
We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]


omfg I .-.
You and Chanyeol were two meters away from each other, standing in a fighting stance.
You your teeth then narrowed your eyes intensely at Chanyeol as he cleared his throat and spat at the water.
You looked at the white spit full of mucus and gunk, disgustingly

He stared into your eyes so intensely that you felt like Chanyeol was staring into your soul.
“Ready..”, Chung Ae stuck an arm out between you and Chanyeol.
“Set ... Go!”.

You and Chanyeol used more than half of your energy to splash each other like your life depended on it .
Baekhyun stood there watching you guys with a water gun in his hand.
He watched the battle intensely, waiting for the right time.
You sent a big splash to Chanyeol’s face.

Baekhyun quickly grabbed your hands and handed you the water gun.
Once Chanyeol cleared the sea water from his face, you sprayed him from top to bottom.
“Yah! That’s not fair!”, Chanyeol frowned when your water gun started to run out of water.

He started splashing you with water while coming closer to you, using the huge splashes to your face as a shield from you.
You tried spraying him with the water gun but there was no more water in it.
“What?!”, you panicked.

You suddenly felt yourself being picked up.
Chanyeol was carrying you bridal style, like he always does and walked towards the deeper end.
The water gun was laying in your arms while you panicked in his, kicking your legs and flinging your arms.
He threw you into the deep end and your whole body was soaked with sea water.

Few seconds later, your head came out of the water and you gasped for air.
“Yah ! That’s not fair either!”, you complained.
“So ! “, Chanyeol stuck out his tongue and ran back to shore like a little kid.
You stood there with the water up to your chest.
You moved the wet hairs that was in your face then let your arms float on top of the water.

You suddenly remembered the water gun.
You quickly turned around to see the water gun floating away from you.
“Yah ! Come back here.”, you yelled at the water gun.
You started ‘running’ as fast as you could to the water gun but the water was too thick and kept slowing you down.

The strong waves also kept pushing you back or nearly knocked you down.
The water was almost up to your neck by now.
You stretched your arm and grabbed the water gun, almost collapsing from all the energy you’ve used.

You stopped using your energy and slowly walked back to shore.
You finally got to shore but you tripped on a rock that was hidden in the water.
You fell down face down in the sand, scraping your foot.

“Omo!”, Sehun saw you collapse in the sand, face down.
He swiftly dodged Tao’s splash and quickly ran over to you.
“Aish.. Ouch.”, you groaned then used your elbows to get up but quickly collapsed aYou suddenly felt yourself being lifted up off the ground.
“Are you alright ____?” Sehun quickly asked.

You tried balancing your stance then looked up at Sehun.
“y-yeah”, you said then started cleaning the sand off your face.
Sehun grabbed your wrists and took your hands away from your face.
You furrowed your eyebrows for a split second then rested your arms beside you.
“Here i’ll do it.”, Sehun said quietly then gently started to wipe the sand off of your face.

After he finished with that, he stood up and looked you in the eyes.
“Thank you”, you closed your eyes then smiled after opening them back up.
Sehun smiled.
He put his hands on the sides of your head, holding your head firmly and kissed your forehead.
His soft lips didn’t leave your forehead after a few seconds.

He looked down to see a cut on your small toe, blood slowly coming out from it.
“Come on. Let’s go get a bandaid for you”, Sehun grabbed your hand and lead you to the same rock you guys were sitting on earlier.
You sat down and watched as Sehun scrambled into his bag.

“Lu Han hyung ! Do you have a bandaid?”, Sehun yelled to Lu Han.
Lu Han was relaxing on a pool bed with his eyes closed.
He flipped open his eyes when he heard Sehun yell his name.
Lu Han shook his head. “No”, he shouted back.
Sehun sighed.

In the background he heard the laughter of children, a loud splash and Lu Han shrieking but he didn’t bother to look back since he already guessed what probably happened.
You giggled seeing Lu Han getting tackled by a bunch of little kids.
Sehun looked at you. You had a smile on your face and the sun was shining on you which made you look like an angel.

He smiled at how beautiful you looked.
His smiled fade when the sun started to disappear and the shade gulped you up.
He turned his whole body to see a towering Chanyeol with a small smile on his lips and his bag in his hand.

“I have a bandaid.”, Chanyeol said.
Sehun did nothing but just look at Chanyeol.
Chanyeol kneeled down in front of you, and scrambled in his bag for the bandaid.

First he took out a tissue then the bandaid.
He folded the tissue in a square and opened his water bottle and carefully poured some water on the tissue.
He carefully wiped off the blood till there was no more in sight.
Some of the water entered the cut, stinging it a bit.

When that happened, you immediately remembered the time Chanyeol helped you clean and bandage your cut from months ago.
When Chanyeol saw you cringe a bit while cleaning your cut, he remembered the time he helped you put a bandaid on the cut from last time.
He lead you into the washroom and you sat on the toilet lid.
He opened the cupboard under the sink and pulled out a first aid kit.
He opened it and took out a thick and wide bandaid.
He left it on the floor then kneeled down in front of you.
He folded the tissue into a smaller square and ran it under cold water. He kneeled down and lifted your leg on his thigh again.
He slowly cleaned the blood of your toes. It stinged a bit when the water entered the cut.

After your short flashback, you noticed that Chanyeol already finished putting the bandaid on your toe.
“thanks Chanyeol”, you smiled at him.
“No problem”, Chanyeol smiled back. He ruffled your hair then went back to play in the water.
You turned your head to look at Sehun with a smile still plastered on your face.
The smiled faded when you saw Sehun with a blank look on his face.

You swore you could see some kind of pain in his eyes but you didn’t want that to be true so you pretended that you didn't see anything.
For Sehun, just watching everything that just happened and how close you and Chanyeol are, is questioning if your feelings for him are sincere. Your feelings for only Sehun.
“Are you alright Sehun-ah?”, you asked him.

Sehun looked up with you and forced a smile. “yup. Go and play in the water with your friends.”, Sehun nudged his head toward the water.
“Yah.. You make me sound like a little kid”, you pouted.
Chanyeol glanced back at you and froze there, feeling his heart clench.
Sehun laughed and leaned in, kissing your cheek.

You froze from the action.
“Now go”, Sehun said while laughing at the frozen you.
You shook your head to snap out of it then stood up and happily skipped over to Chung Ae and Cho Bae who were relaxing on pool donuts and talking to each other.

“Yah Kris ! Since it's your birthday, lets make you seaweed soup ! I got seaweed”, Chen joked.
He pulled a long strip of seaweed out of the water and held it up with a sarcastic smile on his face.
Kris looked over at him then laughed, shaking his head.

Chanyeol was standing in the water beside Baekhyun, who was playing around in the water.
Chanyeol suddenly got depressed and just watched as the waves hit the shore.
“Chanyeol. Are you alright? You look glum”, Baekhyun held onto Chanyeol’s arm.
Baekhyun frowned at the sight of his depressed friend.

“Yeah. I’m just gonna go for a.. stroll on the beach.”, Chanyeol used his free hand to politely take Baekhyun’s hand off him then started to walk away from the group after slightly bowing to his friend.
Baekhyun watched sadly as his friend walked away.

Sehun laughed at your playfulness then headed over to Lu Han who was lying on the pool bed again.
But this time with his eyes wide open and his body tense, watching for anyone who would bother him.
“The coast is clear”, Lu Han whispered to himself with a grin on his face then slowly started to close his eyes.
Sehun quietly and slowly creeped behind Lu Han, trying to not make waves.

Once he was behind Lu Han, he crouched down and flipped over the pool bed.
“AH!”, Lu Han shrieked again, falling into the water.
His head bobbed up from the water.
He stared at Sehun with a blank look on his face.
Sehun laughed at the older who had a mad look on his face.

Lu Han spit out the disgusting seawater that was trapped in his mouth.
“Yah! Dongsaeng! You are not respectful to your elder at all”, Lu Han yelled while taking off seaweed that was on his head.
Sehun laughed harder, clutching onto his stomach.

Lu Han grabbed the pool bed and lightly smacked Sehun on the head.
“Ow!”, Sehun pouted while rubbing his head.
This time it was Lu Han’s turn to laugh.
Sehun rolled his eyes at the laughing hyung and laughed along with him.

Chanyeol strolled to the crowded part of the beach.
It was mostly filled with girls in bikinis, sun tanning or playing in the water.
When Chanyeol passed by them, they would stare at him and never take their eyes of him.
Chanyeol didn’t care about the girls.
He ignored them and just keep his eyes on the sand.

He heard them whisper and some made it obvious.
“He’s cute”
“I wonder if he has a girlfriend”
“Never seen him around before”
“I would love him to rub sunscreen on my body”
And many more nasty things that cannot be mentioned.

Chanyeol listened to all their comments about him, cringing at the last one.
He quickened his pace to get away from the crowded, girl filled area.
He sighed a sigh of relief once he entered the empty part of the beach.
He suddenly felt his body being pushed against a huge rock.
“Ouch”, he groaned.

He looked down to see a pair of legs and flip-flops.
His gaze went up, ignoring the girl’s chest and up to her eyes.
The girls sunglasses were sitting on her nose while a finger was holding her glasses in place.
She took off her glasses then flipped her hair attractively.

“M-mi Hyuk?”, Chanyeol said, shocked.
“Hey Chanyeol”, Mi Hyuk cooed, drawing circles on his bare-chest.
Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and disgust.
Mi Hyuk leaned closer, practically leaning on Chanyeol now.

For some unknown reason, Chanyeol didn't do anything like he would usually do.
He just stayed there with his back pressed against the rock while Mi Hyuk’s body was pressed against Chanyeol’s.
He was broken and depressed. A heavy feeling in his heart wouldn’t leave and because of that heavy feeling, he didn’t have any gut or energy to do anything.

“Did you know that you’re really cute?”, Mi Hyuk winked at Chanyeol.
Chanyeol’s stayed blank. No expression. No feeling. At all.
“No”, Chanyeol answered blankly.
“Well you are”, Mi Hyuk’s hand travelled up to Chanyeol’s ear, tracing it softly.
Chanyeol cringed on the inside from her touch but still couldn’t do anything.

It was like he was stuck under some trance. Mi Hyuk’s trance.
Like Mi Hyuk was a witch and she casted some kind of spell on him to prevent him from fighting back.

“You know.. we should go out sometime.”, she bit her bottom lip then inspected Chanyeol’s body, her gaze moving down to his crotch.
(A/N: sorry for the awkwardness and the gross stuff LOL)

Chanyeol made a face at the erted Mi Hyuk that was staring at his most private part of his body.
Mi Hyuk shook her head to fully notice her actions then looked up and stared at the uncomfortable Chanyeol in front of her.

She caressed Chanyeol’s cheek with one hand then cupped his cheek.
She was inspecting all of Chanyeol’s facial features.
His clear face that was as smooth as a baby’s .
Even with a blank poker face on, he looked over all handsome.

Mi Hyuk never noticed how attractive Chanyeol looked since she never acknowledged his presence and never bothered to get a closer look at him.
Chanyeol stood there staring at Mi Hyuk as her eyeballs moved all over the place, soaking in all of Chanyeol’s facial features.

Mi Hyuk felt herself stuck in the moment and for an unknown reason, she couldn’t and didn't wanna stop herself from doing what she was tempted to do.
She slowly leaned in, planting a soft kiss on Chanyeol’s lips.
Chanyeol swore he could feel his breakfast coming back up.

Mi Hyuk stopped and quickly leaned away.
“U-uh”, she stammered. Why did I do that?!
She completely forgot what she was supposed to do next since her thoughts were just on Chanyeol and her previous shocking action.

“A-anyways. Call me sometime”, Mi Hyuk winked at Chanyeol, handing a piece of paper to him.
Chanyeol slightly furrowed his eyebrows seeing Mi Hyuk’s attitude suddenly change.
Chanyeol didn’t do anything but just stared at her, not even bothering to take the paper.

“Take it. You won’t regret it”, Mi Hyuk smiled then shoved the paper in Chanyeol’s hand and walked away.
Chanyeol watched as she walked away before he scrunched up the paper and threw it to the ground, stepping on it and burying it into the sand.
“What’s wrong with me?”, Chanyeol dropped to the ground.
Ew right. I know
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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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