Chapter 36

Sehun is my...what?!

I am back from the graaave. OTL Just finished two consecutive Math exams. I hope Sehun can be my tutor. >_< LOL I am jealous of my own OC.

Can I just say? Your comments are daebak. I was so happy reading your reactions to the previous chapter^^ I love you guyssss~

"Good morning, Beijing Man!" I greeted Lu Han with a smile as I entered the classroom.

"Beijing Man again? You seem to call me that whenever you're in a good mood" he smiled back as he looked up from what was occupying him on his desk.

I nodded. "Yup. I am so in a good mood today, and I'm sure that I didn't forget my Math homework so nothing can dampen my spirits this time!" I said with a fist pump.

"That's great news then. I wonder what makes you so bubbly today. Come to think of it, you arrived quite earlier than usual" he commented.

"Oh that," I mumbled "I just woke up early today." I think it wouldn't be a good idea to say that I stayed over at Sehun's place. Besides, it's true that I woke up early. I had to check if our uniforms were dry, but found them already neatly pressed by Sehun's mom.

"And you seem recovered already too" he pointed out.

"Ne~ by the way, thank you for watching over me yesterday. I'm such a burden" I pouted.

"Angels aren't burdens" he teased and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ah, now that I noticed, do you really come to school this early all the time?" I asked.

"Yes, I have nothing to do alone at home anyway" he shrugged. My eyes softened at how he tried to ignore the fact that he is always alone.

"What are you doing with those pieces of paper?" I inquired, motioning to the colored sheets on his table.

"Zhe zhi" he grinned as he pointed to a booklet in front of him "you fold the paper to form different shapes or figures. This is one of the many things I do to pass the time while I wait for the morning bell. It's an art originating from my homeland, but is popularly known as origami in Japanese."

He tucked the edge of the paper under a flap as a finishing touch to his current work before presenting it to me.

"Wah, gwiyeowo!" I exclaimed.

"You can have it. It suits your uniform" he said as he held it in front of my school ribbon of the same color and made photographer poses with his other hand.

I chuckled. "Thank you~ Please teach me how to do this too!"

Suddenly, students started to pour into the classroom with noisy rambling.

"Alright. But I think class is about to start. How about lunch time?" he suggested.

I nodded happily. Our adviser, Mr. Kim Suho, entered the classroom to give us his usual morning reminders. I was smiling all throughout both English and History classes. I can't wait to learn zhe zhi. I've heard of origami before and it looks so fun!


Yes! It's finally lunch time. We bade our History teacher goodbye in unison. I stood up and beamed at Lu Han.

"Now I learn origami!" I exclaimed.

"Someone's excited" he chuckled as he gathered the colored papers inside the booklet.

"Of course I am, so you better be a good teacher!" I teased as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Yes, ma'am. Let's go, let's go!" Lu Han said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and we exited the classroom like a choo-choo train.

"Over there" I pointed to an empty table in the cafeteria and we proceeded to it.

I sat on a chair as Lu Han spread the materials on the table.

"So," he began as he sat next to me "all you actually need to do is follow the instructions in the booklet."

He held the book up and I gave him a what-the-heck face.

"I can't read Chinese" I stated.

He chuckled. "Don't worry. There are pictures. And if there's something you can't understand, you can always ask me."

I nodded. "Then let's begin!"

"Let me show you a basic one first" he said as he took a red sheet from the pile.

"Wait, I want the purple one" I objected,

"But it has to be red" he gave a small smile that was hiding something. But I want the purple one! Why does it have to be read? I pouted helplessly.

"You fold this part and make a crease" he explained as he worked on the paper "then you pull this side up..."

I listened intently as he narrated what he was doing.

"Then you take another sheet of paper..." he said as he reached for a green one.

"Wait, can't it be purple this time?" I pouted again and he merely shook his head with a grin, going on with his explanation.

"...and here" he finished as he handed me what he had created. "This is for you Chanshi."

My eyes widened in realization when I saw the red petals and the green leaves of the rose.

"It's beautiful" I took it in my hands with awe "thank you!"

"Now it's your turn," he said as he opened the book and laid it in front of me "choose one that you'd like to try out."

I flipped the pages and scanned the pictures in it. Nope. Looks too difficult. Weird. Nope. Seems interesting, but later. Not this one either.


I returned to the previous page and started shaking in laughter.

"What is it?" Lu Han's head perked up in curiosity.

"This one" I said, trying to recover "I like this one."

He peeked at the photo and chuckled. "Alright, let's do this together and have a contest on whose work looks better."

He took a brown piece of paper and I took a blue one. Carefully, Lu Han read the Chinese instructions while I followed the illustrated steps. After a few minutes with a bit of struggles, we placed our fnished creations on the table.

"Mine looks more realistic because it's brown" Lu Han said childishly.

"But yours is lazy. Mine is standing up and is more energetic" I argued.

"You have a point. So how do we know who wins then?" he asked.

"Ah. I have a solution on how to settle this. I know which deer is prettier" I replied.

"Don't be biased~ Of course you'll choose your deer!" he said.

"Ne! I choose my deer...this one" I answered as I pinched him on the cheeks.

"I guess I won't object to that" he laughed.

"Let's try another one!" I jumped in my seat.

"Ok, but you stay here and choose first. I need to get something" Lu Han said.

Too excited for origami, I didn't bother to ask where he was going and just nodded. When he had left, I opened the booklet.

"I know exactly what I'm going to do next" I said to myself as I flipped to the page that I saw a while ago. Then I took a clean sheet of white paper and started to work. I hid the finished product in my bag.

"Still didn't find anything?" Lu Han asked upon coming back.

I shook my head, pretending to scan the pages. "I was waiting for you to come back and help me decide. Where did you go anyway?"

He motioned to the tray with two lunch sets in it. "No matter how fun paper folding is, you still need to eat."

"Oh this one looks cute!" I exclaimed as I reached for a piece of paper and started folding.

Lu Han chuckled. "I just told you that you need to eat!"

"I can eat later," I grinned "this one looks very interesting so I want to try it first."

I continued folding, making a lot of errors.

"Wow, it's more complicated than it looks" I mumbled. "Lu Han, I can't understand this part. What does it say?"

Lu Han looked up from his lunch and scooted closer to where I sat.

"It says you pull this apart here" he explained as he helped me pull on the paper.

I nodded and thanked him as I proceeded intently with my work.

"Chashi" Lu Han suddenly called. I turned to see him holding out my spoon. "Lunch break's almost over. Ah."

I obeyed and opened my mouth to eat from the spoon.

"Good girl!" he teased after feeding me.

"Eat this one too" I handed him my origami.

"Baozi" he chuckled as he took it. "Thank you. I like baozi."

I took my spoon from Lu Han and hurriedly ate. Bingo, I was able to finish right before the bell rung. We shuffled back to our classroom to face the evil Math professor.

"Homeworks in please" he announced. I happily took out my homework.

"24 degrees" I mumbled, biting my lip to hide my smile as I recalled last night's events.

When I looked up to face the teacher and hand in my work, I was surprised. He didn't look pissed off nor scary. He seemed to be sad and sorry. What's more surprising is that he didn't bite my head off but gave a soft smile instead. I wonder what's going on.

The class continued with that same atmosphere.

In Chemistry class, the teacher gave out worksheets at the end of the period.

"Alright, class. Please make sure to answer that as your homework. I'll be collecting those on Friday, so you have two days to finish them. That's plenty of time already."

Gasps were heard across the room as everyone realized how long it was. I should start answering this as early as I can. My vision landed on Lu Han, who seemed to be rather worried.

"Is there a problem, Lu Han?" I asked.

"A lot!" he answered as he showed me the pages.

I chuckled, but grew worried when I saw his troubled expression.

"It's just that Chemistry isn't exactly my favorite subject," he muttered "I'm no genius in it, unlike you."

"Wha--I'm no genius either! I only get by because I like the subject a lot" I defended.

He laughed and ruffled my hair as he stood up for the bell. I stood up with a pout and arranged my belongings as well. Then like usual, Lu Han and I walked to the door together and waved goodbye outside.

"Oh wait, Lu Han!" I called out to him. He turned back with an inquisitive look and walked to my direction.

"Yes? Did you forget something?" he asked.

"Almost did! Wait..." I scrambled my bag for the item "ah, here!"

I took it out and showed it to him.

"I made this while you were buying lunch. That was the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life!" I wiped away my imaginary sweat. "It's for you" I smiled as I recalled Lu Han's words from this morning.

"Yes, I have nothing to do alone at home anyway" he had said with a denying shrug.

"For me? Thank you. It'!" he grinned.

"Ne! That way, I can always be with you wherever you go. So you'll never be alone anymore."

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Chapter 74: Reading this again .. Such a fluffy and cute story
murnilan_98 #2
Chapter 74: wow....perfect.......
Chocoholic_Exo-L #3
Chapter 74: Ahhh, I've been looking for a super fluffy story and this is completely perfect! Lovely~
Jaslynn #4
Chapter 74: Amazing ! I finished it in one sitting. So many feels makes we want an amazing oppa like Yeol and bf like Senshine and bestie like Lulu! :)) Great story wished there was a sequel.
Jjongshi #5
Chapter 74: Waaaahhhhhhh nice story line author-nim!!!! I want to have a boyfriend like thehun tooooo~~~~
i lost count on how many times i read this. i envy chanshi so much. having chanyeol as brother and sehun as boyfriend. lol this is the best.
Chapter 74: kyaaa ended up with sehun and i love it so muchhh. THE BEST SEHUNXOCXLUHAN STORY I'VE EVER READ!! 최고 authornim!
maiquie24 #8
Chapter 74: I just finished this story...... AGAIN! Lol! I think this is th third time i'm reading this story but it stilll so cheesy for me xD lololol
Chapter 12: Reading this for the... Umpteenth time and I just realized how can chanshi forget that chanyeol just told her that a guy rejected her and tell suddenly that sehun is her boyfriend lmao