Treat After History

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]


I am so so so sorry i didn't update for while guys D: Please forgive me ! Enjoy this chapter.
“okay..”, you whispered while pointing in the air and repeating multiple facts in your head.
You were pacing around your room with study cards piled in your hand.
“Aish..5 more days..”, you stopped pacing around the room then sighed in exhaustion.

Right when you were about to study again you heard a vibrating.
You ran over to the desk and picked up your phone to check the text.
Are you studying for HISTORY right now?

You read the message from Sehun. For some reason, you started to smile and you couldn’t help it.
You quickly texted back ‘yeah’ before jumping on the bed, holding all your study cards and your phone.
You sat on a pillow and leaned on the headboard, waiting for Sehun to text you back.

You tilted your head back then slowly closed your eyes. The vibrating from your phone stopped you from fully closing them. You quickly checked the text.
Alright then. Study hard. Fighting ! ^^

You chuckled softly reading it then texted him back. Kamsahamnida! Fighting !
After that he didn’t text back.
You lied down and pulled the covers up to your stomach then started to study again.
But this time, with more confidence.

“Bye Umma ! Bye Appa ! I’m going to leave for HISTORY now!”, you shouted to them then opened the door.
“Arraso !”, Umma came out from the kitchen. “___ fighting!”, she cheered with a smile on her face.
“Fighting!”, you cheered then waved to her.
“Bye!”, umma yelled then went back into the kitchen.

HRGEUREUG Sehun-ah ! Where are you? You texted Sehun.
You held the phone in your hand, panicking. You were looking around everywhere and you didn’t know what to do.
In what felt like forever, Sehun finally texted you back.

In the room. Where are you?  You quickly read it and texted back.
Outside ! I don't know how to get inside. There are so much people.
You started panicking again when he didn’t text back.
Alright just wait. I’m coming. Sehun texted back. You smiled reading that text.
“Aw..”, you whispered.

Few minutes later you saw an exhausted, panting messy guy running towards you.
His hair was covering his face so you couldn't see him clearly. All you did was stand there and waited to see who it was.

“Ugh !”, Sehun groaned and stopped in front of you.
He started panting heavily. You stood there a bit surprised.
“Sehun? Why are you all sweaty and messy?”, you looked at his messed up hair.

“Those people..”, Sehun pointed to the crowd of people trying to go in.
“Are .. aggressive.”, he huffed out his breath.
You laughed then started fixing his messy hair.

Sehun stood there casually waiting for you to finish. “thanks”, Sehun cracked a small smile.
You smiled back then Sehun lead you into the arena. “Aish..the contestant entrance is so far away..”, you started trudging.

You felt like falling down on the ground to sleep right away.
Finally you guys pushed through all the people and rushed into the entrance.
“Is it the same room?”, you asked trying to make small talk.

Once you guys got inside, it suddenly got all quiet.
The chatter of people and the yelling security guards were pushed away and you could barely hear the loud chatter from the people in the audience.
Sehun nodded. “yup”.

You guys finally got to the destination of the room and went inside.
“Finally ! What took you guys so long?”, JunYun asked.
“You do not know how aggressive these people are.”, Sehun pointed out the door.

Everyone chuckled, but not Mi Hyuk. She had mix emotions of jealous and mad.
Jealous cause Sehun fought through a bunch of aggressive people for you and mad because.. of you.
Sehun trudged over to the couch and collapsed on it.

“What?! I just sat down !”, Sehun groaned.
“come on Sehun. Legggooo~”, JunYun grabbed Sehun’s arm and pushed him out the door.
You laughed then followed behind.

Just like last time, the host introduced himself, announced the schools, the warning, etc.
“Well, you don’t seem nervous.”, Sehun whispered to you.
“I don’t know. I feel a bit more confident now.”, you whispered back, thinking of yesterday when Sehun texted you and your confidence lifted automatically.

“That’s great!”, Sehun whispered happily. “____.”.
You nodded your head a bit. “Hmm?”.
“Fighting!”, Sehun took your hand and gave it a squeeze then let go.
You blushed a bit then smiled. “Fighting!”.

“Alright ! Are you guys ready?”, the host asked everyone.
There were cheering and whistling coming from the crowd and from the students.
“Let’s begin!”, the host cheered.

As usual, the host asked questions and the students answered.
Your reaction seemed to be very slow now. You only got to answer one question in the whole game.
“Ugh ! What’s wrong with me today?”, you groaned in frustration.
“What do you mean?”, Sehun asked.
Sehun walked you home after HISTORY.

“I only answered one question today..And I studied so hard.”, you frowned.
Sehun stayed silent but he was thinking. “My reaction today was so slow.”, you added.

“Mm..Maybe you just didn’t get enough sleep. Maybe you’re too tired.”, Sehun said.
You shook your head. “Nah.. probably not.”, you sighed.
“What time did you sleep?”, Sehun asked.
You thought for awhile. “1.. am”, you hung your head.
“Ha! See! It was cause you were tired.” Sehun poked your arm happily since he was right.
“Yah..”, you lightly pushed away his finger.
“Well someone’s grumpy today.”, Sehun joked. You shot him a fake glare.

“Hey! How about we get some ice-cream?”, Sehun turned you around and pointed at a sweets cafe.
The shop was full of ice-cream, cakes, pastries, drinks, etc.
“Okay !”, you beamed when you saw it. Sehun laughed when he saw your mood lift up already.

He grabbed your hand and ran across the quiet street, into the cafe.
“Annyeonghaseyo!”, the ladies behind the counter bowed to you and Sehun cheerfully right at the moment you guys came took a step in.

Both of you bowed back then Sehun dragged you to the corner of the cafe where it was the most far away from the counter but you didn’t suspect anything.
It was normal to sit somewhere private and away from people to you.

You and Sehun sat opposite from each other.
“What do you want to get?”, Sehun asked.
“Not sure ! they don’t menus..”, you said while looking around the cafe.
This cafe was those old fashioned kinds where everything was on the wall behind the counter and you have to go to the counter to order.

“Lazy”, Sehun coughed fakely. He watched for your reaction.
“Yah! You meany”, you kicked his foot under the table.
“Yah. Stop kicking me”, Sehun stared into your eyes.

You stopped for a while then when he wasn’t paying attention, you kicked his foot again.
“Stop ittt!”, Sehun whined like a little child. You laughed then shook your head. “No.”, you continued kicking playfully.

Sehun got out of his seat and went over to you and sat beside you.
“Now you can’t kick me anymore!”, Sehun stuck his tongue out at you.
You scrunched your nose then kicked his foot on the side.
“Psht.”, Sehun looked away feeling stupid.

“I’m still gonna sit here.”, Sehun said to you while looking away.
You blushed then looked the other way out the window.
“I’ll just get vanilla ice-cream in a waffle cone.. WITH SPRINKLES!”, you held up your index finger.
“Fine.”, Sehun giggled then took his arm back and went to the counter.

“Annyeonghaseyo! Can I get two vanilla ice-cream waffle cones with sprinkles?”, Sehun asked the lady behind the counter.
“Yes. That’ll be 8 dollars.”, the lady flashed him a warm smile.

Sehun took out his wallet and scrambled in it for 8 dollars.
“Are you gonna be getting the couple discount too?”, the lady asked which made Sehun stop looking for the money.
“Couple discount?”, Sehun asked with a confused expression.

“Yeah. I remember your face ! You just came in, hand in hand with that pretty girl right?”, the lady continued.
Sehun still not understanding the couple discount.
The lady understood his confused expression and explained, “Every couple that comes in here gets 30% of whatever they buy. It ends by the the end of December.”, the lady said and pointed to a big poster that was advertising the couple discount.

“Oh! Yup. We’ll be getting the couple discount”, Sehun smiled.
He loved saying you were his girlfriend even though you weren’t.. yet.
“Arraso!”, the lady smiled and started pressing buttons on the cash register.
“That’ll be 5 dollars!”, the lady said.

Sehun pulled out 5 dollars and gave it to the lady happily.
Minutes later Sehun arrived back at the table with two big cones in his hand with a smile on his face.
“Eat up!”, he handed the ice-cream to you then sat down beside you.

“You look happy.. Did something happen?”, you asked, feeling a mixture of jealousy and nervousness for some reason.
“Nope. Nothing! Now eat !”, Sehun grabbed the cone from you and slowly put it closer to your mouth.
You opened your mouth a bit and Sehun put the top part of the ice-cream in your mouth.
You bit down on it then catched a falling sprinkle in your hand. The ice-cream slowly melted in your mouth and you chomped on the sprinkles.
“Mmm! This is delicious!”, you took your cone back and started pigging out on it.
Sehun chuckled then started eating his own. “Mmm ! It is delicious!”, Sehun pointed at the ice-cream then started pigging out on it too.

After you finished eating your ice-cream you sat back and slouched in the seat.
You rubbed your tummy then lightly patted it. “I am stuffed!”, you gave your belly a rub then let out a yawn.
Sehun yawned after seeing you yawn.
“I’m.. gonna go to the washroom. Be right back!”, Sehun got out of his seat and made his way to the counter.

“Excuse me!”, he called to the same lady that took his order.
“Annyeong! Anything else you need?”, the lady asked, bowing.
Sehun looked around before speaking. “Can you help me with something please?”, Sehun whispered to her.
The lady nodded, leaning into Sehun over the counter.
“Alright! Lets go now! I’ll walk you home.”,  Sehun clasped his hands together and waited for you to get out of the seat.
You grabbed the tissue and garbage and threw it away in the garbage can on your way out.

“Thanks for walking me home Sehun”, you smiled at him.
“No problem ____-ah!”, Sehun said cheerfully then pulled you in for a hug.
You blushed and felt your heart starting to pound, a familiar warm and complete feeling took over your body.

Sehun pulled away which made you feel empty.
“Bye ___!”, Sehun waved to you.
“Bye!”, you waved back then rushed into the house.

Sehun watched you go into the house before he left.
“Get ready ___.”, Sehun grinned then continued walking.
“Umma, Appa ! I'm home!”, you shouted while taking off your shoes.
You immediately went upstairs and into your room. You the computer then took out your homework while waiting for computer to start.

Once the computer got started you clicked the browser and started to play music.
Few hours passed and it was 9. You were still blasting music and doing your homework.
The music lifted up your mood more and doing your homework wasn’t so boring and tiring.

“Why didn’t I do this before”, you said to yourself. You started dancing a bit in your chair then continued doing your homework.
You heard the doorbell ring but paid no attention to it and continued doing your homework.

Few minutes later you heard your mom faintly call your name.
You quickly put down your pencil and paused your music.

“____-ah ! Come down. You have a delivery !”, you heard Umma yell from downstairs the moment you opened the door of your room.
If you guys were wondering, I changed my tumblr URL !  - If you follow, I'll follow back 100%! 
Guess what I found on Twitter and Tumblr yesterday ! :D 
I don't know if some of you guys or all of you guys have seen it but I just wanted to show you in case! 
ASDFGHJKLLKJHGFDSA I fangirled when I saw that. Im really hoping its not just a rumor cause it sounds legit hehehe. 
Credits to the people who posted the info (:
Alright ! Bye guuyysss ! Get ready for their comeback cause I know I am ^^ 
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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd