Chapter 49

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

The hot and humid Singapore weather has kept the ladies begging for a fan to keep blowing at them at each corner backstage at their GIRLS POWER concert, but the fans seems used to the weather because they have been just as passionate, loud and amazing as usually. On the stage, the ladies are as professional as usual, but for the first concert Emelia almost fainted afterwards because of the hot weather and getting dehydrated. She felt tons of times better after some spa treatment with the ladies and crew back at the hotel and a good night of sleep as Maria for once did not suggest them having a movie marathon.

Lying on the floor with her legs straight up against the wall is Hannah. She has a fan blowing towards her and she is controlling her breathing while relaxing her body and straightening out her back. It’s about three hours left until the second concert begins, meaning the ladies are resting after rehearsals before they will get ready for the concert with hair and make-up.

“I don’t think it’s healthy though,” Emelia mutters, sitting on a chair a few meters away and either playing games on the tablet or reading articles about Carolina’s solo or 5 Pieces’ concert. But the subject is something else.

“The doctors have approved it,” Hannah explains with a groan as she stretches out her arms above her head.

“The doctors have approved all too much,” Emelia continues to mutter.

Hannah closes her eyes with a sigh. Emelia likes to complain about anything and most things about Hannah when the two of them ends up talking and at the moment it is the pills Hannah has been taking today and yesterday for nausea and pain. Emelia always finds something to complain about; Hannah wonders at times if it is her way to release her nervousness.

“What Emelia means,” Mi Young quietly says as she sits down next to Emelia, closer to Hannah, “Is that your back is just as horrible as it was before so she is curious if the pills are helping at all. It’s all about love, ladies, and the right way to communicate.”

“My back is a lot better, thank you,” Hannah answers.

“Really?” Emelia chuckles without looking up from her tablet and Mi Young actually grimaces at Hannah as if she just lied at them.

“Yes. It is a lot better,” Hannah pouts. “I still do these exercises because I don’t want my back to be the same, I want it to get even better. Any problem with that?”

“You’re grumpy,” Mi Young comments and Emelia is fast to hit her on the leg. Mi Young looks surprised. “What? You said it first, not me, I’m just communicating between you.”

“I’m not grumpy.”

“You are,” Emelia says.

“Emelia is too,” Mi Young says and points to her left. “Always grumpy and negative unless it’s about the stage. And you make each other grumpy which makes me grumpy and Emelia wants to know if Hannah is grumpy because Mr Hannah is not around for some time. Do you miss your boyfriend?”

Hannah covers her face with her hands at Mi Young’s way to talk, hiding her smile and even Emelia is smiling because their stylist is really good at this but at the same time very bad. Mi Young looks at them both with a smile seeing their reactions.

“Maybe we should ask Yong Hyun if he misses his boyfriend after some time away,” Mi Young teases and starts pointing her toes at Hannah’s side.

“Unnie!” Hannah bursts out and rolls away with a laugh.

“Should we ask?” Mi Young teases her.

“We could always ask what they write to each other,” Emelia adds and reaches out her tongue when Yong Hyun just in that moment enters the dressing-room with some clothes in his arms. “Yong Oppa, what dirty texts do you send your boyfriend when you work abroad like this?”

Hannah laughs at Emelia’s loud voice being heard to even the people outside the room, and she laughs even more when Yong Hyun is quickly interested in the subject to ask them which one of them is interested in getting tips of the best text messages between lovers. The girls just laugh.

Emelia might be a bit negative in her constant complains here and there, but just about Hannah it seems like she is right that the pills can’t do as well as they are supposed to; yesterday at the concert Hannah felt dizzy several times when taking a turn or even just by bowing. She hasn’t had a headache in some time, the nausea has been alright until now – her appetite has been horrible this week – but just that dizziness on the stage is what worried Hannah a bit. But she believes in her doctor; if she has been told to take these pills to help her when performing and living, she will do that to not have to make her members and fans worry more. She should talk to her doctor about the dizziness when they go back to Korea.

For today’s concert, just like yesterdays, Hannah has two small braids on her left side pulled with the rest of her hair into a high pony-tail. The joking backstage continues on the stage, throughout the concert. For each song, the ladies have adapted too well to each message and concept of the songs, they can joke around to the right songs and make faces and poke each other while for other songs it will look like they want to rip someone’s heart out. Hannah gets dizzy several of times when both dancing and when running around, and one time she is about to loose her balance but finds it at the right time and shoots a smile at the audience instead. It’s nothing weird, the audience thinks she is having the best time ever being silly, her members have the same thoughts while Hannah starts bouncing up and down without moving her head in hope that will not make her dizzy as it gets when she bounces her head to their music.

It is a great concert. So far the GIRLS POWER tour has been amazing, a lot of fun, and everyone knows exactly what to do, when to do it and how to have fun.

Finishing a great concert, the ladies get straight to the airport for a six hours flight back to Korea.

Everyone sleeps this time, because when they come back to Korea they will be practicing for a new choreography.

The flights feel long though, which is great because the ladies are deeply sleeping from pretty much beginning to end. So when they are back in Korea, in the practice-room with the American choreography team to learn the choreography for their next international single, Hannah forgets all about her dizziness even if it is slightly lying at the back of her head throughout the dance practice. She has kept her hair in the two braids and pony-tail; it is messy when spending Sunday practicing since she has had her hair like this throughout the concert, a six hours flight and the whole day practicing a new choreography.

They have just today to learn the choreography, which is why when starting slowly at nine in the morning the ladies practices until midnight.

At home that night, Hannah has washed up and is sitting in the sofa with Tiger next to her. She should go to sleep but she got stuck chatting with Emelia and Maria. The subject is joggling back and forth between Maria going to Sweden in just two days; Carolina is making her solo debut in a few days as well and the next day’s music video filming.

“You all better do well while I’m away,” Maria says while walking around in the kitchen in just her . She has showered, but she hasn’t gotten dressed yet because she left her clothes upstairs.

“We’ll treat her like a diamond, don’t worry,” Emelia chuckles, sitting on the floor and braiding her long hair while Ace is trying to play with it.

“But I won’t be here to make sure of it,” Maria sighs and throws down a bag of chips on the kitchen table that makes Tiger lift his head from the living-room’s sofa. “I’m so nervous for her. Our little weirdo is finally debuting. Did you hear her whimpering on the way home when I mentioned it? She will not be focused at the set tomorrow, I can bet on that.”

“You want to bet on it?” Emelia shines up.

Hannah gives out a big smile at Emelia’s question. Whenever a lady is doing solo activities, Emelia seems to bet a lot over these small things. Maria gives out a grunt from the kitchen.

“No betting when I can’t be here for the result, lady, you know that,” is the answer Maria gives. “But you two have to be there for her. I don’t tell Julia these things, and there is no way to hell that I will ever tell Carolina that I wished she would make her debut when I came back-”

“Captain,” Emelia interrupts in a soft voice. “Stop talking. And you are not bringing those chips with you to Sweden. Don’t worry about Carolina; she is a professional musician and she has a bunch of fans knowing how weird she is that it and she will have three crazy ladies at the front row so she won’t even remember you’re away.”

Maria peeks out from the kitchen to glare at her, a hand at her hip and completely besides from her , her short blonde hair put up in a hair-band. “Two things, lady; first, don’t try to insult my presence because it is awesome and will be missed and secondly, I can bet on that these chips will come with me to Sweden.”

“How come you’re not even covering yourself with a towel?” Hannah asks out of the blue, frowning a bit at Maria’s blunt comfortableness in walking around with bare s and skin in the house. It isn’t unusual for Maria to do so, and Hannah seems to awkwardly question it too many times.

“Baby, baby, baby,” Maria sighs and shakes her head, disappearing back inside the kitchen though Hannah can see her from the sofa. “Go get some sleep now, ladies; we need to wake up in time in the morning.”

“Which means you are not going upstairs to read fan-fiction?” Hannah asks while picking Tiger up to go to bed.

“I will… for a few minutes, only,” Maria answers and smiles at Hannah when the youngest says goodnight.

The reason Maria can spend half the night reading and still survive a whole day working is because she can take every free minute that day to get some sleep.

Hannah lies down in bed after putting Tiger down on her own bed, keeping the cell phone in hand to send Jonghyun a last text message as he is not asleep yet. Her boyfriend is fast to write a response, and just like she knew he hasn’t fallen asleep even if he lied down under his sheets two and a half hours ago. After writing back to him, he responses by calling.

My cute and sweet butterfly,” Jonghyun says over the phone when Hannah answers the call. She smiles right away. “Have you booked your flight yet?

“Is that the first thing you want to talk about?” Hannah whispers and rolls around to the side.

Yes. I can’t wait to see you,” he honestly answers.

Since Hannah will have over a week off, while spending most of the time in the recording studio to plan her solo album she has been planning with Jonghyun to spend a day or two in Japan. They came up with it yesterday, and he is eager to know what day she will come.

“I haven’t talked to Appa about it yet,” Hannah explains and when hearing him give out a sound showing he doesn’t like her answer she adds; “I’ll meet Appa in the morning, I’ll ask him then, okay?”

I can give you that time,” he jokes and she knows he is smiling when hearing her laugh.

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With two purple pastel messy braids hanging down on each side of her face, Hannah is softly dancing in front of the mirror with the American choreographer Katharine and Carolina; where Carolina is correcting the steps more than the actual choreographer. Hannah’s makeup is pretty and full, as if she is prepared to go on a special party; the dark shadows over her eyes are shaped out in a smoky cat-shape, her lips are in a soft lipstick colour that their stylist seem to want to put on every fifth minute because each time Hannah drinks a little water she must either smear it out or the lipstick because the stylist steps up next to her a few seconds later.

All five ladies are wearing a sequin blazer with matching high-waist shorts, an expensive outfit that has been specially sewed by 5 Pieces’ stylists for today’s music video. To the sequin outfit they are wearing a white shirt underneath and each lady has her own detail with a tied tie, an untied tie, no tie, a special mark on either the shirt or tie – anything to stand out with tiny details. Emelia has black gloves on her hands; Carolina is wearing big white earrings; Maria is in glittering sneakers while the others are in glittering high heels; Hannah is wearing accessories and Julia has a black belt.

They look great.

The location looks great too; the hall is at the corner of a stone building with large windows and a large hall that gets the day light straight in and the ceiling is high. It is usually a ballet room, one wall covered in mirrors and for today one side of the hall is filled with staff for the music video filming for 5 Pieces’ fifth international single [When No One Is Around]. The lightness of the video quality is nothing to take as a joke, it is simple and bright this set but it will have a big impact for 5 Pieces’ next step into the global market as a girl-group not to take lightly at all. The place is simply said beautiful. It’s easy to understand why it is a popular place for ballet classes, though it is a rare building in the city of soul.

Hannah and Carolina are checking the choreography they learned yesterday. The new song is a typical pop song. In an interview later, the ladies will say that for the international viewers it will look to be a hard choreography while for the K-Pop people it will be the easy kind of choreography. A simple pop track with a simple choreography and that is why 5 Pieces managed to learn it under a day.

“We will do the group shot next,” the director says to the hall’s people all busy doing their own thing.

One by one the ladies step up to the cleared floor; backs facing the windows at the back and faces looking at the mirrors a few meters in front of them where also the camera will be. Half of the day has been spent photographing for the jacket shoot, then they have spent some time doing solo parts with the day light and now after taking a break they are back to film the group dancing.

Hannah watches Maria go through the choreography with Katherine while waiting to start, the youngest quietly copies them. The set has bright spotlights at the back below the windows to lighten up the ladies when they are dancing.

“Let’s do it in one take,” Carolina cheers the ladies on before the director says they will start.

As soon as the camera starts rolling, the music is on and 5 Pieces is dancing the ladies have a different glow in their eyes as they are dancing for the camera. They will have this party-rocking night theme, then tomorrow they will film the same choreography in the same hall with the day light as a background to a more basic and laid back outfit. And then it is the solo parts of the ladies, both just close-ups of them singing or from a distance of the ladies dancing alone in the hall. Carolina and Hannah did the distant dancing, as the director and choreographers seemed to think the two of them moved the best, and Maria will probably get the most beautiful comments about her flawless close-up part.

They do the whole song from beginning to end before going to the side to check how it went. Their choreographers are there, the A-Team controlling and making sure 5 Pieces know the choreography as they were learned. They have been working together for almost a year now, the ladies easily going from Korean to English when talking to the people from right to left.

The choreographer next to Emelia suddenly laughs and Hannah covers her face as she guesses they saw the same thing.

“Be a bit careful with your hair this round,” the choreographer tells Hannah in English when they have decided to re-do the whole scene. Hannah had danced a bit passionately in the back and one of her braids had hit her in her face, causing her to get a bit disoriented. No one else seemed to take notice of it, but the good thing is that they decided to take a second shot anyway. The stylists appear to fix 5 Pieces’ appearance before they can start over again.

They shoot it from different angles, the camera getting in close to the lady dancing in the centre and then goes back to film all five ladies. From time to time the ladies turn to their choreographers for advice on the dance, to continue goes through details and then talk to the director to be filmed prettily. The director and staff is Korean though the music video will be released worldwide, so with a camera-man filming briefly ‘behind the scenes’, the ladies really has to be on their toes to speak in English.

But they do well. After midnight the day’s shoot is over and everyone leave to meet again tomorrow.

The ladies head home for a few hours of sleep before starting their day all over again in the early morning so they can begin filming when the sun is shining outside the window.

Though Hannah has told herself she only takes the pills when she has concerts, to keep herself painless, she took them for the music video filming yesterday after realizing she did not feel too well during the practice the day before so before they are going to start today’s filming she head to the bathroom to swallow the pills.

Sighing in front of the mirror she looks at today’s simple make-up. To fit the laid-back outfit of a thin knitted sweater with a wide collar, a grey tank top underneath, patterned gray and black leggings to a pair of sneakers the hair and makeup of Hannah’s today is very simple with her hair a bit messy, her makeup natural around the eyes and skin with a soft pink colour on her lips. She looks prettier today, a lot more natural than the sequin outfit yesterday and a bunch of makeup that she is used to wear. Natural makeup is always prettier, and Hannah can touch her hair today, which she was not allowed to do yesterday when she was wearing braids.

She swallows the pills and finishes up in the bathroom by washing her hands. But putting up her sleeves and starting to wash her hands, Hannah is staring at her wrists a bit. She seems different than usual, thinner. Hannah turns her wrist back and forth, wondering if it is just the light in the bathroom that makes it look that way. Has she lost more weight? She doesn’t think so; she has eaten like usually even if her appetite hasn’t been that pleasant.

Upset that her wrist looks different Hannah covers them under the sleeves when heading back out to the others, just to have Maria push through to reach the bathroom next for a quick visit before they will start filming.

“In a few hours I am at the airport,” Maria calls out to Hannah through the bathroom’s open door she had left open as if thinking Hannah would wait outside. Hannah is about to leave when hearing Maria’s voice, so the lady head back to talk to her while Maria does her business.

“You can’t wait, right?” Hannah asks.

“I can’t wait!” Maria laughs excitedly. “My dad will pick me up at the train, and there is a big chance we will make meatballs for dinner. Daddy’s meatballs are the best. You know I have tried to make them here, it just doesn’t work, but my meatballs are great too. I might make them for daddy…”

Hannah turns around when someone enters the room, and she smiles when seeing it is their manager asking why they aren’t on set and the two ladies are almost pushed out of the room with Maria constantly talking to Hannah about how she will relax and have fun with her family for the nine days she will be in Sweden.

“What are you going to do on your days off?” Maria asks Hannah when they walk in on set. “And please don’t say you will be recording every single day and hour.”

“I have told you I am going to Japan,” Hannah mentions lightly.

“Oh, right, I know that…” Maria remembers. “And the other days? You were going for two days or what?”

“I will be with Kyung Ho, I will be in the studio, and I will be Carolina’s shadow like we have been talking about for a few weeks,” Hannah answers and she smiles when Carolina turns around at the sound of her name. “Kyung Ho is going with me to Carolina’s debut event.”

“I promised him I would sign my album,” Carolina joins the subject as the ladies take their positions. She looks troubled. “I really don’t know what to write to him.”

“I made her promise that,” Emelia happily chuckles, an evil chuckle actually.

They then focus on the producer talking to them to begin the filming.

As soon as the break comes, Julia takes off her shoes. After working all summer and having to wear high heels here and there, Julia has gotten some blisters. Well, she got blisters at the Singapore concert a few days ago and yesterday they wore high heels so she was a bit whiny about it, and today she is showing off that she is professional even if the blisters on her feet are felt. No one else cares by now, and when Julia asks Carolina to look at her heel with two blisters, Emelia sighs and says she won’t have to wear shoes for a week after today if she doesn’t want to – since they won’t have a schedule.

The day’s hottest topic is for sure Carolina’s solo debut this weekend, but on the side it is what all the other ladies will be doing during their days off. Beside from Maria, all the ladies will be stalking Carolina and boasting on the social media about their mascot’s debut. Julia will be resting and spending time with her mother, maybe visit places or just being at home and also spend time with friends, while Emelia says she will be practicing for her own solo comeback and as said, Hannah will spend two days in Japan and then try her best with her album recording as well as hanging out with Kyung Ho.

At the end of the music video filming, Maria has already left for her flight while the other ladies along with the A-Team head out to celebrate a year of teamwork. Dancers arrive to for dinner and to later head out to party with the American choreographers, as a last night out before their choreographers will head back to America. The tour has taken off and they don’t need the supervision from the A-Team, the promotions have ended as well and they have now finished the music video so no need to learn more dance moves. Which means the American choreography team will not meet 5 Pieces until they will start preparing for their worldwide tour – next year. It has been a great time working together and everyone seems to go through memories of just that during the dinner, talking and talking and eating.

The one not eating much at all is Hannah. She takes a few bites, feels sick and stops to instead be super interested in all the talking around her and she comes with her comments too, and after some time she takes another bite when noticing either Emelia or a manager glancing at her food. She makes sure they see her enjoy and eat, because Emelia is weird and Manager Lee has in his job description to make sure she eats. There are always eyes on her, which obviously is annoying but it only gets super annoying when Hannah knows she is not doing well.

She isn’t feeling well, and she can’t put her finger on what it is. Has she eaten something weird? Is she eating too much or too little? Maybe she needs to drink more water to rinse her body? She is feeling a little bit nausea, whenever she eats she has to stop because she is a bit worried it might come straight back up, but nothing happens. And the dizziness is always lying at the back of her head. It is a bad feeling.

After dinner, Hannah and Carolina head back home as they have no interest in going out. Some of the dancers don’t come along either, but the social ladies Emelia and Julia are going out to make it an unforgettable last night for the A-Team. Carolina’s excuse is that she has practice tomorrow, and Hannah doesn’t have to come up with an excuse as no one asks her for one. It is good that even if the outstanding personality of the group is at the moment on a flight, the girl-group can still manage to be outstanding – Emelia and Julia are both social with the American choreographers, their English is fluent and they aren’t as socially awkward as Carolina and Hannah. Of course Carolina is in a completely different level than Hannah when it comes to awkwardness; Hannah can be social, she is really good at laughing over the bad jokes and keep a conversation going, she can even be at the centre of attention if needed, while Carolina would whisper for someone else to speak for her. Then they go on korean activities and Carolina can talk and joke and be her weird self. It’s as if the cameras and fans are an excuse for her to not hide herself, while in private she prefers being with the few close people she knows.

Heading home, Hannah is sending text messages with Honggi while wondering how Carolina will handle her solo activities.

When Carolina has done activities on her own before, like being a radio DJ, she wasn’t awkward or anti-social: She was weird, she was unique, she was funny in that weird way and you didn’t always understand what she meant but she was entertaining and simple and down-to-earth; people can connect to Carolina as a friend you both laugh and cry with. That’s the image she has gotten from being a radio DJ. In 5 Pieces she is just the weirdo with a brilliant voice. For a solo debut, she will become a no-more-hidden genius musician. She will come off as a genius with her lyrics and songs, to be a producer who slowly has been showing herself, especially with the release of 5 Pieces’ [You Thought Wrong Of Me]. Hannah knows that as a musician Carolina can’t do wrong. But as an artist, the one doing interviews and smiling and pleasing everyone, Hannah worries that her friend will get too much than what she can handle. Hannah knows it from her own experience; as a solo artist you do everything on your own, and every lady has said it; it gets lonely. You get up on the stage by yourself, you practice without the support of four other ladies, you do interview without having anyone covering up on your mistakes or filling out on your jokes…

“Will you come watch me tomorrow?” Carolina smilingly asks Hannah, all teeth shown now when they aren’t surrounded by dancers and choreographers around a dining table at the restaurant. Manager Lee smiles from the driving seat. The drive home has been pretty quiet so far, each lady in her own thought, but by Carolina’s one question she turns to look directly at Hannah with that smile covering half her face.

Hannah smiles softly back at her. “Of course I will.”

“You can sit at the front of the practice-room and pretend to be fans- or- or you can point out what I need to improve and how to do because honestly, honestly I think I need more people’s view of my performance,” Carolina nervously says. Excitement is seen in her face, heard in her voice, but Hannah hears the stuttering and she knows her friend is nervous. That’s a thing that will make Hannah worry; what if Carolina gets so nervous being alone on the stage that she starts making mistakes? The perfectionist that Carolina is, she might not handle small mistakes.

“I will make you practice until you collapse,” Hannah says with a tone saying she can really be that strict and the smile growing in Carolina’s face shows it is exactly what her friend wants to hear.

Hannah will make sure to be there every day for her. On the few days she won’t be able to come to Carolina’s schedule, she will text all she might. She knows Julia and Emelia will do the same, but for Hannah it is important to have all of them show support to Carolina.

Manager Lee looks at them through the mirror.

“I think Hannah is a bit nervous for you too, Carolina,” he jokingly states the fact.

Carolina laughs and covers when excitedly leaning back and forth in her seat, getting excited just by the thought that her solo debut event is in two days and she has managed to make her members nervous with her. In one way, Carolina thinks, even if it is a solo debut, she will have her members by her side as the wheels of a car to help her out. They will watch over her the same way they always watch over each other.

Manager Lee stops the car outside 5 Pieces’ house. He stops the engine and turns around, asking if they need company inside but Hannah says they can walk a few meters on their own. She then leans forward to his seat with a smile.

“Can I go out on dinner with Honggi tomorrow?” she prettily asks.

Carolina is grabbing her things, not interested in the question as her mind is too focused on tomorrow’s practice. has gotten dry of nervousness already thinking of how it will turn out like.

“You want to go out with Honggi?” Manager Lee frowns.

“It’s a dinner. He will pick me up, we will go eat, and he will drive me home,” Hannah explains to him.

He gives a slight nod, but he seems doubtful. “I’ll give you an answer in the morning. But I guess it can work.”

She has only a recording with Hyekyung tomorrow, and to watch Carolina’s practice. She smiles when getting out of the car, saying goodnight to her manager and she smiles wider when Carolina link arm with her as they walk to their gate.

“Can you believe that I am actually releasing my album on Monday? It is six days left,” Carolina breathes out, dreaming away while letting Hannah open the gate.

“Can you believe that your very first live performance as a solo artist is in two days?” Hannah giggles as they walk through the gate.

“No,” Carolina honestly answers. “It’s unbelievable. It’s like … thousand times more emotions in my body making me unable to know what I’m actually feeling than how it has been when the rest of you have done your promotions. I still remember that blank expression you always get before a stage, whether it is solo or in a group. I wonder if I will loose my mind before the solo performances too…”

Hannah isn’t certain if it is a good or bad thing what Carolina just mentioned, but she doesn’t ask about it as they are about to go to their own houses. It’s still weird doing this; parting outside to go to separate front doors. Carolina has Julia’s mother in that house; while at the moment Hannah doesn’t have anyone at all in her house.

They say goodnight and remind each other of the time to leave in the morning, and then Hannah walks inside the hall of her empty house. She can think Carolina enters a quiet house too, that Julia’s mother has probably fallen asleep at this hour. Hannah wonders how Carolina reacts if the dogs come to greet her; will she run along the wall in hope to get away from them or will she actually greet them? Carolina is still awkward with the pets, especially when the pets are happy – it’s like she doesn’t know what to do with them. She is the same with babies; unless you can speak and communicate in a way she can understand, Carolina leans away.

For Hannah, it is completely different. She squats down as soon as she has taken off her shoes because she is greeted by Ace who meows his way over to the hall without a hurry. Hannah picks the cat up to place kisses on his fur, and she walks inside to open her bedroom door to have Tiger sit right inside as she had heard Hannah’s voice when she greeted Ace.

“Hello, Tiger,” Hannah says happily and picks her kitten up in one hand while holding Ace against her chest with the other. Ace is big compared to Tiger: one at the size of Hannah’s arm and one at the size of her hand. Hannah covers Tiger with kisses too, talking to the two pets in a low voice when walking around to make sure they both have water and food, to check the laundry in the bathroom and she puts down the cat and kitten when she has to use the toilet.

Tiger is still kept in Hannah’s room when Hannah isn’t at home. She can’t trust the two pets together and such a large house. Tiger has everything she needs in Hannah’s room, and Ace has everything he needs in the bathroom and kitchen, and they both have so many toys that Hannah spends ten minutes walking around pushing everything on the floors to the sides so no one will step on anything. She wash her face, getting rid of all the makeup from the day, gets out of her clothes to put on a big t-shirt and pyjamas pants before lying down in bed with her door ajar as both Tiger and Ace wants to be in her room. She can’t fall asleep, the first reason is because Ace wants to push Tiger away from Hannah’s bed and the two of them can’t stop touching each other out of jealousy. Just tiny paws reaching out towards the other one until Hannah’s hand interferes. She hums to them, a lullaby she comes to think of at times; the one her mother used to sing and the one she tends to sing for Kyung Ho. She has maybe sung it to Jonghyun too, but she isn’t certain. She has no idea why she starts to hum on it now, but it is relaxing to both her and the two pets wanting to sleep in her bed, and when she gets quiet she watches both Ace and Tiger sleeping before her own eyelids gets too heavy to keep open and she drifts into sleep.

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Headline 19th: Full Music Video For Carolina’s [Lazy Love Song] Feature SM Town Released

Headline 19th: Idols Ask Fans To Show Love To Carolina’s Solo Track [Lazy Love Song]

Headline 19th: Carolina Shares A Live Version Of [Lazy Love Song] At Request During GIRLS POWER Tour In Singapore


Headline 20th: 5 Pieces Finishes The Tenth Concert For Their GIRLS POWER Tour In Singapore, Thanks Fans Through Social Medias After The Concert


Headline 21st: Carolina’s [Lazy Love Song] Climbs The Music Charts In Korea


Monday, Headline 22nd: 5 Pieces Carolina’s Main Track [I Wish You Were My Love] MV Teaser Is Released

Headline 22nd: Debut Event For 5 Pieces’ Carolina Scheduled This Thursday


Headline 23rd: Carolina Becomes The Main Producer Of Her Solo Mini-Album, Medley Teaser Released

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^