Chapter 70

Sehun is my...what?!

An update to celebrate my 500th sub and...

*drum roll* EXO's comeback! Could you actually believe it? I can't, really.

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the perfection of this photo...

LOL ok sorry for the spam but I kinda want to marry that guy in yellow right therrre~


Again, this fic's about to end! Thank you for staying with me all the way my lovely reader!



"So effing cliche" I snickered at myself as I watched the throng of passengers walk by.

"Alone at the airport. Getting bumped onto by strangers. Seeing happy couples at the arrival area. How much more cliche can it get?" I kept on mumbling as my eyes wandered the area aimlessly, not knowing what to do next after finding out that the chance of a lifetime slipped through my fingers like sand.

My vision caught the bright LED display of departures and arrivals and one particular line stood out.

ICN to PEK   KAL853   04:45 KST

"Peking. Beijing. 4:45..." I breathed as I continued reading what was to the right.


And that was when my adrenaline shot me running off to the boarding area.

"Sometimes cliche isn't that bad" I huffed as the corners of my lips slightly went up.


"Flight KAL853 to Beijing now ready for boarding" said a voice through electronic speakers.

I found my self in front of the boarding area in no time, but still no Chanshi.

"Where are you?" I repeated like a mantra as I tried to walk into the boarding gates to have a better view of the passengers.

"Sir, your ticket please?" said a uniformed man at the entrance.

"I..." was all I could say. I stopped myself from saying any more, knowing that the argument would be useless. That has happened too often in movies. I wonder why the characters never learn. But I do.

Without a second thought, I ran all the way to the elevated platform from where one could see the boarding area below. And that was when I found her just about to enter the boarding gates. What perfect timing. I was there just a minute ago.

Seeing that she would be inside the boarding area before I could even reach the stairs, I did the only thing that crossed my mind.

"Chanshi!" I yelled out.

I saw her slow down in hesitation and I took it as my cue that she heard.

"Chanshi!" I called out again. Her head bobbed from side to side, searching for the source of the voice. Then she finally looked up and met my eye.

"S...Sehun-oppa..." she looked astounded in contrast to the knowing look on the boy beside her, Lu Han.

"Listen, just give me a second please. I'm not going to stop you from leaving if that's what you really want. I know I deserve to be left after everything. But I just want you to know that...I'm sorry" I began with a voice loud enough to carry through and gaining the disapproving looks of some passersby.

Chanshi looked down at the ground as if to contemplate on what was happening. But she never responded so I continued.

"I was supposed to tell you everything, I swear. But I was scared. Scared that I might lose you. Because I have waited all my life to be with you and when we became together, I...I just can't let it end. Now I know that I was wrong and would have to bear the consequence of losing you" I said as fast as I could when I saw the uniformed man gesturing Lu Han that it's time to go.

"I'm really sorry, Chanshi. And I love you. So much. I just want you to know that. Chanshi?" I said, waiting for her to show an acknowledgement.

"I-I have made my decision already" she finally replied, almost inaudible.

"I understand," I nodded, "I hope you'll be happy...with Lu Han."

The uniformed man looked more irritated now and was shooting daggers at me with his eyes.

I chuckled dryly amidst the tears that I didn't notice slipping out, "I guess it's time for you to go now. Goodbye, my angel. I love you. And...just please, at least look at me. Before you go."

Chanshi was still looking at the ground. If she had been crying like me, I couldn't tell.

"I'm sorry, Sehun-oppa. But that can't happen anymore" she said as she turned to face Lu Han without sparing a glance on me.




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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao