
We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

"So Chanyeol, have you really changed your mind?" Lee Mi Hyuk smiled down at her drink as she twirled the straw in between her index finger. "Uh.." Chanyeol sat still with his train of thought broken.

All he could hear was the ice in Mi Hyuk's drink hitting the glass cup. It was oddly bothering, and slowly started to irritate him. He held onto Mi Hyuk's wrist to make her stop twirling the straw. "Stop, please. I'm kind of getting a headache" he let go of her hand and returned it to his lap.

They awkwardly sat there as Mi Hyuk's flirty mood started to fade away. "Okay. Fine. Just tell me why you called me down here for" Mi Hyuk finally snapped. She brushed back her bangs impatiently.

Chanyeol's mind suddenly started to work after such a long time. "Wheres the flirty and 'nice' Mi Hyuk that was talking a few seconds ago, hm?" Chanyeol asked.

Mi Hyuk froze for awhile then got back into her mood. "Well i'm just asking why you called me down here to meet you" she said with a girly tone as she smiled towards Chanyeol.

Again, Chanyeol's mind broke down because the main topic was brought up again. Why is he really here? Why is he doing this? "I've been thinking.." Chanyeol finally started.

"Mhm?" Mi Hyuk said excitedly for some reason with her body at the edge of the chair

"Maybe.. We could see each other some more after this.. Maybe we should get to know each other more.. I kind of want to.." He continued, uneasily. “I guess..”
He felt relieved that that was out but he still felt stressed and tense.

" really?" Mi Hyuk smiled widely. "I do too!".
Chanyeol still didn't feel happy. Was what he was doing, the right thing? Because it doesn't seem like it to him. He didn’t even know what he was doing. He semi-forced a smile towards Mi Hyuk.
Mi Hyuk felt her stomach tingle and smiled even wider as she started to get lost in her thoughts.

"Yeah, we should text.. do you have my number?" Chanyeol slurped on his drink which brought Mi Hyuk back.

"U-um no.. i didnt save it after you called me" she said. Chanyeol's phone vibrated over 10 times in his pocket. He quickly took it out and checked his texts. He got reminders/texts from EXO, minus Sehun and himself.

"PRACTICE. GET READY. NOW!" the messages reminded him of the same topic. "Oh yeah, i forgot.." He whispered to himself.

Mi Hyuk stared at him. Is he texting a girl? She sent him a lot of darn texts.. How annoying. I bet it’s _____.

"I have to go" Chanyeol said as he took a 10 dollar bill out of his pocket and quickly put it on the table.

"W-what? But--", "ill text you first then arraso?" He rushed out of the cafe and started to jog. "Damn.. Forgot about practice" he said as he breathed deeply and constantly clicked the cross button.

At practice, everyone was going hard. Especially Chanyeol since he wanted to get his mind off of things. He started to remember what had happened and it soon took over his mind, then his body, and then he collapsed to the floor.
The loud sound caught everyone's attention and everyone stopped. The room was full of heat and the smell of sweat. The music paused and everyone started crowding around Chanyeol.

"Are you okay?" Suho rushed to Chanyeol and kneeled down in front of him as he felt his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand.

".. I forgot that you're sweating.." Suho wiped the sweat onto D.O. D.O fell back in horror as if he had just been touched with acid.

Chanyeol breathed in deeply. He was exhausted and definitely looked like it too. "I'm sorry i interrupted you guys. I'm just.. really tired and a tiny bit dizzy.. I think i’m gonna rest for a bit. Ill practice again as soon as I feel better"

Chanyeol stared down at the ground as he dragged his body to the corner back of the room. He grabbed his water bottle and chugged it down.

"Okay then.. You rest for a bit alright? We really need to practice a lot" Lay smiled a bit towards Chanyeol and got back into position.

"Alright, now does anyone need some clearing up anywhere?", EXO began again as Chanyeol chugged on his water bottle. He set it aside and hugged his knees then grabbed his phone that was on the floor beside him.
He stared at the black empty screen and wiped it with his thumb. He turned his phone on then tapped on your name in his contacts.

An hour after getting settled into the room, you and Sehun pushed the two beds together and pushed the drawer over to the side of your bed.

The toothbrushes and toothpaste were all set in the washroom, tomorrows outfit is picked out and everything is all good. You and Sehun brushed your teeth and washed your face before going into the adult's room. Everyone agreed to watch about an hour of tv before going to sleep.

You and Sehun were now lying down in your beds, lights off, phones on. Everyone was told to go to bed, no talking allowed.
You and Sehun were on your phones, texting each other. You guys wanted to text each other until either of you fell asleep. You fell asleep first since you were so tired from that long flight and the unpacking.

You aren't used to such long flights which is why you were so pooped. You were lying on your side with your knees bent and your back facing Sehun as Sehun's back was also facing you so you guys couldn't see each other.

Your phone dropped next to your lap, nearest to the edge of the bed as your eyes drooped shut. Once you suddenly stopped answering Sehun, he started to spam you since you weren't answering him.

He didn't  even know that you were fast asleep and he started panicking without double checking behind him. His mind started to imagine awful scenarios of what might've happened to you even though all of them were unrealistic and wouldn't ever happen.
He turned his head slightly and saw the light from your phone shining on the ceiling. He exaggeratedly gasped, quietly.

W-what if a thief quietly slipped in and really quietly stabbed _____ to death ?!?! N-no.. Never.. hm.
.Maybe.. Maybe a fly flew into as she yawned and the fly has a sharp little sword and is currently cutting her insides out?!!
Hm..nah.. I didn't hear her yawn. Aish Sehun.. Jjinja.. What is wrong with you. You're being a little bit too paranoid now.
Sehun thought to himself. He cautiously to his other side and stared at the back of your head.

No signs of any stabbing and no presence of blood.. Maybe she's just sleeping. heh. I should be a detective. He pulled himself up halfway using his arm and looked over you to see your face. You were fast asleep. He smiled and lifted his hand to your hair but he was interrupted by your abrupt snore.

He chuckled quietly then rested in his bed. "Good night Jagi" he cracked a sincere smile before closing his eyes and almost immediately fell asleep.

"Alright Chanyeol, stop being a glumbum. You asked to get to know Mi Hyuk better so you're going to. What's done is done and we can't go back. I did this for.. Some reason but there is a reason somewhere. Somehow. I have no idea what it is but there is one so we're going to go along with my brain's crazy plan and actions and find out! Am i talking to myself?.. Meh.. Doesn't matter. I need to sort this out. Brain, please don't shut down on me again when i face Mi Hyuk the next time i see her. Do i have any real feelings for her..? Aish! My mind is gonna explode soon. Being speechless and thoughtless is so troubling and tiring" Chanyeol spoke to himself aloud as he walked home from practice.

He let out a huge sigh as the cold air from his mouth hit his face. He looked up and a few people were looking at him. He didn't notice how loud he was actually speaking.
He cracked an embarrassed smile as he quickly bowed to the people who were looking at him.

He exhaled deeply as he returned to his own thoughts. "I wonder if _____ received my text.." He said more quietly this time as he took his phone out from his pocket.

His gloves made it hard to securely hold his phone in his hand. Stupidly, he attempted to turn on his phone with one hand and of course it fell from his grip. Unfortunately, he was walking on the downhill part of his journey home and his phone slid down the snow covered sidewalk. "H-hey!" he yelled and started running for his phone.

He forgot that there was snow all over the ground and slid stomach-down down the hill crashing into someone last minute but he also managed to grab his phone. He groaned as he tried to get up with his closed eyes wet from the snow without crushing the body that was under him.

The body under him annoyingly groaned and he immediately knew it was a girl. He quickly wiped his eyes and opened them to see who he crashed into.

It was Mi Hyuk. MI HYUK.
MI HYUK. MI HYUK. MI HYUK. Out of tons of other girls in Seoul..MI HYUK? What is this? Fate..? or what?.. no no no. It couldn't be. "What are you doing out so late?" Chanyeol asked with a raised brow.

He stuck out his hand to help her up. "I went to visit my dad. With _____ out of the house, no one can disturb our get together" Mi Hyuk said to Chanyeol as she grabbed his hand and hurriedly got up with his help.

"How about you? Why are
you out so late? And why did you crash into me?"
Mi Hyuk raised a brow back at Chanyeol as she patted her cheeks to keep her face warm from the cold.

"I was walking home.. after getting together with my friends. Dropped my phone on the top of that tiny sidewalk hill over there and ran down to get it. I forgot it was snowing and slid down and crashed into you.." Chanyeol trailed off his last few words.

"I see.." Mi Hyuk kept patting her cheeks in awkward silence. "So.. Do you wanna come in for a few? My house is right here. I'll make some hot chocolate" Mi Hyuk smiled with fully open as she held a thumbs up in front of her face.

Chanyeol slightly chuckled. "Alright" Chanyeol jumped in the air like an excited bunny. Mi Hyuk cracked a slight smile as she jokingly rolled her eyes. She opened the gate to her home and basically ran up the steps that led to the front door. She already opened the door when Chanyeol just closed the gate.

He was exhausted from the practice and the sudden breakdown during it so his energy wasn't great. "C'mon slowpoke" Mi Hyuk yelled at Chanyeol.

"Aish i'm coming you energetic woman" Chanyeol jogged up to the front door and went inside.

The warm house heat welcomed him as took off his shoes. He stood there in his semi-wet sweats, fully buttoned up winter coat, scarf that covered half of his face and a beanie on his head.

He stood there not knowing what to do next and just looked around the parts of the house that were visible in his view in that one spot he stood. This one area was dark which gave him an uneasy feeling in his gut for some reason.

"Well..this is my house" she lifted her arms halfway then brought them back down again.

"It's really nice" Chanyeol inhaled the new scent.

"Thanks-", "why hello there.. Lad. Who might you be?" Mi Hyuk’s mom appeared from the darkness.

She had a wicked expression slapped onto her face. She wore a long red silk robe. It looked really expensive.

Chanyeol had a feeling that she made it herself. Chanyeol gulped, "hello Mrs.Lee. I'm Chanyeol. It's a pleasure to meet you" he bowed over 90 degrees. She was scary. The aura she gave off was horrifying.

It was like if you pushed the wrong button, she would cut you into pieces and use you as a new private fashion line so he made sure not to do anything or say anything wrong. "Mother. He's um... He's one of Sehun's friends." Mi Hyuk said.

Chanyeol kind of frozen. He stood there feeling embarrassed and also a bit sad.
She had to say 'Sehun's friend' not 'my friend'..

Mi Hyuk looked back at Chanyeol who was slightly nodding with very little energy. His face still showed sorrow through his tired face. Mi Hyuk felt her heart squeeze for some reason.
"U-um.." She stuttered in the silence. "actually..he's my boyfriend" she finally blurted out.

Chanyeol stared at Mi Hyuk wide eyed as did Mi Hyuk's mother. Mi Hyuk's mom looked to Chanyeol and noticed the expression on his face that was full of disbelief and shock.
Mi Hyuk's mom smirked and switched her gaze back to her daughter.

"Are you sure, dear?" She asked. Mi Hyuk nodded. Chanyeol sort of shook his head to get back to focusing on the situation.

Mi Hyuk looked back at him. "Uh.. Yeah it's true! We're dating.." He nodded kind of slowly as he walked over to Mi Hyuk and awkwardly hugged her from behind and semi-forced a smile. This was the first time he ever touched her intimately and it was the most awkward first time ever.

"Alright then. Seems real.. I'll let you kids have some privacy. Goodnight. The stars will shine bright on the both of you as they did with me. Toodleloo" Mrs.Lee said as she made her way up the stairs.

Chanyeol and Mi Hyuk stayed in that position until she was out of sight. "Where's the kitchen?" Chanyeol exhaled deeply.

"Over there" Mi Hyuk pointed. Chanyeol dragged her over to the direction she pointed at right after he was told.

"Aish. Why'd you say that?" Chanyeol whisper-shouted and rubbed his face in stress.

"I'm sorry! I just.. I dont know why I said that. I just felt like that was the right thing to say" Mi Hyuk sighed as she looked to the cupboard that held the liquid chocolatey goodness.

"Well now we have to pretend that we're boyfriend and girlfriend in front of your mom!" Chanyeol looked to where Mi Hyuk was looking. "Aish whatever.. Let's just settle this later" he quietly sighed.
"Hot chocolate" he reminded her.

"Yeah.. i know" Mi Hyuk looked at Chanyeol then at the direction to the living room. "Go wait there" she swiftly pointed. "I'll make the drinks".

Chanyeol looked to where she pointed, "alright..". Chanyeol trudged to the living room, feeling ashamed. He didn't mean to sort of yell at her. It was just so sudden and they don't even know each other.

Not long ago, they absolutely despised each other and now they're pretend boyfriend and girlfriend. It's crazy how much a day or a few can change things. Chanyeol sat down on the couch and looked around the living room. At first he spotted the fireplace and then the tv.
He had an idea.

Mi Hyuk popped 6 mini marshmallows in each mug then set the cups onto a silver tray. She took in a huge breath before she picked up the tray and made her way into the living room. She braced herself for another hour or so of awkwardness.

As she was walking towards the living room entrance, she noticed a bright fiery light showing off in the darkness of the room. Her walking speed started to get slower the closer she got to the room. She felt uneasy and slowly did not want to go into the living room little by little, every step she took.

whale i feel horrible ): BUT HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLES!! Have a great 2014 and I hope you all enjoy this chapter ^^

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd