Chapter 08

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

On Monday the only official thing on the schedule is to film episode 15 for Good Sister. For forty-eight hours they will film, and today is the calmest day as they will be busy promoting the album the next two days while filming. Kyung Ho will come once his school ends, but for some reason the cameras are at the apartment when 5 Pieces are getting ready in the morning.

Hannah covers with both hands when widely yawning, standing in the hall waiting for the others to get ready to leave. Her eyes gives away too much that she is having a wide yawn, and Hannah squats down afterwards to cuddle with their cat Ace who is the only one in the hall with her. Hannah is wearing that cool ring bracelet from yesterday, she had asked their stylist if she can wear it for today’s filming because she loves it, and she is careful to not let Ace play with it. She kisses him lovely while Julia and Emelia are coming in the hall, now the two puppies are following too and they are all getting ready to leave within two minutes.

The other two members are being picked up a little later by their manager, while these three have a mission to buy breakfast on the way to the agency.

Hannah sits in the back of Julia’s car this time, sitting with Ryo in her arms as the two puppies have come with them, Michin is calmly lying by her feet. Ryo is the least calm among them in the car, so he is in Hannah’s arms so she can hold on to him while Michin almost falls asleep. Julia is good at driving carefully with the dogs in the car and they don’t have the music on a loud volume either, and the AC is on to keep the car cool for them as well.

“Too bad it’s raining,” Emelia comments when they are heading off through Seoul city.

“Why?” Hannah wonders. She likes the rain.

“It would’ve been fun to take Kyung Ho and the puppies to the river,” Emelia says. Hannah smiles out the window, knowing Emelia only says it because of the cameras, and Hannah keeps hugging on to Ryo in her arms. Jonghyun is on his way home now too, but she isn’t sure if she will get to meet him while they are filming these days. Thinking of her boyfriend, her cell phone gives out a vibration in her pocket and taking it out she can see it is a text message.

“Hyekyung Oppa keeps texting me,” Hannah mentions to them. Emelia turns her head on the side and held her hand towards Hannah, so Hannah gives her the phone so she can see the text messages Hannah has been receiving.

“Is he in the studio?” Emelia asks when giving it back.

“No, but he’s going later. I was thinking I could go there if I get the chance,” Hannah answers and pouts at her cell phone. “You think the meeting will take long?”

“I don’t know,” Emelia answers. Julia doesn’t even care to answer, too busy driving and humming to some American son on the radio. “But I’m sure you can go for half an hour or something.”

They go to a restaurant and order a lot of food. Soup, rice, pickles and dishes, all packed up to take with them. Hannah stays in the car with the puppies while Julia and Emelia is in the restaurant, and she holds on to the puppies when the two ladies come back with the food to put in the back with Hannah and they drive off to the agency.

Emelia has the puppies in a leash while Hannah, Julia and a staff at the agency brings in the food to a meeting room at the agency where they are met by almost everyone in their crew; dancers, band, Maria and Carolina, their teachers and managers too. Everyone welcomes the food and soon enough everyone is starting off the meeting after starting to eat. They are eating breakfast while going through their comeback weekend; they look through their performances, go through everything possible from clothes and lightning to choreography and voices, to how their positions are to how they are in synch, to what need improvements and what to look out for. The mood is good, they can talk freely while eating and still be serious as this is still a meeting. Both Michin and Ryo are sleeping under the table when realising they will not be given any food.

In the middle of the meeting, when they are taking a break to throw out the garbage and stretch their legs and change room, Hannah head to the studio – ending up being there for a little longer than planned because Hyekyung is addicted to complete the song from the other morning, and Hannah is the source of the lyrics. Basically he produces and she writes the lyrics, and for some reason he can’t come up with any words himself and that is why he is so addicted to have Hannah there. She gets to record some parts too, just to make the sound right but they just go through it quickly because they don’t have the time and because the camera finds her.

Hannah is sitting on a chair and smiling widely at the camera-man sneaking inside, and Hyekyung is fast to put on a cap. The camera-man found her because Manager Lee has come to get her, and Hannah says her goodbye to Hyekyung quickly before heading to the big practice-room where everyone is talking about what was being said at the first half of their meeting. Now they will practice to prefect what they took notice of during the first half.

There is a lot they do at the same time; while practicing they are talking about tomorrow’s filming for Sketchbook, they try out new shoes and different accessories that their stylist shows up with.

They are busy for the hours they are at the agency, but it doesn’t take long until Hannah and Carolina leave with Manager Lee; they have changed clothes from practice. It’s after lunch now, and they drive off to pick Kyung Ho up from school and head straight to do the day’s big mission filming. Hannah is wearing a black v-neck long-sleeved t-shirt to a pair of smooth skinny jeans, and sneakers, of course. A simple and comfortable outfit, perfect for the old Korean village they arrive at, to learn about and visit the historical and cultural place. It’s lightly raining, and when they arrive they walk around with umbrellas to walk around and look in the village. Carolina is reading from the tour sheet, reading out loud and pointing out things as if she is the guide, beside from that Kyung Ho and Hannah wander off, not really listening most of the time.

A real guide shows up after a while and Hannah has to hold on to Kyung Ho’s shoulder for him to know that the fooling around is over – they don’t want to be disrespectful – and when walking back to one of the old buildings the guide is answering questions which lets them know that Carolina is a pretty bad tour guide; most of the things she has told them from the tour sheet has been directed to the wrong things, completely messed up. Hannah and Kyung Ho laughs when hearing the real guide talking about the history of this place and hearing Carolina’s talk earlier was messed up, but Carolina only tells them that they heard wrong – not admitting she said wrong.

After a tour and some fun at the village, the three of them (Hannah, Carolina and Kyung Ho) sit down in one of the rooms to play lecturing games where they will play games about the history they have been told about. It is really old, they are sitting on the floor with these tiny tables by their legs and it is really fun, just to sit there and misspell everything. Hannah likes it mostly because Kyung Ho has so much fun noticing her mistakes and showing off exactly how clever he is.

Though Carolina is super interested in the Korean culture, she can’t seem to remember much at all that from what they have spent the past two hours hearing about, and Kyung Ho ends up being the brightest one – only because he has been reading about this in school. He will ace the tests in school though and this is a funnier way to learn, according to Hannah. The filming goes well, they laugh a lot and Carolina keeps turning her table over from moving her whole body in laughter.

The filming is really fun and Hannah can’t stop smiling. Even on the way back home, the cameras still with them, she is smiling, pleased with the day, and they are all brightly talking about the day and what to eat for dinner.

Hannah likes that Kyung Ho’s drama has ended for him, so not beside from filming Good Sister and at times commercials; he only has school to attend. She is happy for that but at the same time she knows he wants to spend time with them when he has the time, and that’s the problem now with 5 Pieces’ comeback; 5 Pieces has an undying schedule. They would need to practice now too for tomorrow but for the filming they have decided to do it when Kyung Ho goes to bed, so spend the night practicing instead and be back before he wakes up.

Coming home it is crazy. They haven’t been home for long, starting to prepare for dinner when the others return and the puppies starts barking thinking there are strangers in the house (camera crew) and with all the ladies together they are talking in loud voices, they are singing and it is crazy. Kyung Ho has even more fun with them all, explaining with wide hand gestures about their day while rushing after those who weren’t there and he then tries to play with the puppies in the kitchen where he ends up being in the way for Hannah, Julia and Manager Kim who are the ones preparing dinner.

Manager Kim had sent them home and is helping out with the Korean meal, making sure they won’t burn the house as the ladies are still not that good at Korean food. The seasoning is simple to not make it too hot or strong for Kyung Ho – which Hannah loves as she is sensitive to spicy things.

Messily in the loud apartment they finish making dinner and sit down around the kitchen table – Manager Kim eats with them – and they all quiet down a little to eat.

After dinner, Kyung Ho sits down by the kitchen table to do his homework, laughing at a few things that he actually remembers from today and he does other homework as well. Emelia comes to see what homework he has, and Kyung Ho starts telling about their traditional village visit. He left school a little early today, and tomorrow he will arrive late. His grades are good anyway; he studies well and follows his classes even if he can’t always attend.

While Kyung Ho continues with his homework, Hannah, Maria and Emelia sit down by the kitchen table with him to fix their nails. They remove all nail polish, clean their nails and make them simply said clean, and Kyung Ho finishes homework.

He goes to bed before nine, and he is told by Hannah of the ladies’ plans and that he can call if there is anything. And 5 Pieces goes to practice for a few hours.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

The apartment is quiet, puppies sleeping, the cat is sleeping, Kyung Ho is sleeping. It’s calm and quiet, the rain is falling outside the dark windows and the clock filmed by the camera shows 04:34 when the front door of the apartment is unlocked and opened. 5 Pieces comes inside, four members – Maria isn’t with them as she has gone to the saloon right away to then head to a photo shoot with Cosmopolitan magazine.

The members start washing up tiredly and slowly going to bed, but while three of them are going to bed, Hannah is getting dressed anew. While getting ready, she wakes Kyung Ho up. She gently sits by his bed and caresses his arm, in a low gentle whisper she tells him he has to get up and dressed. Kyung Ho groans and whines, continuing while Hannah drags him up and she can hear his low complaining about the hour while he gets dressed and he has barely gotten out of his room when Emelia is waving at him from her bed in the room next too.

“Oh, Nuna, you’re sleeping? I’m sorry,” he is fast to apologize. “Sleep well.”

“Have fun,” Emelia mumbles and waves another time before turning around as Kyung Ho stumbles inside the bathroom. He can’t be quiet apparently, and Emelia waits until Hannah is coming out of her room to say; “Hannah, don’t forget to feed the kid. He looks like he is still sleeping.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Hannah answers and sees Kyung Ho come out of the bathroom, “Sleep well everyone! See you later.”

She can hear mumbles in response; not from Carolina, she has probably fallen asleep already, and Hannah quietly walks down the stairs with Kyung Ho for him to go to the hall and she quickly gets to the kitchen to put something in her bag before joining Kyung Ho in the hall. He has used the bathroom, she checks to make sure he has brushed his teeth and washed his face.

A few minutes later they get in the car waiting outside; Manager Lee has been waiting for them while the ladies were washing up and he asks what took so long when they finally get in the car. Hannah ignores him, just making sure Kyung Ho is wearing his seatbelt before telling him to close his eyes for a bit – letting him sleep on the road to their commercial filming. The commercial filming is for a bike brand, Hannah and Kyung Ho were asked since their show is popular and they taught Kyung Ho to ride the bike there as well, and now in the morning they head to an indoor shooting after glam up with simple make-up and fixing their hairs.

Kyung Ho gets a mini headband, looking adorable in it and Hannah has her hair in two long, blue braids to her set of top and sweatpants. They look sporty in their first outfits and the set is made to have a city background while they really won’t be riding the bike anywhere particular – it is all graphic and made up – but it will still be fun to film.

Arriving at the set, Kyung Ho follows Hannah and lowers his head to everyone she greets, imitating her and admiring his sister who politely greets everyone and is really nice, though she hasn’t slept all night.

“How do you do that?” Kyung Ho asks when they walk back to their dressing-room to wait for filming to begin.

“I’m my job,” Hannah laughs at how amazed he sounds; even Manager Lee is smiling at them.

“I know that, but you’re tired… Yet you do so well,” Kyung Ho pouts at her answer and Hannah hugs him, happy that he thinks so. The big yawn he gives out lets her know he too is sleepy, and she suggest they eat something more before filming – she has taken yogurt with her for them to eat this early before breakfast. “I wonder if I can do that one day…”

He might be worried, but as a child he soon forgets that and has fun. During filming you can easily see who has spent six years in front of the cameras and who is the newbie; Hannah keeps guiding Kyung Ho when filming. Though he might sleep a bit when she is filming, Hannah doesn’t close her eyes when he films just because he keeps looking for her if she isn’t standing near the director. The staff jokes with them lightly during the second shooting, saying Kyung Ho depends a lot on Hannah and they keep smiling at the sibling couple.

The filming ends at forenoon, and while Kyung Ho is heading to school, Hannah continues her day by going to meet her members at KBS to film for Yoo Heeyeol’s ‘Sketchbook’. Maria is arriving soon as well.

Hannah and Manager Lee arrives by themselves outside the building, and as soon as Hannah walks out of the car – fresh face and hair put up in a messy bun, Manager Lee hiding her under an umbrella – there are fans standing outside the building closer to the entrance spotting her. To her delight they stay where they are, in the rain calling out her name and asking why she is arriving later than the others and if Maria isn’t with her and wishing her good luck on today’s filming. When being wished good luck on the filming Hannah gives a smile towards the fans and waves lightly at them under the umbrella, right before Manager Lee directs her towards the doors and stands in the way for the fans.

“Are you tired?” Manager Lee asks once they are inside.

“Mm…” Hannah answers. She has so much trouble keeping her eyes open now after sitting in the car. She could use an hour or two of sleep.

“Mm, me too,” he agrees.

But he can’t say she can get some rest after the recording for KBS. They will continue to film for Good Sister and tonight they will pre-record for tomorrow’s comeback stage on Show Champion. A typical comeback schedule. Without having Kyung Ho around now, any cameras as well, after hugging her friends Hannah lazily sits down and the second she leans back her eyes closes, but she doesn’t fall asleep as they have to get ready for recording later.

5 Pieces eat five meals a day, especially during promotions weeks when they work so much. The first meal is simple with something light to eat between 04:00 and 07:30, which was this morning for Hannah a yogurt; the second meal is between 08:00 and 11:30, which can be considered breakfast and is rarely taken after ten unless they are too busy doing something else before. 12:00 to 15:30 they eat lunch, between 16:00 and 19:30 they eat dinner and the last meal is between 20:00 and 23:30. Between 23:30 and 04:00, the ladies are not allowed to eat even if they are awake, that’s when they are only allowed to drink water. Five meals are necessary when working about 15-20 hours a day, and more.

Maria arrives with lunch, and they are eating while getting prepared with make-up and hair, hungry and not really talking much while eating. Hannah knows that once they have eaten they will go through things for the show; go into details of what to talk about during the interview.

Manager Lim is there too, and he shows a message to Maria while she is busy eating, the leader glancing around at the others in the room while reading the message.

Hannah is half asleep getting her hair made into a pretty and long braid, her make-up is as explosive as it can be for this comeback with silver and black eye-shadow and fake lashes, marked eyebrows and a light colour on her lips with slight glittery lipstick. For accessories, Hannah is putting on a pair of black triangle earrings pointing down, a bigger version than the small pair Carolina wears. For the commercial this morning she wore nothing on her nails and for accessories, but she will get help to get black nails to match the outfit and her members, deciding to only wear a black metal bangle to fit her earrings. The clothes are stunning though. 5 Pieces are wearing matching outfits while getting ready; dressing up in a high-waist pair of black shorts in thin and stretchable fabric while it is covered underneath silver fringe, the fringe formed at the top of the shorts and then hangs down over the end of the shorts to make it look longer and also give the illusion of being a skirt. The ladies are wearing transparent tights underneath, not visible at all unless you know the ladies are wearing it, they will wear their own pair of high heels, matching each other though, and the top if a cropped top made differently from lady to lady. Hannah’s top is a zip-up in the back, the material is double and thick to keep her figure at place; Maria is wearing a high-neck crop top; Julia’s top has long sleeves; Emelia’s top has no sleeves and Carolina’s is a cropped t-shirt – all shaped to fit the ladies’ figures.

In their glam, 5 Pieces take a picture backstage standing next to each other, looking to be in a great shape and they overall look just amazing.

Waiting for the recording to begin about an hour later, the ladies are warming up their voices and bodies. They have greeted everyone backstage and been kind to the host Yoo Heeyeol, and now all left is to wait before they will go meet the audience and put on a smiling face.

“Hannah,” Maria whispers, patting Hannah on the arm with her toes, not wanting to stand up just to get her attention.

“Mm,” Hannah turns to look at her, wearing a gown over her outfit to cover her skin.

Maria motions with her finger for Hannah to come closer. At first the youngest just looks at her, not understanding at all what she means with that because they are sitting just a meter apart from each other. If Maria wasn’t sitting so strangely she could probably lean towards Hannah and say whatever she wants to say without anyone hearing, and it seems like Maria understands that as she rolls her eyes when Hannah doesn’t move and with the leader leaning closer Hannah leans over as well.

“What?” Hannah asks.

“I got this earlier, from Appa,” Maria says and shows the piece of paper with the message she received earlier.

“Okay…” Hannah frowns, looking at the message and slowly she is loosing her face.

She takes the paper to read it, in Swedish it says ‘There is nothing I can say to change the mind of my daughter, I may not understand you but I know when I have come in vain. It saddens me thinking you do not see me as a good mother and it hurts me incredibly a lot to see the way you looked at me, especially after reading your personal letters to grandma. I do not wish to force you back with me, I have seen the way you have grown from being my own little girl into an independent woman, and I don’t want to destroy your hopes. Do not think for a second that I don’t care about you, you are my daughter and always will be, but I guess I couldn’t see my daughter grow up the way you did. You have done well, I wanted to let you know that, and I understand if you will not be near to talk to me again for what have been said on my part, as long as you know that I love you. Take care of each other, all five of you, and do come visit next time-

Hannah stops reading and tilts her head back with a pout over the tears in her eyes, and she whines because if she cries it will ruin her makeup.

“I know, I know,” Maria whines and is suddenly embracing Hannah. “I’m sorry, Appa told me to give it to you later but it was killing me.”

Mi Young is quickly standing in front of Hannah, giving her napkins and helping her in panic to wipe the tears, Maria helps her too while Hannah has no idea how the silent tears can just pour out of her. She has a billion of questions in her head; she wants to ask Maria about her mother but not a word comes out of her as the only question storming out of her lips is why she can’t stop crying. Emelia asks them what’s going on and the message is soon sent around among them to be read by the members and their closest crew.

“Don’t cry, please, it will not look pretty later,” Mi Young sighs.

She can’t help it. Her mother has cursed at her and blocked her out, told her so many things about being a disgrace to the family and she is seen as a for the kind of job she has chosen; all of a sudden she writes a message that contains things Hannah has wanted to hear for six years? Wait a minute, Hannah frowns when getting the message back, reading it again. Her mother is sad and hurt? Why, because Hannah went across the globe without her mother’s permission at the age of fifteen to become one of the most successful artists from Sweden? No life in Sweden can compare to what Hannah has been doing these years. If Hannah hadn’t gone to Korea six years ago, would she ever have gone abroad at this time in her life? Now she has been abroad for countless of times, travelled the world and seen cities she used to think were dreams, she has performed and loved and lived a life she has never thought was something she even could dream of doing… Her whole life seems unreal, yet it is the only life she knows of now.


Hannah looks up to meet Maria’s eyes looking at her. Maria is standing up in front of Hannah where Mi Young just stood, looking at Hannah and holding a tissue in her hand, and Hannah realises they have been talking to her and that she has stopped crying. “Has she left?” Hannah asks, her eyes tearing up once again.

“Your mother?” Maria asks, looking a little confused at first but seeing Hannah’s lost face she guess Hannah is barely aware of that she asked the question out loud. Maria puts a hand on Hannah’s head, patting her warmly. “She is probably at the airport, maybe?”

She isn’t sure if she should care, or how she should react; she isn’t sure of anything, but she blinks and looks directly at Maria. Does she want to talk to her mother? Does she want to ask about the message?

“Do you want to call her?” Maria suggests, not really sure what Hannah’s expression means. “There is a chance she is still at the airport.”

“5 Pieces!” a voice calls by the door as a staff member stops by. “Please prepare to go to the stage.”

The stylists are fast at their job, to fix the ladies’ makeup (mostly Hannah who just cried) and in five minutes they are all heading to the stage, still busy checking their looks when heading over there and Hannah can’t think of her mother now. The stage for Sketchbook is much smaller than what they have had before, which is why they had to practice during night to adjust their choreography and movements to the small stage, and that’s what the focus turns to now.

Smiling, Hannah stands with her members, their dancers and the band members, everyone standing backstage waiting for the cue to go up there and start off their performance.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Maria starts off saying to them all, and her tone lets them know she is just going to make them smile; “we have gathered here today, in honour of 5 Pieces’ fourth album [Girls Power], to represent SM Entertainment and all the members of this crew on the stage for KBS Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook. It is a big deal for me, as the leader of the universe, to say this speech that will put us all on the right mind and get all awake and excited to perform and amaze. I’m pretty sure we can handle that. I will say it two times, and you all better shout it with confidence; who are we?”

“5 Pieces”

“WHO are we?!”

“5 Pieces!” everyone cheers.

Hannah breathes out, smiling at everyone. They are excited now, and ready to continue working. The band head up to take their positions first, host Yoo Heeyeol walks up as well when they start recording and a simple cheering from the sitting audience and all the cameras are rolling; filming the host and the audience.

Yoo Heeyeol looks happy from his cards to the audience. “Our first guests don’t really need an introduction, do they? They are recognized worldwide and no word really describes just how charismatic and huge they are… They have just released an album in Korea, a world-topping charted album, and there is just nothing that can say how happy I am they have been invited. Let me introduce; 5 Pieces.”

Applauses, cheers and whistles go through the hall from the audience as 5 Pieces makes their entrance. Hannah bows while walking up on the stage and she takes a final deep breath when taking her seat on the chair for [Girls Power].

The ladies have taken their seats and the audience quiets down, and the band on the stage begins to play, Carolina starting to sing while facing the crowd. The audience seems impressed right away, a few cheers can be heard during her intro and Hannah doesn’t have to look at her friend to know that their red-head lady is looking confident in her voice, body and style. On the stage performing, 5 Pieces have the confidence, no doubt about that, and soon Hannah is dancing with her members, moving her body and looking at the audience that keeps going ‘wooooooa’ throughout the whole song, both at the choreography and 5 Pieces’ live singing. In the end, it’s the audience that makes her smile. Hannah looks happy most of the time, and she keeps to drop her bra strap over her shoulder so she discretely tries to put it back until she ends up holding her shoulder up to keep it from falling.

Dancing at the end of the song, the audience is cheering at the stage filled with female dancers and 5 Pieces, pushing their hips back and forth and bending forward to throw their hairs and showing off the reality of Girls Power.

The first song comes to an end and the audience starts applauding. Hannah hurries to the side to get off the stage, knowing they are supposed to do the interview but they will move chairs first so she has time to sneak off the stage a little quickly.

“What’s wrong?” Manager Lim asks, holding Hannah’s hand where she holds the microphone too as she comes down the stairs but Hannah just focuses on Yong Hyun standing there, their clothing stylist seeing her put her free hand to her shoulder and he is fast to put his hands to her bra strap.

“It keeps falling,” Hannah breathes out; staring out at nothing while he fixes her strap and the audience is still applauding behind her.

“Fixed,” Yong Hyun says and Hannah gives him a thanks before hurrying back up the stairs. Her knees are weak from the performance, and she smiles at the audience when making her way to her members, bowing again to the audience and to Yoo Heeyeol who is about to take his seat too. Hannah almost bumps into Emelia when she is about to go sit at the side, while Emelia stops her and moves her for the centre, which Hannah had forgotten once again so she just sits down with a sigh.

“Woah, 5 Pieces,” Yoo Heeyeol cheers and awkwardly laughs while the ladies are smiling and lowering their heads in sitting bows, “Could you please introduce yourselves one by one, starting from Julia?”

Julia sits furthest away from him, and she is fast to introduce herself.

“I’m 5 Pieces’ Julia.”

“I’m the charismatic rapper, 5 Pieces’ Emelia,” the dark voice comes out naturally and Emelia smirks when lowering her head slightly to stay polite.

“And I’m 5 Pieces’ Hannah, nice to meet you.”

“I am 5 Pieces’ bright mascot, Carolina,” the red-head happily greets.

“And I am Maria, the leader of 5 Pieces, thank you for having us,” Maria finishes off and she smiles widely at Heeyeol. “It is really nice to be on Sketchbook after all this time.”

“Ah, but you and I met last year,” Yoo Heeyeol tells Maria, pointing at her and chuckles. “Last year, you were active with your solo album…”

“Yes, yes, but I still missed Sketchbook,” Maria charmingly says and she smiles widely when hearing some in the audience laugh and Heeyeol gets all embarrassed as well, to be told by 5 Pieces they missed his show.

“5 Pieces…” Yoo Heeyeol starts mentioning, glancing at his cards. “Whenever you make a comeback there are a lot of attention on you. A few months back you released a single, which was … a new revolution of your new image, right?”

“Ah, yes,” the ladies nod and Carolina explains; “[I Want a Man] was a pre-single for the album, and the first step of this … transformation, as we call it.”

“Why did you make a transformation like this? We all know 5 Pieces as the tough little sisters; you have a charismatic and tough image… Whose idea was it, the company?”

“I think both we and our agency were thinking of having a more mature, feminine and y concept for our fourth album,” Maria answers; Hannah nods along but has no interest in answering. “[I Want a Man] was like the first step when the New Year came, and almost like a test to see if we could take on a feminine concept. Then we released [Girls Power] which is ier.”

“So you could say your album is to show you have matured?” Yoo Heeyeol asks.

“Yeah,” Julia answers, all of them nodding as one.

“We always show that we have grown when making a comeback,” Emelia explains, “But for this comeback we have showed we have matured as well.”

“I can see that,” Yoo Heeyeol praises them and gives off his awkward laugh when the audience laughs at his praise. “But the song [Girls Power]… It has been receiving a lot of attention and tons of talk since it was released, it has been gotten both good and bad critic. How was your first reaction to the song, when you first heard it yourself?”

“We hated it,” Carolina answers and she is so focused on what he says that her tone comes off strong too and Hannah gets such a surprise to hear Carolina have that kind of tone that she just gapes in surprise at the friend sitting to her left and Carolina too seems to hear her tone because she laughs with the others.

“What?” Yoo Heeyeol sounds shocked.

“When we first heard the song,” Maria starts explaining with laughter in her stomach, “we really liked the song for its meaning and sound, but when we…”

Emelia continues her sentence; “But when we started to practice for the song, we hated it a lot because it was not the kind of concept we personally were thinking of having for the album.”

“We struggled a lot with the concept at the beginning because it was so new to us,” Maria continues in a clear voice, “But I think we always enjoy doing new things, which is why we’re able to do it. And the meaning behind the songs is really important and close to our hearts, so it means a lot for us now.”

“If all of you disliked the concept… Was there a member who said ‘I am not doing this’ or was having a bit more troubled thoughts than the others…?” Yoo Heeyeol asks and Hannah is smiling widely again, her back straight to look at the person sitting next to her. They all giggle or laugh at the same reason; 5 Pieces have one particular member in mind at this question. Even Yoo Heeyeol starts laughing strangely seeing 5 Pieces reaction and the audience starts chuckling along.

“Actually,” Maria says and puts a hand on Carolina’s shoulder, “this friend here stomped out of the room once saying she is not doing this concept.”

“Really?!” Yoo Heeyeol sounds amazed, gaping at the ladies. Hannah has to turn to Emelia, giggling at the memories of the ladies complaining when practicing the choreography for [Girls Power].

“None of us have gone for a y concept before, and for this comeback we had to dance on chairs and get a little y and move differently… It was a big challenge for us,” Maria explains, not noticing that Hannah, Julia and Emelia are all giggling by themselves in their corner.

Not until some in the audience starts whistling at the three giggling ladies does Yoo Heeyeol and Maria comment on it, he asks what they are doing and she tells them to focus, and Hannah just shyly lowers her head before they continue with the interview. Yoo Heeyeol moves on by asking about the album, talking about the genre this time and commenting that 5 Pieces have come back as musicians this time and asks who has participated in the album making.

“Carolina has been writing songs and produced for this album,” Maria is fast to start saying, looking and pointing at the members. “Hannah wrote lyrics for one song and Emelia has been helping out writing for a few songs as well.”

“I have listened to your album…” Yoo Heeyeol starts saying, glancing at his cards. “And the song Hannah wrote…”

“[I Still Want You],” Maria answers, and she smiles when someone in the audience gives out a cheer – either impressed that Maria knows which song Hannah participated in or that person might like the song.

“Yes. Listening to the lyrics to that song, just the title of it,” Yoo Heeyeol starts saying and Hannah can feel how she is starting to bite the inside of her lip. She knows where this is going. “Could it be that you wrote of a specific person when writing the lyrics?”

He looks up, straight at Hannah, who is fast to glance over the audience with a smile that shows she knows just who this specific person he means is.

“Um…” Hannah says, putting the microphone to her lips and she bursts out in a smile looking at the host, seeing Maria looking straight forward and Carolina is just looking like she is trying to figure out who he could be talking about. “I’ll let the lyrics be about for the listener to decide.”

“Eeeeh,” Yoo Heeyeol sounds disappointed but he laughs at her clever answer – which Emelia also does – so while Hannah turns away with a laugh behind her hand, Yoo Heeyeol chuckles while asking if the other members who participated in the album if they had a person they thought of.

Carolina answers seriously; “When I was producing the songs, I thought a lot about the members and about how they would sing, so my focus was just to give the best of.”

The audience cheers at her answer but Yoo Heeyeol has not gotten out what he wanted from them.

“With 5 Pieces just making a comeback, you must all be very busy. I am sure you all don’t have much time to meet friends and boyfriends…” Yoo Heeyeol starts saying and the ladies can’t help but to laugh.

“You are too obvious, Oppa,” Maria laughs at him.

“Yes, but none of you say anything,” he chuckles, slightly impressed by how professional 5 Pieces is during interviews; they react to what he says and they don’t give away things.

“It’s a bit difficult to meet friends when making a comeback because of the schedule,” Maria answers and her tone changes slightly as if giving him a hint when saying; “One very good friend of Hannah’s came by for our comeback stage…”

Hannah gives out a laugh at Maria hinting that this very good friend is actually her boyfriend, and while Hannah is too busy blushing, the audience is whistling with energy for Maria giving away such a thing.

“But this very good friend only came briefly because he happens to be busy too,” Maria clears up with her hands held together.

“Do you usually visit each other’s comeback stages?” Yoo Heeyeol wonders.

“We usually visit comeback stages of those in the same agency, or if there is a friend making a comeback,” Emelia answers, not giving away anything and Hannah is just trying to hold back her blushing.

“Ah, but did he come alone?” Yoo Heeyeol asks.

Maria closes with a chuckle, as if she had been about to give away something, and Yoo Heeyeol laughs at it and the ladies starts laughing too.

“That means he came alone,” Yoo Heeyeol laughs at them.

“Let’s just say there come a lot of friends for comeback stages and leave it with that,” Carolina badly covers up with a smile, waving her hand. “Our album is really good.”

That one random comment makes the whole hall burst out in laughter and Yoo Heeyeol almost falls off his chair. No one ever understands what goes on in Carolina’s head, but she surely can make you laugh at times.

“We will say goodbye to 5 Pieces with the next song… Thank you for coming here,” Yoo Heeyeol finishes off the interview and the ladies in choir thank him for inviting them.

They all head off the stage, the ladies get on the side to just get a touch on their look and the stage is prepared for their [POWER UP] performance.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Monday, Headline 02nd: (America) The New Lady Marmalade!

Headline 02nd: World Hit For 5 Pieces! Reaches Global Music Charts Within Days Since Release


Headline 03rd: Kim Kyung Ho & Emelia Have A Tough Battle In Mobile Game CF Version 2

Headline 03rd: 5 Pieces To Appear On Next Week’s Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook

Headline 03rd: 5 Pieces’ Hannah & Kim Kyung Ho Signs Contract With Bike Brand

Headline 03rd: The Power Of 5 Pieces Breaks Through As A World Success

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias - An update after WAY TOO long! I am deeply sorry. Has had some difficulties in the family lately, making me write and write but never upload. Hope you enjoy the update ^^, I will refresh INFO Corner in the future too, just have to grasp how to change in :)

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^