Chapter 12

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

Yoo Jaesuk is standing by a park all by himself, glancing around and waiting for a start. Talkative as he is, he asks why he is there alone and where the other members of Running Man is, figuring out they all have been told to go to different places to begin today’s filming. But to wait when no one else is coming, Jaesuk asks what he is waiting for and if there is someone else coming.

When the clock hits eight in the morning, Jaesuk is given a mission card from the staff. The Nation’s MC is talking while receiving it, reading the mission out loud and then continuing to talk and complain.

The mission that six members of Running Man have received reads ‘Find your team members’ as well as a clue. They get separate clues to locations where they will find their team members, and what SBS will show when this episode airs is that Yoo Jaesuk and Ji Suk Jin have gotten the same location.

Six ladies are given their own mission card – Game Power aka Girls Power – ‘Your members will find you, sit back and relax’.

Hannah giggles when she has read her mission for a second time, looking up at the VJ filming her. She is sitting at a café, the girl who doesn’t like coffee or tea, but now sits there and decides to order something while waiting – asking the VJ if he wants something too.

Song Jihyo, the only girl among Running Man’s members, is the sixth member of today’s game, meaning she too is somewhere waiting to be found.

Sitting on a bench by the bus, Julia is wearing a dark blue Running Man t-shirt and black shorts when the first member in her team arrives. She hears him laugh and turns around, and she seems to get very happy to see EXO’s Chen join her.

“You’re in my team?” Julia asks him as he walks around to sit on the bench with her, also wearing a dark blue t-shirt.

“Yeah!” he excitedly answers and raises his hand for a high-five. “Is it just the two of us?”

Julia shrugs her shoulders, not really sure, but the staff says they are waiting for another one so Julia and Chen begins talking right away. It’s obvious they are friends the way they easily get into a conversation, and after a few minutes they are interrupted by a giraffe standing across the road and waving with his both hands in the air.

Running Man’s tall Kwangsoo had seen Julia from a distance and got overly excited, and even when waving he doesn’t see that Chen is also there as all he focuses on is getting Julia’s attention and telling the cameras that he is on the same team as 5 Pieces’ Julia. Only when he is running with his long legs over the road does he notice that Chen is there, though that doesn’t matter as his focus is still on Julia.

“Welcome,” the staff tells the three of them once greetings are done; “you are the blue team.”

Not all too far away, the camera films someone in sneakers, a pair of skinny legs, blue shorts and a yellow t-shirt, black accessories filling her wrists and long honey brown hair – 5 Pieces’ Emelia looks like a model standing by a map. One of her teammates rounds the corner to the street, spotting her and raises his arms right away.

“Yo!” Running Man’s short man Haha greets her, hip hop style.

Emelia smirks. “Waddup.”

“Yo waddup man!” Haha hurries forward to give her some handshake that he fails to do as he is just messily hitting her fist and slapping her hand back and forth before badly doing some hip hop move, Emelia just going with his flow. At the same time, someone walks up to them, rapping to 5 Pieces’ [Daze] and Emelia is looking happy seeing Running Man’s Kang Gary join them. “Yo man, she’s mine,” Haha tells Gary.

The hip hop trio is the yellow team.

Hannah is still waiting, looking out the window and pouting. She has no patience. She is wearing a white tank top underneath a green t-shirt, suiting her distressed skinny pants. She almost rests her head against the window when seeing a staff from SBS filming by the door and she mentions that someone is coming.

But the two she sees outside the coffee shop makes her lean back and she looks at her VJ before looking over at the door where they come in.

EXO’s Kai starts laughing the second he sees Hannah, while Luhan politely lowers his head.

“Please tell me you are just passing by,” Hannah sighs.

The staff asks the two members of EXO to sit down, and Hannah isn’t sure if her face is happy or disappointed when being told the three of them are the green team. Don’t be mistaken, she is thrilled to be on the same team as these two, but she has one question to ask herself;

How can she beat Kai when they are in the same team?

“Here is your next mission,” the staff says and hands over a mission card, which Kai gets since he sits the closest but he gives it to Hannah because she is the only girl. Hannah knows he gives it to her with that smile because he knows her Korean isn’t fluent. Kai and Luhan wear the same green t-shirt as Hannah, looking stylish and handsome while their face-expressions are clearly nervous according to Hannah. She reads the card quietly for her self first just to understand it and then turns it around to Luhan and Kai since it is a location they have to go to.

“How do we go there?” Kai asks the staff.

“By car, of course,” Hannah answers, already on her way to leave. “Hurry, hurry…”

Heading outside, a pretty car is waiting for them and since Luhan is the only one with a driving-licence, he gets to drive. Hannah pushes Kai to sit at the passenger-seat but just as they open the doors, the staff tells Hannah to sit at the front. Kai has no problem with that, easily putting a hand on Hannah’s back to change position.

It is the first time Hannah is seeing Luhan drive, and she can’t help but to hold on to her seatbelt, watch how he drives and keep her eyes on the road. The navigator tells them where to go but Hannah asks if he is using blinkers and she keeps looking in the mirrors as if she is certain he will bump into someone.

“My driving skills aren’t that bad,” Luhan ends up telling her.

Hannah doesn’t answer and Kai laughs in the back; he looks relaxed while Hannah looks to be on a rollercoaster. She almost stares when Luhan looks at the cameras in the car, talking about them and really being social, but Hannah only worries about the driving.

Though when they park, she doesn’t move an inch until the engine is off.

“Hurry, hurry,” Kai says behind her when hurrying out the car, repeating what she had said before. It is a race.

Hannah gets out and the three of them starts walking towards the staff member standing under a Running Man sign, standing behind a table, and when only having a few meters left Hannah turns around as she heard something and she starts running seeing another team run towards the sign. Luhan and Kai starts running too and they all almost run into the table. Hannah squats down holding on to the table, as if she is going to hide under it from being run over while in fact she has burst out laughing so much from the fright she got that her legs can’t hold her up.

“Oh, EXO!” Yoo Jaesuk reacts when stepping up to them, holding out his hand to greet Luhan and Kai – the two boys laugh as they had a second ago been racing but Jaesuk acts like nothing happened.

Carolina seems happy to see them too, and lastly Ji Suk Jin comes up to them, only complaining about age; they are the orange team. Hannah can’t get up on her feet, laughing at Jaesuk’s voice and for no really good reason but Yoo Jaesuk asks who the blue-haired laughing girl is when seeing her sit there. “Oh, it’s Hannah! Your hair is blue… Ha-ha!”

She laughs even more and the others are both dumbfounded by her reaction and also they laugh at her.

Hannah is tired and her legs are weak from the weekend. Yesterday’s performance at Inkigayo was really difficult, the ladies all had their bodies hurting from overwork but they went through it, and now they are excited to be back on Running Man after almost two years.

Stopping to laugh, she still can’t find the strength in her legs so she is just cutely looking over the table at the man who gives her team the mission, Yoo Jaesuk continuing to talk behind them to make her laugh and distract them.

They have come to a park in Seoul, and the mission is to do the race of hurdles – clear it and they will receive the next mission location. The green team hurries off, and when spotting the hurdles their steps slow down.

“Seriously?” Hannah asks.

“It’s more like an obstacle course more than hurdles,” Kai comments.

The hurdles game takes place on the grass, starting off with hurdles that you have to jump over and bend your back to get under for a few meters up and down before reaching a very long mat next to a pull-up rack. Hannah, Luhan and Kai are all making a frowning face when reading the instructions of what to do. The boys have to CARRY Hannah over and under the hurdles; the small ones aren’t very high, it’s easy to walk over them, and the high ones are at least 1,60m. Luhan is gaping; all three of them look like their souls have just left their bodies. By the mat, the two boys will have to do ten rolls (divided however they want) while Hannah is holding her chin above the pull-up rack. She gapes at them and gapes back at the staff.

“Can’t I carry them and do the rolls?” Hannah asks. She is heavy…

“Let’s do it,” Luhan makes up his mind, turning to Hannah and looks like he will lift her up right away. She is still gaping, not feeling very confident or comfortable with this.

But they start off right away because the two boys are competitive; Hannah is too embarrassed to lift her head up when the two boys make a chair for her of their arms and she carefully sits down with her hands on their shoulders. Luhan sounds manly when telling Kai they are standing up, and Hannah squeals when they are standing straight.

“Hurry, hurry,” Hannah whines to the staff member asking if they are ready to begin. “Can you do it?”

“Let’s just go,” Luhan repeats, making a face looking at the hurdles in front of them. The staff member tells them to begin and their feet hurries forward to the first small hurdle where they stop, carefully the two boys talk about lifting one leg at a time and honestly, they talk surprisingly a lot over Hannah’s legs at each other, especially when reaching the second hurdle and realises that Hannah’s body can pretty much be lifted over it rather than under.

They drop her down when trying to get under the hurdle.

“And you say being tall is a good thing?” Hannah tells Kai, going back to the start with a pout where the next team is waiting to begin. Yoo Jaesuk is constantly talking, asking Carolina if she is heavy and letting her know that Ji Suk Jin is not strong at all.

Watching that team give it a try, barely even starting because they talk so much, Kai turns to Hannah to quietly ask of a way they can do it. Luhan stands and nods while listening too, commenting more than Hannah so in fact the boys are talking to each other while facing Hannah as she just listens. Emelia’s team comes before Carolina’s team has even gotten over the first hurdle; Gary and Haha starts pointing and shouting by the sight of Hannah, Carolina, Kai and Luhan. They messily do both [Growl] and [POWER UP] until Emelia says they are being silly and they both stops, as if she is the team leader. Not all members of EXO are here today, it is six members from EXO, then it is Running Man’s seven members and 5 Pieces – all divided in six groups made of three members.

Carolina’s team fails and Hannah’s team is fast up to try, already knowing how to do.

With one hand covering out of embarrassment and the other lightly on Kai’s shoulder, he lifts her up bridal style – the other team starts asking what they are doing – but when the whistle goes, Luhan jumps over the first hurdle and turns towards them, receiving a lot of criticism from the other teams when Kai just hands Hannah to him over the hurdle, and Luhan bends his knees to take Hannah under the next hurdle, having her hold on to his neck tightly to not fall. It is super embarrassing, in Hannah’s thoughts. The other teams keep asking the staff if they are allowed to do that, Hannah’s team only focusing on getting over and under the hurdles, and the staff says it stood in the instructions to have the ladies carried over and under by both guys, not being said they have to be carried at the same time.

Hannah leans her head back with a laugh when Luhan starts making noises towards the end of the hurdles. She feels so bad towards them.

Luhan then squats down with a laugh looking up at Kai, not able to stand back up under the hurdle and Kai tries to help them but ends up failing; Hannah makes sure to not put any weight on Luhan when they fall on the grass and she is quickly getting up again.

Gary and Haha doesn’t make it to carry Emelia through the hurdles, and the second time Carolina’s team tries they don’t make it either. So far, Hannah’s team has gotten the furthest, and they are already on their third time, the three of them determined to make it this time.

Just as Kai is about to lift Hannah up, she hits him on the arm with the face-expression she has come up with something.

“What if I go from your back to his back?” she suggests. “Isn’t that easier?”

Kai looks at her for a few seconds, making her wonder if she said it correctly, but Luhan gives the thumbs up as he heard it and Kai nods too.

“Why are they coming up with new strategies all the time?” Yoo Jaesuk laughs behind them as Hannah jumps up on Kai’s back. In a whisper she apologizes in his ear, once again feeling bad. Kai laughs at her apologizing, especially since the others heard it and starts laughing too. The whistle goes and Kai almost stumbles over the hurdle from laughing but turns his back towards Luhan and Hannah puts her arm around the next boy, almost strangling Luhan when getting on his back and she starts laughing right away as he grabs on to her legs to jump her higher up and bend them both down under the hurdle.

Happily they make it through the hurdle, the other teams complaining in the back and Hannah is jumping all until Kai points to the pull-ups for her. Hannah grimaces when walking over to it, reaching up her hand to the bar.

“Are you ready?” Luhan asks.

“Mm…” Hannah pouts. As she jumps up, Kai and Luhan starts to do rolls on the mat. She groans when lifting her chin above the bar and then quietly holds herself up.

“Hannah is really strong,” Carolina tells the others over at the start.

“I heard she got real abs too,” Ji Suk Jin comments, looking amazed at Carolina and Emelia; it’s confirmed by having Carolina nod.

“Hannah, show them your abs!” Emelia shouts out.

The strength in Hannah’s arms disappears with laughter and she falls down on the ground, Emelia laughs happily because she knows Hannah doesn’t like what just was said.

“Ooooh!” the other teams burst out as Hannah falls on her and then down on her back, laughing, and Luhan keeps rolling one more time without noticing it. By the time Kai and Luhan sees she has fallen, Yoo Jaesuk, Haha and Gary are already over to help Hannah up – the girl laughs so much. While heading back to the start, another team arrives.

Purple team of Running Man’s Jihyo with EXO’s Sehun and DO; they look fresh and ready to win when arriving, only that they have to get in line. Hannah hits Emelia on the arm for saying what she did, psyching the youngest when trying to win.

When it is Emelia’s turn, Haha and Gary actually managing to lift her through the hurdles the same way Hannah’s team started off, but the ladies at the starting point predict Emelia won’t last at all with the pull-ups. Kang Gary and Haha do the rolls right away, five each at the same time, and Emelia with her weak arms is actually holding herself up. Hannah is screaming with Yoo Jaesuk to make her fall, but to everyone’s surprise, Emelia makes it.

Yellow team is the first one to clear off the hurdles.

The EXO members all seem fascinated by the game, having fun just watching, but when Hannah’s turn comes, Sehun is standing with his arms crossed and asking random questions to them that makes Ji Suk Jin ask him what he is doing.

The team starts off with the hurdles, and Hannah can hear Sehun ask why they aren’t carrying Hannah the same way the previous teams did, having Carolina explain that Kai and Luhan are too tall to carry Hannah together under the hurdles.

“Don’t laugh,” Hannah tells Kai when seeing him smile, she is awkward to be in his arms; to be in anyone’s arms that isn’t her boyfriend’s.

“You’re laughing,” he defends himself.

“I can’t help it,” Hannah giggles and Kai has to stop to laugh too while Luhan just waves for them to hurry up.

“I think they are close,” Yoo Jaesuk comments and then higher his voice; “Hannah, you fit well in their arms!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Hannah burst out and Jaesuk backs away from the starting point, surprised at her tone.

It’s no problem for them to get through the first half, and Kai tells Hannah to not fail this time, to which Hannah kicks her foot his direction before jumping up to begin, the two boys begins doing the rolls right away.

The shouting from the starting point begins too, trying to make Hannah fall down from laughing once again, but Hannah blocks them out this time because she expects it, and happily she hears Kai and Luhan shout out when they have done the rolls and when Hannah jumps down they are both their to not let her fall.

“Yay!” they jump happily, though no one takes notice of it because just at their point, Running Man’s very own muscle man Kim Jongkook is coming jogging towards them, looking like he is filming his own show followed by a light-jogging, slight bowing Baekhyun and behind them comes Maria, waving her hand like a queen making her entrance – of course all the other teams must be commenting on their entrance. The red team has arrived.

Probably the funniest team too because Maria is tall and skinny, Baekhyun is just skinny, and Kim Jongkook is Mr Muscle. They don’t look coordinated at all.

Hannah waves at them when hurrying off with her team, thinking she is going through a battle against the other teams as well as Kai, which is really annoying. They receive the next mission location and head off to the car, heading to a street market.

Arriving at the same time as them is Carolina’s team, and once again the two teams’ runs to get to the Running Man sign first – and once again Hannah’s team comes first. But they receive the mission together, being told to do what their mission card tells them to under a certain time, and since these two teams arrived at the same time they will start off at the same time too. They are interrupted by Emelia’s team coming running over to them, almost done with their mission.

Getting the card, Hannah makes a face seeing they have to buy odeng, eat up and come back under a minute. As soon as their time begins the three of them starts running down the street of stands, glancing after food stands and odeng. Luhan rushes off by himself in front of them just to start screaming has found it, and Hannah pushes Kai from behind to hurry up in the crowded street market.

“IT’S HANNAH!” a girly voice shouts out in the crowd and Kai starts laughing when several people start screaming in surprise.

“Hurry, hurry,” Hannah says behind him and they reaches the food stand where Luhan is fast to order one odeng.

“Only one?” the lady behind the stand asks, glancing up at them, “Oh, isn’t it 5 Pieces? Would you like one too?”

“Only one, please,” Hannah kindly answers, holding up one finger to the lady while Luhan takes one of the odeng sticks, blowing on it before holding it out for Hannah to eat first, and she blows some more on it before taking a bite.

“I really enjoy your music,” the lady says, handing Hannah another odeng for free.

“Thank you,” Hannah says while Kai is saying they only wanted one, but he says it to his team members and not the lady. Hannah thanks the lady one more time before turning around, pushing her members to eat and run. She is smiling and eating when hurrying through the crowd because there are a bunch of cell phones held up by the people on the street.

But they doesn’t get far until a hand grabs on to the stick of odeng that Luhan is holding, Maria out of the blue has appeared before them.

“This looks delicious,” she teases and takes a bite, “Mm… Did you just buy one? Can’t you buy one for me too?”

“MARIA!” Muscle Man Jongkook shouts over the crowd, but Maria is too busy patting Luhan’s shoulder and saying he is doing well, slowing him down and Luhan is not reacting to that at all until Hannah comes up between them, pushing Maria’s hands away and whining at Luhan for not running.

“Where’s the third one?” Maria asks, pointing from Luhan to Hannah back and forth.

“He ran off,” Hannah answers, pouting because this must for sure have taken more than a minute. “Maria, let him go; Luhan, hurry, hurry.”

Hurrying back to the Running Man sign where Kai is waiting, Hannah tells Luhan to not fall for any distractions and that his feet has to keep moving or they won’t make it. She talks as if she knows they will have to redo the mission, and she is right too. Neither has she finished the odeng since she knew they wouldn’t make it and she takes some fast small bites before handing it to her teammates that easily finishes it off and they runs to do the new mission they received.

They have to find a foreigner to bring to the Running Man sign under a minute, and then win a play of rock -paper-scissors against the foreigner. They dust off to find a foreigner right away, the place is crowded with people for Running Man’s filming, cheering at each celebrity they see. Hannah and her team keeps asking around in Korean, Chinese and English if there is a foreigner somewhere, running around trying to spot a foreigner.

Luhan finds a foreign couple with backpacks and a whole tourist-look, asking if they have time in English and then not really being sure what to say he calls for Hannah to hurry up.

“Hello,” Hannah smiles when meeting the couple and she asks in English; “Where are you from?”

“We’re from Australia,” the woman answers. Hannah shines up; they speak English then.

“If you have the time and if it’s not too much of trouble, would you want to come with us – it will only take a few minutes – we are filming for a Korean variety show,” Hannah asks them kindly, just wanting to grab their arms and run. And the couple agrees to it, in fluent English saying ‘yes, sure’ and right away they all starts jogging (because they can’t run in the crowd) back to the sign.

It took 56seconds – they made it. The staff explains that the foreigner will play the game one time for each member of the team and if the green team wins two out of three, they are allowed to get the next mission location.

“Um…” Hannah begins when she will explain the game to the foreigner. She looks at the staff that is done talking and then smiles awkwardly at the Australian couple. It’s funny how neither Luhan nor Kai look like they will even open their mouths trying to explain. Hannah’s English is no problem, other that she is nervous and she is horrible at explaining things. Still she is their only chance; “Do you know how to play the game rock-paper-scissors?”

“Yeah, yeah, you do it like this, right?” the Australian man shows the three signs with his hands and Kai claps his hands.

“Yes,” Hannah nods, “So if one of you could play against the three of us, one by one…”

“One of us against you three?”

“Mm,” Hannah nods again, her eyes completely innocent wondering if she has explained it well. “Do you understand…?”

“Yeah, sure,” the man says and turns to his girlfriend before deciding he will play the game.

Kai plays first and Hannah tells the Korean name for the man to know when to pull out one of the signs, and she helps him out once the game begins. Kai wins and the man laughs, nodding at Hannah saying he knows the game. He is about to play against Luhan when Jihyo, Sehun and DO arrives, and the purple team is watching Luhan loose in rock-paper-scissors against a foreigner. Hannah plays next, and her team starts cheering brightly when winning.

“Thank you,” Hannah thanks the couple with a huge smile, shaking their hands and being social; “What brings you to Korea?”

“We are travelling around in Asia for some months, so we are here for two weeks,” the man says and takes his chance, “Could we get a picture together? My wife really loves K-Pop.”

“Oh, you know who we are then?” Hannah asks, surprised and she glances at the couple’s hands to see they actually are married, the Australian woman answers in Korean that she really likes 5 Pieces and EXO, shocking both Luhan and Kai. “Then you should watch Running Man, you will appear there.”

“We will,” the woman answers, saying it in English

They take a picture and even give the couple their autographs, Hannah keeps talking and asking if they want to come to a music program, saying she can arrange it because the wife seems super excited – that’s why she wasn’t talking earlier and let her husband play the game, she was too shy – and Hannah actually makes a crowd around them say ‘oooh’ when receiving the couple’s information and asking if they have time on Thursday or Saturday and promising she will call them later this week. Then the team head off to the next location.

Back in the car, they are more relaxed than earlier. Hannah checks her face in the mirror, letting Kai lean over her seat from behind to look too and when they drive off Kai asks Hannah if she can really do what she promised the Australian couple.

“Mm,” she nods; pretty sure SBS won’t air it if they talk about work, pretty sure they won’t broadcast the conversations they had with the couple either other than showing they took pictures. “At times its okay; and we don’t do it often.”

“Ooh…” Kai nods in the back.

They go to a Korean restaurant with low tables where you sit on the floor, and already sitting there picking small peas from one plate to another with chopsticks are Emelia’s and Maria’s team; the two playing the games are yellow team’s Gary and red team’s Baekhyun.

“How did you get here so quickly?” Hannah looks shocked seeing Maria sit there.

“We are fast,” Maria answers and pats the floor next to her for them to sit down. The staff motions for which order they will sit, making Hannah sit between Luhan and Kai, her team focused on what the others are doing. “I’m starving…”

“You ate in the car on the way here,” Jongkook tells her, surprised to hear Maria is hungry.

“That was just a snack,” she tells him.

The mission at the restaurant is to win the game and receive more points. For each mission they have done, depending on order of succeeding, they have been receiving points – Hannah thought it was a race and the one finishing first wins but apparently it is about points. Jihyo’s team comes soon too, joining them behind the tables. The staff says the next game is the crying game; first one to shed a tear wins the points. Emelia and Julia’s teams just played so this time it is Hannah and Jihyo’s teams playing. Jihyo lets DO play and Hannah suggests Luhan to go, but he is just shaking his head.

“Hannah is known for her crying scenes,” Haha points out.

It’s like Hannah wanting the two members of EXO to do things, but staff and the others pushes her to do it. And since neither Kai or Luhan says they can cry on the spot, Hannah ends up sitting in front of the table, facing DO whose big eyes makes her blink innocently. She is really insecure about this.

For dramas and even music videos she has cried, acting for it, but to stare at a person and cry is something completely different. But she can do it; she has to tear up and let a tear fall, then it will be done.

“Woah, they look ready,” Jongkook mentions, seeing how DO and Hannah nervously are facing each other.

With the two challengers not being the talkative two, and without having Yoo Jaesuk there, the game begins pretty quickly with the staff saying when they can begin.

Right away Hannah focuses her eyes, starting to think whether she should keep a straight face or make a grimace, deciding to keep a straight face as she thinks she can feel tears starting. She can see from the corner of her eyes how exactly everyone is watching them, moving to the centre to see both of them or they are leaning over at the sides to look, but everyone is so focused and they look amazed seeing Hannah and DO trying to form tears. DO looks to be holding back a smile when seeing how interested everyone is. From the camera angle, it is hilarious seeing two people facing each other with focused face-expressions, and on their other side of those two there is a crowd of heads watching.

It takes seconds for Hannah’s eyes to turn red, water gathering and someone says she is already tearing up.

Ignoring the others, Hannah is looking at DO while not really looking at him, thinking of sad things like her family and how she saw her mother – the mother she hasn’t contacted yet – and just the thought of her mother makes a tear fall from her eye, the whole room burst out in some kind of cheer of impressments and DO only chuckles, without any problem accepting his defeat.

Hannah quietly sits back between Kai and Luhan, the games are paused as food is brought out for them to eat, and Hannah lowers her head with a tissue that Luhan gave her.

Unlike the others who are talking and eating, the voices getting louder when another team arrives, Hannah can’t lift her head up because once one tear has dropped it is difficult to not let more fall. If she just got teary, she could stop from crying but just to have a tear fall is like a trigger that makes more come, and Hannah is sitting there with a tissue, careful to not ruin the light makeup.

“Are you okay?” Luhan asks, noticing she is not eating and not raising her head.

Hannah gives a low laugh, nodding her head but she has to lean back to wipe her tears, having Luhan look at her in surprise that she is crying. He gives her a new tissue, Kai turns to look what happens too but Hannah just waves her hand to tell them both it’s nothing and within a minute she is sitting straight and looking at what food has come out, embarrassed but happy no one but her members noticed – though the cameras did capture it. The last two teams have arrived; Carolina’s orange team of Yoo Jaesuk and Ji Suk Jin as well as the blue team of Julia, Chen and Lee Kwangsoo – the blue team has not been seen at all by those who have been first, so everyone is super loud talking and showing off while eating. Kai is surprisingly nice to her when quietly asking what she would want to eat – he can help her reach for it. Shyly she scans their table, wiping her cheek for traces of tears, she sees something with black bean paste on it and leaning closer to Kai she points slightly with her finger.

“Can I try some of that?” she whispers, their surroundings really loud as everyone is eating lunch. Kai has no problem getting it for her, and Hannah quietly starts eating the sauce mixed with chopped potatoes, carrots, meat, shrimp and such – eating just a little rice to it. she keeps her head low, embarrassed, and she notices how the others leans forward to glance at her, making sure she is okay.

“Oh, but it has been some time since we saw 5 Pieces, hasn’t it?” Yoo Jaesuk begins talking again, now when everyone is gathered. “I was really surprised this morning when I saw Suk Jin Hyung and Carolina. Ah, but to have 5 Pieces here… It’s really Girls Power now, isn’t it?”

They laugh at his joke, and Jaesuk is smiling happily at the reaction of the ladies.

“Last time 5 Pieces were on Running Man, we were completely played,” Jongkook mentions and s agree.

When 5 Pieces made a comeback with their third album two years ago they appeared on Running Man, having a special competition called Running Man VS 5 Pieces – in which 5 Pieces hunted down the members of Running Man in the run and hide game, calling out the members and showing off a really charismatic image. According to Sehun, he says that episode with 5 Pieces was scaring. Haha nods in agreement, remembering Maria having a personal grudge against him because he had gotten married. Yoo Jaesuk has his own terrifying moment when being hunted by 5 Pieces, having them play with him before ripping his name tag. For sure 5 Pieces was fierce two years ago.

“I am actually relieved we are all teamed up like this today,” Jaesuk admits in front of everyone, smiling, “Because now we all have one fierce lady in each team.”

And the comments just keep flowing, and they keep doing games too while continuing to eat. Jongkook can’t help but to comment one time how much Maria eats, and Jaesuk says Carolina ate on the way here too, to which Kwangsoo says he and Chen was eating in the car while Julia was driving.

Probably the highlight of the restaurant is the live octopus that is put on their tables, which the Koreans seem to really like – Luhan too, as Chinese. Hannah, on the other hand, can’t stop staring at the octopus, making faces. With everyone else reaching to take a bite each and say how yummy it is, 5 Pieces looks to be leaning back a bit.

Quietly, Kai asks if she will eat it and there is no hesitation when she leans away while shaking her head.

“You have never tried it before?” Jongkook’s voice is heard over the others as he is in shock looking at Maria.

“I don’t eat fish,” Maria shakes her head, having a similar grimace in her face like the one Hannah has.

“Do you not have octopus in Sweden?” Kwangsoo wonders.

Hannah looks with a grimace at Luhan who looks to enjoy the food.

“In Sweden,” Emelia starts saying, not looking like she wants to eat it either, “We don’t eat things that are alive… It looks like a worm.”

They laugh at her comment, the others are telling them to taste it, pushing them and saying it’s not bad at all. Carolina eats it; she eats many things that she simply says are yummy; Maria doesn’t like fish so no one pushes her; Emelia doesn’t want to taste but she smells it and pokes it; Julia tastes the live octopus and actually likes it, and Hannah doesn’t taste, all she does is staring at Luhan sitting on her right, enjoying the live food. No, for sure, live octopus is not one of the things they had on their list when coming to Korea six years ago.

Hannah plays one more game when they are there, as they play some more games. The challenge is to drink the glass of cola under a certain time and to not burp five seconds afterwards to succeed, after some whispering they ended up letting Hannah, Kwangsoo and Baekhyun take on the challenge. At first the Running Man members are saying Kwangsoo always burps, and the ladies are looking worried seeing Hannah step forward.

“Aaaah,” Julia complains seeing Hannah is chosen from that team. “Hannah loves cola.”

“That’s right, and she never burps either. We’ve lost,” Maria tells Baekhyun and the others laugh at the faith she puts in her team. Hannah shakes her head, saying her members are too much, and she sits down with Kwangsoo and Baekhyun, turning her head on the side smiling. She does love Coca-Cola.

Suk Jin notices another thing though; “Hannah does everything in your team?”

Kai and Luhan have both played a game each, but he still asks that question. Hannah turns around to look at him. “Don’t complain, they are the face,” Hannah answers and cutely smiles. “They will raise the ratings for you.”

“Oh, we’re sorry then,” Jaesuk jokingly lowers his head to say he was wrong, and once again he tells for everyone; “5 Pieces is fierce!”

Because it isn’t the first time one of the ladies corrects or says something like that. Maria is the best lady to come with good comeback replies, Hannah just not wanting to take the focus off her juniors since they are doing really well.

“Last time Hannah was on the show Kwangsoo was all after her,” Jaesuk mentions and Hannah awkwardly stares at the staff.

“This time, all I can look at is her blue hair,” Kwangsoo cheesy says and Hannah leans away with a laugh, hearing the others laugh behind them too. “Last time, you had blonde hair.”

“Aigoo!” Julia bursts out in a laugh and they laugh more at her grandma-response.

“Hannah,” Kwangsoo says in a try to sound romantic and Hannah only leans further away, covering and laughing, the others telling him to stop and making annoyed sounds. “Our love-line is still on-going isn’t it? I mean-”

“She is taken, you fool,” Haha ends up telling Kwangsoo, joking with him and all Hannah can do is laugh. She is happy as long as they don’t openly mention Jonghyun’s name.

She gets to sit up again; Baekhyun sits between her and Kwangsoo because the Running Man members don’t trust the giraffe.

“Oppa,” Hannah tells Kwangsoo, and he shines up to be talked to, “Don’t keep your hopes up.”

Jongkook is heard the most at her word though the whole room responses with laughter and Kwangsoo’s face just gets gloomy before he decides to make a big scene pointing out that he will win the game.

“Am I just here as decoration?” Baekhyun asks the others, sinking in between them. “It feels like I’m just sitting in the way…”

“You look very nice sitting there,” Maria tells him with confidence. “Now don’t let them win.”

Eventually holding their own big glass of Coca-Cola, Hannah is laughing and smiling and Kai keeps telling her to focus. Everyone seems very eager to win this last round. As soon as the staff tells them to begin, it becomes chaos. Kwangsoo lets half of the cola pour down his neck, Baekhyun is moving his free hand more than swallowing and Hannah looks to not even be swallowing while the cola just disappears in .

“YA!” Maria shouts. Hannah smiles in her glass, taking a second to breathe before finishing and she holds up the glass, staring forward at the staff as she knows she has to hold her laughter for five seconds before passing. Everyone expects a burp to come because she holds something in, but when the staff announces Hannah as the winner – because Kwangsoo didn’t drink, he poured the cola on his body – she bursts out laughing.

“Hannah isn’t human…” Jongkook exclaims, staring at Hannah as if she really isn’t human. “She cries on command and doesn’t swallow…”

“But she is still pretty,” Kwangsoo says and this time Haha steps forward to drag him away to his seat.

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After lunch, everyone gathers at an outdoor swimming pool for the next game; floating platforms are at the centre and Hannah is scanning through the whole place when they first walk up along the side of the pool. The other side is covered with cameras and the crew to not miss anything, and she sighs when looking down at her feet, wearing water shoes, long bathing shorts and a t-shirt. Kai’s shorts are shorter than hers, but he has prettier legs too. Kai can’t stop chuckling next to her when knowing what kind of game it will be, an awkward chuckle.

It takes time for everyone to stand at the side of the pool to begin the filming, and the staff is using a megaphone to be heard, everyone focused when listening to how they will play this game. Two teams will play at time, stand on their own platform in the water and try to push the other team down – last one standing wins.

“First teams to go is the blue and the green team,” the staff announces and Hannah looks over to see who is the blue team; laughing the moment she sees Kwangsoo making weird moves saying he will win. It is Julia’s team versus Hannah’s team.

Kai and Luhan get in the water first, Kwangsoo is pushed in, and Chen glides down commenting it is cold. Hannah and Julia brings no attention to them when getting in the water and heading over to the platform.

Hannah is squatting down on the platform, holding herself from laughing as she is worried they might fall in the water if she does that, and each movement makes her grab on to either Luhan or Kai until it stops and she lets them go with her hands ready to grab on to them again. Julia is standing bravely on her platform, Kwangsoo goes down on his knees in a defending position and Chen is the one holding on to Julia to not fall. The chatty ones over at the side of the pool keeps talking and talking, hosting a show while Kwangsoo tells them to begin because he wants to push the green team off the platform.

“Kwangsoo Oppa,” Hannah tells him, and she laughs when Kwangsoo shines up. Kai claps his hands laughing too. “Don’t keep your hopes up.”

They laugh as she repeats what she had said at the restaurants, making Kwangsoo more determined to win over them in this game, and those on the side are laughing more because Hannah’s position looks like she will fall off easily while her words says differently.

Kai looks down at Hannah.

“We’ll go first, okay?” he says, putting a hand on Luhan’s arm.

“Both of you?” Hannah asks.

“It looks like Kai and Luhan are protecting Hannah from a gang!” Yoo Jaesuk calls from the side and Hannah lowers her head with a laugh, then quickly grabs on around Kai’s calf with both her hands when their platform gives a sudden move and she grabs so hard that Kai looks like something just hit around his leg, giving the others a laugh.

“I’m sorry,” she apologizes, lowering her head anew.

“Are you all ready?” the staff calls out.

At the sound of the whistle, Luhan steps forward first, bouncing the platform holding the two round ones together in the middle, looking like he is tempting the others to come over. Hannah carefully stands up, supporting herself on Kai’s arm until she has her balance.

“Kim Jongin, step forward!” Chen calls out, waving his hand for his friend to come out. Luhan laughs as Kwangsoo hides in the back and Chen bravely steps forward.

Kai changes place with Luhan and the pretty boy coming back to Hannah makes sure she is standing steady by glancing at her and holding on to her arm lightly. Like little boys, Chen and Kai are trying to grasp each other’s hands, and Kai is fast, managing to grab Chen’s wrist and pull him out, Chen almost running straight into Kai but Luhan is right behind him to hold on to Kai when he pushes Chen into the water.

Julia looks surprised, Kwangsoo looks disappointed and is the one stepping forward, pointing at Hannah to get out. She smiles widely, having both Luhan and Kai blocking the way. Her two teammates slowly backs up to her, and Hannah pats them on the back to be let forward. Whether she falls in water or not, she will not go down alone. She steps up on the middle platform.

“Why are you backing away?” she laughs cutely at Kwangsoo who takes a step back, almost backing up on Julia standing behind him. She carefully takes a few more steps forward to stand in the middle, so if Kwangsoo leaned forward and stretched out his arm he could reach her, but before that thought comes to his mind she backs up to the side of her platform again.

“You’re still very pretty, Hannah,” Kwangsoo tells her and she can hear the others say he is blushing when looking at her. Hannah’s blue hair is in a braid down her back now, and she keeps smiling seeing Kwangsoo take a step forward and when she moves her foot he bravely takes another step. Hannah takes a step back and Kai dazzles past her over to the other platform, everyone giving out a sound of surprise and you can really see how Kwangsoo’s face looks shocked at Kai nearing, stepping back and it is hilarious to see Kai grab on to Kwangsoo and continue two steps, running straight through so he runs into the water – bringing Kwangsoo and Julia with him.

Luhan cheers over the win and Hannah carefully raises her arms in a cheer too, squatting down to not fall in the water.

Next up is Maria’s team versus Emelia’s team, and there is no question who wins there; Kim Jongkook leaves Maria sitting and relaxes on their platform while he pulls down the other team, Maria not even bothered to take Emelia down. Hannah is sitting on the side and showing reactions with her team and Julia’s. Julia’s team is out of the game while Hannah is waiting for her next match. Maria wins, and the third round is between Carolina’s and Jihyo’s team. With Carolina and Yoo Jaesuk, they win after letting Carolina and Jihyo having a girl-on-girl match, both being the ace in their teams.

With everyone have played, the next round continues – Hannah versus Maria. Knowing Kim Jongkook can probably take down them all, Hannah steps forward first this time.

“Maria,” she calls out, “Please step forward.”

Yoo Jaeusk is heard laughing at how polite she is challenging their leader. Jongkook steps back and Maria gets up as she had once again sat down on the platform.

“You dare challenging me?” Maria dramatically says. Kai and Luhan laughs at the dramatic leader.

Hannah smiles widely, loving this game so much. It is actually fun. She laughs seeing Maria pretend to be boxing with her, both standing at each end of the middle platform, facing each other. Hannah boxes the air too, her punches more straight and accurate that Maria’s, and Hannah keeps smiling. Kwangsoo is sitting on the side, commenting that Hannah’s smile fools them – the smile is innocent, while her punches seem strong. Maria is just fooling around in her movements.

“She should go for the lower leg,” Emelia whispers on the side, talking strategy with Haha.

And as if they use telepathy, Hannah bends down on her knees and grabs on to Maria’s leg. Those on the side burst out in some amazed sound because they had heard what Emelia said, and Hannah keeps pulling, ending up having Maria lying on her back with her legs around Hannah sitting on her knees and they are holding their hands trying to push or pull each other. Hannah leans away when Jongkook’s hand tries to grab her and once again does Kai rush by them to play bowling with Jongkook and Baekhyun, just to have Jongkook push him so he flies into the water. Hannah manages to make Maria glide into the water and she is fast to protect herself when Jongkook tries to grab her, Luhan comes to try push Jongkook in the water too and everyone starts laughing as Hannah holds on to Jongkook’s arm tightly and lying down on her back so he can’t stand up straight, her feet against his legs and Luhan pushing him. The only thing is that Jongkook knows when he is falling into the water and he grabs on to Luhan’s clothes to drag him with, and pushes Hannah with them too.

Falling into the water, Hannah hurries to get up to the surface – hitting her head on the platform – so when she is up she is rubbing her head. Someone else’s hand holds on to her head, and when glancing up Jongkook asks if she got hurt but she shakes her head. Her team lost with Baekhyun still on the platform.

For the finale it is Maria versus Carolina, the two girls kicking each other and hiding behind their teammates, but in the end it is Jaesuk who pushes Jongkook down – Carolina’s team wins.

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The final game is set in a building, all teams in their colours with nametags on their backs – it is time to rip them off in the last tag-rip game.

“Ah-ha-ha, Maria has Jongkook,” Kai laughs, worried just by the idea of playing this game against Kim Jongkook the muscle man while he hurries up to Hannah.

“Then we should take out Maria first,” Hannah suggests. When this airs, the broadcast will mention –youngest Hannah will show no mercy to her leader-

Everyone has spread out in the building. During the day they have earned points during their games and missions, for the final game they have been given places depending on how many points them have. The nametags comes in six different sizes, meaning the team with the most points gets the smallest nametag as that is the difficult one to remove, and the one with the least points gets the biggest nametag. Hannah’s team is third, having a normal sized nametag.

The game started not even five minutes ago when they hear a voice echo in the building;

Ji Suk Jin, out – Ji Suk Jin, out

Hannah’s team laughs at the announcement and Kai even jokes to the camera by saying; “Let the game begin.”

Luhan and Kai are eager, walking up in front of Hannah. She smiles at the camera, glancing at her teammates before slowing her steps and putting a hand by to whisper to the camera.

“Girls Power,” she whispers before hurrying her steps. “I wonder who took Ji Suk Jin out…”

“Maybe Kim Jongkook,” Kai chuckles and Luhan agrees with a nervous laugh. They really don’t want to face Jongkook.

In another part of the building, just as the game began, Maria’s team was strolling along the big entrance hall to go search for others. Baekhyun started to run all of a sudden, heading to a corridor and mouthing to his team that he had found someone. Kim Jongkook spotted Ji Suk Jin, and just like Hannah’s team predicted; the muscle man begins the game by taking out the oldest member.

After taking him out and chasing the other two in Carolina’s team up the stairs, Maria walks slowly behind the other too. No one cares about that as she has been walking behind them all day. But Maria stops at one floor and looks up at the camera filming from above. She smiles, looking like she has an evil plan going through her head as she whispers;

“Girls Power”

Hannah sighs walking around, pouting when Kai turns around to look at her but they all turn around when hearing voices. Luhan is fast to keep walking.

“No, no, no, don’t go there,” Hannah grabs his arm to take a swift turn, Kai following.

“Who is it?” Kai asks, the team fasten their steps to get away.

They don’t know who it is, but for now they run away, hiding in a room where they are holding their breaths listening for sounds and they stare at nothing hearing Haha and Emelia talk, walking past them and calling for Gary. But they walk by.

But it doesn’t take long until they hear something, and then the voice announces something again;

Haha, out – Haha, out.

“But they were just outside,” Luhan freaks out.

Though he doesn’t want to move, Kai says they can run the other direction, and so they do – running and looking over their shoulder the whole time.

Within minutes the announcement goes off again, this time saying Chen is out from Julia’s team and Luhan looks terrified – sure it is Kim Jongkook running around ripping nametags. Within a minute, Kwangsoo is announced to be out, leaving Julia the only one left in the blue team.

Walking around, Hannah’s team finds Jihyo’s team. Jihyo’s team has the second biggest nametag; Sehun and DO are not even half on their guard as Jihyo, only seeing this as a game meeting their real group members.

“Who took the others out?” Sehun asks them.

“We don’t know,” Kai shakes his head.

“We think its Kim Jongkook,” Luhan answers, glancing at Hannah to see she is rounding the other team without showing them her back, and he follows her. Jihyo stands against the wall, looking suspiciously at them.

“You haven’t seen anyone then?” Jihyo asks, glancing at Hannah and then at her own teammates.

“No one,” Hannah answers, glancing at her own members and waits until Kai glances at her and she gives a quick glance over at the other team. DO is just standing there, not noticing Hannah getting closer. Luhan takes some steps closer to Hannah and Kai takes a step closer to pretend he is watching further away, DO takes a step away. “What about you?”

“No one here too,” Jihyo says, standing furthest away to them now.

Kai is really active. He is fast when grabbing on to DO’s arm, pulling him towards his team and just as Sehun reacts, Kai grabs him too while Hannah and Luhan rips DO’s big nametag without problem and Jihyo tries to grab Kai’s nametag while he holds Sehun’s arm, and Kai is smart to let go of him and back away.

“Are you sure you haven’t ripped the others?” Sehun asks, not trusting them at all now when they played like that.

“Sehun-ah,” Luhan says, waving two fingers for Sehun to come closer.

“I’m not stupid,” Sehun says and Hannah laughs. She is actually surprisingly pleased with her team. Luhan and Kai have a really good teamwork, and they are fast, not leaving much for Hannah. She attacks first now though, and her two teammates are fast to attack too, blocking Sehun up against the wall and defending from Jihyo, who runs away as soon as she knows there is no way out of here with her teammate.

Jihyo runs off by herself, smiling when she is in a corridor and looking behind to see no one comes after her.

“My team is out,” she breathes to the camera, smiling at the camera-man. “Julia is also by herself, isn’t she?”

She breathes for a few seconds to calm down, then smiles anew and tells the camera;

“Girls Power”

Something is going on with all six ladies saying the same thing to the camera, and only when no one else hears them. But no one notices.

Luhan is in a great mood after getting DO and Sehun out, laughing and jumping, excited about the last game. Just to have it wiped off his face when seeing Kim Jongkook look out around the corner, and right away he turns around, telling his team who is there and they carefully backs away.

“Mohahahah!” Maria evilly steps out around the corner. Like always, Maria like a special entrance. “We meet again, little ones…”

She will never care that Luhan is two years older than her; it doesn’t suit her nicknames. Baekhyun and Kim Jongkook walk up next to her, and Hannah reaches out her hand for Kai to back away a little faster.

“I can hear a tiger roar from a distance,” Yoo Jaesuk walks up the stairs next to them, Carolina with them. They have the smallest nametags.

Hannah pulls in the arms of her teammates this time to keep backing away, especially now when Carolina and Jaesuk are between them and Maria’s team.

“Should we run?” Kai whispers, glancing at Hannah and Luhan.

But before they make a decision, Kim Jongkook flies over and grabs on to Luhan, and all teams just attacks each other, throwing their backs away from hands and trying to grab someone else’s nametag. Maria tries to grab Jaesuk’s nametag when he and Carolina grabs Jongkook’s, but before she manages to remove Jaesuk’s, Kim Jongkook is out – Luhan is out too. Seeing two being out, Kai grabs Hannah’s arm to run and hide for now, and Baekhyun tries to attack Carolina but decides to back off when Jaesuk stops him.

Hannah and Kai run off together, ending up hiding among some bookshelves, deciding to wait there for a little while.

The speakers that have so far been announcing when someone is out is heard again, and the two of them waits to hear who is out. But it is not the man’s voice they hear.

Hello everyone,” a voice says.

Kai frowns towards Hannah. “Isn’t that Julia?” he asks. Hannah shrugs her shoulders, pretending not to know, while she do recognize Julia’s voice. Imitating what Emelia did two years ago to frighten the members of Running Man, Julia is now saying for everyone to hear;

This is blue team’s Julia. I know you all have been told that today is GAME POWER, but truth is that it is GIRLS POWER. Enjoy the end of the game.

“What is she saying?” Hannah laughs, nudging Kai on the side. “Let’s go.”

Kai smiles, not understanding what Julia means either, and he walks up to the door to peak outside. Hannah is right behind him, and the camera catches her hand go for his nametag. In a fast struggle, Hannah rips the nametag while her other hand holds on to his shirt and Kai is fast to turn around, staring at her.

“What are you doing?” he asks, dumbfounded.

Hannah waves his nametag playfully, taking a step back.

“Nuna-” Kai begins but the speakers are heard anew;

Kai, out – Kai, out

“What is this?!” Kai whines and leans his back against the door.

Hannah looks so happy, laughing at him. “It’s Girls Power,” she happily answers, patting him on the shoulder. “It was fun playing with you today.”

Kai can only laugh. At first he had thought she ripped it because she somehow has a grudge on that they have been in the same team so she couldn’t win over him, but to be announced to be out he realises that Julia wasn’t talking rubbish.

Today’s last mission is girls versus boys; only thing is that the boys haven’t gotten a clue about it, and that have to continue if the girls wants to win – don’t let your teammates find out the ladies are on the same team, or you will loose.

Hannah leaves, excited to go find her ladies to win this game. She doesn’t come far before meeting Carolina and Jaesuk, the suspicious team. But Hannah covers a giggle behind at Jaesuk’s VJ who turns around to film Hannah instead of Yoo Jaesuk as he is assigned to do, and though ti happens one time before he turns back to Jaesuk, the VJ keeps turning his camera to Hannah instead and Jaesuk of course has to scold the VJ for it, saying the VJ has spent the day filming Carolina instead of Jaesuk as well.

Kang Gary, out – Kang Gary, out

While being in their own drama, Jihyo had taken care of her Monday Couple partner with Emelia’s help: leaving only Jaesuk and Baekhyun left among the boys, and six ladies. Adding all of the teams’ dramas together for the broadcast later will be exciting, and Hannah actually wonders how all the other team members have been taken out.

“This has gone surprisingly well,” Julia says when coming up to them, joining Hannah. “Jaesuk Oppa, we have to rip your nametag off now.”

“Why just mine?” he laughs, not understanding that Carolina actually is on their team too. But it is difficult because his nametag is so small.

“Competition,” Julia shrugs her shoulder. She and Hannah attacks at once, and Jaesuk is laughing when holding them away, too busy handling to ladies that he doesn’t notice Carolina until Hannah and Julia are holding on to his arms and a third person removes his nametag. His jaw drops looking at Carolina, at first saying they have had such a great day and then saying he knew it was something strange going on with this and that. He admits; 5 Pieces is not easy.

Somewhere else, Baekhyun is running away from Emelia, Maria and Jihyo, shouting and asking what is happening and why Maria is chasing him too.

A minute later, Maria holds the last nametag in the air, surrounded by her four ladies and their added lady Song Jihyo.

“That’s what I call, sneaky Girls Power.”

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Headline 09th: 5 Pieces Talks About Their Music, New Album & Girls Power For Billboard Interview

Headline 09th: SM Entertainment Turns Down 5 Pieces International Love-Calls For [Girls Power]

Headline 09th: 5 Pieces To Focus On Korean Promotions With 4th Album

Headline 09th: 5 Pieces & EXO Snaps Pictures With Running Man, To Appear As Guests Next Week!

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^