Dinner ?

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]


How long has it been..? A million weeks since i updated ? hgfghfjdgsf I'm so sorry guys. There has been extra stressful school and extra stuff . Forgive me please ! 
“I should let ____ be happy with Sehun right?..” Chanyeol suddenly spoke aloud.
Chung Ae furrowed her eyebrows hearing Chanyeol say that then looked at him with concerned eyes.
“I-i guess..”, Chung Ae looked down at the snow in front of her.
“If she's happy then i'm happy.. I don't want to get in between their relationship and start making it all complicated. If I ever did get in between and they broke up because of me.. I would never forgive myself and i'm pretty sure both of them will never forgive me..”, Chanyeol quietly continued.
Chung Ae frowned at how much Chanyeol liked (a little more like love) you but you were taken by his close friend.
Chung Ae didn't know how to respond so she just stayed silent and let Chanyeol do all the talking and confessing.

“If they ever do break up.. for any reason that doesn't involve me.. I’d really go after her. No matter what the consequences are and if we actually do get to go out.. i’ll let no one and nothing get in the way.”, Chanyeol said, determined.
All Chung Ae did was nod but she was truly listening to Chanyeol.
“Please don't tell Sehun any of this.”, Chanyeol whispered, grabbing one of Chung Ae’s hands.
Chung Ae widened her eyes a bit, feeling her cheeks heat up. “A-alright. I promise I won't tell ..”, Chung Ae nodded once.
Chanyeol cracked a small smile, feeling glad knowing that Chung Ae will keep it a secret between them two.
He suddenly yanked her arm and pulled her in for a friendly hug. “Thanks.”, Chanyeol said quietly.
Chung Ae felt her cheeks heat up then bit down on her bottom lip to keep the smile she was going to spread across her face.
Suddenly all of EXO turned around quietly and caught Chanyeol and Chung Ae hugging each other calmly.
They all whispered really quiet ‘awes’ just in case they heard and stopped hugging.
“WHATS WITH EVERYONE AND HUGGING. LETS ALL HUG.”, Tao shouted then flinged his arms everywhere then and started to cling onto Kris. Kris giggled and hugged back.
(A/N: HEHEHEHE. ME AND MY TAORIS FEELS. Sorry to those who don't ship Taoris.. )

Chung Ae and Chanyeol stared at EXO weirdly as all of them started grabbing people and pulling each other into hugs, cuddling into each others shoulders normally.
Chung Ae and Chanyeol laughed at them while they still had theirs arms around each other.
They turned their heads while laughing and met each others eyes.
Their gazes were locked for a really long time. It's like they couldn't tear their gazes apart. It was locked.

A few seconds after, they heard someone from the crowd of EXO cough but it wasn't on purpose to get their attention.
Chung Ae and Chanyeol snapped out of it and immediately took their arms back, standing an appropriate
distance from each other.
(A/N: ANYONE CHAN AE/CHUNGYEOL SHIPPERS ? :D Okay i’ll stop commenting so much in between the story now LOL. Now back to the story !)

From behind the crowd of the hugging EXO, Chung Ae and Chanyeol could see the happy couple in the distance, coming towards everyone.
You and Sehun, holding hands happily.
EXO heard crunching snow getting louder and louder so they pulled away from the hugs, looking at you and Sehun.

“Wait. Sehun. I have a question. Why didn't you just ask her to be your girlfriend on the day of Christmas?” Kai suddenly asked. “It’s just a few days away !”
“Well.”, Sehun looked at you, exploring your shining eyes.
“I wanted to have our own day. A day of only ____ and mines.”, Sehun smiled, keeping his gaze locked on your eyes.
You smiled back, holding in the urge to give him another tight hug.
You couldn't help it anymore. Sehun was your boyfriend and you couldn't be shy to embrace your boyfriend.
You hugged Sehun from the side, your hand and his still interlocked.

Chanyeol was about to look away but a voice in his mind reminded him again.
Stop being like this Chanyeol. Be happy.. Happy.
He encouraged himself and forced a smile at the sweet moment.

“But then there are peoples birthday on this day so it’s not really only your day!”, Lu Han pointed out.
“Yeah ! And some other peoples anniversary dates are on this day too !”, Chen added.
“And--”, “Alright. Alright. I get it. “ Sehun chuckled.
“But you guys know what I mean.”.
There was a small silence.
“Actually I don't.”, Tao said jokingly while looking up at the sky dumbly with his mouth slightly open.
Kris raised a brow at Tao then lightly hit his head.

Tao jumped then looked down, turning his body so that he was facing Kris. “Im sorry master Krees”, Tao bowed 90 degrees.
“Not good enough Huang Zitao.” Kris crossed his arms then stared at the hunchbacked Tao, strictly.
Tao frowned then slowly looked up into Kris’ eyes.

He slowly raised two fists to his cheeks.
“Buing buing~”, he chimed cutely.

Kris stared at him for awhile with a blank face, blinking once.
“That’ll do”, Kris nodded.
“Yes!”. Tao whispered to himself.
Everyone started laughing aloud at the entertainment in front of them.
Kris rolled his eyes jokingly then laughed along with everyone.

“Come on guys. Let’s get home. We need some rest”, Kris yawned and started to walk in his direction.
“alright.. Bye love birds!”, EXO and Chung Ae yelled to you and Sehun as they were leaving.

“Hey Kris. Wait up. Why doesn't my aegyo work on you ?” Luhan yelled in the distance.
“Well Lulu dear. Learn skills from the master”, Kris continued to pace slowly with his arms crossed.
“But i’m more adorable than him..”, he frowned
It was 2am already and all of EXO and Chung Ae left you guys to have some alone time.
You guys were now sitting beside each other on the steps of your house.

“It’s getting really late.. Maybe you should go home.”, you recommended, concerned.
“Its alright. My parents don't care where I go as long as i'm not in their presence. That's how it was so easy to get out of the house at this time.”, Sehun explained.
“Oh..Well that's nice of them..”, you mumbled sarcastically.
You never knew Sehun’s parents were so mean.
Sehun seemed so much more different compared to their parents.
He seemed sweet, kind, cared about the people he was close to and basically the complete opposite of his parents.

“Actually it is getting pretty late but before I leave, I need to ask you something.” Sehun suddenly said after a silence.
“Hmm?”, you hummed, looking at him but he kept his eyes on the ground.
Since he wasn't looking at you like he always used to when he was talking to you, you were kind of worried of what the question he was going to ask you any second now was.

“Want to go to the Dominican Republic with me, Chung Ae and my parents?”, Sehun asked, now looking at you.
Once Sehun mentioned his parents, something immediately hit you.
Vacation ? With his parents who will be watching you closely? Do you really want to go with them?

“So. How about it?”, Sehun asked once more.
“H-how do you know that you guys are going to go there?”, you asked. You tried to stall the idea of answering.

“When my parents were out, I sneaked into their room out of boredom to see if I could find anything interesting. Yes, I sneaked. They would punish me if I ever stepped foot into their room. I don't know why either. I was wondering if they were hiding something so yeah. I went into their room and on this big bulletin board they had on their wall, there were 4 tickets pinned on it and I checked where the destination was and it was to the Dominican Republic. They don't know I know so they’ll probably tell me tomorrow when I wake up. I’ll ask them then if you can come. IF you want to come.”, Sehun said and stared at you, hoping you would say yes.
You were taken aback by the long unexpected answer Sehun just gave you. You expected more of a “they told me” response but guess not. You took in a breath then looked up into his eyes.
You knew he really wanted you to say yes and you didn't want him to worry or be disappointed during his vacation.

“Sure !”, you smiled, hoping his mood would lift up a bit more.. and it did.
“Thanks”, Sehun smiled.
“for what?”, you raised a brow.
“For agreeing to come. I'll make sure i'll ask my parents tomorrow if they tell me arraso? And of course I will never forget to ask because if it's you, i'll never forget”, Sehun explained.
He smiled, put an arm around you then pulled closer. He ruffled your hair with his free hand.
“Anyways. I have to go now. Bye ____”, Sehun stood up and kissed your forehead before leaving.
You smiled when he left then stood up and went into the house

It was the next day and Chanyeol was sitting on his bed feeling all stressed and nervous
He had his phone gripped in one hand while the piece of paper Mi Hyuk gave him, in another.
He had a huge urge to just rip it up and throw in the garbage but at the same time he felt like he didn't have the gut to do that for some unknown reason.

He forced himself to his phones keypad and started to slowly type in the number shown on the paper.
Once he finished typing out the number, he started to have second thoughts on calling her but he had this heavy feeling that wouldn't go away if he didn't call her any second now.
He forced his hand to press the call button. A feeling of fear suddenly hit him inside and he slowly brought the phone up to his hear.

After a few more rings, she picked up.
“Hello?!”, Mi Hyuk shrieked into the phone.
Chanyeol jumped from the sudden screech that was shot intohis ear.
“Uh.. Hello?”, Chanyeol said, his deep voice showing obviously.
“Who is this?”, Mi Hyuk asked in an irritated tone.
“C-chanyeol”, he stammered, feeling fear build up. Mi Hyuk was one scary girl.
“Ow ! Stop pinning me there. Gosh.”, she said rudely to a person in the background.
“I’m sorry Ms.Lee.”, a soft voice from Mi Hyuk’s end apologized.
Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows at how rude Mi Hyuk was being to the innocent sounding girl on the other end but didn't bother to ask what happened.
“Oh. Hey Chanyeol. Sorry. I was just doing stuff.”, Mi Hyuk’s rude voice changed into a much sweet and flirtier one.
There was a silence but Chanyeol didn't notice.
He had many thoughts in his mind and his thoughts made it feel like it was filling his ears so there was no silence for him.
He was just lost in his thoughts. He had no idea what he was doing at the moment.
It was like something just suddenly took a hold of his body and mind.

“Anything you want? Why did you call?”, Mi Hyuk asked over the phone.
“Oh-I-um. W-want to um.. Want to meet me at B-bubble Cafe?”, Chanyeol said forcing out his words.
And he also had no idea what he just got himself into.
“Sure ! But I can’t make it today. Maybe tomorrow? ”, Mi Hyuk sounded a mix of happy and excited.
“A-alright. That’s fine. Bye now.”, Chanyeol quickly said then hung up before she could respond back.
Chanyeol sat there for awhile, thinking over his situation.
“Aish ! What am I doing ?!”, Chanyeol sighed then lied down on his bed.

Meanwhile in the Oh house, Sehun was lying down on the couch in a messy manner while watching TV.
Chung Ae was sitting on the other couch, playing a game on her phone and took mini glances at the TV at the same time.
Their parents came into the room dressed all fancy.
Mrs.Oh was in a formal black dress and her hair was in a curled bun while Mr.Oh was dressed in a normal black tuxedo.

“Why are you guys dressed up so fancy shmancy?”, Sehun asked but kept his attention on the TV.
He could see them in the corner of the TV so he didn't want to use his energy to get up on his elbow and turn his head to look at them.

“Remember your little ex-girlfriend of yours? Mi Hyuk?”, Mrs.Oh asked.
“Yeah”, Sehun grabbed the remote, muted the TV and sat up, looking at his parents, curious to what they were thinking.
Chung Ae paused her game and put her attention on her parents, also curious after hearing the mention of Mi Hyuk’s name.

“Well. Her and her parents are going to come over for dinner so put on your nice clothes”, Mr.Oh continued.
“What?!”, Chung Ae and Sehun yelled in unison.
“Stop with the reckless manners and go get dressed before hand. They’ll be here in a few hours..”, Mrs.Oh clapped her hands twice then walked to the kitchen.
Chung Ae and Sehun exchanged mad glances with each other once their parents left the room then stood up and went to their rooms to get changed.
Few minutes later, Sehun came out wearing a t-shirt that had a tie on it and dress pants.

“You guys do not know what formal is?”, Mrs.Oh rubbed her forehead then rolled her eyes at her child.
Chung Ae came out of the room, wearing a cute yellow sundress. On her head was a yellow headband that matched her dress.
“Aish. Why didn't I raise my kids better”, Mrs.Oh sighed.
The doorbell suddenly rang and a feeling of fear shot through both Sehun and Chung Ae.
Sehun shivered at the thought of Mi Hyuk in his home.

“Those are probably just the chefs and the butlers. Go get the door.”, Mr.Oh nodded to the direction of the door and Chung Ae and Sehun went together to go get the door.
When Sehun opened the door, both him and Chung Ae were in a shock.
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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd