Chapter 48

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

Nanjing is loud and cheerful. The 13,000 people in the audience seem to love to sing along to the songs from beginning to end. They scream crazily when 5 Pieces leave the main stage, they scream their lungs out at each interaction between two ladies and with the fans, they move their light-sticks to the music like the beautiful purple ocean 5 Pieces is in love with. There is a language barrier no one knows of on the stage, that anything the ladies says gets a great response, that the cheer from fans is understood even if it is in a language two out of three members of 5 Pieces understood to a certain level.

Hannah watches her members during the second day concert, during one of the songs where they are dancing. She is happy, she is feeling light, she likes the songs they perform and she likes how hardworking her friends are. Maybe that’s why she watches her members while dancing next to them, keeping up with their movements and listening to their voices, her members doing their part. Fans will take notice of it when seeing a fan-cam of it later, of Hannah looking at her members while focusing on dancing, how her expression is focused but eyes admiring her own friends.

While performing today, Hannah has heard in her head what Hyekyung told her in the studio. Make music about your life. She thinks of what she is doing now, performing on the stage, performing with her best friends, performing in front of their fans – how could she put this to words? How can she put her life into new music when it already is expressed with so much music, with her friends? How can she put this into a song without 5 Pieces? For her solo album she should express her love to the stage and to her fans, her gratitude for this life. It might be bad to think of her solo album when being on the stage, but she knows Carolina has talked about her solo debut all day – mostly because her teaser has been released today and everyone have just had to go around talking about it, reading comments aloud for Carolina to hear… The ladies have projects they talk about, things that are on their minds while performing. Yet, Hannah knows that her focus is on the concert, like all of them. The ladies are always thinking of the concert first of all; I mean, who wouldn’t think of it when spotlights are shining you up, every word you say is heard in the microphone for 13,000 people screaming at your mere presence.

After the concert the crew is loudly cheering and patting each other on the back for finishing concert seven and eight for the GIRLS POWER tour. They are in no hurry to leave after the concert, and everyone seems to be taking their time when leaving too because fans wants to say goodbye and thank for the concert. For half an hour 5 Pieces are actually walking around outside the arena to take pictures, write autographs and wave to the hardcore fans.

They go on a late dinner that evening, their crew gathered to eat and relax before they will have to go to the airport for the night flight back to Korea. The flight is after two in the morning, meaning there is no need to go to the hotel to get some sleep, meaning everyone is resting at the restaurant and chatting and filling their stomachs with delicious food. It is the third day Maria orders ice-cream, and it is the third day she lets Emelia finish half of the bowl when Maria doesn’t want any more.

Wearing a gray hooded pullover dress going all the way down to her knees, Hannah still wears leggings underneath to the white sneakers she had bought in New York, hiding her tired purple hair in a black embroidered baseball cap that ironically has ‘New York’ written on it with a lot of ‘X’ and numbers.

Hannah’s time at the restaurant is the same as most others; eat a bit, talk a lot and then quietly just sit there and close your eyes if possible. She manages to not be a victim of the evil dancers taking playful pictures of those that actually does take a nap, including Julia and a bunch of the crew members because a lot of people are tired. It is just as fun showing the pictures to them when they wake up as it were taking them. Hannah doesn’t take any pictures but she does secretly ask Emelia (one of the evil picture-takers) to send the pictures to her. When leaving the restaurant to head to the airport the ladies all seem to be close to falling asleep, probably because Maria doesn’t sing along to any songs and Carolina is sitting with her cell phone muttering things. The two loud ladies are in other words not being social, so no one else of the ladies is either.

With the sleeves to her dress being long enough to cover half of her hands, Hannah is holding her hand up to her face when entering the airport because the yawning doesn’t want to stop.

“Are you meeting Hyekyung when we get back?” Emelia wonders, walking next to Hannah.

“No plan of it, why?” Hannah asks while continuing to hold her hand up to her face, mostly to be prepared for the next time she yawns.

It’s in the middle of the night, the airport is calm and quiet and the ladies are surprised when seeing there are a few fans there even at this hour. Most people seem to expect 5 Pieces to leave in the morning; strategy, the agency must’ve leaked false information for the airport to not be crowded, and it actually seems to work.

“I am just curious, Charlie,” Emelia smiles at her. “I want to drive around a bit after the photo shoot. I’m taking Julia’s R8, just because she’s not using it and I love it.”

“Haven’t you gone around talking about getting your own car?” Hannah wonders.

“Yeah, I have. I have dreamt of it since I was a kid, which you know. But why get my own car when we have a bunch I can drive just standing alone waiting for me?”

“As long as you pay the gas,” Julia tells her, walking behind them and giving Emelia a smile when the rapper turns around to glance at her.

“I think the agency will pay for the gas,” Emelia winks at Hannah who giggles and they both turn around to look at their manager to see if he heard. He didn’t. Emelia touches Hannah’s arm lightly. “Keep quiet of that.”

“Or what?” Julia laughs behind them and Hannah turns around to give her a high-five.

“Or I’ll put jam under your mattresses so the pets will never let you sleep,” Emelia threatens.

Hannah gives out a laugh when she stumbles forward as Julia suddenly pushes her from behind to start run away from Emelia, and when passing Hannah after pushing her she takes a hold of Hannah’s arm to run together and Hannah has just caught her balance when being dragged along. Emelia laughs and tells them to run away if they can, and she runs after them with the cheer from the fans watching from a distance. The fans go completely crazy, even jumping and hitting each other to make their friends look at the girls running through the airport.

Walking slowly after them are the others, and Maria calmly waves to the fans with her whole arms until she leans on Carolina to tell the friend to wave for her. Carolina happily grabs Maria’s elbow to start wave the leader’s hand, receiving even more cheers.

Checking in and sitting down, the ladies wait to board the plane. They are early today, and not a lot of people are taking night flights. But with such a large airport there are always people coming and going, and it does seem like 5 Pieces’ presence is recognized by a lot of them. Carolina is sitting and eating, Maria goes to buy something to eat too and she shares it with the others but not with Carolina because Carolina didn’t want to share hers. Hannah has put in earphones in her ears to listen to some of the tracks Hyekyung has sent her, demos for her to listen to and try write some music to it while she can’t be in the studio working with him. So Hannah listens through music with the writing pad in her lap, doing her best. She can’t focus at first, just listening to her members chatting for a bit before a track in her ear grabs her attention and she looks down at her paper to scribble down whatever comes to her mind. Emelia is sitting next to her, which is why Hannah isn’t worried she will sneak a peek; they have known each other for too long, Emelia knows she will see when Hannah is ready for it.

She is curious, Emelia can’t help but to glance Hannah’s direction to see how focused her friend is.

“What do you think of this one?” Hannah suddenly asks in a low voice and wakes up from her writing trance to look up at Emelia to give her one earphone.

Emelia lets’ Hannah hold it to her ear and listens to the demo.

It takes seconds, just blankly listening to the demo and Hannah waits for a response while Emelia just listens. It’s not just Emelia who works on producing; as far as Hannah knows, Emelia has been working on making music longer than Carolina; it is just that Carolina is more eager to get her music out. Emelia is more like a basement musician; only playing for herself.

The rapper ends up holding out her hand for the writing pad in Hannah’s lap, without a word requesting to see what Hannah has made so far. She hesitates, Hannah bites her lip glancing at her papers and she starts to write again and scribble over a few things before replaying the demo and giving Emelia the writing pad. Her childhood friend reads it seriously, not having a trouble with Hannah’s bad writing and she listens to the demo at the same time.

“Can I?” Emelia wonders and holds out her hand anew.

“Mm,” Hannah mumbles and gives her the pen. She leans on Emelia’s arm to see what her friend does. “Aaah…”

“You get it?” Emelia asks and points at the earphone. “Right here, you do this part, right?”

“Mhm,” Hannah nods. Emelia knows exactly how Hannah has written her lyrics and she corrects a few errors – mostly Hannah’s spelling in Korean. They sit there talking quietly to each other, about the lyrics and about the demo.

They sit like that for half an hour before their manager comes to ask if anyone needs to use the bathroom before boarding the plane. Hannah is fast up, and she brings her things with her when happily going with Maria who needs an arm for support as she is half asleep. In the bathroom they are quiet, and on the way back they stick close to each other because of the amount of people that are there to watch them. There are surprisingly a lot of people there now, cell phones held up following them as close as possible and Hannah turns her cap around to hide half of her face.

After that it doesn’t take long until they board the plane; Hannah and Carolina are sitting next to each other, meaning Hannah doesn’t continue much more on the song writing as she falls asleep with the writing pad in her lap and she wakes up when they are about to land in Korea.

The flight arrives at the airport around six in the morning and the ladies head home to wash up before leaving for the photo shoot for SM Town’s 2015 Calendar. Hannah brings Tiger with her, mostly because the kitten seems deadly bored to be at home and she is still not that close to Julia’s mother even if she is the one taking care of Tiger when Hannah isn’t there. The kitten seems to have eyes only for Hannah. Hannah loves to have the kitten follow her even when they are at the photo shoot. Tiger has become the coolest kitten as she walks around on new places after Hannah, then gets frightened if there are any weird sounds or weird things she sees, but she doesn’t stop following Hannah. Emelia films it one time when Hannah is showing how Tiger slowly walks after her around the set, Emelia filming like a funny short-movie. Tiger meows while following Hannah as if telling her to wait or stop, the lady ends up squatting down and Tiger along her leg to get in front of Hannah, wanting to be picked up.

“Hannah’s baby,” Maria jokes when getting on set, hearing the kitten meowing before seeing Hannah pats the kitten who only seems satisfied when getting attention.

Beside from Tiger, the two days 5 Pieces spend with the photo shoots for two different calendars the ladies have so much to talk about. They keep going through the excitement online about Carolina’s long-awaited solo debut. A lot of comments online are asking about Hannah who was rumoured to make a comeback just a week ago, but the excitement for Carolina’s debut is high up on the topic chart – comments are wondering what style she will make, rumours are saying Carolina has produced the whole mini-album herself, curiosity is asking a lot. Emelia talks about her solo comeback that she will start practicing for next week, they go through a bunch of schedules and realises without the group activities as the concert in Singapore this upcoming weekend and two days filming a music video next week, the rest of the month doesn’t have any group activities – it’s a little more than a week, but that’s a lot for those who usually work every day. That brings them to what Maria will be doing; as soon as the music video ends next Tuesday, Maria will go to Sweden to be with her family. She saw an opportunity and took it; she will spend eight days in Sweden before the SM Town concert in Tokyo at the beginning of October.

On Tuesday, the second day doing the calendar photo shoots, the ladies does solo shoots last for the SM Town calendar and one by one the ladies move to the next shoot to start there with solo shoots as well. One by one after that, their day is done. Tomorrow they will continue with the second calendar, but this evening they are free. Hannah is one of the first to finish, and she heads to the agency because she and Hyekyung keep texting each other and the only solution to their conversation is to meet and work.

Still in makeup and her hair done from the photo shoot, Hannah is wearing a long t-shirt, black leggings and an ear-accent hoodie in black that she got some years ago as she again is in the recording studio. Tiger has come with her, at the moment cuddling between her s as Hannah hugs the kitten with the hoodie zipper pulled up as to keep her warm. She is standing up when talking to Hyekyung, expressing again how she is trying to come up with something but she fails every time.

Personal, that’s the keyword, she wants to write something personal but everything she comes up with doesn’t work. What she did with Emelia at the Nanjing airport has been forgotten in her bag, she really can’t remember that.

“I like this track,” Hyekyung says as he is playing a track for her.

It is one of the demos he sent Hannah, but not one she has come up anything with. She nods her head, her mind blank again for what to do with this personal thing she is panicking over. It doesn’t go well with what she has written down to put it into any demo at all, so listening through the demo now Hyekyung is trying to help out while watching her notes. He does the music and she does the words – mostly.

Hyekyung keeps playing with the demo, humming to it and trying out several of things to sing from what he reads in Hannah’s notes, but just as Hannah expected; nothing seems to work.

“You have the right idea. I think it would work to go for this,” Hyekyung says as he is going around and around in the chair, holding Hannah’s notes in his hand. “You got nothing else from the concert? You said you would get emotional and deep writing down inspiration from the trip.”

Hannah shakes her head, looking like she has a baby in her arms the way she is moving back and forth. “I couldn’t write anything down,” she answers. She had thought so much at the concert, of her members, of the fans, of the experience, of her life… But nothing ended up coming on the paper.

Hyekyung stops his chair to look at Hannah, and she looks questioning at his face-expression.

“Stop thinking so much,” he tells her and glides closer, holds his hands up to take Tiger from her. “I’ll play the track again, close your eyes and visualize yourself wherever you want. Then just let it out.”

Hyekyung puts Tiger down because the kitten doesn’t want to be in his arms, but he still replays the demo for Hannah to listen to it and he reminds her to close her eyes.

With a sigh she closes her eyes, puts her hands to her hip and listens to the demo he plays for her.

“Nothing,” she mutters.

“You’re not focusing.”

“I am focusing, I just-”

She gets quiet to pout instead, not planning on fighting with Hyekyung because she can’t work well. Hyekyung sighs, sounding like he will start to talk back at her, but instead he hums to the music. Hannah sneaks a peek at him, seeing how he turns away to hum to the demo and she closes her eyes again. She does try to imagine herself on the stage, how it felt when she stood at the stage with her members just a few days ago, how the spotlights shone on her and the audience singing along to every song. The happiness, all worries that was no where to be heard in the cheer of fans, how she had looked at her members-

Hyekyung hums a bit higher, showing he expects the chorus to be here.


MY WHOLE WORLD SHINES UP, takes me in a storm of dreams…

There is nothing better… na-na-na-na-na…*

“There you go,” Hyekyung shines up at Hannah’s outburst of singing and he starts replaying the part in the demo to repeat what Hannah sang while writing it down. “See? You know exactly what you’re doing, Hannah, all you need is focus and to visualize what you want to write about and it just leaks out, just like what you just did. What’s the source?”

Hannah blinks at him a few times before knowing he is done. “I lost you at … visualize.”

“Oh, right,” he remembers it’s Hannah he is talking to; “Imagination, something you’re good at; once you imagine and listen, it comes out what you want to say and that is exactly what you just did. I’m asking, what did you visuali- well, imagine?”

“Mm… Nanjing,” Hannah breathes out.

“The concert,” Hyekyung nods. “Do it again.”

“You’re very demanding today,” Hannah mutters but Hyekyung laughs, he is so excited that it burst for her, not knowing that it was his humming that made her understand how the song would be like and the words came out.

To have it just snap like that makes Hyekyung eager and he can’t be quiet while wanting Hannah to continue to sing. He knows this is her way to therapy, to sing. And that’s what he tells Hannah has snapped – she lets it out. It’s annoying to have Hyekyung push her to continue, but seeing the lyrics he wrote down that she sang it is like a puzzle in her head getting completed. The pieces are found and she knows how to continue the song, she starts working on it right away. Even when complaining over Hyekyung’s demanding attitude, a part of her brain is working on the song.

She wants it to express her love to the stage. That’s the first idea.

But as they start to sing and write down what they come up with, Hannah finds herself wanting other things put in the song too. Mixing her past weeks into one song; all the voices talking about her, all the rumours and anger, all these opinions thrown at her without a care in the world of facts – It is nice to let it all out though.

Two hours later, Hyekyung claps his hands together a few times as they are wrapping up.

“I like it – no, in fact, I love it. This is the best thing I have heard from you since [I CRY],” Hyekyung tells Hannah who is gathering the cat toys on the floor with Tiger interrupting her by wanting to play with the toys. “And it’s personal. It’s deep, it’s exactly what we’ve been wanting.”

“It’s not enough,” Hannah finishes and he rolls his eyes at her.

“We got time to fix it. I know not all of the text is done, but we’ll finish it. I’ll do my part and you can go through the lyrics and we will wrap it up next time, alright? The ladies will love it greatly-”

“But you are not showing it to them right?” Hannah gives him a glare.

“Wha-” Hyekyung looks a bit taken back at the harshness in her tone. “What makes you think I would do that?”

“You have a bad habit of doing it. You played [Butterfly] to Jonghyun before even talking about the song to me-”

“Well, [Butterfly] is completely my own creation so I can show it to whoever I want.”

“Yeah, but what about [I CRY] then? You showed it to the agency. You told my members that I had written a very heart-breaking song. I had a lot to explain after that,” Hannah mutters and stands up, waving her hand for him to get ready.

“Why are you so grumpy, lady?” Hyekyung asks and stands up, “I’m not driving, am I?”

“No… Ji Young Oppa is driving us,” Hannah answers with a frown at the stupid question, heading towards the door. “I’m not grumpy and I would never ask you to drive.”

“Why wouldn’t you?” he asks and follows her. “Are you going to carry Tiger like that…?”

“Yes, I am,” she answers and kisses the kitten in her arm. “Oppa, not to be mean, but you are a horrible driver.”

“And Ji Young is better?” Hyekyung pretends to be a bit heart-broken by that.

“If I have to compare the two of you, Ji Young Oppa is safe. I’m not sure if you know all the rules on the road,” Hannah explains.

“I’m a much better driver than Pete though,” he tells her.

Hannah smiles at him. “I know. But you are both pretty bad.”

“You can’t say that,” he frowns and follows her down the stairs, “My pride will be hurt. And Ji Young isn’t such a good driver either.”

“Why not?”

They both look up to see the one they talk about stand below the stairs. Manager Lee is standing with his arms crossed over his chest, wearing a long hooded cardigan, a t-shirt and jeans, his eyebrows raised at the two stopping their steps. Hannah just gapes for a bit before closing and turning to Hyekyung.

“You explain,” she says and hurries down the steps to pass by her manager.

“Well…?” Manager Lee asks Hyekyung who looks incredibly uncomfortable at the moment.

He shrugs his shoulder, trying to come up with anything.

“Hannah said I’m a bad driver,” he whispers.

“You are a bad driver, but what does that has to do with me?” Manager Lee wonders and Hyekyung gapes in the surprise.

“Why do you think I’m a bad driver? You have barely experienced my driving skills, Pete is a far worse driver than me, and you aren’t much better yourself,” Hyekyung is on the defence and starts to walk down the stairs.

Manager Lee goes too. “The little I have experienced of your driving is enough to know when a person is not fit for the wheels. You have your area, Hyekyung; the studio. That’s your kind of thing. I am a good driver, very decent, actually, so don’t put me in your little talk about pride because you and I, no offence, are on completely different levels as human beings.”

Hannah is waiting by the agency’s front door with an amused smile hearing the two young men arguing of their driving skills. Manager Lee leaves first, after taking the bag Hannah has, and she shakes her head at their continuing arguing heading to the van. A few fans out there start waving and holding up their cell phones spotting Hannah, and she is surprised to see Manager Lee open the door for her even while continuing to talk to Hyekyung who takes the passenger seat and closing the door while Manager Lee is talking to him.

“Your friend got some issues,” Manager Lee tells Hannah.

“You both got issues, Oppa,” Hannah smiles at him before closing the door between them.

Manager Lee walks around the van to sit down behind the steering wheel, and just as Hannah thinks it will be a quiet ride home, Hyekyung asks her what makes Manager Lee a better driver because he can’t see it.

“How did you even come up to this conversation?” Manager Lee sighs.

“I can’t remember it,” Hannah sighs.

“I’m waiting,” Hyekyung impatiently mutters.

“Have you had your coffee today?” Manager Lee asks him. “You’re all sensitive.”

“My pride was hurt.”

“It’s not a big deal,” Hannah tells him.

“Yeah,” Manager Lee nods, “Listen, if Hannah said you’re a bad driver you shouldn’t bother – she doesn’t even have a driving license.”

Hyekyung agrees on that and Hannah grimaces, but she stays quiet as the subject might come to an end now. And the subject does change, but Hannah groans loudly when Manager Lee lightly asks them;

“How did the recording go?”

Hannah’s loud groan makes Hyekyung burst out that he is not going to say anything and Manager Lee gets completely confused over these two’s behaviour that as soon as the van quiets down he glances at them both.

“Okay, you are both scaring me. What happened in the studio?”

“Nothing happened,” Hyekyung says before Hannah repeats the same thing. “Hannah accuses me of revealing her music to her members and boyfriend when I have-”

“Now you’re telling him about it!” Hannah whines in the back.

“I’m not talking about the song I’m just saying what you accused me of, it’s nothing to get upset over!”

Manager Lee isn’t sure what is going on but he is leaning towards his door and grimacing with his eyes on the road hearing Hannah says she gets upset that Hyekyung tells Manager Lee of something small when she hadn’t even accused him.

“It’s your manager, what’s wrong in talking to him? I thought you two were close.”

“We’re not close,” Manager Lee shakes his head.

Hannah shakes her head too.

“You are close,” Hyekyung laughs, “Everyone knows that.”

Manager Lee glances through the mirror to see Hannah’s reaction, but she is just leaning her head down to cuddle with Tiger playing in her arms.

They are all going to 5 Pieces’ place. Manager Lee kindly helps Hannah to carry her things inside the house. The slide-doors in the living-room leading out to the yard is wide open and it seems to be a lot of things happening out there. Hannah lets Tiger down and heads to her bedroom the first thing she does while Hyekyung and Manager Lee head out to the yard where everyone else are.

The ladies have gathered their stylists, managers, Manager Lim’s wife is there too, and Kyung Ho is there as well; they are outside making dinner. It is a barbeque evening, all planned to say goodbye to summer and welcome a new season, and everyone seems to be having a good time chatting, grilling the meat and holding cups in their hands.

Hannah leaves her things in her bedroom before going to the bathroom; it only takes a few minutes in total before she head out to the yard to greet everyone.

“Good, you’re here! Let’s go bring the tables,” Maria says loudly with her arms in the air at the sight of Hannah. They could’ve done it without Hannah, but Maria confesses when following them inside that she isn’t strong. Hannah and Carolina are the only girls really lifting the dining table along with the guys, Maria does her best to lift it but she ends up getting left behind as she says she will get Hannah something to drink.

The friends are talking in loud voices and joking while taking out the two dining tables from both houses to set it up into one long table in the yard. The pets are enjoying the barbeque party, most of the time just sitting next to the grill hoping to get something yummy from Manager Lim who is in charge of the meat along with Emelia.

After getting both tables, Hannah gets to greet Manager Lim’s wife, talking for a bit with the mother of the group and she laughs when Kyung Ho runs up to her for a hug. She can still carry him, she smiles when having him in her arms for the hug and Manager Lim’s wife laughs that they still hug like that. Kyung Ho smiles and puts his hand by Hannah’s ear to whisper for her;

“Carolina actually told me she will give me a signed copy of her album when it comes out.”

“Oh, she did?” Hannah smiles at him and Kyung Ho nods before he starts whispering again.

“I think Emelia told her to say that.”

Hannah laughs at that, nodding and saying she thinks so too. She smiles at Manager Lim’s wife when Kyung Ho lies his head down on her shoulder, his grip of her lets her know he is not letting go of the hug.

Though they arrived a bit late, dinner is not done yet and it seems like they just jump in the chatting and conversations. Hannah brings Kyung Ho along to go set the table with Manager Lim’s wife and Julia’s mother, Julia comes along too. They talk food and Kyung Ho’s school and career, not talking about 5 Pieces or the fact that Julia’s mother has admitted to Julia she feel the manager’s wife has the role Julia’s mother wants. Hannah admits she can hug and talk more freely with their manager’s wife than with Julia’s mother, probably because she has been around since 5 Pieces’ journey started here in Korea and she has fed them like a mother and showed her concern like a mother. She will probably always be the mother of 5 Pieces because of that. That’s why it is a bit awkward seeing them next to each other, not understanding the same language, and Julia translating for her mother as they talk about Kyung Ho who happily talks about acting but not so happily answers questions about school.

Hannah has to remind herself to ask him later about school. Whenever she asks him over the phone it is short answers, just like he gives the mothers now; he doesn’t want to talk about it. Too bad for her is that Emelia has gotten first.

Before sitting down to eat, Emelia puts an arm around Hannah to have the youngest stop moving for a bit next to the grill.

“I talked to our little brother earlier,” Emelia says in a low voice to keep it private between her and Hannah.

Hannah nods, curious as to what will be said.

“Grades are pretty okay, but he is still having trouble with bullies. He says there is this boy who always asks what celebrity he has met and asking weird questions about us. The same thing as usual, but I mean, with a new school year and everything… In case he didn’t tell you already,” Emelia whispers.

“He didn’t say anything about bullies,” Hannah mutters and looks over Emelia’s shoulder to see where Kyung Ho is. He and stylist Yong Hyun are playing with Michin. Kyung Ho has told her a lot of things that has happened in school, small things about his days that he found funny or entertaining, things that happen daily.

“Anyway, that kid is adorable because he talked about bullies but said he doesn’t care about them because we have taught him all about jealousy and bullies. He is not an easy victim,” Emelia proudly says.

“I’ll still talk to him, thanks,” Hannah says and nods at the barbeque, “Barbeque chef again, hm?”

“I’m the best chef,” Emelia nods with a bright smile and then points at their manager. “With me and Appa, no meat will be unhappy tonight. But I have to warn you, Hannah, you might be eating more than you want tonight because we have ice-cream as dessert.”

Hannah grimaces. “Don’t you ever get tired of ice-cream?”

“No. Do you?”

“I got tired second day in Nanjing,” Hannah answers with the grimace still stuck in her face at the memory of all the ice-cream they have been eating. Emelia looks a bit surprised.

“That’s unusual of you,” she comments and then chuckles at Hannah giving her a questioning frown. “You are usually the one eating the same thing for a few weeks or months before getting tired of it.”

Hannah admits that is usually how she is, but lately her appetite hasn’t been the best. She feels sick after a few bites.

Sitting down to eat, it feels like they have a large family. The pets are underneath the table or walking around, playing, while everyone are sitting down around the table. Kyung Ho makes sure to sit next to Hannah, and she spends ten minutes helping him reach everything and she smiles at the conversations filling the table. One time does her smile fade and that is when she catches Maria asking Hyekyung how the recording went today; Hyekyung and Maria both sees the look Hannah gives and the producer quietly turns to Maria to probably say the recording went brilliant but Hannah doesn’t want him to talk about it. Of course that makes Maria curious, she wants to know everything; what’s the song about for Hannah to not wanting to talk about it. The producer doesn’t want to talk about it, sitting with his arm on the table to hide from Hannah when telling Maria that it is a good song, not heartbreaking but simply said a really good song – though it isn’t done yet.

The late dinner is delicious and enjoyable, everyone around the table are in a conversation and eating their wraps of meat and salad and other ingredients.

Even after eating most of them stay by the table as they keep talking. Kyung Ho leaves the table first to play with the pets, and followed is Hannah who is reminded by Maria that she is supposed to introduce Tiger to the world. They have talked about it for a week now, so Hannah takes out her cell phone to take a picture of Tiger, but Tiger does not want to be still because Kyung Ho is making all the other pets run around in the yard. Hannah squats down and films Tiger from behind as the kitten looks excited but confused with the dogs running past them to chase Kyung Ho.

“Tiger,” Hannah says with amusement and the kitten turns around, meowing when walking up to her and Hannah pats the kitten for her to look up a bit for the cell phone before turning it off. She lifts Tiger up in her arm before looking through the video two times, deciding to let Maria look at it first.

“When do you think we should take out the ice-cream?” Maria asks Hannah after seeing the video.

“You finished eating five minutes ago,” Hannah raises her eyebrows. Maria has been eating leftovers while talking, Hannah saw that.

“Yeah, but ice-cream is ice-cream – you can always eat some of that,” Maria says and pats Hannah on the back. “Upload the video. I’ll ask Umma of her opinion on the yummy ice-cream waiting for me.”

And the leader is hurrying away to go find their manager’s wife to try convince her they should take out the ice-cream already.

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: This is Tiger. She is confused with the wild ones, soon she will be one of them ;)}

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“No one is curious of it,” Carolina mutters.

“Why would anyone be curious of it?” Hannah frowns, looking over her shoulder at Carolina while Yong Hyun is pinning the back of her dress to keep it tight but not too tight.

“It’s our home. You had the … Ice Bucket Challenge filmed there, Julia took a picture of it yesterday and you filmed your cat too, and no one wonders where it is? That’s sad…” Carolina pouts.

“I think,” Yong Hyun starts to say, “No one really thinks much of where you spend your time, they mostly focus on that you do have time to have a barbeque party and to take care of your pets. That’s what your fans sees and comments about.”

“Yeah, we know that but why isn’t anyone asking about us moving? No one has commented about that but I’m certain our saesang fans know we have moved.”

Emelia rolls her eyes when hearing Carolina’s voice complaining about the same thing she talked about before at the calendar photo shoot, and the rapper interrupts by stepping between to reach for a tissue.

“How come we were not told about this performance until a few days ago?” Emelia asks and leans back, looking at Manager Lim who is keeping an eye on Julia who is standing further away to try getting a view of the audience.

“You were not scheduled to perform here until a few days ago,” Manager Lim simply answers.

It’s Wednesday and 5 Pieces is preparing to get up on the stage. Their surrounding is loud but their talk isn’t disturbed by the surrounding; they are used to have a bunch of staff running around and artists walking here and there, the cheer from the audience enjoying the performances. It is a normal concert that has gathered a few artists to entertain Seoul with a live broadcast and a large audience at the outdoor concert.

The ladies are wearing a silver v-neck short mini cocktail dress with a black skirt to a pair of heels covered with multi rock glitter from top to toe of the shoes, ten centimetres high heels and it is such a sparkling beauty to wear that when Maria comes to the back of the stage she is walking with her legs so wide that she looks like a guy in sneakers and not like a lady in high heels.

“Oh my, you will so ruin their image if you walk like that,” Yong Hyun grimaces sadly seeing Maria’s walk, with ‘their image’ meaning ‘the shoes image’. “They won’t break, Maria, I have made sure of that. Carolina was jumping in hers.”

“Well, Oppa, we will be running, sitting, dancing, jumping, kicking and scraping up on the stage. Do you think these can handle that?” Maria asks with her eyebrows raised and she stops next to Carolina to lean on her.

“Stop doubting my talent, lady,” Yong Hyun sighs and squats down to pull up the back zipper of the heel.

“Beautiful, and comfortable,” Maria tells Hannah who glances at them.

“5 Pieces,” a staff says and holds out microphones to them.

“We’re starting with [You Thought Wrong Of Me],” Maria reminds the members. They have been practicing during the day, at the calendar photo shoot as well, practicing for the performance today which means the ladies know which song they will perform first.

Getting ready next to the stage the ladies have their microphones and the microphone stands. Hannah has a firm grip of her things, her wrist twisting for the bracelets to move and she reassures that the rings on her fingers will not fall off. Maria is doing the same thing next to her; making sure her rings are stuck and fit on her fingers. Maria smiles at Hannah, nudging her lightly on the side before the group is told to head up. Hannah grabs a hold of Maria’s arm as they hurry out on the dark stage, letting go of each other to take their positions.

[You Thought Wrong Of Me] begins like always with Maria, and the whole crowd seems to scream out loudly in cheers at the finale of the concert – 5 Pieces’ stage.

Hannah focuses on standing with her microphone stand, taking it all in; the large audience cheering and singing along, chanting, the night-view above them that is impossible to see from the stage because of all the spotlights shining up the five ladies charismatically performing the song that have just a few simple moves of them standing there with the microphone stands. It’s a brilliant performance, 5 Pieces showing charisma even without a full hardcore choreography, their voices and expressions staying charismatic enough for the audience to get a bit crazy.

During Carolina’s part she seems to hear the audience loudly singing along because when her chorus starts, she holds out the microphone for the audience to sing the first two lines – she has started to do the same thing at their concerts, just leaning her head back with the microphone held out to the audience and she looks to really enjoy hearing the audience singing with all their might and passion – and even if Emelia has said she looks too weird leaning her head back like that, Carolina continues to do it in her own moment of passion. This is in fact Carolina’s moment; a song she wrote, sung by 5 Pieces, just that part sung by Carolina but the crowd overtakes it. She loves it; she has talked so much about that backstage.

The chorus comes to an end and Emelia starts to sing her verse. The audience seems to love her part, based on the loud screaming Emelia receives. Emelia’s long hair has been pulled back, she looks cool and charismatic with thick eyeliner making her eyes look like a cat’s, and she sings her part like the boss on the stage. The ladies take their parts so when the beat comes in for the second half, they move their heads along to it and Emelia can see there are some hardcore fans following along while screaming. Hannah is loving it too, even missing her own beat so she sees Emelia smiling at the front when Hannah a beat too late sings her part and she does it a bit too fast to say all the words before catching up to the song.

When passing Emelia she touches her friend’s arm to let Emelia know she saw that smile.

During the day Hannah has gone from having her hair parted in the middle to now having it side parted, but it seems like her hair can’t decide how to be parted so when getting the chance, in the wild passionate performance of the first song, Hannah leans her head down when squatting down in front of the stage singing to the audience and they go crazy at her hair falling down the side.

The ladies perform passionately throughout the song. Maria’s joke that the other artists warmed up the crowd for 5 Pieces’ mind-blowing ending stage, which was clearly a joke to Hannah but utterly a fact and statement according to both Maria and Emelia, and the reason they say that is because the audience is twice as loud for 5 Pieces. Maybe even three times as loud.

Most of the artists have their specific fans grouped in the audience, those that shout out the fan-chant and are the light in an idol’s life. For 5 Pieces, the ladies have the kind of songs that are sung by everyone in the audience. That is great, that is probably the biggest light an idol can receive at an open concert like this and that is why 5 Pieces’ five ladies are singing out to the whole place and entertaining thousand of people. [You Thought Wrong Of Me] has received a lot of different reactions (just as most songs by 5 Pieces this year) but the people present now can’t seem to care. If they ignore the lyrics and just enjoy the beat or if they actually think the song makes sense and want to shout it out with 5 Pieces – who cares which reason it is, as long as the song and performance is entertaining?

Hannah sings the last words of the song, for a few seconds letting it end before she and her members turns around to go take their seats on the chairs that have magically appeared on the stage. The audience starts screaming as soon as they see 5 Pieces take their seats, and the power of [Girls Power] can begin. That 5 Pieces will perform [POWER UP], [Silly Boy] and finish with [Like That] seems to not bother anyone at all, in fact, everyone seems to be overly excited throughout each song and they are either screaming themselves deaf or singing along in a try to be heard over the music – either way, the ladies are excitedly performing too along with them.

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Headline 14th: Carolina Releases Short Music Video To Solo Track [Lazy Love Song] Featuring SM Town

Headline 14th: Friends Features In Carolina’s Debut Video To Play & Dig The Song


Monday, Headline 15th: 5 Pieces’ Carolina To Finally Make Solo Debut With Mini Album Release On September 29


Headline 16th: Julia Says Goodbye To Summer With A Barbeque Party With Some Friends

Headline 16th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Introduces New Cute Kitten To Their Family


Headline 17th: 5 Pieces Performs Their Hit Songs Of 2014 With A Wild Chanting Audience In Seoul


Headline 18th: 5 Pieces Inspires With Laid Back Airport Fashion On The Way To Singapore

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^