Chapter 44

Sehun is my...what?!

No way. I'll never dance Trouble Maker for as long as I shall live. Doesn't Taemin-seonsaengnim have any pity for me? I'm just a junior and he wants me to do a y performance with a partner...

A partner? Crap! I forgot about that part. I'll be dancing provocatively with a male partner. That's way too awkward. No, I won't do it. I won't!

"NO NO NO NO NO NO" I stood up, holding my hands in front of me and shaking my head until it looked like it will yank itself off.

"I'm sure it would be a hit," Taemin continued talking to Kai, completely ignoring me, "especially that part when...come over here Kai. You know the dance, right?"

"Yes, that one!" Kai excitedly stood up and walked up to Taemin. He imitated the part where Hyuna caressed Hyunseung's chest from the back and the students clapped, howled, and laughed hysterically. Taemin and Kai bumped their fists together and joined in the laughter.

"Taemin-seonsangnim! Which part of NO did you not understand?!" I complained with my hands on my hips.

"The part where you refuse to be the star of the night! I swear you'll be famous across the entire school after this" he replied.

"Who said I wanted to be famous? And in this way? No, I am not doing live o" I crossed my arms. The class chuckled at my remark.

"Live o?" Taemin laughed as well, "C'mon, Chanshi. It's part of a dancer's career to do different genres. Just deal with it professionally. Remember, I'm your teacher and this will be graded."

"Then just choose someone else please" I begged.

"Actually I realized that I can't," he shrugged, "you haven't had any performances since you entered this class because of your injury so you really need this one for the grade."

Grades. Now I have no other choice unless I want to jeopardize my report card. I slumped back down beside Chanyeol and slapped his arm.

"This is your fault," I whined, "I've told you to change that ringtone so many times before!"

"I'm sorry, really. Do you think I wanted my sister to do a y dance in front of everyone? Of course not" he said apologetically. Sensing that he meant what he said and that there was nothing else I could do, I defeatedly let my head land on his shoulder.

"Taemin-seonsaengnim," Chanyeol began, "I'm also opposed to this, but since it's for her grade, can't you at least just let me be her partner?"

"Huh? No, that would look like ! Everyone in school knows that you two are siblings, you know" Kai blurted out.

Taemin nodded in agreement. "Actually Kai, why don't you just be her partner? You already know the steps so that would be easier" suggested Taemin.

"Sorry, but please just find someone else," Kai shook his head, "you see seonsaengnim I...have that kind of reputation around here already. And I'm courting a girl right now. I don't want her to think that I'm a...uh...ert."

"Oooh, someone's in love. Don't worry, I won't sabotage your chance to finally have a steady relationship," Taemin teased, "then why don't you do it, Sehun?"

There was no reply.

"Sehun?" the teacher repeated.

"Who wha--me? What? Who? Me?" Sehun seemed to be startled out of his senses.

"Yes, you! Since you and Chanshi are together, I assume you will be comfortable with each other and perform all the steps convincingly" said Taemin.

Someone from the class shouted: "Even the ending kiss!" and the rest howled along.

"C'mon, Sehun. I'm actually helping you out here" Taemin winked.

I turned to look at Sehun's direction. It looked like he was having a hard time deciding whether it would be a good idea or not. I agree with him. Some part of me would obviously want to have my boyfriend as a partner, yet imagining all the practice sessions and the racy moves, I know that this would build an awkward tension between us. For crying out loud, I already feel awkward because of his confession. How much more thick air would this bring?

"Alright, if you don't want to do it then I'll just look for someone else," Taemin said as he scanned the crowd and pointed to a random guy, "you. You'll be Chanshi's partner."

"Huh? Me? But--," the guy protested, making me feel like the bubonic plague. Just then, I noticed Taemin momentarily wink at him. "Oh. Sure."

"Good! You'll dance with Chanshi nicely, ok?" Taemin asked with another wink.

"Of course, seonsaengnim" the guy played along.

"Make it very realistic!" Taemin continued.

"Definitely" came the guy's answer and I shuddered at the thought even if I knew that he was faking it.

"Even the kiss" said Taemin, "Do it convincingly...slowly...passionately..."

"STOP!" Sehun hit the floor board with his fist and stood up with gritted teeth. "No one lays a hand on my girl friend."

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao