Chapter 22

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

Comfortably wearing sneakers to a pair of distressed baggy-fit jeans and a couple sweater, Hannah is standing ready by the side of the street for her ride to come pick her up on Wednesday. The hair she dyed in a strong pastel purple hair yesterday is messy after rubbing her fingers through it during the morning’s rehearsals and now she is standing ready for some hours at the amusement park. The weather couldn’t be more fitting; it has been raining all night and the rain is still hanging around in the air so there will probably not be many people at the amusement park, putting her in a good mood thinking it is in the middle of the week as well.

A familiar car gets visible and her smile grows as Jonghyun parks on the side of the road, right in front of her, and she can see only the passenger’s seat is empty in the car.

Happily she opens the door, greeting the three friends who are noisy when greeting her back, all three commenting on her hair and she has barely sat down and closed the door before Jonghyun holds out his hand to touch her hair.

“How many colours are you going to try this year?” Taemin asks with a laugh from the seat behind her and Hannah smiles.

“Are you jealous?” Jonghyun is fast to ask him before Hannah can say anything. “It looks good on her.”

“I like it too,” Kai comments from the back as well and Hannah smiles at the two of them.

“I didn’t say it looks bad,” Taemin starts defending himself but is interrupted by Jonghyun turning up the volume on the radio, letting the two friends in the back laugh.

Hannah had forgotten how shy she gets when being around Jonghyun with other friends, feeling her cheeks burn when he puts his hand on hers just for a few seconds; he needs the skinship. She does hear the two in the back comment on it at first though, and there is no need to look back to know Taemin and Kai are both leaning to the middle seat to whisper and giggle while pointing at Jonghyun’s hand. She wonders if Jonghyun really isn’t bothered at all; if he doesn’t care about public skinship. Though she loves Jonghyun, she feels less suffocating from the teasing eyes in the backseat when they arrive at the amusement park.

When getting out of the car, she burst into laughter.

“I can’t believe you actually wore it,” Taemin looks from the purple-haired girl to his own band member. They are wearing a couple sweaters; Jonghyun had texted Hannah yesterday to ask if she had any couple clothes left, and after looking through her boxes of clothes she found a bunch of couple clothes, so they decided to wear it together. It is embarrassing, but their smiles show how much they love it. Jonghyun looks y in a pair of distressed jeans, Taemin is black from top to toe and Kai is simply in sweatpants, t-shirt and cardigan. They are celebrity friends for sure; none of them wearing make-up, no sunglasses, but both Jonghyun and Kai are wearing cool baseball caps and Taemin had showed in the car that he has a trendy mask in his pocket that he can cover half his face behind if necessary. Hannah had laughed when Taemin said that because she has one in her backpack as well. She has a lot in her backpack; including an umbrella if it will rain.

Preparing themselves standing in line to get inside, they are all four seeming exclusively happy about this chosen day; it isn’t a lot of people at all. Sure there are a lot of people, but it isn’t super crowded like usually, and most people are foreigners. Probably travellers wanting to enjoy the rides of Seoul without struggling to fit in the space with the Koreans who are working today who will come in the weekend when they have time.

Once they are in, the four friends becomes ten years younger and they start to point at all the rides they want to get time to take. Kai points over at the cute headbands, asking if Hannah doesn’t want one, and he smirk hearing Taemin laugh loudly.

“If you need me as an excuse to wear it, then you go choose first,” Hannah coolly answers and the two shiny boys gives out a joined laugh while Kai admits defeat.

“Go get one then,” Taemin jokes with his friend, pushing Kai lightly

Hannah laughs as Kai actually walk over to the store with cute headbands, just to come running back to the laughing friends when an old lady had given him a weird look.

Naturally, Jonghyun has put his hand on Hannah’s back as they head over to the first ride. Like little kids they are bouncing over to the line, not being idols but being close friends finding their inner child to enjoy some free time at the amusement park. And it seems like no one will notice them either.

“But Hannah…” Taemin says when they are standing in line, his eyes look seriously at her hair. “Your hair is really strong.”

She puts a hand on her head as she sees their eyes on her.

“It’s eye-catching,” Kai agrees as he understood what Taemin meant.

Hannah gives out a big smile when Jonghyun puts his cap on her head. “See, not as eye-catching,” he comments, smiling as Kai and Taemin looks dumbfounded at him. Hannah understands them; as if a cap will make a difference with her long pastel purple hair.

It is like having four completely different people who are so different that they are the same. Just looking at them they are different but if you hear them and look at them for a while you realise they are all so alike, laughing and talking and being excited for the rides.

One of the first rides is the Viking, that boat just swinging back and forth. It is hilarious. Two and two they sit at each side, just to be able to look at the other couple. Hannah sits next to Taemin, while Kai and Jonghyun walks over to the other side. Even before the ride has started the four of them starts pointing and laughing at each other. Hannah is so excited to be on this simple ride that she can’t stop laughing and Taemin laughs because of her, he has to motion for the others that she has gone crazy when she laughs even more once the ride begins moving. Maybe she laughs because it is such a simple ride yet they all seem so excited to ride it. a

Taemin lifts his hands up when they are getting higher up and Hannah just laughs. These two have so much fun over nothing, and on the other side of the ride you can see Kai and Jonghyun also having fun. All four of them raise their hands together, finding the whole ride hilarious.

When the ride is over, Hannah almost runs off, having to turn around and wait for the others. Taemin comes over and points at something else.

“Let’s take that one now,” he says and glances behind him for Kai and Jonghyun to also see.

Hannah turns around to see the rollercoaster he points at, and she looks at her friends with a big silly smile. She loves going to amusement parks. Jonghyun laughs at her reaction as they start walking and Kai is excitedly telling Taemin about a girl who had burst out ‘DAEBAK!’ when spotting them as soon as they got off the ride. Going to an amusement park being invisible is impossible, but the friends are happy over the freedom they get because even if people recognize them and some starts following them, no one is too close or calling their name or anything.

“Rollercoaster are the most fun,” Jonghyun comments when they are standing in line for the ride. Hannah nods in agreement, smiling at Kai and Taemin who are in a different conversation. Jonghyun touches Taemin’s arm lightly. “I’m sitting with Hannah this time.”

She gives a simple laugh, as she personally found it obvious the two of them would sit together and looking at the others she knows Kai and Taemin had the same thought as they say they are going together as well.

“Let’s go eat after this one,” Taemin suggests.

“Oh, I’m hungry,” Hannah grimaces at the thought of food.

“It’s good not to eat before going on this one,” Jonghyun lectures them all and Hannah smiles widely at his finger pointing at them.

“We know that, Hyung,” Taemin smirks. “You have said that already.”

“But you keep mentioning food so I get worried you all forget it,” Jonghyun assures. “And I’m hungry too.”

Kai chuckles, standing with his arms crossed over his chest and looking tall standing with them. If it wasn’t for Kai, Hannah would feel comfortable with her short height; and if Jonghyun wasn’t there she would have worn something with at least a small heel to hang with Kai and Taemin. It’s nice that her boyfriend isn’t super tall, making her smile more at him. She also likes that Jonghyun is standing at their front of the line, but facing the others behind him, and he made sure Hannah was facing him as they all know there are a few people standing with cell phones behind them – filming or taking pictures but keeping a distance. Hearing how the line behind them gets longer, more and more voices gathering and with a glance at Kai and Taemin she can see so many eyes on them that she turns to stand straight in the line, parts her hair to let it lye down on each side of her face before pulling up the hood of her sweater.

“Hannah, did you know that I am going to America next week?” Taemin tells her, making her turn back around to join their conversation.

“Alone?” Hannah blinks in surprise and Taemin proudly nods.

“I’m going to practice for my solo debut,” he says in such proud statue that Hannah just gapes at him.

But before she can congratulate him, Jonghyun says; “She already know you’re making a solo debut.”

“Yeah, but it’s still really cool,” Hannah is fast to tell Jonghyun before smiling at Taemin, congratulating him.

“And I feature in the song,” Kai adds, making Taemin repeat the same thing.

“It will be hard though,” Hannah tells Taemin, remembering all the times she has been on her own without the ladies around.

“Mm…” he nods, slightly troubled but he still looks proud, and they all move a bit when the line shortens. “I asked Jonghyun Hyung if I could call you, Hannah, if I have any questions or doubts, but he told me to talk to him instead.”

She giggles and Jonghyun nods. “Call me anytime,” she tells her friend. “Not that I will be of much help-”

“Hannah is the perfect one to ask,” Jonghyun interrupts and smiles widely when she gives him a quick glare. Kai nods, agreeing.

“You’re my senior as a solo artist,” Taemin tells her and all Hannah can do is smile.

Jonghyun has written a song for Taemin’s solo – not the main track but for the album – and for that Hannah has gotten some information on the solo debut, though she has forgotten to congratulate Taemin about it because of a few reasons; she wouldn’t want to congratulate him without hearing it from him personally, as it yet hasn’t come out that he is even making a solo debut.

The line moves a few more meters, the group of friends continuing to chat about solo debuts and solo activities. Again Hannah isn’t really sure if Jonghyun is aware of their surroundings when he out of the blue touches her hair, looking to admire it. She might hide her hair and face from the rest of their surroundings with the hood, but her hair is still lying down over her chest, perfectly for Jonghyun to touch – which probably is why he touches, because he can. He does it so naturally, still talking to them, it fascinates her.

Getting closer to take their seats, Hannah can’t hide how excited she is. Her stomach is already twisting as she had followed the rollercoaster earlier with her eyes, longing to be sitting in it and experience it herself. Jonghyun laughs when she grabs on to his sleeve, holding on to him with both hands and almost like a child wanting to shake his arm and tell him how excited she is, but she just smiles excitedly and looks at the friends, seeing they too are excited – and a little nervous. Hannah and Jonghyun sits down behind Kai and Taemin, and Hannah is just sitting there with her hands held up on the side as Jonghyun helps her with the security belts and such.

While waiting for the ride to begin; all seated, Jonghyun nudges Hannah on the arm and leans closer to her, but he gives a pose to in front of them and Hannah is fast to follow as she sees Taemin is holding out his cell phone – he is taking pictures with Kai.

Taemin gives out a laugh when checking the pictures, showing to the couple behind him that he got the picture of all four of them.

Holding on to their things, the ride begins. Hannah is almost screaming in excitement, holding on Jonghyun’s hand, holding on to it tightly to show how excited she is and he just laughs, pressing her hand back in his own excitement.

The most amusing part with the ride is that while most people on the ride are screaming, Hannah is laughing so much that she starts crying. Jonghyun cries too, from the speed, screaming in the down speed and then laughing when he hears Hannah and they enjoy the ride together. It is the highlight of the day, they laugh and scream to hear each other and the rollercoaster really is the best of the amusement park.

Hannah and Jonghyun are both wiping tears when the ride eventually comes to an end, they can hear Taemin laugh loudly in front of them.

Stumbling out of the carts of the ride, Taemin asks if they want to do it again – he looks young and pure with a big smile, really wanting to do it again, and Hannah is fast to throw her hand up in the air, still laughing and wiping traces of tears from her eyes.

“Oi, oi, can you really go on that again?” Jonghyun laughs at her. “I’m not sure if you have found your balance yet…”

She only giggles in response, leaning on him when he puts his arm around her shoulders.

“Let’s go eat first,” Taemin says, already starting to leave with Kai next to him. “I’m craving for something sweet to eat.”

Jonghyun chuckles in a low tone for just Hannah to hear, she knows he is smiling at her.

“Are you having fun?” she asks him, pulling her hood over her to hide from curious eyes. It is so weird to be walking in public like this, surrounded by people that really don’t give them too much attention.

“You really have to ask me that?” he smirks, hugging on to her shoulder a little tighter. “I am having a great time with you, you know that.”

Hannah can’t complain either. She is so happy to be able to do something like this, to be in public with her boyfriend who doesn’t care and with herself who is too cautious , and then it is Taemin and Kai who are both just enjoying their own world too naïve to know anything else. They all know there will be pictures of them all around internet later, Hannah wondering what hateful comments she will receive for hanging out with these three pretty boys, yet she can’t help but to have fun because whatever fans might see when looking at them; these are her friends. Jonghyun, who is more than a friend, Taemin who always has been like her twin brother thought they have never really said that, and Kai who is Taemin’s second half. They are good friends, and Hannah is having a blast enjoying the rides with them.

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At Show Champion, 5 Pieces look great in a body-shaped body in white crystal, like a body-suit. It is covering over the , like a pair of short shorts, yet it is not the shortest version, making it look better. In sheer stockings underneath, beautiful crystal high heels, a lot of volume in their colourful and stylish hair styles: 5 Pieces looks like they can really rock this concept – adding with matching bracelets, earrings or a necklace. Though it is the last week performing this song the ladies doesn’t seem tired at all, in fact they are all very talkative and happy when they are backstage with their crew, pets, talking to f(x) and the staff. Whoa, all five ladies are really worked up that they have promoted their album for so long already and the fans are still cheering them on.

“But I told you, he is pretty,” Maria is sitting tailor in the dressing-room’s sofa, cuddling with their cat Ace in the blanket covering her legs and eating some snacks she is sharing with f(x)’s Luna who is sitting next to her.

“Yet you did not take a picture of him,” Amber is teasing from the chair in front of them. Luna is laughing at the whole conversation about the obviously pretty boy who among two has been hired to paint her room yellow.

“Ya, you think I’m like her?” Maria asks, looking offended over the picture she never took while nodding over at Carolina who is sitting at another end of the practice-room shared by 5 Pieces and f(x). “No way would I sneak a picture of a person, that’s just creepy.”

“Didn’t you used to sneak around taking pictures of Minho back in the days?” Luna quietly wonders, Amber nodding in agreement.

To those words, Maria takes some chips in as an excuse to not have to respond: it is true she loved taking sneaky pictures of her friendly boys back in the day, and by saying ‘back in the day’ she probably means last time she saw them or something. But those boys she knows, like SHINee’s Minho and last week she took a picture of a B2ST member because he looked very handsome; this boy painting her room is a complete stranger.

“I asked Hannah if she wants to paint her room or if we should do another room as well just so he can stay a little longer,” Maria says when she is done chewing.

Maria would like to paint her own room, but the ground of it is taken care of by hired painters, just like in Julia and Carolina’s rooms. Emelia is planning to do the same, to make her bed match her room. Julia forces herself to sit down next to Luna with Michin in her arms, wearing a cardigan over her stage outfit as she adds on to the story for Luna and Amber that Maria is upset they now have two houses because that means she can not sneak in the other house just to stare at that pretty boy painting their rooms.

“You ladies are impossible,” Amber laughs, trying to lure Michin to come to her instead. “What happened with that actor then, Maria?”

“Who?” Julia frowns.

“The one from We Got Married,” Amber answers and Maria smiles.

“Kwon Hyunsuk,” she spells out his name for them and Amber repeats her question what happened with him. “Well, you know … We keep in touch-”

“Every day,” Julia whispers.

“Really?” Luna gapes, her sudden interest in this makes Julia think of gossip – which Julia loves.

“They talk all the time about everything and Maria is always having her cell phone in her hand, all the time,” Julia reveals for them.

“It’s not exactly like that,” Maria simply explains but she receives a bunch of questions. “He’s nice and I like him as a friend, and it’s easy to talk to him too.”

“That’s how Hannah started her relationship as well,” Julia continues to whisper to the two f(x) members and they go ‘aaaah’. Instead of freaking out like Hannah would’ve done in this situation Maria is just smiling, laughing and saying they are being silly, yet she takes out her cell phone to write a text message to her friend, Kwon Hyunsuk.

Continuing their chatting, they don’t take notice of Hannah and Emelia coming inside the room. Or well, Emelia brings attention to herself by first leaning over the others to take some chips and then out of nowhere take Michin from Julia’s arms, and Hannah quietly walks over to a chair in the corner where her bag is to take a seat with it in her lap. Emelia joins their conversations loudly while Hannah picks up her phone to see what text messages she is missing, then smiles up at Krystal who is sitting on the table listening to Carolina, Sulli and a stylist talking. Hannah’s smile turns into a cute grimace, not saying a thing at Krystal who is grimacing back at her. It’s just a silly grimace that could mean the room is loud with all the happy voices or because the busy week of performances is starting over or just to show each other that they can both do a cute, silly grimace.

It is their sixth performance on Show Champion, their song has won two times here, and it is the last performance. The ladies are more than ready when stretching and warming up backstage before an interview and their performance, being all charming towards the host Kangin from Super Junior. Again the mix of the stage and their new home is the topics 5 Pieces can’t let go off, even at the end of the program when everyone are going up on the stage Hannah can hear Carolina tell Luna the plans for the house.

Hannah is balancing on her high heels walking to the back of the stage with her members, mixed with f(x). Emelia is the only one staying on the side of the stage, just so she can see and wave at the audience cheering at the idols walking up on the stage.

Most of the juniors want to be right behind or next to Kangin at the front, to get attention for the cameras. Hannah notice the difference of the rookies and those automatically going to the back of the stage. 5 Pieces and f(x) have stopped trying to get attention from the cameras on music programs like that, somehow it feels the older they get the less they care about the cameras – the more they focus on the audience that is present in the hall: Which is why Emelia walked to the side to wave at the audience, not to the cameras. Hannah knows that during the New Year festivals, the ladies too will try to get spotted by the cameras, but music programs are weekly and almost daily too so it isn’t as big anymore. It’s relaxing to stand in the back, Krystal linking arms with her and they are just spacing out while the ending of the show begins. They listen to MC Kangin talk – Hannah wonders if it was this year or last year he came back from the army, suddenly not remembering that detail – and she looks down at her pretty high heels. Krystal is so petite next to her, yet taller; it is almost like standing next to Maria but a quiet spacing-out version.

“That’s pretty,” Julia says.

Hannah looks at her side, seeing Emelia repeating what she had told Julia to f(x)’s Victoria – it sounds like she had seen a fan hold up something or worn something in the audience – and Hannah looks straight ahead as if hoping she will see it, but there are several lines of idol juniors standing in the way.

Hannah can hear on Kangin that he is about to announce this week’s winner and she borrows her own arm from Krystal to be prepared to lightly clap her hands. Krystal gave her a look, probably wondering what she was going to do at first.

“And this week’s winner on Show Champion is [POWER UP] with 5 Pieces!” Kangin says in the microphone, giving out a laugh before asking where they are. Hannah’s hand is grabbed by Carolina, the ladies walking around the idols and accepting the big trophy. Hannah laughs seeing how big the trophy is – which it always is on Show Champion – but it is weird how they win after six weeks, is it not? Yet, it is their Triple Crown win on Show Champion.

“We would like to thank our amazing crew who work hard with us every day,” Maria brightly smiles out over the audience and the camera in front of them. “And also everyone who worked on the album with us, of course a huge thank you to our colourful Puzzle, thank you. I would want to thank our families and the ladies too, and again … it is thanks to our fans we can do this, thank you so much!”

She is fast to hand the microphone to Carolina who is still holding on to Hannah’s hand, whether Hannah likes it or not.

“Thank you, Puzzle!” Carolina cheers and jumps a little with a laugh, then hands the microphone to Hannah. What should she say?

“Um… Thank you for loving our music – keep loving, everyone! Puzzle, we love you, thank you!” she ends with a bow and gives the microphone back to Carolina, laughing when hiding behind her friend. She is happy. She is in a joyful place, smiling widely at the audience cheering at everything they say. Puzzle is mixed in the audience, she can see it on their faces, and she smiles until her cheeks are hurting when Kangin tells them to prepare for the encore.

As soon as their encore begins, even with Kangin trying to congratulate her, Maria gives off a weird dance move while Carolina happily sings the leader’s opening part. Kangin laughs and turns to Hannah instead, giving her a congratulating word and pat on the shoulder, laughing on his way off the stage with everyone else. Emelia even joins Maria’s weird dance, and within seconds all five ladies are doing the same weird dance while singing their song, the audience screaming and jumping in excitement.

“THANK YOU!” Julia roars out as good as she can.

Not even after finishing up at the music program and the ladies are back home to unpack and paint and do whatever they do does they calm down. After six weeks of performing, their songs are still at the top of the music charts. It is an incredible feeling, the ladies are smiling and turning around with their arms flying around as if embracing the joy in getting their fifteenth win with [POWER UP].

At home, things should start to look decent as a home but the first house is still a horrible mess. Hannah hasn’t even unpacked her clothes, leaving her wardrobe empty and boxes filled; a mess of clothes as she has been looking through for things to wear. The only thing looking decent in her room is the bed, and outside her room she has most of her furniture as she can’t get anything inside because of the boxes filling her room. All the books and papers from her office in the old apartment are surprisingly a lot and covering the space where she could have her furniture. As an excuse to why her room isn’t looking more decent, Hannah has said she has been too busy – or she has just had other priorities. While she was having fun at the amusement park, Julia and Carolina were filming for Gag Concert, Maria was at home watching her room being painted by a pretty boy and Emelia had gone out to hang out with a friend. But Emelia’s room looks much better than Hannah’s; the rapper is good at organizing. She even organized things when packing so she knows exactly what she has in all her boxes.

Even now, Hannah is staying away from her room. She goes upstairs to check on Maria’s room, mostly because Maria was excited to show it to her, and while Maria can easily have her bed and things outside her bedroom, to sleep in the upstairs living-room while her room is being prepared, the leader continues to do things with a lot of energy.

“It looks good, doesn’t it?” Maria asks with a smile seeing Hannah by the door. While waiting for her bedroom to dry, Maria is making sketches on papers, sitting on the floor. She will add details to her walls by herself.

“Mm,” Hannah simply nods. “It looks nice.”

“I know… It is exactly the colour I wanted,” Maria happily glances around her room. “What about yours?”

Hannah grimaces. “I don’t know what to do with it,” Hannah answers, honestly not having a clue what to do with her bedroom.

“Maybe a new colour on the walls can liven up your fantasy?” Maria suggests and Hannah laughs.

“I am not letting your pretty boy paint my bedroom, sorry Captain,” Hannah laughs and waves slightly when leaving the room, hearing Maria call behind her that she can always change her mind.

Downstairs Emelia is getting help by Manager Lim and Manager Lee to fix in the kitchen. This house still has no real food, and when Hannah enters the kitchen she can hear Manager Lim explaining that the housemaid from earlier will only work in one house while they will need to hire a second housemaid for this house; someone who can slightly clean and mostly buy groceries for 5 Pieces. But for the next one-two weeks, no one will be there to help them out. Instead of doing nothing, Hannah starts to help them in the kitchen, quietly without a word doing so while they keep talking.

It takes minutes before Manager Lim takes notice of her.

“Hannah, why aren’t you unpacking in your room?” he asks her.

“Um…” she starts to say, glancing at him and ends up shrugging her shoulder.

“Your bedroom is a wreck, go clean it up,” Manager Lim says and takes the plate from Hannah’s hands. “Go, go – no excuses.”

She pouts when being send out of the kitchen, and while thinking of hiding upstairs, she glances behind her to see Manager Lim following her. “I can go by myself, Appa,” she pouts and hurries the steps to her bedroom.

“Sure you can, I am just coming to help,” he answers and follows her to the bedroom, stopping by the door though. “It looks the same as it has done all week, Hannah…”

“I don’t know where to begin…” Hannah whispers and takes a seat on her bed to look around in her bedroom from there.

“Start with putting the boxes in one side so you can place the furniture in here,” Manager Lim says as he lifts up a box.

“But I don’t know where to have the furniture, so where can I put the boxes?”

He looks at her as if it was the most stupid question he has heard in weeks, and without getting an answer Hannah gets up to start moving her boxes; not questioning his expression. Unpacking today, tomorrow they will be in the practice-room to practice for their performances with [Like That].

“You had fun with Jonghyun, I hope?” Manager Lim wonders while helping her move the furniture after pushing all boxes to the side.

“Mm,” Hannah answers.

“You’re not bothered by the articles then?”

She shakes her head, but when looking up she knows he didn’t see it so she says she isn’t bothered. “I had fun today,” she tells him, knowing he asks because he cares. “Taemin sent me a picture that was taken of us, saying we all looked to have fun and he suggested we should do something like that again soon.”

“Ooh… Taemin did?” Manager Lim looks impressed; maybe he expected it to be Jonghyun to do such a thing.

At the music program Hannah had read the articles written about their double date today, how Hannah and Jonghyun had flaunted their relationship with couple sweaters, how the four friends had not been bothered by their surroundings and just enjoyed the time at the amusement park. So many video clips and pictures had been secretly taken of them. It was fun actually, and for once Hannah doesn’t feel bad being in the topic because while fans are saying they are jealous she was around three handsome and pretty boys, there was such a mix of fans being jealous of the boys being around her. In the end most people seemed happy to see they all had time to hang out, surprised to see four idols at once. One comment had even asked when Hannah had time to go to the amusement park as she was at that moment seen at Show Champion. So the whole experience turned out to be a fun one for everyone.

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On Friday afternoon, the music video teaser for [Like That] is released. Right away hundreds of views go through, a thousand even. In the teaser, you can see the grown-ups working by their desks, tapping the keys for their computers. Distant noise makes them glance up, something is coming to interrupt their daily work. Coming through the corridor is a child riding a little skateboard, followed by more kids cheering and running through the corridor as music starts to play, slowly Emelia says *1… 2… 3… 4… 5 Pieces*, the teaser showing crowds dancing to the song without really giving away too much.

The comments to the video say everyone knows it anyway, since the song is in 5 Pieces’ fourth album. SM Entertainment comes out with the information after the music video teaser is out, saying that 5 Pieces will promote the follow-up song [Like This] on Saturday’s Music Core, and promote it next week as well before asking everyone to dance along with 5 Pieces. The article is the funniest part for 5 Pieces though; ‘5 Pieces Joins A Bunch Of Children Cheering On Grown-Ups At Work In MV Teaser For [Like That]’.

But on Saturday morning, Maria is far from being in a good mood for their promotions because of stupid antis hurting her instagram account. Just because she likes to upload pictures of herself, antis attack her.

Maria is almost growling when they are at Music Core, reading more and more comments about her. “In what way am I conceited? That freaking word annoys me the most,” Maria is complaining.

She shows Yong Hyun the comments.

“Conceited…” Yong Hyun wonders. “Hm, I wouldn’t use that word on you.”

“I know, right?” Maria gapes at him. “Am I egotistic? No! Do I see myself above everyone else? Heck no!”

“Maybe it is hard for outsiders to know that,” Hannah says in a low voice, just to be given a glare that makes her shut .

“Maybe they should learn the difference between conceited and confidence,” Maria growls at her.

Hannah knows that Maria can come off with a princess-syndrome at times, because that is just the kind of image she has; she is confident in herself, she can say she is pretty and has a good style, it is just the way she is. But she is far from being selfish, she has not once seen herself above anyone and that is what makes her the loving person she is; confident and loving and an inspiring person. Hannah understands her friend’s frustration, she can’t come up with soothing or comforting words like Maria always does to her, but just to sit there, listen and nod along is good enough. Yong Hyun takes care of joining the cursing of antis and looking through the dictionary of what words means – but he also takes care of their looks.

Pre-recording their final [POWER UP] performance on Music Core this morning, 5 Pieces have left their dazzling dresses and edgy colourful make-up to dress more comfortably for [Like That] live performance.

Julia is wearing a sleeveless floral top and matching shorts, Emelia is in a boxy fit print t-shirt in black with white leggings, Hannah is in military ankle boots to a short jeans skirt and checked shirt tugged in, Maria is showing off her flat stomach in a long-sleeve printed cropped t-shirt in black and a pair of gray baggy pants, and Carolina is in a cute short-sleeve floral t-shirt with matching sweat shorts. Carolina’s hair is put up in two cute horns, while Maria looks y with her hair pulled back and into a loose side braid hanging down her shoulder, and you can’t forget Maria’s red lips. Hannah’s hair is simple, purple, but simple. Emelia has a cool baseball cap to her long hair and Julia is simply styled, looking like a lady ready to have fun.

Backstage today Hannah keep hearing Henry’s voice. Wherever she is, she can hear him talk to someone, at times with Carolina, mostly with Amber, also with the others, but she keeps hearing Super Junior Henry’s voice all the time. Today she is the unsocial lady, and she is happy seeing Maria join her to practice their new performance.

They don’t practice the choreography alone for long, because their stylist starts bouncing next to them and randomly cheering which makes everyone in the room laugh. It makes Carolina excited, and though the mascot was standing outside the room she rushes inside to start dance along as soon as she knows where they are in the song. Hannah laughs against the wall seeing how Mi Young starts to dance, even knowing the choreography. Emelia stands by the door, shaking her head while Henry is shouting out that they are doing great, even bouncing a little too with a laugh.

“I don’t know those people,” Emelia mutters but smiles at Henry.

“You need to teach me that dance though,” Henry mentions. “So I can dance to it too.”

Emelia chuckles, not taking it seriously at all: though Henry later asks Julia to show him the main moves from the choreography, super seriously wanting to learn the dance so he can put his own swag in it when later uploading a clip of him dancing with his dancers to it.

Before the performance, 5 Pieces stands together in a room backstage and does a promotional video for this follow-up track. They explain it a little, all brightly standing next to each other.

“With [Like That] we want to get everyone up on their feet and dance with us this summer, is that possible?” Maria says it with excitement to the camera at first before looking at her members to ask if they can do that.

“Everyone!” Carolina calls prettily out to the camera, seeing Maria grimace next to her. “I believe you can move like that! We can move like that!”

As she starts to begin talking with the song’s rhythm, Hannah and Julia starts to slightly move their bodies as the song starts playing in their minds – and they do it at the exact same time – and with two ladies feeling the rhythm, Carolina starts singing the song before Emelia puts an arm around Hannah’s shoulders to make her stop dancing and Hannah looks guilty, smiling though.

“Everyone, just move like that,” Maria steps forward, holding out her hand to cover Carolina.

An hour later, 5 Pieces are getting up on the stage for their live performance.

They take their positions in the back, standing next to each other with Emelia in the middle, and the staff counts down. Then it begins.

*1… 2… 3… 4…*

For each number, the live camera for Music Core shows Emelia’s finger showing the same number. With her other hand she holds the microphone by to speak the numbers in her deep and dark voice, and for the fourth number she gives out a low smirk before putting down her hand for the camera to zoom out on them;

*5 Pieces*

As a male voice joins the beat clapping ‘dance’ and ‘clap your hands’ and dancers are heading up on the stage clapping their hands above their heads and following the beat, leaving 5 Pieces doing the same in the back. The track is easy to clap along to. As Julia begins her part, 5 Pieces are dancing forward between their dancers and the camera captures Julia in the centre.

[Julia] *Number one,

When the music turns on I wanna see your hands up in the air,

Wave it with me now, let’s go… let’s go…*

Between ‘let’s go’ it is a tiny music break where everyone is just supposed to follow the one who sang, in this case Julia, and the audience is practically screaming at the cheerful song and the smiles on the stage as everyone is dancing along. Not for a second stopping to move their feet with the beat, they continue;

[Emelia] *Number two,

Gotta put them high and wave to the sky when they play my song,

If you follow the beat we do it all right, hey… hey…*

[Hannah] *Number three,

Now get up from your seat and wave your to the beat, say

Feel the rhythm as you move with me, hey… hey…*

Hannah thinks her one is hilarious, as she sings with a smile before her dance comes to the ‘hey… hey…’, in which everyone waves their butts back and forth like she does. Letting Maria continue, Hannah is fast to pull down her skirt a little; the skirt isn’t moving an inch but she is still making sure it is covering. The crowd laughs happily at Maria’s part because everyone starts moving their legs funnily.

[Maria] *Number four,

Gotta make that call we all know it when we move our legs, yea

We can do it all the time now we do it again… oh…*

[CHORUS, Carolina] *I CAN’T WORRY ABOUT THE BEAT TONIGHT, a little fun haven’t hurt nobody

Why are you standing by the wall, I am sure you can move like that

If you move like that, I can move like that (like that), just like that! (like that) Just like that! (like that)

You’ll move like that (like that), won’t you move like that (like that), you’ll move like that (like that), hey*

*I wanna be with you tonight, can you move like that, I wanna be with you tonight

Can you move like that, I wanna let it be like that, throw a party with you tonight*

The chorus makes the crowd go wild. Carolina looks to have a great time directing everyone to take one step right with hands up in the air, another step to the right and not forget to follow the beat as she sings, then does the same to the right before the first line is done. At the first part of the second line ‘why are you standing by the wall’ she puts her hands in her hair to look glorious and everyone just stops, the music calms down for her moment before they start moving from side to side again, a little faster. The last line they all take a step back and then a step forward, moving their arms in the choreography and the camera keeps focusing on Carolina, focusing on her too when the middle part begins where no one sings live and just dances in the move-to-the-side back and forth, moving their arms as well and the audience is jumping with laughter.

The next verse begins with Maria, who is out of nowhere taken the front and they are moving their feet as they did in the beginning. Maria counts the fifth number by showing her hand.

[Maria] *Number five,

Gotta put on the new dress while I wave my lashes to the beat,

Hurry fixing my hair while I run outside, let’s go …*

[Carolina] * Number six,

If we got a trick, I can see you all now following to the beat, say

Feel the rhythm as you move with me, hey… hey…*

[Julia] * Number seven,

I got to make my round as we move all the time with the perfect smile

Now I think it’s done I better sit a while, (hey)…*

[Emelia] * Number eight,

No time for that I get up on my feet to cross the place now I can start the chase,

I see you wave with me if you follow the beat, okay… okay…*

At the end of Julia’s part, ‘I better sit a while’, she gets to sit down on a male dancer’s leg, pretending in the fantasy it could be a chair or something to rest while everyone else are dancing. And Emelia takes on her part, singing while grabbing Julia’s arm to pull her up, pretty much doing the same thing she sings ‘no time for that’ to Julia and they both ‘on my feet to cross the place’ by hurrying over to the other side of the stage where Emelia looks young and happy singing the last part before dancing a swagger move.

It is Hannah’s turn to sing the chorus after that, moving to the left and right as they did earlier but a little in her own style the same way Carolina did it in her style as well. But for the ‘move like that’, Hannah does as practiced and shows off her curves when dancing wider with her hips than the rest. it is still so much fun, it is such a free song.

[CHORUS, Hannah] *I CAN’T WORRY ABOUT THE BEAT TONIGHT, a little fun haven’t hurt nobody

Why are you standing by the wall, I am sure you can move like that

If you move like that, I can move like that (like that), just like that! (like that) Just like that! (like that)

You’ll move like that (like that), won’t you move like that (like that), you’ll move like that (like that), hey*

*I wanna be with you tonight, we can move like that, I wanna be with you tonight honey

Can you move it like that, I wanna let it be like that, throw a party, we dance, party all night

I wanna be with you tonight, we can move like that, I wanna be with you tonight honey

Can you move it like that, I wanna let it be like that, throw a party, we dance, party all night*

[Carolina] *Baby all I want is to let it go! We can dance like that!

Dance with me, no worry, we can dance all night!

Just like that hey~~

[Hannah] Can you move it like that! While we move to the beat

It’s like that

[Maria] We got time, as long as you stay up on your feet, now I move to the beat

Don’t you worry~~

[Hannah] Get a little closer to me, a we move to the beat, it’s just like that~*

Carolina starts singing in a high voice after the middle part, dancing with the others and shaking her hip one side while looking to the partner on her other side, followed by Hannah singing her part, singing ‘while we move to the beat, it’s like that’ she hits her hips from right to left forward in the choreography with the others, Maria’s voice hits it every time as she sounds happy and bright with even the highest tones and Hannah sings her part again, her hips coming anew before the faster part comes;

[Carolina] *If you move like that, I can move like that, ([Maria] There ain’t an end we can move like that, we can throw off our shoes, come on, let my feet work like yours)*

*I can’t worry about the beat tonight, a little fun haven’t hurt nobody

Why are you standing by the wall, I am sure you can move like that

If you move like that, I can move like that, just like that! Just like that,

You’ll move like that, won’t you move like that, you’ll move like that, hey*

Out of breath they all stop at the end and burst out in wider smiles as if they all have succeeded in something big seeing the audience cheering. The ladies waves to the camera zooming away from them before it turns off and everyone are in a rush to run off the stage for the next performer.

No matter how hard it was to keep your legs and feet moving throughout the whole work-out routine of [Like That], the crew is bouncing their way back to their room, all being in great moods. Hannah is bouncing too, so happy to not be wearing high heels on the stage and to actually enjoy this routine with everyone. They did well. Their voices stuck together even if the lyrics were pretty fast, no one made any visible mistakes – they pulled it off.

“Well done,” Manager Lim stands by the door applauding the ladies when they return to the room on their own.

No time to rest. The ladies are not staying for the ending, but Hannah manages to snap a picture with Carolina and Emelia before they changes clothes.

{Instagram, 5P_HANNAH: First performance of [LIKE THAT]! We are looking forward to see you all dancing with us ;)}

Changing clothes, 5 Pieces are out quicker than ever as they have a flight to catch. They go to Japan for SNSD’s tour – it is the last days of the tour so the ladies decided to go show some support. Okay, it was the agency deciding they should go perform, but the ladies really don’t mind. But at the concert, the ladies have a blast with their seniors and friends of SNSD, though Maria does get enough of the horrible comments she is receiving and ends up writing a little message on Instagram with a picture written this ‘CONCEITED VS CONFIDENCE’;

{Instagram, 5P_MARIA: Conceited is “I look better than you”, “I am the most beautiful in the world”, “no one can compare to me”, “you should look more like me”. Confidence is “I look good today”, “I am not ugly”, “I like myself”, “have to admit that I am cute”, “I am beautiful the way I am”. All of you calling me conceited don’t even know which word you are using. I am confident in who I am and how I look, learn the difference}

++ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -+ - + - ++

Headline 09th: The Popular JjongHan Couple Spotted On A Double Date With Taemin & EXO’s Kai At Amusement Park

Headline 09th: Cast Of Gag Concert Snaps Picture With 5 Pieces’ Carolina & Julia

Headline 09th: 5 Pieces Wins Triple Crown On Today’s Show Champion With [POWER UP]


Headline 10th: 5 Pieces Gets y In Red For ‘High Cut’ Magazine

Headline 10th: 5 Pieces Performs [POWER UP] In Glittery Black Outfits On M Countdown


Headline 11th: Maria Poses With f(x)’s Luna & Amber In Recent Instagram Selfie

Headline 11th: 5 Pieces Performs On Music Bank In Pretty White For [POWER UP]

Headline 11th: 5 Pieces Joins A Bunch Of Children Cheering On Grown-Ups At Work In MV Teaser For [Like That]


Headline 12th: 5 Pieces Performs Double On Music Core With [POWER UP] And Special Follow-Up [Like That]

Headline 12th: 5 Pieces’ Maria Explains The Difference Between Conceited & Confidence On Instagram

Headline 12th: Maria Corrects Antis As 5 Pieces’ Captain, 4-0 Comeback Replies To 5 Pieces!

Headline 12th: SM Entertainment Releases Dance Practice Video Of 5 Pieces’ [Like That]

Headline 12th: SNSD Thanks 5 Pieces For Coming To Their Final Concert In Japan


Headline 13th: 5 Pieces Performs [POWER UP] Last Time On Inkigayo

Headline 13th: Carolina & Julia Sits In The Audience At Tonight’s ‘Gag Concert’

Headline 13th: g.o.d Thanks 5 Pieces’ Maria, Emelia & Carolina For Coming To Their Concert


Monday, Headline 14th: Full Fun Music Video For 5 Pieces Follow-Up Track [Like This] Is Out

Headline 14th: [Like That] Flash-Mob Craze, 5 Pieces Makes Sudden Appearance At Korean University

Headline 14th: Julia Comments “Isn’t It Fun To Start The Week Like This?” To University Students


Headline 15th: Stylish Maria & Emelia Are Spring Models For Asian Clothing Brand

Headline 15th: 5 Pieces Invite Fans To Come Watch Their Free Live Outdoor Recording For This Week’s Music Core

Headline 15th: SM Entertainment Announces 5 Pieces Will End Album Promotions This Week

Headline 15th: 5 Pieces’ Hannah Declines To Appear In SBS Drama ‘Midnight Dream 2’


Headline 16th: SM Entertainment Explains Hannah’s Decline For SBS “She Focuses On Music At The Moment”

Headline 16th: SBS Confirms Asking Hannah To Appear In New Drama, Explains Her Decline Is To Focus On Her Music Career

Headline 16th: 5 Pieces Joins A Flash-Mob Of [Like That] In The Middle Of Seoul!

Headline 16th: 5 Pieces Performs [Like That] First & Last Time On Show Champion

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X. devonalias


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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^