Memories of Dominican Republic

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

"After all that excitement that took place in ‘Myeongdong’, Dominican Republic version, you guys headed home due to the fatigue everyone was experiencing, BUT you guys headed home by piggy-back riding each other. Well, you watched Mr and Mrs. Oh, and Sehun and Chung Ae race each other into the distance.
You smiled and started to think about life in general as your eyes trailed to the ground, but once you looked back up at everyone, they disappeared from your sight.


The house was visible but the lights were not on and there wasn’t any sight of them anywhere.
You panicked as your pace started to slow but froze when you heard a rustle in the bushes.
You continued to freeze as you had flashbacks of every movie you’ve seen that featured similar situations as this, and you had flashbacks of yourself yelling at every dumb action the characters in the movies had made, but now since it was a change of roles and you literally had no idea what to do.


You stood and listened for some reason instead of retreating.

You heard a deep, muffled voice.
“take her” the voice said quietly.
“take her and bring her back to the boss. This will be a great treat” you heard the voice say again.


Fear slapped you as your heart started to race wondering if they were talking about you.
Well, of course they were talking about you. You were the only girl in the area while the plaza was meters away.
The second you finally thought of running, Mr & Mrs. Oh, Chung Ae, and Sehun jumped out from the bushes and screamed from the top of their lungs.


You screamed in response and then Sehun lifted you on his back, piggy-back riding you all the way back to the vacation house.
On the way there, you scolded him as Sehun laughed at your reaction.

Sehun placed you down once he got to the front of the door.

“Why would you do that?! Did you know that I almost got a heart-attack? I could’ve died on the spot! I was so scared too like I was frozen with fear as you could see from behind the bushes yet all you do is laugh and piggy-back me? Next time you scare me, can you warn me. So I can prepare myself, you know, so i don't get a heart-attack” you started to rant out of after-shock.

“I hate--”, “I love you” Sehun interrupted you before you could finish your sentence.


He cupped your face and then stared into your eyes and analyzed every aspect of your face.
He started to squeeze your face together, making your lips pop out, and making your face look like a fish.
He continued that action, and then started to giggle at how weird you looked.
His expression suddenly turned blank. “Sorry” he said before kissing your popped up lips.


“Just remember, I’ll never let you get hurt” he pulled you into a tight, sincere hug.

“Get a roooooooooom” Chung Ae whispered into Sehun’s ear from behind him.

“GAH!” Sehun shouted from shock and then bumped heads with Chung Ae.
They both fell to the ground, and then Mr.Oh clicked his tongue multiple times, scolding them.


Mr.Oh unlocked the door and the parents went inside first.
You laughed at Sehun and Chung Ae and then followed the parents, leaving them alone to their sibling situations.

You immediately went back to finding your phone because you were curious about your friends and family back home.
You reached under your bed again because you remembered that you didn’t get to fully check.


Your phone started to vibrate as it lit up. “a-ha!” You grabbed it, accidentally hitting your head on the bottom of the bed as you were trying to get out.
You quickly answered the call, “Yeoboseyo?”, you said in slight pain and exhaustion as you rubbed your head


“____-ah?” a familiar voice said on the other end.


“Chanyeol?” you replied. “Is that you?”

“Yeah. Do you have time to talk?”


“I do! Is something wrong? You don’t sound like your usual self” you furrowed your eyebrows in slight worry as you slouched down onto the bed.


“I don’t feel like my usual self” Chanyeol replied in a quieter and somber tone.


You continued to attempt to get a true answer out of him. “Did something happen?”

“Nono, it’s nothing” Chanyeol sighed on the other end. “I just want to talk that’s all. Talking to you makes me feel better”

You inaudibly giggled. “So, what’s on your mind?”


“Not much, really. What did you do so far?” Chanyeol asked.


“I just came back from this huge plaza. There were so many lights and people. It’s like Myeongdong! They also have this HUGE food court. I ate at least everything. I probably gained 50 pounds but it was so worth it.” you smiled as you replied with enthusiasm.


“I’m glad you had fun” You heard Chanyeol’s muffled laugh on the other end. “It’s not so fun over here without you guys”


You smiled. “what’s been happening over in Seoul so far? any news?”


Chanyeol thought. “Oh! Well, Mi Hyuk invited me to her birthday. She said her mom is going to make her invite everyone, and she’ll probably invite you since she’s your step-sister.”

“Mi Hyuk invited you?” you raised an eyebrow. “don’t you guys kind of.. dislike each other?”


”Yeah. Well.. I’m not even sure what’s going on anymore. A lot of things have changed in such a short amount of time. I haven’t even processed everything yet” Chanyeol stayed silent for a moment.

You started to think. “I see..” you finally broke the silence.

“Anyways, enough about Mi Hyuk. So, do you wanna go to the zoo or something when you come back? We haven’t really done anything together for a really long time” Chanyeol suggested.


“Sure! I’ve actually never been to the zoo before”, you slumped even more into the head of the bed. You sure haven’t done much in your life so far and moving to the other side of Seoul has helped you experience many new things.


“Whoa, really? Well, you’ve got a lot to see. There’s also an aquarium and a theatre where you can watch a 4D movie about underwater life!” Chanyeol replied. He started to gain his happy rhythm again.

“a 4D movie?” you furrowed your eyebrows. Where have you been all this time. “This is the first i’ve ever heard of this”

“It’s kind of like you’re physically experiencing the movie! They spray you with water during appropriate times and they even release some kind of aroma that smells like the ocean. It’s so awesome” Chanyeol explained.


You sat there in awe as you imagined being in that peculiar theatre. You gradually became more and more excited.

“Wow. I really wanna go now” you sat with your mouth open.


Chanyeol laughed on the other end.


Sehun then walked in with sand in his messed up hair. You snickered with your hand covering your mouth.

“That girl is cuh-ray-zee” Sehun refered to Chung Ae, and then shook his head to get the sand out of his hair.


Chung Ae peeked in from the edge of the door. “No. HE is crazy” You bursted out laughing the second you saw what Chung Ae’s hair looked like.

She had one side of her hair tied into a very messy and effortless bun type thing, as the other half was all frizzed up with sand all over. “I had a hair-tie on my wrist and Sehun somehow managed to get it off me, pinned me down, and did this” Chung Ae pointed at her new hairstyle.
She then shook her head towards Sehun to get the sand onto him.


Sehun tippy-toed and ruffled his hair with both hands above Chung Ae’s scalp, letting the remains of sand fall onto her.
“Yah!” Chung Ae yelled. “Aish. I’m going to go take a shower” she trudged away.

Sehun laughed at her and then jumped onto the bed beside you. He noticed you had your phone to your ear. “Opps.. Who’s that?” Sehun mouthed to you.

“Chanyeol” you replied in a normal volume.


“Oh. HI CHANNIE-HYUNGGGG” Sehun yelled into the speaker.

You giggled and then put your phone on speaker.


“Ayooo brudduh from another mudduh” Chanyeol went rap mode over the phone.


“How’s it crack-a-lackin’” Sehun continued.


“Pretty great bruh-”, “SEHUN. GO TAKE A SHOWER” Mrs.Oh screeched to Sehun before Chanyeol could finish.


“Aish. You heard the boss. TEE-TEE-Y-ELLLLLL” Sehun peace-signed to the phone as if Chanyeol could see it.


“See ya later alligator” Chanyeol replied in a very high pitched tone. So high that you were confused to who you were actually talking to.


You laughed at the 2 children, shaking your head as you watched Sehun strut out of the room.

You and Chanyeol continued to talk over the phone, then Sehun got back, and you all fooled around until bedtime.

At times, you noticed how different his voice was compared to when the call started. It was light, happy, and stress-free. You smiled at times noticing that.


A few days later, it was time to leave the Dominican Republic. You tried to walk as slow as you could because you did not want to leave the beach house at all. You seemed to grow attached to it, and the way you lived in it.

Halfway out of the house, you suddenly remembered about Dong Yul and that he would be leaving the Dominican Republic at the same time as you guys.

You sprinted to the front because you were excited to reunite with your new friend.
“Sehun, Chung Ae! Bballi-wa!” you shouted. Mr and Mrs Oh were talking to the old man with the boat who first took you guys to this island.


You waved to him after they stopped talking, and he waved back with a smile.

You smiled back and then you saw Chung Ae and Sehun slowly walk out of the house.
“hurry!” you repeated. “remember Dong Yul?” you reminded them.


“Oh yeah!” Chung Ae brightened up and started to run, as she dragged Sehun along with her.


You guys loaded onto the boat and then the man started to take off.

You stared and played with the ripples in the water made from the boat like the first time.
The boat ride was silent but it was relaxing. The sun was also shining bright, and you were grateful you remembered to wear sunscreen.


After getting to your destination. You guys waited for the cab. You felt unfortunate that the same cab driver didn’t come to pick you guys up again, but you quickly shook the feeling off.
You could not sleep in the car at all, as well as the others. It was blazing hot and sleeping is not something you should do in the afternoon, which is why music was blasting.
The driver also had a grin on from the mini party in the cab


After getting to the the airport and getting through all of the routines, you ran to the terminal and tried to search for Dong Yul. You had no idea why you were so excited.
Sehun was basically like the owner, and you were the dog. You guys were holding hands while you lead the way.


After a while, you finally found Dong Yul. Your group were standing about 20 metres away from Dong Yul. Dong yul looked up at you guys and then started to grin. He stood up, taking his headphones off and setting his book aside. You, Sehun, and Chung Ae let go of your luggages and ran towards him as he did the same, and everything seemed to go into slow-mo.


You were hoping for a smooth group hug, but nope.


Chung Ae and Dong Yul accidentally collided heads, which sent her backwards crashing into Sehun, which sent Sehun backwards crashing into you, and then you failed trying to keep your balance so you stumbled backwards and crashed into Mr and Mrs Oh. They caught you but had to let go of the luggages to do so, causing everything to be knocked over and a few people who were crossing in front of the parents at that moment, tripped over the bags.
It was chaos, but it was fun so it’s fine. What a great memory to create before leaving the Dominican Republic you thought to yourself, laughing aloud as everyone followed along.


"So, how was the study sessions?" you asked Dong Yul.


"Great! I learned many new things" Dong yul replied. "did you know, that the word dinosaur came from the greek language and means 'terrible

lizard'?" Dong Yul had a grin of pride on his face, waiting for all of your reactions.


"well.." Chung Ae spoke after a while of silence. "You learn something new everyday"


Dong Yul laughed. "Don't worry. I learned more relevant stuff"


After dealing with the I.D checkings and such, you guys settled down in the same order as last time on the plane. It felt like deja vu, but somewhat more awesome.
The long plane ride seemed to have shortened a bit since the first time. You completely ignored your fears of the plane and chose to live in the moment instead, silently spending time with Sehun and Dong Yul.

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd