Chapter 61

Sehun is my...what?!

Sorry it took a while to update. Busy school is busy >_< I missed all of you TT_TT so now I'm back~

"Give me that!" Chanyeol demanded the loud bass of a voice he has.

"I don't wanna" I stuck my tongue out, hiding the picture behind my back.

Yes, I spent the last two hours baiting him with the blackmail photo.

"You can't threaten me with that forever" he said mockingly, but it ended up looking derpy. Usual Chanyeol.

"Wanna bet?" I grinned mischievously.

"What do you want then?" he gave up.

"Finally you agree! Well, I just want to--" my sentence was cut by a growling sound.

"What in the world...we just ate dinner! And now the monster wants to be fed again" I laughed, pointing to his stomach.

"You made me chase you around the house for two hours. Anyone would go hungry at that rate. C'mon!" he motioned to the door.

"Where are we going so late in the evening?" I crossed my arms.

He gave me no answer and ran upstairs instead. When he came back, there were two hoodies slung on his arm.

"Midnight snack, I guess?" he answered as he tossed me one of the hoodies.

"Good thing we wore hoodies!" Chanyeol said rather too loudly since the only sound in the streets was the flickering of lamps.

"Whose idea is it anyway to go out at midnight and brave the cold air?" I retorted but my attempt to sound feisty ended up pathetic due to the chattering of my teeth.

"And who made that person hungry anyway?" he immediately answered back.

I stopped in my tracks to glare at him. After a few seconds of feigned annoyance, we both burst out laughing.

"You're crazy, Chanyeol-oppa" I shook my head disapprovingly but laced my arm through his with a smile.

"Where do you think we can go to have some bacon?" he suddenly asked with creases on his forehead.

"Bacon?! Who would sell bacon at this hour?" I threw the question back.

"Well, it's your favorite so I thougnt it would be nice" he shrugged.

"Hey giant marshmallow," I poked his shoulder, "I'm fine with anything. Don't stress yourself scavenging for bacon at midnight."

"Giant what? Wow, you're even weirder than I am" he chuckled.

"Yeah, but that's because we're siblings" I pointed out.

"And we love each other for that" he added.

" you? Nope" I joked.

"What? You're so mean! So you only love Sehun now?" he stopped walking to show his hurt expression.

"H-huh? No, that's because you're making me walk out here in the cold and it's so tiring!" I said.

"That's it? Fine. I'm gonna make you love me" he huffed. The next thing I saw was a mop of hair in front of my face as Chanyeol swiftly placed me on his warm back.

"Whoa! Put me down! What are you doing? This is embarrassing" I hit his back with my palm.

"Oh c'mon. We used to do this often when we were kids! And no one can see us right now" he laughed maniacally, "Ready?"

"For what?" I asked, suddenly having a frightful feeling wash over me.

"Go!" he shouted as he dashed to a full speed, making me squeal like a scared puppy.

He was still chuckling despite being out of breath when he finally put me back on my feet in front of a convenience store.

"This is where you find bacon at midnight!" he proudly declared.

"And how did you know?" I asked as I eyed the 24-hour sign on the store.

"Because we always ate here before. Now let's go before the monster in my stomach decides to make noise again" he said as he pulled on my arm.

I sat on one of the booths while Chanyeol placed our orders at the cashier. When he arrived with the food, he wasted no time.

"So what did you want me to do that required even as far as blackmailing me?" he raised an eyebrow, with a sandwich stuffed in his mouth.

"Alright, I'll go straight to the point. I want you to convince mom to let me stay in Seoul after graduation" I confessed.

"Why? You don't want to go to China?" he pouted.

"No, no. It's not that. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking of visiting this weekend already" I told him.

"Already?! How come you didn't tell me?" he freaked out, voice too loud.

"Well, Lu Han is visiting there too and offered to be my tour guide. And I just got affirmation from Sehun-oppa a while ago that it's alright with him even if I go with Lu Han. What a miracle" I chuckled.

"So why don't you want to go after graduation then? I'll be lonely without you, you know! Who am I going to tease?" he crossed his arms, mouth still full like a kindergardner complaining to his mommy.

"I'll be lonely without you too, but I think I'll also be lonely without...." I trailed off. I chewed on my inner cheek to prevent my sadness from resurfacing.

"He really likes you. He has liked you for a long time" he said nonchalantly as he devoured more of his sandwich. My BLT sandwich was still untouched.

"I like him too. A lot" I whispered, barely audible.

"So will you help me then, oppa? I don't know what makes mom tick since I can't even remember her so you're the only one who can help me" I continued.

He nodded. "Of course. I've waited too long for you and Sehun to be together. I guess it'd be horrible if you grow apart now. I think it has something to do with that boat...or ship you were talking about."

"Thank you, Chanyeol-oppa," I sighed, "but wait..."

He perked his head up at my questioning tone.

"What do you've waited too long?" I asked out of random curiosity as Chanyeol choked on his food.

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao