More Introducing

We'll Make History [SEMI-HIATUS]

You went up to your room and changed into some jeans and a sweater.

You grabbed your phone then you went downstairs again and Cho Bae was waiting for you .

You slipped on your white sneakers and you guys left the house.


You guys didn't know directions of the rich side so you messaged Jong Yung asking him where's the nearest supermarket.

He said there's a supermarket about 10 minutes away from the house but first you had to cross the park.

You and Cho Bae walked towards the park and Cho Bae looked at it in awe.

"Omo! Its so big !", she chimed. You laughed and you guys started to cross the park.

You never really noticed how big and beautiful it was. The grass was clean and wet from morning drizzles.

The space was extremely big and the place was bustling with activity.

As you guys were walking, you saw two guys coming to the park.

One of them looked like Chanyeol. "Omo, he better not be going this way", you hoped in your mind.

"Yah! ______ ! Doesn't those guys look familiar to you?", she hit her hand against your arm.

You saw her finger pointing to Chanyeol and the guy.

"Um.. Nope! Doesn't ring a bell! Let's go this way!", you grabbed her arm and dragged her to a different direction.

She looked confused as you were pulling her

. "Hey ! _______ !", you heard a deep voice yelling your name from afar.

"Aiisshh", you kept pulling Cho Bae but then she stopped herself from walking.

"Yah ! _______. I heard someone calling your name", she looked around.

You scrunched your eyes, looking away from Chanyeol then stood up normally.

"______ ! Don't act like you didn't hear me!", he yelled out to you again.

"Hey ! The familiar guys ", she cried.

You saw Chanyeol running your way and he was pulling another guy along with him.

That guy looked like that guy who had a lisp. Chanyeol finally got to you.

"Hi ______ ! What are you doing here?", he asked you.

He looked at Cho Bae.

"Hi ! My name is Chanyeol !", he held out a hand.

Cho Bae blushed and she shook his hand. "My name is Cho Bae ", she smiled.

You watched them shake hands then a cough caught your attention. You looked at the guy. He was 'coughing'.

Chanyeol looked at him. "Oh mianhe.", Chanyeol laughed.

"This is my best friend Sehun !", he chimed.

There was an awkward silence.

"Yah! Sehun. Shake their hands.", Chanyeol whispered to him .

"Ahem. Um.. Hi i'm Sehun", he smiled slightly.

He held out his hand to you.

"I'm guessing you're _____". You nodded then shook his hand.

When you touched his hand it felt like there was electricity going through you.

You blushed then pulled back quickly. Sehun raised a brow.

He held out his hand to Cho Bae and she shook it casually.

" Then you're Cho Bae ." He said that with a blank look on his face .

"Yeah.", she normally answered him.

"Was the electricity only happening to me ?", you asked yourself in your mind.

"So _____,what are you doing here?", Chanyeol smiled.

"Me and Cho Bae were about to go to Seoul Market to buy some ramen !", you beamed.

"How about me and Sehun come with you guys !", he chimed

. Sehun had a blank look on his face. He didn't really care about what was going on.

"Ah.. Sure ! If you want !", you answered him. "Sehun! Do you want to come ?", Chanyeol asked him.

"Sure. ", he said boredly.

"Arraso!", Chanyeol beamed. "Let's go !", he cried.

He went over to your side with Sehun and he playfully linked arms with you.

You blushed.

You linked arms with Cho Bae and Chanyeol put an arm over Sehun.

It was an awkward walk to the supermarket.

Since Chanyeol and Sehun was here, you and Cho Bae couldn't talk about things.

Chanyeol and Sehun didn't talk to each other either.

During the walk there were only a few coughes, sneezes or "bless you's". Other than that it was all awkward and quiet.

Few minutes later, you 4 arrived outside the supermarket.

"Let's go in !", Chanyeol chimed.

You and Cho Bae wanted to just come here to buy some ramen but you guys ended up buy a feast of food.

You and Cho Bae were looking at some ramen .

She was looking at the ramen behind you.

You were leaning into the shelf to look at the ramen package carefully.

Cho Bae saw some hello kitty candy hanging .

She ran over to it and saw an aisle full of candy.

"Omo!", she chimed silently and sneaked away from you.

You took 4 packages of kimchi ramen.

"Cho Bae ! Let's get this !" , you cried holding up4 packages of ramen in your hand.

You looked behind you and Cho Bae was gone.

"Aigoo.. Where'd she go?", you scratched your head.

You looked around and saw Sehun pass the aisle.

"Ah ! Sehun ! Wait up!" , you yelled .

He kept on walking.

"Aish.. This guy.", you muttered to yourself.

You ran out the aisle and followed him.


(I was able to finish this chapter ! Now back to studying ):  )

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Thank you for all the subbies! It really means a lot to me! I will probably be putting up 2 chapter tomorrow. Either 1 or 2. Keep updated~


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Chapter 93: please update
Chapter 93: Please update can't wait to sme I love sehun <3
please update!! Can't wait!!!!
Chapter 90: ARA PLEASE UPDATE!!!
Chapter 89: Please update ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: I adore it so much please update saranghae I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 89: Lol what the... 180 change xd