Chapter 28

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

The aspirin and water before falling asleep must’ve done wonders on Hannah because when she wakes up, only in lying with Jonghyun’s arms around her in the bed, she has just this thick feeling in her head and her stomach is a little weird, but other than that she is feeling pretty good. Much better than her boyfriend.

At seven she wakes up by Jonghyun throwing up in the bucket standing on his side of the bed and she goes to get more water for him, patting him on the back and wiping his sweaty forehead. He falls back asleep just to throw up again after half an hour, Hannah helping him again before falling asleep for longer this time. Hannah wakes up before ten though, getting up in her black logo tank top that she had put on with a pair of shorts when going to get more water for Jonghyun. She puts her hair up in a messy bun and without really being sure of what she is doing, she is cleaning up in her bedroom and checking her cell phone, checking her boyfriend in the bed and she leaves the room with the disgusting bucket to go clean it up.

She finish up in the bathroom, bringing the bucket with her to take it to Jonghyun, but when coming to the messy living-room – filled with bottles and cups and the whole place smells funny of alcohol and something else – she stops her steps. Its obvious there were a party here, but that is not what makes Hannah stop.

Sleeping in the sofa are SHINee’s Taemin and Minho, their heads sharing the same pillow in the corner of the L-shaped sofa and while Taemin is sleeping under a blanket, Minho is sleeping under two pillows and some sort of jacket. And lying on top of Minho is Ace; 5 Pieces’ cat.

Hannah tiptoes to the sofa and lifts the cat up with one hand, kissing him when tiptoeing back to her bedroom.

Her boyfriend hasn’t moved an inch since she left, and she quietly leaves the bucket next to him, watches him sleep while cuddling with Ace in her arms. She is making a decision; can he handle being alone for a few more minutes or should she stay and keep him company.

In the end she walks back out; leaving Ace in her bedroom and shutting the door lightly after her. She puts on her over-the-knee socks to tiptoe quietly in the house, and she goes around collecting bottles and cups and whatnot to put in the kitchen where she later will sort things into garbage bags. It takes barely twenty minutes, but then she hasn’t gone outside the house or upstairs, and Hannah finds that enough for now as she walk back to her bedroom.

After getting help to fix her bedroom there is a wardrobe standing along the left side-wall from the door, filled with clothes now, and along the next corner there is a bookcase with a box in front of it as Hannah still hasn’t sorted out how she wants to have all her books but the bookcase is pretty filled either way and next to the bookcase is the bedside table, the double-bed followed by another bedside table, it is then quite empty along the next short wall where the large window is before a desk is by that corner and she has hidden boxes under it as she doesn’t know what to do with the contents of that. And then you are back to the door that Hannah closes behind her. It could look like the room is done, simple and in no strong colours, but there are no things hanging on the walls as those things are leaning against the wall below the window, and she knows there are more things to get done in her room but it’s not like she knew she was going to spend the whole night partying; she isn’t even sure if her bedroom has been shown to anyone beside from Jonghyun and Hyejong.

She lies down on her back in the bed, brings Ace to lie on her stomach and she listens to Jonghyun breathe next to her.

She doesn’t lie there for many minutes before she hears a loud noise outside and hurries out of her bedroom to see what or who it is. In the living-room she sees Taemin lying on the floor and rubbing his arm.

“Good morning…” Hannah whispers, and she shoots a smile seeing how destroyed he is from the night’s party.

“Hum…” Taemin groans to answer.

“If you want to sleep in a bed you can go lie next to Jonghyun in mine,” Hannah suggests, “It’s more comfortable than the sofa.”

Taemin looks around a bit before looking at her. His expression says he could really need some more sleep, or lean over the toilet. “Do you… have…?” Taemin starts to ask with a grimace and pointing strangely to either his throat or mouth. After drinking and knowing her boyfriend has been throwing up, Hannah goes to help Taemin up and help him to the bathroom where she has to sit him down on the floor and lift up the toilet-seat for him.

“Okay?” Hannah asks, squatting down next to him and caressing his back, somehow trying to read his face-expression if he is going to throw up or not.

“Mm… Minho did the same thing to me before,” Taemin hulks and leans over the toilet in a hurry but nothing comes up. He breathes out and his body relaxes.

Hannah sits there with him for a bit, not really saying anything at all, and when hearing more noise out in the house Hannah asks if she can go look and Taemin nods. Hannah leaves the bathroom, and she almost gives out a scream seeing Mat Park standing in front of her. As a human being he is extremely handsome, and he is a popular actor of the age 28 while he acted in the same drama as Hannah, Honggi, Hyunsuk and Hyejong, acting to be of the same age. He is now standing in front of Hannah with his handsome baby-face, ripped t-shirt, boxers and socks. Hannah gapes to just see him, not remembering the last time she saw Mat Park.

“Oh, hi, Hannah,” Mat smiles awkwardly and claps his hands together politely, but she knows it is to cover himself up a bit. “Nice party it was…”

“You were here?” Hannah asks, her brain trying to remember his presence but she can not remember meeting him at all.

“Yeah… I somehow woke up out in the hammock and … um… I can’t find my pants,” he comments and looks down at his legs.

“I see that,” Hannah says in a light voice, not really sure how that could’ve happened. Well, she has no idea he was even here so it is all strange. Just as she is trying to come up with a way to find his pants, Hannah hear Taemin throwing up in the bathroom and she excuses herself when turning to the kitchen to get some water for Taemin.

Mat stands by the bathroom’s door when Hannah helps Taemin.

“Is there another bathroom here or can I borrow that toilet for a bit?” he asks.

“There is one upstairs that you can use,” Hannah answers, and when glancing back Mat is leaving.

“Who was that?” Taemin asks with his head in the toilet. It must smell so bad for him.

“Mat Park,” Hannah answers, caressing his back. “How are you feeling?”

“I think I need to pee…”

Hannah just blinks. How did it turn out like this? One guy is walking around without any pants looking for a bathroom, another one is throwing up in front of her; and if Mat Park was sleeping in the hammock, does that mean there are more people sleeping around here?

After ten minutes, Mat is not coming back downstairs. Hannah takes Taemin to her bedroom to lie him down next to Jonghyun, having a second bucket on that side of the bed as well and she tugs him in before leaving the room. Ace is following her now, walking up the stairs with her and Hannah’s head sticks up on the second floor as she looks around on the floor. The party was up here too, but it isn’t that many bottles as she expected. Hannah peeks inside the bathroom, but no one is there, so she walks to the only bedroom.

Maria is sleeping in her bed, Kwon Hyunsuk is sleeping there with her and Mat Park has joined them, and Hannah thinks all three of them are sleeping.

Picking up Ace in her arms, Hannah walks back downstairs. She peeks inside Emelia’s room, the rapper is passed out on her bed – she is alone in her bedroom – and then Hannah walks back to her own bedroom where Taemin and Jonghyun are sleeping like she left them. Is she the only one awake? Hannah is restless, not knowing what to do now when Taemin has taken her place in the bed and she doesn’t want to go to the other house to see if anyone is awake; she doesn’t want to leave her room as she is waiting for someone to wake up. So instead she puts Ace down on the bed and she starts unpacking the box by her bookcase.

For forty minutes she is unpacking and sorting things out in her bedroom without any movements in the house, she is sitting with her phone for a bit and she does take pictures of the sleeping boys in her room.

When she goes to the bathroom next time, Minho is not in the sofa. She looks around for him downstairs; he is not in the bathroom, so she can use it, and he is not in Emelia’s room and it doesn’t look like he has gone outside. It feels like she is a nanny who has lost one of the children; where could he be?

Movements upstairs make her go up, seeing Mat now lying in the sofa with someone’s sweatpants and in the bedroom it is Minho who has taken Mat’s place. Hannah stares at the wardrobe in Maria’s room, seeing that is where Mat has found the sweatpants.

Shaking her head she walks back downstairs and she quietly laughs when reaching her room. Jonghyun has put his arms around Taemin and they are sleeping tightly together.

“Completely impossible,” Hannah sighs at the house before taking some pictures of the couple in her bed.

She sits down by her desk with Ace in her lap, sitting by her laptop while cuddling with the cat. No one had really used SNS last night from what Hannah can see, which is like it usually is because idols are not supposed to show themselves drinking and doing what normal people their age do. But when drinking you never really know what you do, so Hannah checks SNS to see if anyone has made a blunder – no one has. A few pictures are out, of some of the male idols hanging together but no one knows the pictures were taken in 5 Pieces’ house.

It knocks on the door and Hannah looks up when the door is opened, and she smiles softly seeing Maria peek inside.

“Oh, your bed is taken too?” Maria jokes, seeing Jonghyun and Taemin in her bed.

“Yeah… How are you feeling?” Hannah asks and she gets up to walk out of the room so they won’t wake anyone up. She hugs Ace in her arms while Maria says she has such a bad hangover.

“I have no idea how I got to bed either,” Maria whispers, her hands holding on to her head tightly and grimacing at Hannah. “And there is a y stranger sleeping in my pants in the sofa upstairs.”

Hannah giggles. “That’s Mat.”

“Mat? Who is- AAAAH! Midnight Dream’s Mat? Oh… He’s hot!” Maria looks impressed. “Why is he wearing my pants?”

“He lost his,” Hannah shrugs her shoulder.

Maria doesn’t react to it the way Hannah did; Maria maybe doesn’t even listen to what Hannah answers as she is too busy smiling. “I can’t remember much of last night, but baby, we must’ve pulled off the best party of the year,” Maria is saying with a smile growing wider and wider in her face, though she looks to be completely dead with her lost eyes, messy hair and the make-up is smudged out all over her face. “It was amazing. My feet are hurting so much.”

“You were jumping quite a lot,” Hannah tells her.


“Everywhere. Like from the sofa, from a chair, you jumped distance and you jumped on top of people… I honestly have no idea what you were doing,” Hannah explains.

Maria makes a face for a few seconds but then gapes at Hannah. “But did you have a good time? It was your party after all…”

Hannah nods, and she smiles at Maria’s expression asking if she really had fun.

“I had so much fun,” Hannah answers and giggles when Maria looks satisfied. Maria hugs Hannah with Ace between them; the skinny leader still seems to be a little lost from the night but not forgetting the cat.

“That’s good, baby,” she mutters and pats Hannah on the back before letting go. “I have to go drink more water.”

Hannah walks back inside her bedroom, smiling at the sight and from meeting Maria and she sits down at the end of her bed to look at Jonghyun’s visible since he is hugging Taemin.

It is Taemin who wakes up first, groaning when noticing he is under Jonghyun’s arm and when glancing up he sees Hannah sit at the end of the bed with Ace in her lap and cell phone at hand. Hannah smiles at him.

“Feeling better now?” she asks quietly.

“You tricked me into this, didn’t you?” Taemin mutters and removes the arm from him so he can get up, slowly. He still looks dreadful, making her smile.

“But it was more comfortable than the bed, wasn’t it?” she answers. “Are you hungry?”

Taemin lifts an eyebrow up at her, so he can look between his locks at her. “You cook?”

“No,” Hannah giggles softly, “I’m asking if you’re hungry.”

“I’m hungry.”

“What is a good hangover breakfast?” is her next question and Taemin wonders about what to answer.

“Toast,” he answers. “And soup.”

Hannah nods and turns her focus on the cell phone, writing something.

“Who are you texting?”

“Appa,” Hannah says, glancing at Taemin who tiredly lies down on the side, resting his arm and head on Jonghyun. Jonghyun is completely passed out. “He is coming with breakfast for us, but I think we can fix toast ourselves.”

“To all of us?” Taemin mutters, his eyes about to close again. “He is getting breakfast to all of us?”

“I don’t know.”

He groans again when trying to get his cell phone out of his jeans pockets. “Why are you up so early?” he ends up asking.

“The rest of you are up late,” Hannah responses, “And I think I am lucky without much of a hangover like the rest of you.”

“How is that even possible after all those shots you took?” Taemin keeps sounding like he is groaning when he talks. It looks difficult for him to look at his cell phone.

“I mixed it with drinks,” Hannah explains and she smiles when he gives her some sort of glare.

“I’ll get you worse drunk next time,” Taemin promises.

“Like you would win over me in arm-wrestling?” Hannah suddenly remembers and on Taemin’s face she sees he remembers it too.

With a loud noise he lies back in bed, complaining with sounds that he lost in arm-wrestling. The shocking part is that Jonghyun just rolls around to lie on the other side, but other than that he keeps sleeping. Hannah asks Taemin after some silence if they aren’t working today, and she is told they have work later but not yet in a few hours. Which is why they easily could sleep over like this, or party over and sleep all morning; it’s almost noon by now.

Taemin stays in the room, commenting on it after a while and when he is feeling slightly better he gets up on his feet to look around. Ace jumps out of Hannah’s arms to go cuddle with Taemin’s leg until he lifts him up, and Hannah smiles as she turns around to lie down in her bed on top of Jonghyun’s legs, using her boyfriend as a pillow.

“What’s this?” Taemin asks and holds up a book she had put on the desk. He is snooping around.

“My food diary,” Hannah answers and she giggles when he looks strangely at her. “I need to write down what I eat.”

“Every day?”

“Every day and every thing,” Hannah answers with a nod and she smiles when Taemin reads that she has written down that she has been drinking alcohol; shots and drinks, though there is nothing that says how much or what sort – but she has written it up.

“That’s sick,” Taemin chuckles and puts the book down.

“It’s necessary,” Hannah says, though she too has complained about having to use a food diary to let her doctor know she eats enough.

She gives out a sudden laugh when one leg under her is moved and she laughs even more when the leg is taken out under the quilt and then put on top of her. Hannah laughs so much at the hairy leg and she whines at Jonghyun while trying to hold his leg away; Taemin is just laughing at them. The leg is put on the side and Hannah lifts up her chin to look at Jonghyun, seeing him sit up and she holds her hands up in case he wants to put a leg over her again, but to her surprise he grabs on to her arms and start pulling her up, Hannah laughing a lot again and he ends up hugging her.

“What are you doing?” Jonghyun mumbles against her hair. “Laughing and talking while I’m sleeping…”

Taemin laughs and says he is going outside; Jonghyun puts his leg around Hannah, wrapping himself around her.

“You do that,” Jonghyun agrees while Hannah just laughs. Taemin leaves with Ace, and when the door is closed Jonghyun continues to wrap himself around Hannah, his hand grabbing her so she squeals with laughter and he kisses her hair countless of times.

“Jonghyun… Jonghyun,” Hannah giggles and tries to get out of his grip. “You should brush your teeth first.”

He continues to wrap himself around her kiss her hair, humming why he should do that but then he stops everything and lets her go, lying flat on his back and sighing with his head the other way. One arm is still under her and Hannah smiles at him.

“How are you feeling?” she whispers.

Jonghyun takes his free hand to his face, rubbing it up and down. “Pretty good, I guess. And you seem to be in a good mood,” Jonghyun comments and rolls to the side so he can take his hand through her hair from her forehead to the back. Hannah giggles.

“Mm,” Hannah answers.

“I’ll go brush my teeth,” Jonghyun mumbles and gets up, patting her on the leg when leaving the bed. “I really want to kiss you.”

And with those words he leaves the room. Hannah is confused at first, and then wonders if he is actually going to brush his teeth before he will come kiss her. She leaves her room and head to the bathroom, peeking in to see Jonghyun look through the drawers. Hannah shakes her head when he asks which toothbrush is hers and Hannah steps inside to point at it. She stays by the door to watch him brush his teeth, smiling whenever he glances at her and when he is done brushing he washes his face.

“Did you sleep anything at all?” Jonghyun asks when grabbing her arm, bringing her into his arms and he smells toothpaste when he kisses her on her cheeks.

“I did,” Hannah answers, grimacing from his kisses all over her face and she laughs feeling his bare arms and chest against her when he turns her head up to kiss her on the lips.

Her boyfriend is in nothing but underwear and Hannah slips her fingers over his abs around to his muscular back, her fingers enjoying what they touch and Jonghyun wraps his arms around her, flexing his muscles for her to touch. Jonghyun bites her lip in the kiss when she grasps on to his .

“Oh please!”

Hannah is quickly held against Jonghyun’s chest and he smiles over her head to the door where Taemin stands.

“Hi. Nice to see you’re up. Their manager is here, like, now,” Taemin starts saying, waving a finger and Hannah laughs against her boyfriend’s bare chest. “And you are in your underwear, Hyung. You better get dressed within the minute unless you want to greet their father like that. Maria gave a worse threat.”

Hannah pats Jonghyun’s chest to lean away, and she turns around, grabs his arm and pulls him to her bedroom to not get caught. Maria is calling out in the hall seeing them slink by.

“Nice abs, Jonghyun!” she laughs before opening the door. “Good morning, Appa.”

“It’s not morning anymore, Maria,” Manager Lim comments when entering the house with plastic bags filled with food. “But I’m happy you are awake, at least, that’s more than we can say about those in the other house.”

“Oh, really?” Maria forces out a smile that only looks tired. “Are they all sleeping there?”

Manager Lim mumbles something, already has his shoes off and he knocks on Hannah’s door.

“What?” Hannah cheerfully asks on the other side.

“Are you awake?”

“Yes, of course!”

“And Jonghyun is awake too?” Manager Lim asks, he sounds like a father.

“Of course, sir,” Jonghyun answers.

Maria forces a new smile when Manager Lim glances at her but he then sighs and decides to go to the next door, to which Maria says Emelia is still sleeping and before Manager Lim can look inside the room, Taemin steps forward to greet him and ask if he needs help with the bags. As soon as she can, Maria rushes upstairs to get the boys out of her room, in case their manager would get the idea to come upstairs.

After Taemin, it is Hannah and Jonghyun who joins Manager Lim in the kitchen. Taemin is happy to see there is food enough for all of them, and he has already gotten to sit down with some soup.

“We are leaving in an hour,” Manager Lim says and glances up at Hannah who nods. “Did you all have fun last night?”

“It was a lot of fun, sir,” Jonghyun answers and Taemin smiles against his bowl. Hannah nudges Taemin on the arm when taking a seat next to him, knowing Taemin is laughing at Jonghyun’s politeness. Hannah has put on a bra under her tank top and a pair of better shorts, while Jonghyun is fully dressed.

Hannah helps Manager Lim to take everything out of the plastic bags and though he tells her to eat, she goes with him to go wake the ladies up.

Its incredible how passed out Emelia is. She is hard to wake up, which is a first, and when she is woken up she is completely lost in for how long she has been sleeping and what happened last night and her body is stiff and whatnot. When talking about food she just wants something unhealthy, going to the kitchen to take ice-cream and donuts – where that came from is a huge question.

Maria and Hyunsuk come downstairs at the same time Julia comes from the other house, leaving the terrace door left open for the puppies to come running in after using the yard as their bathroom.

More and more people occupy the kitchen. Emelia ends up sitting in Hannah’s lap; Mat sits on Hyunsuk’s lap and so on. It is a hangover breakfast; not much talk at all since most of them have a hangover, but the day’s schedules are the biggest topic probably.

When Hannah leave the kitchen, her manager reminds them that the place needs to be clean and empty in forty minutes. SHINee is getting their ride in half an hour, and the other guests who slept over talk about giving each other a ride home or something. After breakfast though, those who aren’t washing up and getting dressed are cleaning up; even the guests’ helps out. Gathering bottles and cups and garbage from both of the houses and the yard, chatting in between and finding out that Mat’s pants were in the second house’s hall (no one knows how they got there, hanging up like a jacket) and he had fallen asleep on the hammock with Minho before Minho had gone inside to sleep, which Hannah finds hilarious because Minho was sleeping in the sofa first but then went upstairs to sleep, making it seem that Minho walks around a lot when sleeping.

When finally leaving the house 5 Pieces go to the agency to practice for just a few hours.

With a light hangover still lurking around Julia, she takes Hannah and Maria with her to the gym for a workout. Carolina is going on a meeting for her solo debut and Emelia said she was going to visit their stylist for a bit.

First when reaching the gym the ladies starts off with warm-up yoga poses, having two different trainers there with them; the woman going through the yoga poses with them was assisted to Hannah from the hospital to help them out. Their gym trainer helps out after that, certain to make them drop sweat. Hannah has missed the gym so much, and she is focused on it without talking like Julia is doing and Maria is just sighing how tiring this is on her body and mind.

After spending two hours at the gym, the topic mostly being tomorrow’s music video filming and last night’s party – which, by the way, they have received compliments from the guests that it indeed was the best party of the year – and Maria gets all happy knowing her bedroom was filled with drunk and sleeping handsome boys, saying the hangover and lost memories was definitely worth after such a great night.

In the car going home after the gym, Hannah sees she has gotten text messages from Jonghyun. Her boyfriend wants to know what happened last night, what happened with Honggi and if they had fought again because Honggi doesn’t want to talk to him. Hannah answers that he maybe got upset loosing against a girl; that’s all Hannah remembers. That disgusting shot he had brought and how she made him drink it after he played around during the arm-wrestling. But she can’t remember anything else.

“Did I fight with Honggi yesterday?” Hannah asks her two friends.

“I have no idea,” Julia is fast to answer behind the steering-wheel.

“Maria?” Hannah asks.


“Did I fight with Honggi yesterday?”

“How would I know? One second you are kissing Jonghyun and the next you are running out after Honggi. You have some serious love triangle issue, baby,” Maria answers, her eyes stuck on her phone. “And how come you don’t know if you fought with him? Haven’t you gone around saying all day that you don’t have much of a hangover and that you hadn’t been drinking as much as you thought?”

“One tiny detail,” Hannah mutters from her seat, pouting for not remembering. She sighs and looks out the window when she can’t find out what to write to Honggi in her question if something happened last night. Did they fight? She remembers drinking shots in the kitchen, having fun with the arm-wrestling, how she and Jonghyun were kissing… She frowns. “I think Honggi said he loved me, yesterday.”

Something kicks the back of her seat and Julia turns to stare at her.

“He said those words?” Julia asks and Maria repeats the same question in the backseat.

Hannah keeps grimacing, nodding as she is pretty sure the face she remembers Honggi had, and those words… She is pretty sure she has not had a nightmare about it.

“And what did you answer?” Maria asks and Julia suddenly look afraid.

“You said you loved him back?”


“No? Are you sure?” Julia asks and Hannah spaces out, completely confused now.

“I’m… pretty sure,” she hopes.

“You don’t sound sure,” Maria mumbles and leans forward from the backseat. “Wasn’t Jonghyun there too? He ran after you.”

Hannah whines, showing that she has no idea of what happened. She had no memory of that, and even now she can’t fully grasp what happened last night. All those happy memories of dancing and laughing and drinking and kissing Jonghyun… where the heck did a fight get in on that?

Coming home the ladies are talking constantly about the night, telling each other what they remember and filling things out. But it is no surprise they didn’t see each other much; there were a lot of guests and the place is big, so while Hannah had been playing games in the kitchen, Julia had been playing games out on the yard and Maria had been focusing on keeping the music alive. They barely met at all; the ladies had been mingling and walking around a lot. Maria assures that Hyunsuk had only been sleeping in her bed, no matter how suspicious Julia looks Maria calmly says they are just friends and they didn’t even kiss. Hannah can accept that.

“I have something to confess though,” Julia says.

They are in the first house’s kitchen, preparing some grapes to eat while talking before they will go wash up. They could’ve gone to the other kitchen where Julia has her healthy drinks and whatnot, but her mother is there and Julia doesn’t want to talk about the crazy night with her mother around. Her mother had a lot of fun meeting their friends and seeing it is not just work for 5 Pieces, being the coolest mother in the city, and had gone to bed before the party was over.

Neither Hannah nor Maria seems much interested in a special confession as all three of them have been talking about things they personally found as a confession. Like Hannah making out with Jonghyun in public – which no one else found to be much of a confession since they were at home, surrounded by friends.

“I hooked up with Ji Young Oppa in the bathroom,” Julia breathes out.

Maria gives out a loud laugh. “And I ran around on the grass!” she laughs, putting three grapes , “That one was funny, Jul.”

Julia doesn’t say anything but shows her cell phone to the leader, giving it to Hannah once Maria starts coughing up grapes. In a text message from Manager Lee is reads ‘do you remember anything from yesterday? If you do, call me, we will have to talk about this. I will be fired if anyone finds out we had . Call me.’

Hannah gapes up at her friend, and then hits her arm when remembering a conversation with Carolina. “Carolina caught you!” Hannah hisses and Julia grimaces.

“I can’t remember who it was, but someone knocked on the door,” she answers, glancing from one lady to the other, seeing Maria still coughing up grapes. “I’m sorry, ladies. It didn’t mean anything. We were both drunk and we have talked it through. It was just .”

“Was he good?”

Hannah almost falls off her chair at Maria’s question and she can see Julia almost does the same.

“I just told you I had with our manager last night and you ask me if he was good?” Julia gapes and Maria giggles, chewing on her grapes again. “Not that good, but-”

“Girls!” Hannah bursts out, the only one uncomfortable with this conversation and they laugh when she covers her ears with her hands. “This is Ji Young Oppa we are talking about…”

“Well, on the papers he is actually Hannah’s manager…” Maria starts to say and Hannah shakes her head, though that is true. “And you are two grown-ups with ual needs. If you can handle it like sober grown-ups then so you do.”

“So you aren’t upset?” Julia asks the leader.

“How come that question isn’t directed to me if he now is my manager?” Hannah asks while Maria says she is not upset.

“You get upset at first,” Julia explains to Hannah, “And then you think about it and you answer with more reason. It’s simple.”

“You actually… did it with our – my – manager,” Hannah hisses, grimacing, but based on her tone the ladies know she isn’t really upset at it. She is just disgusted by the thought.

While Maria wants details, Hannah is trying to figure out if she should go shower to get rid of this information or stay to just be a good friend. Julia ends up not saying too much as they all have to go shower, and Hannah takes her time to wash up and get dressed in a navy blue and ivory brushed fleece logo-print sweatshirt, big and comfortable to wear when you are too lazy to get dressed in more before going to bed.

When Emelia comes home, Hannah and Maria are sitting in the living-room cleaning their nails and talking hair.

“Wazzup,” Emelia comes inside, throwing herself on the sofa to lie with her head next to where Hannah is sitting.

“Did you have fun?” Maria asks.

“Hell yeah. Oppa is awesome. The clothes for the shooting are mind-blowing on a completely different level. And we got our nails done already,” Emelia answers and she shows her hand where her nails are in black and gold, each nail different from the other in shapes and styles but all similar with the colours and style.

“Cool,” Maria says, “Hannah and I have decided on fake nails tomorrow.”

Maria has her own set of nails prepared, while Hannah will get to choose tomorrow morning based on how the rest of her will look.

“Oh, right,” Emelia hits Hannah on the leg. “Have you talked to Honggi?”

“No, why? Did he say something?”

Maria smiles at Hannah’s eagerness to find out about Honggi, since he hasn’t answered the text message Hannah sent and Jonghyun hasn’t been answered either. Emelia looks surprised at the response, sitting up to not be too close in case Hannah waves her arm at her.

“He is outside.”

“Here?” Maria asks before Hannah gets the chance. Hannah glances at the leader who answered so quickly while Emelia says he is in his car outside.

“I saw him when I parked,” she answers, “And he said he has called on your phone but you didn’t answer so he is gaining confidence to ring the doorbell. I told him I would take you outside…”

Hannah sighs and gets up, when leaving the living-room she hear her friends ask if she is going out. Hannah gets inside her bedroom, throws on a pair of ripped jeans before she walk out, wearing sneakers without socks as she does not plan to be out for long. And her cell phone, then she is out the door.

Honggi is nervously flipping on his phone when Hannah takes the passenger seat in his car, and he does not dare to meet her eye while Hannah looks directly at him.

“I’m sorry,” she says.

Honggi frowns, looking out his window. “You’re sorry because I’m an idiot?” he asks.

“I’m sorry for many things and maybe for that one too,” Hannah answers. “And I’m sorry for not remembering what happened last night.”

He turns his eyes to look at her, but his expression looks to be somewhere else. “You don’t remember anything?”

“Of course I remember things, but I don’t remember what happened between us. Jonghyun asked if we fought but I can’t remember and then Maria said we ran out, but … I can’t remember,” Hannah answers. Other than Honggi saying those words she fears, she can’t remember what they said. She remembers being furious, pretty certain she was angry at Honggi, but she can’t be sure because next thing she remembers is having with her boyfriend so it is all a blur for her. Honggi looks both relieved and troubled when she says she can’t remember and that worries her. “What did I do? … Did I say something?”

Honggi shakes his head, lowering his head but leans it back when she asks if Jonghyun did something.

“I was the idiot, Hannah, I’m sorry,” Honggi whispers.

“But you didn’t answer Jonghyun’s texts… you’re not mad then?”

“I don’t know,” Honggi mutters.

“Could you please tell me what happened then and stop looking like the moon fell down?” Hannah sighs, really not liking her repeatedly questions and his lack of response. Honggi doesn’t look at her, and that annoys her because he is a person who always looks at her.

“I got jealous of seeing you and Jonghyun, and I made a fool of myself,” Honggi tells.


He looks up at her lack of response and sees that she doesn’t seem to understand. “I made a scene because you two kissed in front of me and then I said a bunch of useless stuff. I was drunk. I said a lot of things and then you kicked me out.”



“But you were drunk and the rest of us where…” Hannah whispers, looking down at her hands. ‘Because I love you,’ he had said last night.

“I meant what I said though,” Honggi mumbles, “So I’m happy you can’t remember it. That might mean we can still hang out.”

Hannah nods, and she nods again when he looks at her as if he can’t believe she is nodding.

“We’re friends, right?” Hannah smiles softly. ‘Because I love you’ repeats in her head, his words.

Honggi forces out a smile. “You really can’t remember anything,” he says, stating it, not asking it, and Hannah shrugs her shoulder. “It was a great party, lady.”

She smiles widely now, laughing in agreement. “Yeah… we have been told that.”

“You felt okay when you woke up?” he teases and Hannah laughs, hiding her bare face behind her hand.

“Surprisingly too well compared to others. I had to wake up and help both Jonghyun and Taemin all morning,” she giggles and looks at Honggi, and from his face-expression her smile loosens up. “Next time, we better not fight so I can help you throw up too, Oppa.”

That makes him laugh and she smiles widely at it, hearing him try to talk in his laugh as if it was the best joke ever.

“I’ll be the one holding up your hair when you throw up next time,” he assures her and laughs more.

Hannah can’t remember much from the fight, but based on what she remembers and how her friend has acted in the car she is sure it was major. If she can’t remember, and Jonghyun can’t remember, maybe things can turn out well. Sitting in the car and laughing as if nothing happened makes her think it will be good.

“Oh, happy early birthday, by the way,” Honggi remembers and Hannah laughs at the suddenly congratulation.

From the backseat he takes out a book for her, and Hannah raises her eyebrows at her.

“My present for you,” Honggi says and motions for her to open it. “You don’t have to accept it if you don’t want to, but I hope you’ll like it.”

Hannah opens the book, realising it isn’t really a book but more of a box looking like a book. You can only open one page, and in it there is a heart-shaped hole with a bracelet in it. The bracelet is of thin silver with a long thin line of tiny red stones together.

“It’s your birthday stone – ruby,” Honggi explains and picks up the bracelet, holding it up for Hannah’s hand and she lets him put it on her.

“It’s pretty,” she whispers. Though Hannah really doesn’t like presents, she like things with a meaning behind it: her birthday stone.

“I know…” Honggi smiles, “And it works to wear to anything. It’s simple and meaningful, don’t you think? Do you like it?”

Hannah nods, not sure what to say, and she smiles up at Honggi. “Thank you.”

Her cell phone vibrates and Hannah smiles, embarrassed when seeing the text message is from Maria; ‘hurry back in or I will send Ace after you!’.

“I have to go…” Hannah looks up at Honggi.

He nods, looking to be understandable. “Your boyfriend?”

Hannah laughs. “No. We have a music video filming in the morning, so Maria is telling us to go sleep early.”

“Ooh…” Honggi looks to be embarrassed and he starts his car, “Good luck with the filming then, Hannah.”

“Drive home safely,” she says, opening the door, “And thanks for the present. It’s really pretty. Goodnight.”

Hannah sees him drive off before she walks inside, not really sure what went on in the car but when coming in it is straight to bed so she is in a good mood for the music video filming – when waking up, it will be her birthday. Hannah fears that day, but she is pretty sure most of them will be too busy to think of that. She crosses her fingers making that wish when going to bed.

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Headline 27th: Emelia Reveals Through Facebook Picture She Is Enjoying Driving Around In Seoul After Getting Her Driving License

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^