat" I heard the nurse say from the other side of the door.

"No, I'm not hungry I can stay" insisted a girl's voice.

"Don't worry dear, he'll be fine. You should really go and eat. You don't look well yourself" replied the nurse.


I swung the door open to put an end to the argument.

"Kai-sunbae!" Lu Han greeted with a bow. I simply nodded at his direction and turned to look at the worried face of Chanshi.

"It's ok, little angel. I'll look after Sehun. He's my friend after all. You're Lu Han, right? Please see to it that Chanshi eats well instead of worrying" I told them.

He nodded. Chanshi hung her head low as Lu Han held her by the arm to help her out of the clinic.

"And Lu Han," I added. He looked back at me with questioning doe eyes. "Thanks for helping Sehun."

He bowed with a smile and turned to walk away with Chanshi.

"You have noooo idea how thankful I am, Chinese kid" I said to myself while snickering. I walked towards an area separated by light green curtains. Pulling the drapes aside, I saw Sehun lying down on a bed with a pained expression on his face.

"Yo Sehunnie" I called him. He turned to me and winced at the movement.

"What's up?" he replied, trying to hide the pain in his voice.

"Apparently not you" I told him.

Just then, the door of the clinic flew open and revealed a tall retard whose eyes were searching the place. Oh, not retard. I meant friend. But if only you saw the expression on his face, you could've agreed with the term "retard". Heck, I told him to be discreet! That sheepish grin would make Sehun suspicious. I mean, who grins when their friend gets fractured? I gave Chanyeol a warning glare and he understood. The smile left his face and was replaced by an expression of worry.

"Sehunnie!" he squealed, rushing to his bedside and shook our friend.

"Ouch, quit shaking me. And what are all those things you're holding?!" Sehun replied with a confused expression.

"Sorry...what happened to you?" Chanyeol asked as if he hadn't heard the entire story from me. Good actor.

"Can you please put those away first? They keep on hitting me on the head" said Sehun.

"Oh, don't you like them? I bought them for you on the way here when I found out what happened!" Chanyeol replied as he proudly showed what he held in his hand.

"I just slipped and broke a bone. I'm not in a coma or something. You didn't have to" reasoned Sehun.

"But they're so pretty and colorful!" beamed Chanyeol as he took one of the balloons from the bouquet. "Look!" he said with a grin as he untied the balloon's end and inhaled the air in it.

"Get well soon, Sehun! Oh, that one rhymed! Hi hi hi!" Chanyeol blurted out with a voice thin from helium.

Sehun chuckled and said, " weirdo. This day is really extraordinary."

"Ah yeah, you haven't told Chanyeol what happened to you yet" I reminded Sehun. As if I hadn't told him over the phone.

"Well, I was just walking along the cafeteria when I bumped into a girl holding a tray of drinks. Next thing I knew, bubble tea was raining on my head, then the little kid Luhan was carrying me on his back to rush me here. And so now I am here with you listening to your hilarious squeaky voice" he explained while still chuckling.

"Oh, is that what happened?" I asked dramatically.

Sehun eyed me with a puzzled look, sensing that I was implying something.

"Is something wrong, Sehunnie?" squeaked Chanyeol.



Kai put his finger up like an expert discussing his expertise. "You set a condition. And if that condition occurs, then it's a sign that you're meant to be together."

Sehun exploded into laughter. "Oh my, that was really funny! What have you been watching, Kai? Alright then. If it rains bubble tea, that little frail kid Lu Han is able to carry me on his back, and Chanyeol's voice becomes tiny instead of that deep scary bass he has, then I'll agree to being Chanshi's cover boyfriend" Sehun finished, grinning at Kai's expression of disbelief.

Suddenly, Sehun's eyes went wide. His jaw dropped as he pointed at me with a shaking finger.

"Y-you! You set me up!!!" he exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with an innocent face.

Actually, that was partially true. I was the one who told Chanyeol to buy those balloons and inhale the helium so that the final condition would be fulfilled. But I wasn't the one who made him slip on the bubble tea! And about Lu Han carrying him, I didn't plan that one either.

"You know what I'm talking about, Kai" Sehun said fuming.

"What is it? What are you two talking about?" Chanyeol asked, playing dumb in his still tiny voice. He must have inhaled so much helium.

"D-don't talk, Chanyeol! Your voice is making matters worse" said Sehun. I'm sure that each time Chanyeol speaks, he becomes more and more reminded of what all of these meant.

"Sehun-ah" I called him. He was about to yell something again, but he gritted his teeth and let out a deep breath instead.

"Did you really think I'd let you get hurt like that just because of those...fairytale conditions? We're friends, dude. Friends." I continued.

He just stared at the bed sheets, not making eye contact with me nor Chanyeol.

"And don't you remember? I told you I thought those conditions were absurd and impossible," I explained "I never thought these would happen either! This must really mean something."

"Stop. This is silly. This is merely a coincidence" Sehun said with his hands in front of him. He was blinking rapidly, as if trying to wake up from a dream.

"A coincidence? Yeah, 'coz it rains bubble tea everyday. Of course it's a coincidence" I remarked sarcastically.

"How do you expect me to just believe this?" Sehun asked in annoyance.

"Can I say something?" squeaked Chanyeol.

Sehun put his hands to his ears and yelled "NO!"

"But I have a sugges-" Chanyeol continued.

"Aish, that voice!" Sehun hid his head under a pillow. After a while, he slowly faced us again. His eyes were on Chanyeol, who was pouting.

"Alright, sorry. You can talk. What do you suggest?" Sehun told Chanyeol.

"Why don't you two just agree to try out one more condition? If it works, then you accept Kai's opinion. If it doesn't..." Chanyeol explained.

"Yes yes! I agree with his suggestion" I grinned. Actually, I was just interested in finding out what other impossible conditions Sehun has in his mind.

"No. This is so childish" Sehun rolled his eyes.

"Or maybe you're just afraid that I'm right" I challenged him.

"Me? Afraid? Of course not!" he defended himself.

"Then do it!" I stated. On the inside, I was giddy from anticipating my victory over the argument. Oh Sehun, I know you can't resist a good challenge.

"Fine" Sehun said with narrowed eyes. Gotcha.

"So what's the condition?" Chanyeol asked with a voice that was almost normal. The argument took long enough for the effects of helium to disappear. Sehun threw a pointing finger at me.

"You. Since you started all of these, the final condition shall be something concerning you" he said with a smirk.

I gulped. I wasn't expecting that one. But of course I'm sure I could do whatever that is so I asked, "What is it? Bring it on."

"I'll agree to being Chanshi's boyfriend..." Sehun started "if you, Kim Jong In, get a steady girlfriend."

My eyes must have bulged out of their sockets. I pouted and whined "Aigoo~ you're so unfair, Sehun!"

Sehun clapped his hands like a seal and laughed at me.

"I knew it. You can't do it, can you? Of course not. You're like a kid in a toy store when it comes to girls. You want everything~" he teased in a sing-song voice.

"I'll do it!" I screamed.

"WHAT?!" Sehun and Chanyeol screamed even louder.

"Sssh, there are other patients resting" reprimanded the nurse.

We mouthed a sorry and turned to look at each other again.

"Are you serious?" Chanyeol asked as he held my arm. "C'mon, Sehun. Be fair and just think of another condition." he negotiated on my behalf.

"No, there's no need for another one. This one is good enough. I'll do it" I stated in a determined tone. Actually, I was just getting tired of the long argument. Plus, their reactions right now are too precious. They're looking at me as if I'd sprouted three heads.

"Are you...sure?" they asked in unison.

"Yeah, I'll do it." Of course I won't. I'm not that engrossed in the Sehun-Chanshi love team.

They were still staring at me. My stomach broke the silence by growling like a beast.

"Ah, I forgot that we haven't eaten lunch. You guys wanna grab a bite?" I asked them.

" I'm fine" Sehun answered. I looked at Chanyeol and he shook his head.

"Alright, I'll catch ya' later" I waved and exited the clinic.

At the exact moment that I stepped out the door, a girl ran into me and bumped on my shoulder causing her belongings to fall on the floor. As I was helping her pick them up, I noticed that her hands were merely scrambling for the floor and not making contact with any of her things. Then I spotted black-framed glasses on the floor. The lenses had a some water droplets on it. I reached for it and placed them in her hands. She quickly put it back on.

"Gamsahamnida" she bowed to me and smiled sweetly amidst the tears in her eyes.

"A-are you ok?" I asked her as I handed her belongings.

She nodded thrice very quickly and ran down the corridors to disappear.

"W-wait!" I yelled after her. "I...never got your name."

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao