Chapter 51

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

Honggi is sitting in the hospital corridor, arms on his knees as he is leaning forward with his head down. From time to time he rubs his face or checks his phone. Time seems to have slowed down, or the clock on his phone is stopping, and the police officers standing a few meters away has not helped him at all. No one has left that room other than one nurse, but no one is talking to Honggi and he was even threatened by the police that they will handcuff him unless he quiets down.

When the slide doors at the entrance opens to let Manager Lee and Emelia inside, Honggi is fast up on his feet.

“What happened?” Emelia asks, her skin as pale as always but her eyes as red as Honggi’s as they both have worried. She had been so furious at him when he called her, but now all he sees is worry for her best friend. “How is she?”

“They won’t talk to me,” Honggi shakes his head, the tears filling his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Emelia. I had no idea what happened. She was fine when we met, then it just-”

“Don’t worry about it,” Manager Lee tells him, patting him on the shoulder before turning to the police officers and a nurse to hand them the doctor’s papers of what history Hannah has with medication and what she is currently taking. “Any question will be asked through me.”

No one has any questions yet, the nurse disappears and it seems that serious things are happening in Hannah’s room.

Emelia paces back and forth, wiping her tears and complaining why no one is telling them anything. What is happening with Hannah? Why did this happen at all? What’s the talk about an overdose and try to commit suicide? Honggi gets to tell them what happened all over again and Emelia points finger at both Honggi and Manager Lee for that Hannah is in that room right now. She is freaking out and Honggi wonders if he too looked that freaky before they came.

When Honggi had given Emelia a call, she had first of all called Manager Lee since he is in charge of Hannah’s medication, and since they both were at the agency they left together. Carolina is still practicing and Julia had gone home already. Emelia is certain all ladies will freak out once they are told Hannah is back at the hospital, but at this moment Emelia wants to curse at the walls of the hospital because it takes an hour of waiting before a doctor leaves the emergency room where Hannah is. Honggi doesn’t dare to leave his seat while Emelia and Manager Lee meet the doctor halfway.

The doctor looks a bit bothered, looking from Emelia to the manager before holding out his hand to greet them both. Obviously he knows Emelia, he obviously knows who Hannah is too because the way he talks says he knows, which is why he decided to greet them because he does not know who Manager Lee is.

“It was an overdose,” the doctor says. “According to the papers I was given, she has currently three different medications, is that correct?”

“Yeah…” Manager Lee nods.

“Does she take them daily?” the doctor wonders.

“No,” Emelia is fast to shake her head. “Two times a week or less, I think.”

“Well, she is not supposed to be taking three different medications at the same time. Two of them, I can understand, but a third one would not do well and taking these medications all together for a longer period are what has brought us here,” the doctor explains.

“The police officers say you thought she tried to commit suicide,” Manager Lee comments.

“Oh, yes, that’s correct.”

“She didn’t want to commit suicide,” Emelia shakes her head.

“Emelia,” Manager Lee says in a low voice and Emelia glares at him.

“She wouldn’t do that!”

The doctor looks through his papers a bit to let them have their argument before he says; “It could be that she didn’t know what the outcome would be of mixing her medication like this. The overdose wasn’t too severe-”

“She’s alright then?” Emelia asks.

“I can’t answer that just yet,” the doctor says and he can see three faces loose all hope and colour. “She is sedated at the moment for her own good but she will have to stay here for supervision for a couple of days until we have removed all medication out of her system and taken a few more tests but at the moment there is no life threatening.”

When the doctor leaves, Emelia turns to Manager Lee.

“Hannah would never try to commit suicide. Maria would break your bones if she heard you say that,” she threatens him and with the pale skin, redness around her eyes and dark voice, the threat is scary.

“I never said she would-”

But Emelia has already turned to Honggi, sat down next to him to look miserable together. Manager Lee doesn’t continue his sentence, knowing no one would listen, instead he is called over to talk to the police and sign some papers for the hospital, and he will have to make some phone calls.

Emelia sighs, looking at Honggi who is leaning forward again with his head down.

“You can go home, Honggi,” she tells him in a low voice.

He doesn’t answer, but he sits up straight and looks out at the white wall in front of them. He looks completely destroyed.

“She said she was fine,” he says after a few minutes of silence. “She said she was fine, Emelia, and I didn’t question that.”

“She does that,” she quietly says, knowing all the times Hannah has said she is completely fine while being in pain.

He lowers his head again, remembering how Hannah was shaking in his arms and how her head kept rolling. His heart is trembling out of fear just by the memory, wondering how she is doing now, if she is in pain, remembering how she was sobbing and how he held her hand when driving to the hospital, the thought of the overdose scares him and he wonders if she really didn’t know what all those medication would do to her.

“She’s so stupid,” Honggi whispers, sobbing.

“So stupid,” Emelia nods in agreement.

Honggi breathes and leans his head back, tears rolling down his cheeks. “She really knows how to scare the hell out of us,” he comments.

“And I think she will continue with that for the rest of our lives,” Emelia answers and leans against him. “Scaring us so we will get angry and cry and fear for her life…” She moves her head on his shoulder to glance at Manager Lee, making sure he is too far away to hear her whisper. “Thank you for staying, though.”

“I can’t go,” Honggi whispers. “I can’t leave her like this.”

“That’s why I’m thanking you,” Emelia whispers.

“DOCTOR!” a nurse runs out of the door down the corridor and Emelia is quickly up on her feet. An alarm sets off from the room and Emelia panics seeing the doctor make his appearance. “It’s another seizure!”

The doctor and the nurse disappears inside the room, Emelia runs after them but the door is shut between them and she stares there facing the door with a trembling lip.

A hand is put on her shoulder after some seconds but she removes it and wipes the tears falling down her cheeks. She does not move away from the door and Manager Lee steps away, letting her stand there facing the door waiting for someone to come back, for good news to come.

All night they sit there. After about two hours the doctor returns, assuring them that Hannah is okay but she is having repeating seizures, and he walks back inside, not coming back until another two hours when Hannah’s personal doctor arrives and the two of them disappear to talk in private and the whole time Honggi, Emelia and Manager Lee are ready to hear Hannah is better. Honggi even has his manager call him; he steps outside just briefly to say he can’t do the morning filming because he wants to wait until he has talked to Hannah.

It’s eight in the morning when Hannah’s doctor says they won’t get to see Hannah today, apologizing to Honggi who has missed his morning filming out in the country and suggesting to Emelia and Manager Lee to leave too as the doctor will call when they can visit. Hannah is sleeping, and she will be kept in a closed room until all medication has left her body.

If it wasn’t because Carolina is having her solo event today, Emelia would not have left the hospital.

She has Manager Lee drive her home; he waits in the living-room while Emelia packs a bag for Hannah, takes a shower and gets dressed before sitting down in the other house’s living-room with Manager Lee, Manager Lim, Julia, Carolina and Julia’s mother. Not until now are Julia and Carolina told about Hannah being at the hospital, and Emelia gets to tell them because she can make it not sound as serious as it is. Carolina gives out a cry when she is told about it.

“But she promised me she would come to my event!” she cries.

“That’s selfish!” Julia hits her on the arm.

“But she promised,” Carolina pouts.

Emelia takes a deep breath. They took it much better than expected, and when looking at their managers she knows she is not holding back her sad face as good as she hoped she would. She gets up on her feet to get something to drink in the kitchen.

“We can visit Hannah after my event,” Carolina suggests. “We can bring her the chocolate she likes.”

“If we bring Tiger with us, she will really get in a good mood,” Julia adds.

“We need to go through some things,” Manager Lim interrupts them and he clears his throat when looking at his notes. “We have, um… to give a statement. The agency, I mean, and that means you all should know what the statement is.”

“Shoot,” Emelia says when coming back with a cup of water.

“A reporter has already found out that Hannah is at the hospital. The article will come out in an hour, but SM Entertainment hasn’t given the statement for that as we have tried to hold the article for some more hours…” Manager Lim takes a deep breath, a deep sigh actually. He doesn’t seem to like this. “The statement will say Hannah has visited the hospital because of pain in her leg from the injury she got back in August. It won’t be anything serious and the agency says Hannah will go home and rest for a few days.”

“While in fact she took an overdose of medication,” Julia says.

Manager Lee looks uncomfortable at that comment. Manager Lim doesn’t seem to like it either. “The police has also wanted to give out a statement that a woman was brought in to the hospital in a possible suicide try that it ended up to be a misreading of medication to an overdose, but the agency has tried to cover that up as some of your fans might put in the loose ends and connect the two as it is the same hospital and around the same time.”

“What Appa means,” Emelia whispers, “is that if anyone asks Carolina during her interviews, she will say Hannah is resting at home. No details.”

Carolina looks to freak out by the thought that she will be given the responsibility to answer those kinds of questions. Manager Lim assures her that there is always a manager nearby to help her if needed and they can control the questions if needed; it’s not like Carolina will hold a press-conference to give the statement and answer questions about Hannah, which is exactly what Carolina imagined.

“I have a question,” Carolina raises her hand. “Who will tell Maria?”

Maria, the leader who is in Sweden by now: the leader who feels bad for not being there to support Carolina at her solo debut. Everyone looks that they don’t want to be the one telling the leader that Hannah is once again at the hospital, this time for an overdose. It sounds horrible, yet Emelia knows it was worse than what it sounded. All she can think of is the night she has spent at the hospital when she didn’t know how Hannah was doing, if she was having another seizure in that moment or if she was getting some sleep.

“I’ll give her a call,” Emelia mutters; back up on her feet again. “I’ll go see if she is online.”

And she leaves without a word.

Manager Lim tells Manager Lee how to prepare the ladies in this house so they can leave for work later, while Manager Lim leaves to go to the other house where Emelia is.

“Emelia?” he asks when entering the house, walking straight over to Emelia’s room where the door is open. She has sat down on the bed, holding her tablet in hand and staring at it. “Emelia?”

“What is it?” she mutters, glancing up at her manager.

“Get some rest,” he tells her, “I can call Maria; you should get some rest after being at the hospital all night.”

She shakes her head. “I can’t sleep now. I need to talk to Maria and then we have to go with Carolina to the event preparations. I still haven’t updated Jonghyun or told Kyung Ho…”

“I can do that,” Manager Lim assures her, “May I come inside?”

She moves on the bed to let him take a seat, opening up Skype on her tablet and she leans a bit towards Manager Lim when he takes a seat so the mattress lowers to his weight. He is quiet at first, watching her look at Skype without pressing to call Maria even if the leader is online. Emelia is pouting, her eyes stings from the tears she wants to hold back.

“Hannah has gotten mad at me for weeks,” Emelia ends up telling him, with her nail touching the side of the tablet, “Because I keep going on her nerves about those pills and her stretching. I keep making fun of her for trying to get better, Appa… What kind of friend am I for doing that?”

“Then you better apologize to her later,” he tells her.

“Why do these things keep happening?” Emelia asks as if he didn’t say anything. “Why is that car-accident always hurting Hannah even after four years? And do you know what scares me the most? … That one day it will not just be a few days of rest. It can’t be good to have to visit the hospital like this, every year the least and I’m angry at the doctor for missing that she was still taking the painkillers for her back when being given two new ones. What if it will be too much for her, Appa? What if she can’t live for long?”


“I know it’s bad to think like that but Hannah is the kind of person who doesn’t think how her life will be in ten years. She can’t think like that after the accident, because she doesn’t want to be too happy when knowing she might not live for another ten years,” Emelia talks in an upset tone.

“Emelia,” Manager Lim says and points at the tablet. She has been so lost in herself that she didn’t see that Maria is calling.

“Crap,” she says but lifts the tablet up and smiles softly when answering the video call.

What’s up, slaves!” Maria cheerfully says over the video call, being seen sitting in the living-room in her family’s apartment. “Are you at the event? Are you slaves missing my presence already? How’s the weirdo doing?

“Do you even breathe?” Emelia mutters.

Ya!” the leader changes right away, “You should remind Hannah that Carolina wants her to keep you from making a fool out of 5 Pieces at her event, she keeps telling me to remind her to remind everyone and so on… You know, the usual, and do be nice to the weirdo while I’m away, Emelia. APPA! I didn’t see you there, hi!

“Honestly, do you even breathe?” Emelia repeats as Maria starts to talk to their manager.

Honestly, pale face, I am too happy to be home to have time to breathe. The air here is too great to be true…

“Hannah is at the hospital,” Emelia blurts out as there seems to be no end of hearing Maria’s voice.

A crash is heard and Emelia waits, hearing Maria pick the tablet up from the floor she had dropped it on. “I think I heard you say something about Hannah, I must’ve heard you wrong…” Maria is saying while putting down the tablet, forcing a smile.

“No, no, you heard me right. Hannah kind of went through a lot last night but she is okay,” Emelia says and another crash is heard before Maria calls seriously at probably her sister to stop and after a few seconds of hearing movements to a blurry video call it gets quiet and it seems like Maria has sat down on someone’s bed, staring through the call at Emelia.

What do you mean she went through a lot? What happened? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Is it serious?

Emelia explains what happened, but whatever she says Maria repeats ‘my baby…’ and asks if she should come back home. Both Manager Lim and Emelia tell her to stay in Sweden, that they will contact her soon again and keep her updated.

As soon as they hang up, Emelia falls on her back in the bed.

“Get some rest,” Manager Lim tells her and looks at his watch. “Carolina will leave soon, but the rest of you don’t have to leave until two hours or so.”

“Who is picking Kyung Ho up?” Emelia asks.

“I’ll handle it,” he answers and gets up, patting Emelia on her leg, “Sleep.”

He closes the door behind him, but he too looks just as tired as Emelia. Duties first, he has to talk to Kyung Ho and update Jonghyun, he has to call the agency again and he has to send Manager Lee to the hospital to not let Hannah wake up in confusion around strangers.

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Whenever waking up during the day, Hannah drifts back into sleep. Each time she starts to open her eyes or move her body, any sign of waking up, her mind drifts away as if someone does not want her to wake up. It happens a few times, keeping her asleep throughout the whole day. In her sleep she is in the dark, each time she is about to open her eyes it is out of fear and each time she is drifting back to sleep she feel relaxed. Her sleep is dark and scary, she can’t point out what it is but she doesn’t like it. As if all nightmares are hiding in the blackness just lurking around, waiting to frighten her.

Her body is exhausted. As if there is nothing but bone and skin, no water or blood at all. She is hungry and thirsty yet somehow not, she doesn’t even want to try move a finger in fear she won’t manage to do so.

She wants to turn around and go back to sleep this time though something tells her she wants to wake up. Someone is talking in the room she is in, slowly she starts to focus on the voice and it takes minutes before she realises it is the sound of the TV she hears. The volume is low but after focusing on it for some minutes every sound on the TV sounds too loud to her ears in the quiet room. She tries to hear anything else in the room, it has a familiar smell but she can’t hear anything other than some equipment. Everything is familiar.

It takes a long time of thinking before she knows why the place is so familiar. She is at the hospital.

As soon as that fact hits her, Hannah opens her eyes. The ceiling above her is white, yet it is as scaring as the blackness she saw when she was asleep.

She has no memory of coming here, no memory of what happened and she stares at the ceiling trying to remember what happened while her heart is racing in her chest. What is the last thing she remembers? She remembers waking up, each time trying to wake up she fell back asleep. But what did she do before that? Did she collapse? Did she get hurt at a concert? She seriously can’t remember. What day is it? Is it night or day? The room is dark; the TV is reflecting colours at some part of the room, but she has no idea of the answer to the questions circulating in her head. And she doesn’t dare to move. She knows it is 2014, September… More than that, she can’t come up with. All memories seem to be messed up in her head that she can’t sort out when what happened.

Her body isn’t in any pain, she is stiff from not moving in hours but she doesn’t know if hours or days have passed. Has she been in a coma? No, that’s not right…

She can be lying there for minutes or an hour trying to figure this out, she has no idea how long it takes until she remembers the voice crying her name. By the memory of Honggi, it is like piece by piece everything comes back at the same time and her head starts hurting badly.


She rolls away from the voice, suddenly in a lot of pain remembering how Honggi had held her, shaken her and calling her name so she wouldn’t faint.

The door to the room is opened and she can hear her manager call for the nurse. No… She doesn’t want anyone to come in.

With her eyes tightly shut she crawls in to a ball under the hospital quilt, ignoring the strange female voice getting up on her side of the bed, saying her name and asking if she is in pain, how she is feeling. Hannah hates this part. She covers her head under the quilt to show she does not want to talk and she feel blessed when hearing Manager Lee apologise to the nurse but asking if she can go get the doctor. She feel blessed because she think he asks that for her to get out of the room because as soon as she has agreed and closes the door after her, Manager Lee sighs and pats the end of her bed for her to know he is there alone with her.

“Where is Honggi?” Hannah whispers under her quilt, not turning around. Has it been days or hours since she came here? How is Honggi feeling? He took her to the hospital?

“Honggi is working,” Manager Lee calmly answers. She lowers the quilt below her chin to not suffocate with the hospital smell under there. “He stayed all night while you were in a repeated seizure attack, but we forced him and Emelia away in the morning.”


She doesn’t ask anything else; she doesn’t know what she wants to know, which question to ask first. What happened? How is Honggi doing? Is Emelia angry at her? How could this happen? What actually happened? Why did she get that sick that she has ended up at the hospital?


That is not her manager. She covers herself under the quilt again, as a child hiding from her parents after being bad, but she knows it is not a nurse who has spoken her name and neither is it the voice of her doctor. The woman takes a chair to sit down on her side, Manager Lee staying seated on the other side of the bed and a nurse stands at the end of the bed but Hannah doesn’t know that.

“I will go through what I know with you, and if you have any questions you can interrupt me anytime, does that sound good to you?” the woman asks, not a newcomer to a patient shutting down in front of her. Just to have her say that tells Hannah that she is really good with patients, though she has no idea of whom it is. The woman waits for a reaction but since Hannah isn’t saying against her, she continues to say; “My name is Song Ha Hyo and I am the new doctor in charge over you. I know it must feel weird to have a complete stranger start to talk to you like this but the situation is weird as well. … From what I have been told, you have for some time been taking three different type of medication. Your manager has already confirmed it. Taking all this medication for a longer period caused an overdose, which is what you experienced when you were rushed to the hospital. Vomiting and the seizures – I guess you have had abdominal pain and nausea for at least some days, dizziness and ringing in the ears… What your body is currently going through is cleaning; we are getting rid of all medication from your system, we have sedated you during the day to keep you relaxed and to make sure you are not going to get another seizure. After twelve hours, you are okay, which is now.”

Hannah stopped listening after ‘ringing in the ears’ to instead wonder what day it is, what her members are doing, if Maria still is in Sweden, how Honggi is doing at work, where her cell phone is, if Jonghyun is upset at her for being at the hospital again. She wants to talk to her manager, not to this stranger.

When the female doctor asks if Hannah has any questions, only one question is heard under the quilt;

“When can I go home?”

“Oh, you are not allowed home in a few days,” Doctor Song answers in a matter of fact tone. “You can probably not even stand up on your own either after the rough night and sleeping all day. You will be here for at least two more days to recover and we have some more tests to do tomorrow…”

She talks to Manager Lee when understanding Hannah is not coming out from under the quilt, but first she assures Hannah to let them know if she is in any pain and she asks some basic questions. It takes minutes before Doctor Song and the nurse leaves, and as soon as they have left does Hannah put down her quilt and she turns around to mix a glare and pout at her manager.

He just sits there, quietly looking at her. He wonders what she wants to know first, what questions she is thinking of and who is on her mind for her to look that sad. But she doesn’t ask anything. She gives out a ‘humph’ and throws the quilt over her face to whine before putting it back down to glare at the ceiling. For Manager Lee he stays quietly on his chair at first, trying to figure out where her mixed emotions are turned to – hospital, ladies, him, Honggi, media… he can guess for an eternity it feels like.

“Doctor Song has been very good during the day,” he ends up saying something. “She is a very brilliant doctor.”

“Why was Emelia here?” Hannah wonders, not interested in the doctor she didn’t see the face of.

“Honggi called her.”

Now, he knows the anger is directed to him – or Honggi, but she glares at him. “Honggi called Emelia?”

“Yes, he didn’t have my number,” Manager Lee answers.

“How is she?”

“‘How is she’? That’s your question? Hannah, they all want to know how you are – you’re the one at the hospital,” he frowns.

“Is she mad at me?” Hannah asks, ignoring his frowning comment.


“Is she?” she repeats without any patience and Manager Lee sighs, shaking his head.

“Let’s set this straight,” he tells her, shifting his position in the chair to point at Hannah to let her know she should not interrupt him. “You are at the hospital, Hannah; Honggi had to face you having a seizure and then spend the whole night waiting to hear good news while Emelia was going from shouting to crying next to him. Maria is calling every hour to ask if she should come back to Seoul, Kyung Ho has become emotionless, your boyfriend is currently holding on to his cell phone in Japan waiting for you to call when the hospital will allow you because he wants to hear from you personally that you are alive and not back at the hospital because he does not want to believe the media, oh, and the media is writing back and forth about why you are back at the hospital and the agency is receiving a bunch of crap since you always end up in a hospital bed… Carolina, ooh, Carolina is freaking out because she had planned to have three ladies act like fan-girls for her event but had two crazy ladies waving a picture of her throughout the whole thing. Everyone is worried about you, you are the one at the hospital AGAIN that keeps making everyone freak out.”

“You think I planned this?!” Hannah bursts out when he finally takes a breath. Her body aches.

“No, and that’s exactly what makes it freaking horrible that you are here at all!” he bursts back at her, his face-colour changes. “Your medication was wrong so it was absolutely not your mistake at all because you were just trying to get better but you ended up at the hospital and you scared the life out of all of us!”

Hannah gives out a whine at her manager screaming at her, at his furious outburst and she too is angry because he is completely right.

“Wait…” Hannah frowns, staring at her bed. “Carolina’s event has ended?”

“Yeah, a few hours ago,” Manager Le answers with a nod but seeing Hannah’s expression he starts shaking his head. “No, don’t worry, it was a huge success and Carolina did great-”

“Can I call her?” Hannah pouts, sitting up to hide her teary eyes behind her hair.

She actually missed the event? She missed Carolina’s debut event? How is that possible, how could she miss it? Carolina will hold a grunge against her for years – Hannah will hold a grunge against herself for years.

Manager Lee shakes his head again though, telling her she can’t.

“Why not?!”

“Because your doctor said you should rest.”

“I have been sleeping all day, Oppa!” Hannah whines loudly. She is suddenly restless to meet her members, to hug Carolina, to ask her of her event and to be cheerful and apologize and reassure her friend has had someone to talk about all those tiny mistakes of hers that probably only Carolina took notice of and is thinking deeply about.

But her manager doesn’t change, he says it is hospital policy or something, that the doctor has said that and when Hannah lies down to hide herself under her quilt again he says he will go see if he can bring her something to eat and to talk to Doctor Song.

The door closes and Hannah removes the quilt.

She is back at the hospital. She is back in a hospital bed with things stuck in her arm, with no strength in her body and again knowing she has caused pain in her best friends, in her fans, in the people she cares for the most. Yet, she was the one saying it wouldn’t happen again – so why did it have to happen?

Without any other thoughts than that she has to meet her members, if not Carolina at least Emelia, Hannah gets out of bed. Her feet touch the cold floor, she is wearing a t-shirt and hospital pants, and Hannah glides away from the bed. But it’s like her legs are jelly, though she can feel her feet and move her toes, when she puts her weight on her legs she just falls straight down on the floor and it does hurt. But she gets more angry than hurt by the fact that her muscles are sleeping from being drained at the hospital. But walking is not an option; she crawls, she even rolls to get to the cupboard next to the door, to sit up against the cupboard and put her hand on the wheelchair.

Is this really how low she has gone? A wheelchair? The lady who can’t even walk on her own. But she has the goal to meet her friends, and if she is not having her manager or hospital help her, she will get to her friends one way or another.

Already exhausted, Hannah just sits there on the floor for some minutes, catching her breath from crawling before she forces herself up on the wheelchair. In the fear that Manager Lee will come back, she starts rolling out; her arms have more strength than her legs, and as soon as she is out the room she start heading down the corridor hoping it is the right way to the exit.

She rounds a corner to get some rest, her arms so tired after a few meters and she kind of wished she was back in that bed, just giving her members a call instead of trying to go to them. She is starting to get a headache and she will probably not make it out of this building without falling asleep. What has the hospital been giving her? She is out of breath, closing her eyes a bit telling herself she will rest for a few seconds before continuing to run away – roll away. But with her eyes closed, a pair of footsteps comes up behind her. She listens as the footsteps pass her and continues to leave in a good rhythm, and as the footsteps disappears Hannah opens her eyes and starts rolling over the floor again. It goes slower now, a lot slower, and she realises the adrenaline of leaving is what has taken her this far; but once she stopped to rest it all disappeared.

Again she stops, wondering if she will even reach the elevators in this state.

Hearing Manager Lee’s voice makes her turn her head to the side, trying to look behind her while listening at the voice, but it doesn’t sound like he is coming this way. Her heart is beating too fast to take notice of the feet coming in front of her, closer. She doesn’t react to it because they stop, and once her manager’s voice is gone does Hannah stop holding her breath and turn to the front to keep escaping.

The only problem is that a woman is standing in front of her, tall and beautiful with a serious face-expression and eyebrows raised up.

“And where do you think you are going?” the woman asks.


“You are not allowed to go outside that room while we are still doing testes on you, Miss,” the woman says and slowly, extremely slowly, does Hannah start to grimace over that she has gotten caught. The woman then smiles. “It’s quite impressive that you have gotten this far all by yourself. And that can’t be good considering your condition, but I’m certain that you have a good reason to go this far, correct?”

“I am just going for some fresh air,” Hannah lies, not knowing who this woman is and hoping she can still get away with this.

“Your manager warned me that you will be diligently trying to contact your members, which is understandable but at the moment not acceptable,” the woman says.

Doctor Song. Hannah recognizes her voice now. It is her doctor who has caught her. She sighs at it hits her; she has failed, but it makes her upset like a child. She hides it a bit more than she does around Manager Lee. “Am I a prisoner here, Doctor?”

Her doctor smiles and walks around Hannah to control the wheelchair.

“You are not a prisoner here, Miss, but it is very important that you stay in bed and do as you are told if you want to get better. The sooner you get better, the sooner we can let you change room and have visitors,” Doctor Song answers politely.

When getting back to the room, though Hannah says she can do it on her own, there are two nurses coming to help her move from the wheelchair to the bed. Hannah hates it. To be taken care of, to have someone fix the pillow for her, to ask if there is anything else she needs… The only thing she is comfortable with in this room is her manager who is scolding her for trying to leave like that, constantly scolding her while also telling her to eat. She doesn’t like pudding, but Manager Lee has it on the food tray and it reminds her of that Emelia loves pudding so much. She knows he brought the pudding to make it looks like Hannah will eat it, but once everyone else leaves he will take a spoon and the pudding to eat it himself; a deal he and Hannah once made – at another hospital visit.

“If you are good, you might get to change room tomorrow,” Manager Lee tells Hannah while eating his pudding. “You will get to have visitors, call your members and even use your laptop.”

“My laptop is here?” Hannah grimaces.

“Emelia packed it. A set of clothes and then a bunch of work, typical Emelia,” he answers with a chuckle, shaking his head.

Typical Emelia, he says – more likely it is typical Hannah, according to Hannah. Emelia knows that Hannah is addicted to her laptop: that her work is always there, connected to her phone and tablet through a program. Hannah really wants to meet her friend. But she will wait, she will just lie there and sleep and be patient.

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Headline 25th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Is Back At The Hospital – Reason Unknown

Headline 25th: SM Entertainment Release Statement About 5 Pieces’ Hannah Visiting The Hospital

Headline 25th: Carolina Completes LAZY LOVE SONG Solo Debut Event Successfully + 5 Pieces Sits In The Audience

Headline 25th: Carolina Talks About Her Ambitions, Sings Her Solo Songs & Serenades Fans At Her Debut Event


Headline 26th: SM Entertainment Cancels Hannah’s Schedule For The Moment, Assuring Fans She Is Okay

Headline 26th: Carolina Makes Her Solo Debut On Music Bank With [I Wish You Were My Love] & [Lazy Love Song]

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++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^