Chapter 10

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

A /silver beaded fringe dress with swirl details beading, matching evening high heels in silver and y legs wearing it all up. 5 Pieces is looking dazzling for Mnet Open Wide Studio, doing a live appearance before M Countdown will begin.

K.Will and a girl-group member is hosting the live show, talking according to the script and letting the ladies wave a lot out the wide windows to the fans crowding outside. K.Will is the one at the beginning to ask; “Last year 5 Pieces spent a lot of time in Japan, you were active with music and by acting, but you didn’t release anything as a group here in Korea. Coming back with a full album this time, have you missed promoting as a group and have you missed the Korean fans anything?”

In a bold bob hairstyle of blonde, Maria is giving off a sweet smile when bringing the microphone to her soft pink lips to answer the question;

“We worked so much as a group in Japan last year and then did some solo activities here in Korea, but I mean, we were doing a concert during the time we were having activities on our own so we didn’t really miss out on each other all that much. On the other hand, promoting in Korea with 5 Pieces is different because promotions are handled differently from one country to another and I think with our album now we can connect with fans on a different level and show our growth since the last album. It’s always fun making a comeback and to meet with all our fans, it’s something we miss whenever we aren’t promoting.”

“Before your album was released you held a showcase here in Korea. I heard there were a lot of people standing outside the venue and that some even fainted during the showcase?” the girl-group member mentions. Hannah can’t remember her name though Carolina seemed very talkative with her before.

“Our showcase…” Maria starts to say and turns to the members. She always does that. Hannah smiles down at her hands, sitting in the middle like usually and now having Maria on her left and Julia on her right while Carolina and Emelia are sitting between them on the second row.

“Our showcase was really fun,” Carolina catches up on the leader trying to put the answer on someone else. “It was so loud thanks to the fans and everyone was really supportive of the new songs. We were actually told … um, after the showcase, that some had fainted, and we had to ask our staff to make sure the fans were okay.”

“No one got hurt then?”

“No, no injuries,” Carolina happily answers and the way she giggles when answering makes Hannah and Julia smile at each other.

“For 5 Pieces’ fourth full-length album [Girls Power] you have all transformed into young independent women,” K.Will mentions, reading from his papers. “Your songs are topping the charts not just here in Korea but all across the globe, really showing the power of 5 Pieces. Some are saying that 5 Pieces is making a completely new genre and style with this comeback, saying you are going beyond pop and that you are out of this world. Hearing these kinds of praises, how does it feel? You have been working in Korea for some time now, you are seniors for the current active idols; can you feel that you are going beyond the pop culture and making your own style?”

“I would say, we are definitely making our own style with this album,” Maria is answering, sounding and looking like she is talking friendly with a colleague – which she also is. “Because… for this album we have mixed a lot of things together and I think it is such a contrast concept to what we are used to having, but the basic ground to this is what we have been standing up for the whole time – I definitely think it is our own style. But I don’t think we are going beyond anything.”

“We are students for music, if I can say it like that,” Emelia says, “With members expanding and learning more about producing and song-writing, we are also learning more about the stage and our fans each day…”

“If 5 Pieces are students, then what are all your juniors?” the female host asks with a laugh. Hannah remembers her now; Jewelry’s Yewon.

“You are always so humble,” K.Will laughs at the same time before glancing at his papers; “Your album is topping all charts, this is your second week and the songs are just so great that they are not backing down.”

“It’s really amazing,” Julia lightly mentions.

“You have broken a lot of records already!” K.Will energetically tells them. “On YouTube, on Mnet’s chart, your whole album has made it into European music charts, there are song covers from all around the world sent in to us as well… Let’s see some of the clips that are popular this week.”

On YouTube, a big screen in front of them shows various of videos of fans all around the world doing their own cover of 5 Pieces’ songs. Hannah looks surprised when seeing someone has even covered her version of [I Want a Man], which only has been performed at the showcase though it was her teaser video as well.

“Woah!” Maria cheers out at the videos, “Woo!”

She sounds the most, making Emelia laugh at how silly she sounds but it is really cool. The video continues but the sound is turned down as Yewon asks the ladies how they react to these things.

“We’re honoured,” Carolina politely answers, “This is really cool because the songs were released last week and people are already doing this. And they are good too!”

They continue with the interview; Carolina gets to show the main point of their choreographies, Maria gets to sing some cool parts that have been pointed out, and they play some kind of question-game by taking out a board with different numbers and each number has a question that fans have sent in. Now that: that is some funny things.

At the first question, Hannah and the ladies are laughing so much; Maria even falls off her chair and just sits there holding on to the chair and laughing and saying she is about to cry and it makes the others laugh even more. ‘Queen of Obsession’ – what are the members of 5 Pieces obsessed over? Apparently, they already have the answers as a video begins to show the things each lady is obsessed with. A very serious voice is talking and explaining while fan-taken video clips of Maria on stage, and the reason 5 Pieces is dying from laughter is because in each clip it is of Maria during different times is taking off her shoes and continuing to perform while the clips moves on to the next member; Julia in different photos and even in clips seen holding coffee in her hand and even on a radio program admitting she loves coffee – just the seriousness in ‘I love coffee’ makes them laugh. It moves on. The clips of Hannah makes Maria give out the weirdest laugh and even Carolina is hitting Hannah on the back; Hannah’s obsession is wrinkling her nose or moving it back and forth and it is dreadful how many different fan-cams they have of that from earlier fan-signings and promotions. Emelia’s obsession is hilarious too; ByunEM – touching the ladies’ butts or rubbing their backs and those kind of things, which are so hilarious because the ladies haven’t noticed that before. Carolina’s habit making hearts for the fans, which the ladies like usually doesn’t give much reaction to though they are still laughing from ByunEM by that time.

“Let’s start with the first one,” K.Will suggests and then laughs; “Why do you take off your shoes during performances, Maria?”

And the ladies are laughing again. Maria looks like her heart is hurting from laughing too much, even looking at the hosts as if she needs an ambulance to come and get her, yet she manages to answer with laughter in ;

“It’s from our concert…”

“I don’t want to know when you did it, I want to know why you did it,” K.Will laughs, waving it off and Carolina is laughing even more.

“My feet were hurting,” Maria answers in a low voice as the laughter is coming back up and they laugh more at her simple answer, the hosts laughing too. Hannah and Julia are leaning towards each other, both barely making a sound while their whole faces and bodies are saying they are laughing.

“Your feet were hurting…” Yewon is laughing and clapping her hand, finding it hilarious.

“She always does it during our concert,” Emelia explains, “But what people should take more notice of is that Maria is still taller than Hannah in that clip.”

“Oh my god,” Hannah whines out while the others are laughing but she laughs too because it is true; even with 8cm high heels, Hannah would be shorter than Maria or of the same height. Emelia’s words are apparently hilarious because they laugh so much at it before continuing, K.Will mentioning that he understands where Hannah’s nickname Bunny comes from. “No,” Hannah reacts; “I got that nickname because I used to have a stuffed bunny animal with me.”

“Really? Then where does that nose habit from…?”

Hannah looks at Maria on her left, absolutely clueless to where it comes from and Maria turns to the host to shrug her shoulders. “I have seen her do it for years… It makes her cute, doesn’t it?”

“Like a bunny,” Carolina says and imitates that nose waving Hannah tends to do.

They don’t really say much about the others – because they have more things to do – and they move on with the next number that Emelia chooses.

“Oh!” K.Will reacts.

“Who hugs the mirror the most?” Yewon reads out the question. “This is a normal question for girl-groups.”

“I don’t think we have been asked it before though,” Emelia mentions in a low voice while Maria is sitting with the microphone to her lips and in a low tone saying ‘oh…’ thinking of the answer.

“Um…” Maria begins to answer while stretching her back and glancing at her members as if she is really insecure of what to answer, “Most of us does it though…”

“Especially when wearing make-up,” Julia answers, more confident. “But for me I would choose Carolina, because she can never take a picture without looking in the mirror. She can’t even get out of the car without looking in the mirror.”

“True,” Emelia nods.

“Carolina, you’re staying quiet; do you hug the mirror the most?”

“Um… probably,” Carolina shrugs her shoulders. “I tend to look how my hair and make-up is, so … probably.”

They all decide Carolina is the answer and continues with the next question.

K.Will reads the question with a lot of focus; “Most celebrities go on diets to stay in shape for a comeback. 5 Pieces does it too?”

“We have tried a lot of different diets, but it just doesn’t work,” Carolina is first to answer, “We have a schedule almost every day and we practice a lot; we need to eat to not fall apart, so we just eat to stay in shape.”

“But Hannah…” K.Will slowly mentions, “I know tend to go on diets?”

“Compared to the other members, I need to look out for what I eat,” Hannah nods, not holding anything back.

“So Hannah is the only one on a diet?”

Maria looks so confused at Hannah after her answer that Hannah hesitates before answering this time.

“Ah, but now I’m not on a diet. I mean … I don’t go on diets these days, but I watch out what I eat.”

Maria finally nods, looking satisfied at the answer but K.Will still looks like he wonders over something. “If you’re not on a diet, how did Hannah gain those abs?”

“What abs?” Hannah scoffs and then bites together and apologizes for not thinking before answering. “I laugh a lot,” she then says with a serious expression.

“But … I think Hannah laughed more in the past,” Emelia randomly mentions, even having Hannah turn around with a question-marked frown in her face. “She still laughs a lot and is easy to make laugh, but Hannah used to laugh so much in the past that she was lying on the floor… So I don’t think that’s why she has gotten abs.”

“Hannah exercises,” Julia adds and Hannah is just staring at them, wondering why they are saying these things. “She does a lot of simple exercises that’s good for the body.”


It’s Hannah who says it, and she laughs apologetic when K.Will asks why she reacts like that and Hannah quietly explains she hasn’t had the time to go to the gym lately so she didn’t know what her members were talking about. Hannah tends to warm up her body before going to bed and when waking up, though she has started to do it when wanting to stretch.

The only thing Hannah says after this on Open Wide Studio is when talking about Julia, and Hannah comments;

“Julia is a squirrel, her cheeks are adorable.”

Hannah has no memory of saying that afterwards though, so when Julia is puffing up her cheeks to Hannah as a joke, Hannah just says she is adorable – not knowing she has said that already.

“She has absolutely no idea of what she is saying,” Julia laughs at Hannah when they are heading back to their dressing-room.

“Then what were you two talking about – I get abs because I exercise? What kind of lame-” Hannah stops herself to hit Emelia on the arm because the rapper is imitating her way to pout when talking.

“It’s not like we can say you get exercise through your boyfriend then, right?” Emelia teases and laughs at the face-expression Hannah gives. Julia and Emelia give each other a high-five while laughing and Emelia hurries her steps, greeting someone down the corridor while Hannah pouts at Julia.

“Teasing,” Julia tells Hannah as if she needs an explanation that they are just teasing her.

“Senior,” EXO’s Lay bows deeply to greet them, and Hannah notices it was EXO that Emelia walked over to.

“Hi, Yi Xing,” Julia greets him in Chinese and he is fluently responding. Hannah can’t speak Chinese, so she just makes a face while trying to see the other members. All members of EXO are performing on M Countdown today, so there are a lot of wolves present, but the ladies can’t talk for long as they have to prepare for M Countdown Backstage.

“Will you watch our performance?” Tao asks Julia, following them down the corridor.

“You do know that we are going to perform as well? It’s like 2% chance we would miss it,” Julia jokes with him.

Being backstage, the ladies are wearing robes to stay warm. With M Countdown beginning, the ladies are waiting in their room for a while before they head out to the waiting room where some staff is, and they go through what to do. On the first backstage clip with 5 Pieces it is just Hannah and Carolina standing there, and as soon as the camera starts rolling Carolina begins talking brightly.

“Hello everyone! We are Carolina and Hannah – Hannah and Carolina,” she is happily introducing them and Hannah nods one time. “We are the bromance in 5 Pieces, and we are-”

“There is no bromance,” Hannah interrupts her. Carolina stops talking about turning to look at her, their eyes locked for a few seconds before Hannah is starting to hold in her laughter.

“Why not?” Carolina sounds sad to hear the interruption.

“We aren’t guys, right? So we aren’t…” Hannah answers with a bit troubled face-expression, because she is taking bromance as brother + romance. And they aren’t brothers.

“Sismance?” Carolina shines up.

“Don’t be silly,” Emelia steps up next to Carolina, covering her view for the camera as she is looking at it; “Don’t forget to vote on your favourite song of this week.”

“Yes, it is not too late to vote!” Carolina calls out behind her with hands up in the air. “Hannah, which song do you want them to vote on?”

Hannah just looks at her for a few seconds and Emelia takes a step back to look at her too. “Ours, of course,” Emelia answers and the three of them starts dancing to their own [POWER UP], looking energetic and going further away from the cameras while doing their synched choreography. Before the camera stops filming, Maria walks by and glances from the dancing ladies to the camera, Julia is seen stopping to look at them as well, and then Maria keeps walking as if she does not know the three silly members.

“And cut! Great done,” the PD calls out and laughs when Maria says she honestly has no idea of what the three ladies are doing. Hannah stops dancing first, laughing and Emelia follows.

“Sismance is so silly,” Emelia laughs. “The word doesn’t even exist.”

“It should. Sister plus romance; sismance, it’s so obvious it should exist,” Carolina says, and Hannah smiles because it does sound super silly. The staff is already moving and the ladies are waved by their manager to head back to their room.

The program goes pretty fast through and before they know it the ladies are backstage watching EXO’s special performance on the TV and soon enough 5 Pieces’ second week performance on M Countdown is airing as the last performance so 5 Pieces does not perform live, instead all artists are standing on the stage (including 5 Pieces) to wait for M Countdown’s ending.

Hannah is smiling widely at the audience when the ending of the program begins and the audience is still cheering as the small screen on the side had showed them the pre-recorded performance of [POWER UP] and with the camera focusing on the two hosts first to then focus on the countdown to reveal the winner, Hannah waves her hand happily to some fans in the audience since they were waving to her. Emelia standing next to her waves too, but Emelia hurries forward to get something that a fan had thrown up on the stage, and Emelia steps back up next to Hannah holding the little banner that fans held up last week on M Countdown that says You are our POWER. Emelia looks impressed that they still have it before giving the banner to Hannah, and the youngest holds it in front of her, focusing her attention on either Emelia or the fans and as some other fans further in the back starts cheering and holding up the exact same banner, Hannah makes this stiff excited face-expression had jumps slightly to shake her banner too before laughing as she can hear someone laugh behind her.

EXO is standing behind her, Hannah smiles when looking behind her to see the one who laughed was Baekhyun. He smiles like a boy at her for getting caught and Hannah smiles back before turning her attention to the front, continuing to smile.

When the winner is announced, Hannah laughs hearing Baekhyun say behind her “as expected”, clapping his hands and bowing when Hannah glances at him. He said it in a good way, and Hannah’s smiling grows as the audience is cheering. 5 Pieces’ [POWER UP] won against Infinite, the second week winning, and 5 Pieces look just as happy as the audience.

“Yay!” Maria cheers in the microphone, laughing happily. “Thank you for loving our album this time as well. We would want to thank first of all our fans, Puzzle, and the members in 5 Pieces. Also the big crew who works with us – our dancers and the band, our managers and stylists: also SM Entertainment, SM Town. Thank you!”

Puzzle always amazes them, because though Hannah thought only two fans had brought these banners today – since she is holding one and there is one in the back – the audience amazes the ladies when they are announced as winners by having at least ten or fifteen banners held up, cheering at the ladies, and Hannah is cheering back at them before Emelia grabs her arm to bring her up to stand with the ladies. She got a little excited with the fans, laughing when having Emelia put an arm around her as the hosts says their goodbyes before the encore will begin.

“You,” Maria turns to EXO who is waiting with everyone else for the encore to get off the stage, “Do you know the dance? Lay showed it before; do the encore with us.”

“Really?” Baekhyun sounds excited but before they can say more the hosts says the last word and everyone starts applauding and bowing and the other idols are heading off the stage, and Maria keeps waving to the audience and thanking them while Julia takes the banner from Hannah and the blue-haired girl takes a step back, clapping her hand lightly to the song playing. Maria forgets to sing half her verse because she is too busy waving and saying ‘thank you’, but Emelia and Baekhyun seems to fill her part out pretty well.

EXO does stay on the stage for the encore, and 5 Pieces seem to take advantage of having the junior boy-group there with them. It doesn’t take long until most of them are dancing the same thing for Carolina’s part and Hannah laughs seeing how dedicated Tao and Chen are dancing to it, while Baekhyun is singing without a microphone. Kai slinks through the back to get next to Hannah; the girl still standing on the side and lightly clapping her hands while laughing and being entertained by her own friends as well as the fans. He puts his hand lightly on Hannah’s back, telling her to get forward, though Hannah just takes his and Lay’s hands to make them walk forward as well for the chorus (everyone has stepped forward so it is just a question of who the camera will focus on), the blue-haired girl misses out to sing her first light tone as she is showing them to dance with them and then she laughs singing the rest of the chorus loudly with her members and the audience, everyone having fun.

Just as the M Countdown trophy is passing from one lady to another, the banner Hannah held earlier is also passing through but not just among the ladies but EXO members holds it up and waves with it as well. Again no dancers or the band is with them because they aren’t here unless there is a performance; and 5 Pieces’ performance was pre-recorded. But EXO helps fill out the stage and to satisfy the audience, even when Emelia’s rap comes they are on the stage having fun with the ladies. Hannah can hear Carolina tell some of the boys to surround Hannah for her part, and Hannah prepares for her own verse, waving for EXO to come along (just a few comes) and she gets to hold Luhan’s hand which usually is a female dancer. EXO must have watched the performance a lot because Hannah moves like she usually does, and they are moving along, being really into their own performance of [POWER UP] that Hannah is singing and laughing at how much they know of the choreography. The boys then leaves the stage, bowing on their way down while 5 Pieces continues with the encore, singing, dancing, hugging, thanking and a lot of laughing.

Wrapping up at M Countdown, being filmed when getting off the stage and packing backstage, 5 Pieces’ doesn’t change clothes as they are heading straight to a fan-singing – their first signing of this album with the fans. The weather is warm as it has been pretty much all week, but today it isn’t raining, just dark clouds covering the sky. That doesn’t seem to be an interruption at all; 5 Pieces head to the next location and finds out there are way too many people crowding to see them. Those allowed to get their album signed are those who have received a certain card and number in their bought albums, but there is a lot of other people there just to see 5 Pieces.

“WOAAAAAAH!” a wild roaring begins when 5 Pieces’ first gets visible at the mall, the ladies walking up on the platform where their album cover is hung up as a wall behind them.

Hannah is wearing the custom robe the ladies always wear backstage; a light striped robe with wide short arms and a silk belt, at the back it is 5 Pieces logo signature as well as written ‘2014’ in smaller letters with ‘Girls Power’ written nicely below. Emelia is in a cardigan, and all of the ladies stands by their seats, in the microphones introducing themselves before sitting down. Small blankets to cover their legs (the tables have black table clothes covering down the front side for no one to see under the table) to keep it lady-like. Hannah smiles to her right at Emelia.

“I am not used to be at the centre,” Hannah says as she is in the middle with Emelia and Julia on her right, Carolina and Maria on her left.

“I’m not used to sit down in these tight dresses,” Emelia responses and they both smile at each other. They are still happy.

“Could you please sign this first?” their manager passes by in front of the table, walking by in front of them and pointing at the album the ladies all have in front of them. “Sign it and hold it up for pictures.”

Hannah looks at Emelia to see what she does, and she follows the rapper by taking a pen and starting to give her autograph at the album’s cover. She writes down her name and add in Korean; ‘please love our album loads’, with a heart at the end. The surrounding keeps flashing of lights from several cameras taking endless of pictures and Hannah blinks a few times before looking up at the enormous crowd, and she simply turns the album up to have it standing on the table, held steady with one hand while hiding her other behind.

“There are so many people,” Emelia says on Hannah’s right and the youngest nods her head in agreement, looking over the crowd. Really a lot: above them too on the other floors.

After a few seconds taking bunch of pictures of the ladies with the albums, their manager walks by in front of them to take the albums and there are a bunch of movements around the ladies with managers handing out bottles of water from behind, the one in front of them removes the microphones (Maria holds on to her bottle of water tightly as she thought their manager was going to take it) and there are boxes put out behind the ladies, their managers writing down each lady’s name as gifts from fans will be put there. Hannah takes a sip of her water before putting it on the floor next to her chair, and Maria’s voice is heard when greeting the first fan in line. Hannah looks at the fan; a teenage boy carrying a lot of things and having trouble handing a gift to Maria while she starts signing his album.

“Look there,” Carolina points right in front of Hannah’s face over at the side, and the two of them look over at someone holding up a sign. “What does it say?”

Hannah tilt her head on the side towards Carolina before answering; “‘it’s my birthday today’.” Automatically Hannah waves over there, moving her lips to wish the girl a happy birthday and Carolina seems to be doing the same thing before a manager behind them pats her on the arm – the line has reached Carolina. Hannah laughs behind her hand when looking up at the fan boy, feeling apologetic that Carolina didn’t see he came in front of her, and Hannah gets ready with her own pen to smile at him when he reaches her next; though she waves some to the fans in front of them while Carolina signs for him.

“I have a present for you,” the fan boy says when giving Hannah the album and he starts looking through his bags.

“A present for me?” Hannah asks, glancing at him while looking for her picture. They have been signing the albums since it came out last week, so Hannah knows where her pictures are in the album by now so she easily finds it and smiles at the boy when he puts a round gift box on the table – which is quickly taken away by the manager standing behind Hannah.

“Yes, a present for you,” he answers in a low voice, but he sounds so serious. “I don’t want to say what it is but you won’t know it’s from me when you look at it later, so can I say it now?” Hannah nods, signing the album and seeing that he has even written his name on a post-it that he placed before her with the album. He has used this before. “It is a perfume, a very expensive one that I think would fit you because it has a very seducing fragrance and just seeing you sit here is very seducing… I hope you like it.”

Hannah ends up laughing happily at how he keeps talking because he seems to know that the managers will within seconds tell him to move on.

“I will try it on as soon as I get home,” Hannah promises him and hands over the album. “Thank you for coming.”

She is fast to smile up at the next person getting up in front of her, and it is seriously impossible not to smile at the super nervous young man in front of her – he could be in his twenties or early thirties – and while Hannah writes her autograph she asks him what his name is, he answers and that is all he says while his body can’t really be still from shaking. She finishes writing and smiles up at him when handing back the album.

“Thank you for coming, Ho Bin Oppa,” she thanks him and he takes the album with both hands, in a low voice thanking her while constantly lowering his head. And the next one is also male, Hannah smiles at him; “Hello.”

Where is all the girls? Hannah is so shocked as they go through three, five, six male fans in a row. Hannah turns to Carolina on her left to comment that there are a lot of male fans, and Carolina gives her a shocked face-expression.

“I know!” she whispers before turning back to sign her album.

Hannah smiles up at the next male fan, a Chinese fan actually, who greets her in Chinese and Hannah simply responses with ‘ni hao’ before lowering her head to sign the album. She knows that the two after her – Emelia and Julia – can easily talk to this fan in Chinese, so Hannah doesn’t feel bad when all she says is ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ in Chinese. Another male fan is after that, but then there is a girl with short hair coming up. Carolina talked a lot with her – Hannah heard Carolina’s voice a lot on one side and Chinese being said on her other side – and Hannah finds it amusing how the first seven fans were male, the next four are females, then one male and then a bunch of girls and then it is just mixed up. In the background during the fan-singing the mall is playing music from 5 Pieces’ album. Hannah sings along during one of them, smiling up at the fan and bluntly asking this fan if she has found a favourite song on the album. There are a lot of fans writing questions on post-it in the albums; Emelia is a real ninja when giving a quick answer on them before anyone else can notice, and the fans try to ask questions face to face as well during the brief moments in front of the ladies, but to have 5 Pieces ask questions to the fans isn’t as often. Hannah is just in a good mood, feeling talkative and she wants to know what their fans thinks other than hearing them say she is pretty or that they watched today’s performance. One fan who says he was at M Countdown today, Hannah has to ask what he thought of it, and he gets slightly taken back to be asked but gives two thumbs up and says they were the best.

One female fan dressed in a red shirt waves energetic to Carolina when she is done signing, and Hannah happily starts waving to this girl when she steps up in front of her. The girl blushes and waves back before laughing, and she hides behind her hand for the rest of the time in front of Hannah. A lot of fans congratulate them on their all-kill with the album and for winning on today’s M Countdown. After this they still have a radio at ten before they can head home for some hours of sleep.

“Hello,” Hannah greets the next fan with the happy smile stuck in her face.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Since morning to most of the next day, 5 Pieces are doing a sophisticated photo shoot for ELLE Magazine. Maria is in a short blonde wig, Hannah’s blue hair is put up in different braid styles, Emelia’s hair is hanging down in a long side-braid, Julia’s short pixie haircut is wavy and Carolina’s red hair is straight. Their make-up has either pale lips or red lips, their eyes are different; Maria has a straight line of eyeliner to lighter eye-shadow, very simple, while Emelia has more eyeliner and bigger eyelashes, Carolina has shaped her eyeliners and barely has any eye-shadow at all, Julia has a very natural look and Hannah too goes for a soft look without fake eyelashes and no eyeliner but eye-shadow and light mascara. Of course it changes slightly from one outfit to the other, but that is pretty much their basic look throughout the shooting. They wear dresses; Carolina wear a black dress with long sleeves and fitting for her shape, Maria does a close-up with a lot of heavy necklaces and accessories in a black corset, Emelia is wearing an animal print fitting top to a long tight skirt, Hannah wears her hair up for a white dress revealing her back, standing with a white background, and Julia also wears a body-fitting dressing revealing her back, her shoot is on a bed where she holds a camera to pretend she is taking pictures of herself, pouting with her lips and holding her hair. One gray pictorial that they did first in the morning is with light make-up, they wore gray or dark clothes, wearing their hair in braids and not doing anything particularly for the pictures, which turns out amazing. It is a contrast, two different versions of pictures taken, and they take pictures together as 5 Pieces as well. For the gray pictorial, Hannah is wearing a loose knitted dress with wide neckline so it hangs down her shoulder a bit, and Hannah hugs on to the long sleeves while her hair is braided differently, she stands between her members, holding Carolina’s hand one time or linking arm with Emelia leaning on her for another picture. Even if she is at the centre, Hannah manages to hide behind Carolina or Emelia, and she keeps being praised for looking innocent and young, the members teasing each other too saying Hannah really looks like the youngest, that Maria looks great barefoot on the pictures and Julia looks sweet holding Emelia with both hands. For sure, 5 Pieces look great.

The ladies have three hours of spare before they will continue their schedule.

“Have you read it?” Maria asks, sitting in the car with Hannah and Julia. She is sitting with her feet on the dashboard on the passenger seat and looks behind the driver’s seat at Hannah before handing over the tablet.

“Mm…” Hannah nods while reading the article.

An American magazine has complimented the girl-group, saying that dancing and singing has reached a new level because of their album [Girls Power]. ‘As a man, I can not get enough of watching 5 Pieces’ latest videos. I appreciate the female body, and they put iness in their videos I have never seen before. It is a tease, knowing they have the power to control us with their charm and bodies’ – ‘Korean? I don’t care. This music is what music is all about’ – ‘5 Pieces is out with a new image, claiming the name as the new generation of music where confidence and praise is what we should bring forward and not less clothes is better. [Girls Power] is empowering towards today’s women…

“Is it the song or album they refer to?” Hannah wonders while scrolling down to see comments but it is an English site; she doesn’t find any comments and hands back the tablet, not even sure if the ladies gave an answer to her question as they turn up the volume to sing along to the music on the radio.

Hannah, Maria and Julia have planned some time on their looks; they will get a tan, massage and manicure for these three hours. First off is the tanning saloon, which is done under twenty minutes and they head straight off to the spa saloon to get massage and manicure; taking the time to drive from one place to another and also to wait a bit at the saloon, their three hours are spent well and before they know it the ladies are all gathered at the hair saloon where hair and make-up is getting prepared.

“Maria slept when getting a massage,” Hannah says, her eyes closed as she is getting her eye-makeup on. As the fingers leave her left eye she glances on her side, smiling as the stylist too is watching the leader sleeping in the makeup chair.

“You all seem a little tired,” the stylist comment, maybe mostly because Carolina has been here the longest and she has slept most of that time.

“Yeah…” Emelia yawns, sitting on a chair next to Hannah to play some games while waiting for the others to get done too. “The first two weeks are ridiculous; no sleep at all. Maria has gotten some dark circles under her eyes too.”

“Hannah never has dark circles though,” the stylist comments as she is again having her fingers by Hannah’s eye to fix the make-up.

“Annoying little prick,” Emelia jokes and Hannah giggles. “Hannah is the only member who doesn’t own dark circles, I think, but she has other problems to handle.”

“Like pimples,” Hannah mentions.

“I have been watching your skin for the past thirty minutes; I can not see any pimples,” the stylist tells Hannah and Emelia sighs, leaning back in her chair.

“My skin has probably not gotten any rest to grow pimples,” Hannah jokes and she smiles when both the stylist and Emelia laughs. “They will probably pop out tomorrow or something just because we’re talking about it.”

“Hannah’s skin is the kind that if she doesn’t treat it, it goes well, now when she is over twenty,” Emelia comments and she keeps talking about that Emelia has never had trouble with pimples and so on. Hannah is happy Emelia is talkative with the stylists though, leaving Hannah quiet but she listens to the babbling to not fall asleep.

Hannah’s blue hair is styled straight with a waterfall braid; the ladies are wearing a natural make-up without the red lips, long eyelashes and a light golden eye-shadow with some darker corners and details, they look classy.

Leaving the hair saloon they head to the clothing factory of their stylists, Yong Hyun all excited to dress the ladies up in more everyday clothes than the tight glamorous dresses they are wearing on stage this year.

“These clothes are of the simplest kind, but they are stylish and classy, which is the point of this year’s concept,” Yong Hyun is saying while guiding them through sets of clothes.

About an hour later, 5 Pieces are standing on a street with this loud host for KBS Entertainment Weekly to film the segment Guerilla Date. The host is loud, the street is crowded within seconds and 5 Pieces are doing what they know.

Carolina is lightly dressed in a brown fedora hat to her red straight hair, a blue elbow-sleeve crochet-trim striped top, a short marine-blue a-line skirt and a pair of pretty white oxford flats. She looks cute in the outfit, matching the summer and matching the concept of a lady. Emelia is wearing the same pair of white flats, to that wearing a sleeveless knit distressed dress in black, her long honey brown hair is loose, and she is wearing a jeans jacket to it, looking like she is going on a summer holiday as an elegant young lady. Hannah has a lighter jeans jacket with badges of different kinds sewed on to a boxy fit sequined t-shirt in white and a pair of dark blue skinny pants with two pair of zipper pocket details on the left side, some bracelets in black and silver and a pair of black lace-up high heels. Julia wear similar shoes to Hannah’s, not as high though, Julia is in a pair of pocket jeans to a tab-sleeve open pocket shirt in wine red, looking skinny and laid back. Maria is really dressed for fashion summer, wearing a white a-line asymmetric-hem tunic with hot pants underneath and a pair of black faux-leather gladiator sandals.

“You are all shining in the midst of all these people!” the host loudly compliments when 5 Pieces have introduced themselves.

“We are following the weather prognoses,” Carolina comments, “When the sun shines we do it too.”

“What?” Maria laughs, waving her hand for the host to not mind her.

“5 Pieces is back with a full-length album after nineteen months!” the host exclaims. Hannah looks shocked hearing the months, and realising he is meaning it has been one and a half year since their last album came out. “What have you been doing all this time?”

“Oh, you know, we have done a lot of things,” Maria easily says while they are all slowly walking forward with the cameras in front of them and the host shouting to be heard over the crowd gathering around them. “We have been active as solo artists; we have worked a lot in Japan, had a tour, and been a lot abroad…”

“You all seem to have been busy then? But you did have time for a boyfriend,” the host comments and the ladies only laughs. “Would the boyfriend get jealous if you hugged a fan?”

“Who knows,” Hannah randomly answers when the microphone is pushed to her, and she laughs when the host raises his hand to the crowd and loudly screams out if there is anyone who wants to get the chance to hug their favourite member.

Glancing around, the streets nearby seems to be covered as well and Emelia nudges for the ladies to look above them; people are crowding by windows, waving and screaming when 5 Pieces looks up and the ladies are waving back while the host looks for a fan to bring forward. The host brings out a male fan who is bouncing up and down, and he is tall too, making the ladies laugh over how excited he is to be brought forward.

“Who is your favourite 5 Pieces’ member?” the host asks him.

“Hannah!” he roars in a really deep voice that shocks them all but Hannah starts laughing so much because she was super sure the host would bring out a fan of the other members.

“Do you love her?” Emelia teases the fan and he answers without hesitation;


And Hannah laughs even more, holding on to Maria’s arm as the leader is laughing as well.

“You do know that Hannah has a boyfriend?” the host loudly asks the fan, who only now hesitates a bit, glancing at the host before shouting;

“I don’t care!”

Maria starts applauding right away while all of them laugh.

“Then what about Hannah do you like?” the host continues questioning the tall fan.

“She is pretty!” he answers loudly, “And cute!”

“Isn’t she looking y today?” the host asks and for the first time since he stepped forward does the fan take a look at Hannah before roaring out;


5 Pieces’ laughter is hilarious and Carolina keeps hitting Julia on the arm, unable to close from laughing so much and Hannah isn’t sure if she should hide from that deep roaring voice or what she should do but she just laughs with the others.

“What kind of girl does you like; cute or y?” the host asks and Maria is fast to tell Hannah she should do something depending on the answer.


The host points for Hannah, asking if she can do something cute for the fan. Maria had wanted Hannah to be fast and do something as soon as the fan answered y or cute, but Hannah is just in a bliss wondering what to do. She starts smiling wider looking at the fan who keeps looking somewhere else.

“Oppa,” Hannah cutely says and puts one hand by her cheek and she bursts out laughing when the reaction is not just from the bouncing tall boy but from all their surrounding. Maria seems to love it too while Hannah says it’s embarrassing and hides behind Emelia, glancing up over her friend’s shoulder to look at the host and fan who seems to be stuck together as the male fan is showing a wild reaction of happiness.

“Did you like that?” the host asks him with a laugh because the fan definitely likes it. “Do you want to shake hand or hug?”

The fan stops moving right away. “Can I?” he asks and Emelia is so fast to imitate his way to say it.

The bouncing has stopped when Hannah steps forward but he seems both shy and to love this when Hannah holds out her arms. He is really tall, skinny, but so tall. She can hear her members laugh and comment about it – Hannah has high heels on, yet she feels tiny hugging this fan.

The next fan they take out is also a male fan, who loves Maria because she is the prettiest. They play a game and if he wins, he gets a hug, but if he looses, he gets to hug the host. Sadly for him, he looses.

“Let’s do it again,” Maria asks him, patting him on the arm when he was turning to the host for consolation.

Doing the game again, he wins and Maria is fast to give him a hug, only to hear from Emelia that the leader hugs awkwardly. The ladies really tease the fans coming up. They make the fans sing their songs, dance the songs, choose which song by 5 Pieces they like the most and then sing it, to look them in the eyes and so on. It is so much fun that Hannah has to hold on to her stomach, laughing so much that it hurts.

Meeting fans at the fan-signing yesterday was so much fun, and to meet like this, just random people on the street that somehow turns out to be fans of 5 Pieces is hilarious and amazing. A female fan of Maria’s is getting hugged three times just because Maria finds her cute.

They can’t continue outside for long, but after a lot of fan service, they move indoors to film the interview in a more quiet and comfortable environment. Sitting by a table with some sweets, before the filming begins, Hannah and Julia are whispering that they like their shoes. Hannah and Julia has gotten to sit next to each other this time; Carolina is in the middle, Emelia is sitting next to her and Maria once again is furthest away on their left, closest to the host. While the two ladies are whispering, looking under the table at their similar shoes, they actually begin filming; well, Hannah doesn’t notice because Maria and the host has kept talking for a while so when he asks about their comeback it is Maria who answers. Carolina even asks Hannah what sweets there is over at the end of the table.

“Because the music video for [Girls Power] was released a month before the rest, we thought for a while that no one would care about the rest of our comeback,” Maria is calmly explaining, “So when we had our comeback performances we were deeply moved to hear our fans sing along and even dance to the songs. It has been a huge reaction for the album and we are very happy for it, to see people react like they did outside.”

“The people were really powered up outside,” the host laughs, then leaning forward to try see what Hannah and Julia are pointing at. “What are the rest of the members doing?”

Hannah and Julia looks up, being caught, and Emelia is fast to say that sweets on the table was not a good idea – as if that distracts them, and true, Carolina had only focused on figuring out what all the sweets were so she could choose what to try. The host nods before saying;

“5 Pieces’ album was released last week and you have already broken records. You are number one on the charts in over 12 countries outside Korea, you have broken a bunch of records with this album including the music videos and online polls, 5 Pieces is seen on the news worldwide and your music is played at street corners already, the whole album is addicting. Did you expect it to be a world sensation?”

“No,” Carolina is honestly answering and she laughs when Emelia hits her on the arm.

“After the music video for [Girls Power] was released, we went to Las Vegas for a show,” Maria starts to say, “And though our album had been pushed back and only one song has come out, everyone over there seemed to know it. We had Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry… Ricky Martin… A lot of huge stars commented on [Daze] and [Girls Power], and the last song hadn’t officially been released yet at that time. It was really surprising to hear in an interview in Las Vegas that our song is the bomb, definitely…”

“You met Jennifer Lopez?” the host gapes, and it is obvious he did not expect to hear that name because his jaw just dropped and he is out of his questions to ask that specific one.

“She is beautiful,” Maria answers as if she knew that would be his next question.

The host is about to ask more about Las Vegas, but laughs and looks at his cards to change back into the right track. Hannah tastes one of the sweets with chocolate, quickly telling Carolina that it is delicious.

“Your new concept is a y concept, isn’t it?”

“Partly,” Maria answers, “It is a lot of things mixed into one, but I think the older we get, the ier we get too.”

“Who is the iest?” the host bluntly asks.

“Hannah,” Carolina answers while focusing on eating and Emelia again hits her on the arm. Hannah laughs and hits her on the other arm.

“I think our rapper has gotten y for this album,” Hannah calmly tells the host.

“Why?” Maria asks, frowning over at the members and Emelia stands up all of a sudden.

“Can I please change my seat?”

“Just sit down, lady,” Maria says and drags her down again, leaning more forward to see Hannah. “Why did you choose Emelia?”

The host has his mouth open but has no chance to give out a sound because five ladies are talking in mouth on each other. Julia is only eating sweets and mumbling slightly to Hannah; and Hannah starts laughing because Maria is upset Hannah didn’t say she is the iest one, Emelia is telling Maria to not take it personally, Carolina tries to change the subject, and Julia is eating. Hannah puts a sweet in to have an excuse for not talking, and she just shrugs her shoulder at the others. Maria sighs and turns to the host, only then does the ladies quiet down and the host comments that they haven’t changed a bit – it’s a good thing, their personalities are the same even when growing up.

“I think, compared to my personality, I am y for this comeback,” Emelia ends up saying, taking the chance as Maria tries the sweets.

“Why is that?” the host wonders.

“It’s all about the smirk,” Emelia answers and she is coolly nodding to the camera focusing on her while the other members’ laughs. Maria almost spits and she has to get up to get a napkin, scolding Emelia for saying such things.

“Who does Maria think is the iest then?” the host asks with a smile. He can’t help but to be entertained with these ladies.

“Um… I don’t think one member stands out for this comeback,” Maria answers, taking her seat again, “We look the iest together.”

“Ooh,” the host sounds impressed. “What about Julia; who do you think is the iest?”

Julia looks at her members, and she ends up looking at Hannah because the youngest leans back for her to see the others better. Hannah smiles meeting Julia’s eyes, and she laughs when Julia puts a hand on Hannah’s leg and says; “Our youngest is the iest because of her abs.”

Those abs are talked about again. Hannah gives out a whine while Julia is smiling, knowing that Hannah doesn’t like the attention.

“Yes, Hannah’s abs has been the talk of the week,” the host sounds interested. “Do you work out regularly?”

And there the talk about working out is again. Hannah shakes her head, taking some more sweets in and comments that she doesn’t have time to work out at the gym.

“Our choreography is a workout itself,” Maria says, “But her abs is no joke, seriously.”

“Could we… I mean, if it isn’t uncomfortable for you, could we get a glimpse? Like a tease?” the host suggests, and Hannah thinks of all the male idols who pulls up their shirts to reveal their abs. is Hannah one of them?

But her members cheer her on, Maria sounds like a guy cheering. Hannah stares at her members, whispering what she is even supposed to do and Maria instructs her to stand up and pull up her shirt, which makes the host burst out in laughter as it sounds so raw. Shyly, Hannah does stand up, but she turns away from the cameras and asks the members to look. Maria is first to help, standing up and getting behind their seats to pull up Hannah’s shirt and direct Hannah on how much to reveal and comment that it looks good. The host is laughing, saying he has never seen a girl-group do this before. Hannah isn’t skinny like Maria, but she has abs and they are visible and she keeps getting praise for it. And surely, Hannah has probably never been this fit in her whole life with loosing weight and working like this.

Hannah turns around and for a few seconds she pulls up the shirt just a little before taking it down and she sits down quickly, laughing and hiding behind her hand while the ladies are cheering, looking more excited than the host who stands up and applauses her for doing such a thing.

“The members tease me too much,” Hannah whines.

“That’s because I am super skinny,” Maria starts explaining quickly for the host to not ask anything, “And I am super jealous of our baby because she has a really nice body. I think that is good.”

“Me too,” Julia mentions and Hannah pouts.

“In 2012,” the host begins to say, “5 Pieces had a variety show. Before debuting, this boy-group came on the show. And ever since then, you have been linked together. Last year, one of them rapped for Maria’s solo song… And this year you visited their concert too. Are you close to the members in EXO?”

While he was talking, the ladies started off not having a clue what he was saying until he mentioned Maria’s song and the ladies started to laugh or show they knew which group it was.

“We are in the same agency,” Julia tells him, “So automatically we have a special relation to each other. But I think since we often meet at work, we often have this senior-role where we give advice and help out. They always ask us for our opinions, which I find charming.”

“I have a question: who is the strictest towards EXO?” the host asks.

“Emelia,” Hannah is first to answer this time and she laughs when Emelia is only nodding in agreement.

“Actually, it is Emelia,” Maria agrees. “This friend is always looking out for things to tell them, if they should run around more or whatever, but for sure she is the strictest. And she can talk to the Chinese members very well too, correct them. She is friends with them, but still the strictest.”

Hannah nods in agreement, smiling at Julia. They have more work after this, and she wonders if they can buy some sweets to bring with them to the next schedule.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 05th: 5 Pieces Wins On M Countdown With [POWER UP] + Incredible Performance

Headline 05th: 5 Pieces Reveal On Younha’s Radio They Don’t Mind Working Abroad As They Love To Travel


Headline 06th: “Dancing and Singing Has Reached A New Level”, American Magazine Compliments 5 Pieces

Headline 06th: Hannah & Kyung Ho Become Sporty Models For City Bicycle Collection Brand Commercial

Headline 06th: 5 Pieces Is Seen Filming For ‘Guerilla Date’ On The Streets In Seoul

Headline 06th: [Girls Power] Announced 2nd Week Winner On Unaired Music Bank

Headline 06th: Cultwo Show Taken Back By 5 Pieces’ Wits & Live Singing Skills

Headline 06th: 5 Pieces Reveal Their First Reaction To [Girls Power] On Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook

Headline 06th: KBS Praises 5 Pieces For Making ‘Sketchbook’ Audience Stand Up With Impressive Live Performances On Tonight’s Show

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^