Chapter 16

Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power (10)

There is no Inkigayo the next day, Sunday, and 5 Pieces’ morning begins with a denim clothes photo shoot – all stylish and y wearing denim clothes with Kyung Ho and their pets watching – before Kyung Ho goes home and the ladies go different ways. Hannah go on lunch with Maki, Julia go with their manager and stylist to check on the villas she has been talking about and the other three members film for KBS Hello Counselor. Hannah is pleased no one talked about the villa and moving in the morning (not what she heard anyway) but she is still wondering if Maria is upset over last night, not sure what it was about since Maria has acted like nothing happened. It was probably in-the-moment speech, when Maria comes up with something to say and she has to say it before being satisfied.

The lunch with Maki is about two hours long, after that Hannah head to the agency to practice.

While waiting for Julia to come join her for the practice, Hannah is wondering if she should upload something on either twitter or instagram, thinking it has been a while. Going through the pictures on her phone she decides on a picture from this morning’s denim photo shoot; a full profile picture of her high heel boots, skinny black jeans with zipper details, gray top and jeans jacket, her green hair styled away from her face and wavy , and the make-up not too extreme.

As soon as she has uploaded the picture, she wonders if she should remove it based on the first comment written; ‘attention w*ore’.

It’s not the first time. People have been writing things like that for a long time, especially for this comeback, commenting on 5 Pieces’ performance videos and whatnot to write how Hannah is showing off, asking why she gets so much attention when she is so talentless, telling her to stop showing off her body and so on. Maria told Hannah to ignore it – as she has said many times – because they all receive hateful comments, yet Hannah thinks she receives more hate because she has had the most activities outside her group. She sighs thinking of all the hateful comments she has received since her Japanese acting debut in 2009, only a year after the group’s debut in Korea; everyone seemed to hate that she went to Japan on her own to act, saying she is leaving the group whenever it came out she had a new project without her members – acting, solo singing, a photo shoot, a book…

I can’t decide whether I am a fan or not, but I certainly admire Hannah. As a huge fan of the group I must admit Hannah has never been given much attention for me. Why? Because she hides behind the others as if she doesn’t want to be there and even if she has had the most solo activities in the past she just disappears somehow. If I don’t take notice of her, how can I admire her? She has had so much solo promotions but not once has she forgotten 5 Pieces; she always thanks her members and talks about them, you can just feel her emotions flow through you. But the reason I admire her is her strength to be herself, like all members in 5 Pieces. I have been watching the show Good Sister and I admire Hannah the most on that show by the way she is around the boy; no matter how tired she has looked she always gives a genuine smile around him, showing me that she is truly a person worth admiring. She shows herself to be a great role model on the show, I can go on for minutes writing about all the good things she has showed on that show.

As an artist, I’m not that impressed. She has written songs but I think SM overdid how “great” she is because I think the other members are much better. Her voice isn’t the best; she isn’t the best dancer either… But as said, I admire her. She works hard on the stage though you can see she prefers hiding behind her members.

Then why am I writing all of this? Because 5 Pieces is made of five young girls, each one important to the team to make what we all watch and love. The members of 5 Pieces show love to each other just as much as they show love to their fans, there is no doubt that 5 Pieces see their friendship being above anything else and that is what really makes me admire this group-

Lost in a comment on a site she out of the blue found, Hannah looks up with tears in her eyes when the door to the room is opened. In surprise to see Julia she is fast to look away and wipe her eyes.

“Yo…” Julia smiles when closing the door after her. “It’s just you and me today? No dancer or anyone at all?”

“Oh, um, they will come later,” Hannah mumbles, hugging her legs to try hides how emotional she just was. She shouldn’t be so selfish when she has four ladies to work hard for as well; about moving, about Maria’s outburst, about everything – it is never just about Hannah.

“Ooh…” Julia sighs, looking disappointed no one else is there. She takes a seat on the side, taking her time to change shoes, and Hannah stares out at nothing noticing the awkwardness between them.

Hannah and Julia are not usually the awkward two even if it can be quiet between them. They both like the silence, yet they can also enjoy the conversations, which makes them good friends and that makes the current awkwardness something they both take notice of extra much – the awkwardness is extreme.

Biting her lip, Hannah sees Julia drink some water. It looks like her friend doesn’t want to hurry practice either, and she knows the awkwardness is the reason to it.

“How did it go at the villa…?” Hannah quietly wonders, and when Julia looks up she repeats the question as it looks like her friend didn’t hear. Hannah can’t help but to touch her fingers nervously, fiddling with them.

“Um…” Julia swallows; it is clear she didn’t expect Hannah to ask about that. “It is a nice place, two floors and a lot of space… The yard was beautiful too and the garage was big… Mm, really nice… really…”

The avoiding glance lets Hannah know the awkwardness in this conversation is too much, Julia probably not wanting to talk about it to Hannah who doesn’t even want to move, so Hannah gives up with a sad expression and instead puts her mind on practicing.

With Hannah getting up and starts placing the chair in position, Julia follows as she can understand there is no more conversation, and within a minute the music is playing in the room and the two ladies begin their practice.

Without a care what the other one thinks, they repeat the new songs one by one, practicing without a care to tell each other any advice – as if they are in two completely different rooms. The awkwardness makes it like that. Hannah doesn’t think Julia is angry at her, or upset the way Maria was last night, maybe she is just disappointed about it all; Hannah isn’t sure, but she thinks it’s like that because of the way her friend is acting.

They practice in silence until the dancers starts arriving, kind greetings exchanged and some of the dancers does not really sense what’s wrong other than commenting “what’s this awkward atmosphere for?” with a laugh, not seeing Hannah and Julia not looking at each other. Hannah wants her members to come; she wants to know what Julia will tell the others – about the villa and about moving. Will they move? Is it decided or was the place not good, if that’s the case then will Julia move to a different place with just her mother and leave the other members where they are now? Hannah doesn’t want to move, but if she has to choose between moving and parting from her members, it isn’t a difficult decision which she will choose. The only thing is that she has to tell Julia that – and Maria.

The filming of Hello Counselor takes its time so the others doesn’t come until evening, and the whole crew is together to practice for tomorrow’s Live Concert with KBS – they are performing four songs all together; [Girls Power], [POWER UP], [I Want a Man] and [I’m Over You] – the last song was part of their pre-single.

After three hours of hardcore practice with the whole crew gathered, some of them just sit down to rest before they will head home. 5 Pieces and some dancers, as well as some from the band waiting for the next bus to arrive – honestly, only 5 Pieces must be spending their Sundays in the practice-room, the agency that otherwise is pretty empty. The conversations go on and on, laughter and light voices, yet the five ladies get this slight change in their behaviour when one of the members in the band asks about Julia buying a villa here in Seoul – rumours travels fast. Julia has nothing against talking about her plans with the crew, and it is as if last night’s upsetting conversation never took place by the way she talks, having Emelia backing her up when showing pictures that Julia took of the place earlier today. Hannah is quietly listening to them, realising that it sounds on her members that they are actually going to move, that the villa is perfect and that Julia’s mother is preparing to move here. While talking, Hannah can see Julia glance at her, the excitement of having her mother moved to Seoul is only heard in her voice; it can’t reach her eyes that look as troubled as Hannah’s. Maria doesn’t say too much either, too busy thinking of Hannah and Carolina not being on the same page as the rest of them. By telling their managers their plans and by saying all five members agree on it, they can seal the move in a few days.

There are times when certain comments remind you of things you seem to forget, and there are times when the negativity can be pushed away by something positive. Hannah wanders off in her thoughts, thinking of the comments she is always receiving. Negativity that flows around the world through international network, hateful and bashful comments floating around in search for a victim the same way bullies searches out something (anything) to turn their bad feelings into tears of another person. At times it is too easy to forget the good things; how a bullied person can receive a smile or a pat on the shoulder in secret of an admirer wishing you to pull it through. At times Hannah forgets it all, just to be reminded by it when looking at her members, at the people around them.

Each member in their team is worth admiring, in Hannah’s opinion. She can look at the faces in their practice-room and find something to admire about each one of them. Whether it is their talent, quotes, work ethic, passion, compassion, funny jokes to lighten the mood or seriousness – each person brings something to this crew.

Six years ago when 5 Pieces were living together for the first time in their lives, during their audition period in Korea, they were driving each other insane with what made them different from each others. Some woke up early while others were impossible to wake up, to then when going to bed some would stay up half the night and others would go early, their habits were all different and they were constantly fighting. Hannah, who grew up sharing room with her twin for many years and then got her own room, had learned to survive in silence until the annoyance of someone else’s habit was making her frustrated – she pulled it off better than others. Emelia and Julia, both growing up as the only children, knew of one way and that was their own, creating conflicts each hour because of their differences. Maria was loud, Julia was never heard, and Carolina was always in a good mood. Five ladies with so many differences learned to live together for a passionate goal; 5 Pieces. After living together for six years, Hannah doesn’t want to part. She knows living alone is probably a great experience and it shows that you’ve grown up, but she doesn’t want to part from her friends even if they go each other on the nerves at times. In the end they have learned how to live with their differences, to not give negativity to another person with something they can turn into something positive.

Living together is not about pleasing fans. It is not something they spend hours practicing before showing off to others. Living together is a lifestyle they have chosen to follow, and Hannah doesn’t think anyone of them is ready to change that. She still wants to be surrounded by her members in this country, to feel they are there for each other. Whether it means moving, she doesn’t care anymore – as long as they are together.

The touch on her leg wakes her up from her thoughts and Hannah meets Maria’s eyes.

“Hannah,” the leader says, repeating it as she seems to have said her name a few times already.

Almost everyone has left the room, and Hannah didn’t notice. She pretends she isn’t scared for missing that, or for being so lost in thought that she didn’t even hear her own name being said. Her concentration is completely lost, maybe for being tired, but Hannah always worries it might be something more. The leader nods to the side and Hannah follows where her eyes lead her, seeing Julia waving for Hannah to come along. There are still crew members in the room, in a deep discussion about 5 Pieces’ up-coming concert now, and Hannah quietly slinks out with Julia.

“I talked to Carolina before…” Julia mutters in her low voice as the two girls walk off on their own. Hannah didn’t even notice the two of them sneaking out earlier right before Maria said her name. “She really doesn’t like the idea of moving when we live so nicely now.”

“I don’t mind moving,” Hannah mumbles, glancing up when Julia look shocked at her. “I … could have overreacted earlier…”

“You admit that?” Julia raises her eyebrows and Hannah can’t help but to let her jaw fall a bit – Julia is not the one who talks like that.

“But you must agree that we have moved a lot!” Hannah defends herself. “And our current apartment IS nice. But I don’t want to live there if you are going to move out on your own. I rather move than have that happen, so what’s going to happen? Are we moving there, yes or no?”

Julia gives out a sob before surprisingly embracing Hannah in a hug, and the sobbing continues. Hannah only stares out at the air, her whole body frozen at the sudden hug; even her heart feels to have stopped. It is not because of the hug, it is the way Julia hugs on to her tightly, something she never does, and that’s why Hannah is frozen from the inside out.

“You have no idea of how nervous I have been for this. First Maria likes the idea, Carolina didn’t seem to care just to turn out to not understand, Emelia was okay with it, and you were … typical you,” Julia sobs. “It means a lot to me if mom can live with us.”

Hannah lifts her chin up when the door behind her is opened from the practice-room, looking like a stiff stick being hugged when the last dancers come out of the room.

“Oh… Looks like we interrupted something?” male dancer Shiwon laughs, his arm around Myung who kindly smiles.

Though Hannah expects Julia to let go of her in embarrassment, Julia only wishes everyone to sleep well before rubbing her face in Hannah’s hair, which is deeply uncomfortable considering Hannah has been sweating during practice.

“Don’t let us interrupt,” Shiwon keeps joking when leaving, laughing with his friends at how awkward Hannah looks while Julia is in a completely soft world.

When the dancers have left, Hannah relaxes in her body, but only because the hug is getting really weird because Julia is not letting her go and Hannah does not have the heart to ask her to step back. Maria’s curiosity peeks out from the practice-room, and she smiles seeing a new level of awkwardness in this friendship.

Happily she bounces back inside the room, feeling proud. Proud to be the leader- no, proud to be part of this friendship.

With a picture she found on tumblr once of 5 Pieces standing on the red carpet for some show, all looking pretty and iconic, uploading it online;

{Instagram, 5P_MARIA: Some days I can’t help feeling thankful for the people around me. I am thankful for the friends by my side that I get to share trust, belief, love and passion with to become our better selves in the future. A better 5 Pieces, for us and Puzzle, I can’t help but to be thankful.}

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Hannah: I can’t sleep…

Jonghyun: Me neither, my mind is too busy imagining you next to me ;)

Hannah: Come over then… I miss you

Jonghyun: I’m on my way

The beauty of having a boyfriend as loving as Jonghyun is that she doesn’t have to ask him twice about something, and without too long wait Jonghyun enters Hannah’s bedroom, handsomely laidback wearing sweatpants and a long-sleeve t-shirt – but soon wearing nothing but underwear when crawling into bed with Hannah.

She breathes in when he lies down, his arm put around her for an embrace and her heart flutters by his scent. Without saying a thing he kisses her lightly on the cheek and lies down comfortably under the quilt with her, Hannah moving to lie closer with her hand slinking around to his back, touching his muscles while her lips touches his shoulder. Her body is warm and relaxed now, not frozen and stiff as when Julia hugged her. Maybe because she is used to Jonghyun being close to her, or just because Julia’s hug was not expected.

“What’s on your mind?” Jonghyun whispers, his head resting on the pillow next to her and he smiles softly when removing a lock of her hair away from her face, caressing her hair down on the side of her face so his thumb touches her cheek. His touch makes her blood boil, a hot feeling goes through her on the inside but on the outside she gives a pout in response to his question. “What’s that cute face supposed to mean, Nabi?” Jonghyun asks with amusement in his tone.

“Julia hugged me earlier…”

“That’s sounds scary,” Jonghyun jokes and he chuckles when Hannah nudges him on the side. “Sorry, sorry – why does that trouble you?”

Hannah pouts a little more, “Because … it was different.” She can’t put it to word, but the way Julia hugged her has been on her mind ever since. Could it be that Julia had been that nervous about the conversation? Was she worried the ladies wouldn’t want to go with her? Since Hannah can’t put it to word for her boyfriend, she tells him it’s not something that troubles her and she kisses his bare and muscular shoulder again.

“You didn’t want me to come over for a chat and sleep, did you?” Jonghyun smirks when feeling her fingertips caressing his skin. Her touch is always makes him feel like a god, to be receiving the touch of a goddess. He moves his hand under her hair, his fingers touches her skin by the neck and travels up to her chin softly to lift her face to his. “Your blushing cheeks and warm skin gives you away, Nabi…”

“Kiss me,” she whispers, leaning just a little bit closer, her eyes closes feeling his breath on her lips and like always, with one request he obeys.

There is no reason for her to hide herself in her own bedroom, or around her boyfriend. Feeling his hands slip under her tank top, how his palms touches her skin and his lips pressing against hers, to then hear him pant in her ear when entering her makes her feel loved. It is two people in this relationship, two people that know what they want from each other and knows how to please the other. At the moment in Hannah’s life she has the things she wants. She has friends she thinks she will have for a lifetime; she has a boyfriend who is just as obsessed with her as she is with him, she has a career filled with the passion she has given it and from that she receives admiration from strangers that think her and her friends are decent role models.

In the morning, Hannah is in a good mood. She woke up well when seeing Jonghyun sleeping next to her, and while getting dressed after washing up she smiles at her bed where Jonghyun is lying on his back. He has started to sleep with his hands under his pillow, his biceps beautifully revealed with only the quilt over his body. Hannah has put on lace underwear and throws on a cotton blend v-neck t-shirt that hugs her figure. With another glance at her bed, she smiles seeing Jonghyun is looking at her, a small smile shapes his lips when looking at her standing at the end of the bed by her wardrobe.

“Good morning,” Hannah smiles and throws out a pair of shorts on the bed that she will put on.

“Good morning, Nabi,” Jonghyun mumbles and stretches out his body a little, giving out a sound of pleasure that he slept well and then smiles as Hannah sees what grows underneath the quilt. “I’m hungry.”

“You’re always hungry,” Hannah tells him, knowing it is not food he talks about. She puts up a knee on the bed, and slowly she crawls over to him, seeing his excitement growing as she crawls over his legs and comes closer to him. Jonghyun sits up to lean on his arms, his eyes focused on hers right before she lowers her head and makes him groan by kissing his stomach, his abs tensing under her lips.

“I’m always hungry for you,” Jonghyun breathes when Hannah sits up straight, moving a little further up and she pulls down the quilt, and she starts grinding with her lace over his hard member while watching Jonghyun’s lips part, how his face changes.

She is not the only one weak for the other.

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Almost a week later on Saturday, 5 Pieces is feeling at the top of their game when they are at a radio program at SBS at noon before they will go to Music Core. For three full weeks their album has been the number one best seller, all the songs on the album are still at TOP30 in Korea where half of the songs are on TOP50 in many other countries as well – and yesterday [POWER UP] won first place on Music Bank, meaning the song has won nine times now. The ladies are endlessly cheering by being in great moods around their fans.

Carolina has been cheering in her own way by pushing in her face in the other members’ pictures that they take backstage. Maria took a picture with Hannah and Julia one day, and when looking through the pictures they saw Carolina’s face appeared in the back; like it did in four other pictures that each member took backstage. Photo-bombing is Carolina’s new joy it seems like, as it even came out an article about it because the ladies uploaded the pictures for fun.

“Being such a rising girl-group, you are sweeping the charts and receive international love-calls. But you are still five young women; what are 5 Pieces’ current worries?” the female DJ at the radio asks 5 Pieces after fifteen minutes of talking.

“Um…” Emelia starts off; “I am preparing to take my driving licence, so I am worried I won’t do it as well as Julia did.”

“Ooooh!” not just the DJ but the ladies give out different reactions until Emelia laughs.

“No, I’m certain I’ll do a lot better, so my current worry is probably how Julia will take it,” Emelia laughs and the others laughs as Carolina gives Emelia a high-five.

“Julia is the only one with a driving licence now then?”

“Yeah. I’m the most independent lady,” Julia smirks.

Hannah and Maria give out a laugh at the same time and Hannah can’t stop laughing silently behind , turning away to not interrupt the talk. The great mood is amazing on the radio and the DJ laughs when telling the listeners that 5 Pieces seems to have a challenging nature about driving licence.

“We’re not usually competitive in the group,” Carolina explains.

“But Emelia sees the driving as her area,” Julia explains too, “She is a little upset that I got a driving-licence and she doesn’t.”

“Not for long,” Emelia smirks.

Laughing for another minute, they move on with the main question about their worries. Julia jokingly says her worry is that Emelia really will be disappointed when finding out Julia is a better driver, and Carolina’s worry is that their schedule is so tight that she doesn’t get enough sleep. When it is Hannah’s turn, the lady takes a deep breath and holds it in when wondering what her worry is – which she has been thinking for a while when listening to the others.

“My worry would be that I don’t like people commenting on my weight,” Hannah answers and right away her members go ‘ah’ in an understandable tone.

“Oh, what’s that about then? Hannah is always praised for her glamorous body…” the DJ frowns a little. The DJ has too envied Hannah now when they have been sitting here, seeing how shaped the girl’s s are and how fitting her clothes are, giving out this glorious s-line that Koreans doesn’t possess.

“Yeah, but people are never satisfied. It’s a worry I have that people talk too much of my weight than anything else about me,” Hannah answers and the DJ seems to understand.

“I have the same worry, kind of,” Maria says in an agreeable tone to Hannah’s. “I am the skinniest in the group and I have always been given praise for that, while I am personally disappointed to receive praise when I am underweight – I want to gain weight and the compliments I receive make me really disappointed as to what is a nice body.”

Maria has always had that slim model-figure, with no s or hip to hold up her clothes but that doesn’t matter with her tall figure and character because Maria can wear up any clothes even if she doesn’t have any curves for it. Hannah has trouble with it, because her curvy figure has never fitted clothes. They are each other’s opposites.

Continuing with the segment, the ladies talk about how Emelia – as the charismatic rapper – has become more and more like a girl recently and Emelia too admits she likes wearing dresses now, which she didn’t when 5 Pieces’ first debuted.

“People often put us in specific categories, as for Emelia who is most of the time known as the group’s tomboy because she is our rapper and wore pants instead of dresses during certain promotions, people thought she was forced to wear dresses – even now,” Maria says.

“Oooh, really? Do all of you have it like that, that if you have one character in the group, your fans stick to that character?” the DJ wonders.

“We are mostly like the characters we are known for, it’s not much of a difference, but it is when people think we are one thing and can’t be the other … that’s what we think is expanded with time,” Maria explains.

“Which member has had a tough time because of this?” the DJ asks as her eyes travels from one face to the other.

“I think all of us have at one point had a hard time because of the character we have in 5 Pieces,” Emelia says, “During our debut we were often talked back at because we had the character of being tough, and people thought tough meant rude… It’s not anything we struggle too much with these days though.”

Carolina says; “A lot of people had trouble taking me seriously before because I said I was the happy pill in 5 Pieces.”

“Yes, you have a very bright personality,” the DJ nods, “I remember seeing you when you were a radio DJ and you were always in a good mood.”

“I think I got to show a different side of myself as a radio DJ,” Carolina finishes off, as she a few years ago was a radio DJ for MBC. Not just her Korean improved, but her popularity grew wildly among the Koreans thanks to her personality on the radio program. Hannah still remembers that time, how Carolina every day was excited to be heard on the radio and always asking the ladies if they were listening – at occasions she was boasting on the radio that they were listening and many times she told stories about the ladies.

“I have had some trouble with my cute image in the group,” Hannah admits, “I don’t mind being called cute, as long as people take me seriously when it’s needed.”

“True that,” Maria nods and the DJ agrees as well.

“For Carolina who showed her personality as a radio DJ, the other members haven’t done the same. I read here on our comment board that Hannah is the y and cute member of 5 Pieces, the person asks if it is troubling to mix those two opposites because you are the cute member but have to be y on the stage?”

“It’s not troubling,” Hannah shakes her head and she glances at Emelia sitting next to her, looking back at the DJ. “On the stage I think all of us are y, depending on the song; It’s just two sides of me when I am either y or … cute.” She feels awkward saying that about herself, to describe herself with those two words. “But to say I can’t be both is like saying a happy person can’t be sad.”

“Our magnae is growing wiser,” Carolina jokes and they all laugh lightly. Hannah smiles at her friend.

“What about Julia, have you had any hard time because of your character?” the DJ asks.

Julia thinks for a second. “Um… not what I can think of,” she ends up saying and Maria sighs she is boring, which makes the DJ laugh.

Not until the ending of the radio program, 5 Pieces talk about something different and Julia gets to talk out;

“I think it is thanks to our SM Town family that we have succeeded like this. Since day one in Korea we have been given advice and received help from both seniors and juniors in the agency, we have talked about music and achievements and whenever someone is preparing a comeback there is a lot of support. For this comeback I think they sensed we were nervous so we were given a lot of support by our friends and I think that is the reason to it. Without all the advice we would never know what to do.”

Today at Music Core during the live broadcast, 5 Pieces is standing in the backstage room for broadcast with B2ST to talk about facing each other for being today’s number one song of the week. When being asked what they will do if they win, 5 Pieces say two things; if they win, they will celebrate it on Music Core with a fun dance and if they now do win, they will celebrate it as the tenth win of [POWER UP] on music programs with a special performance.

When being backstage the ladies have to practice a fun dance, just in case they will win, but the joy that their song has won nine times is impressive for them and they only care about doing well on the live performance to live up to it.

In green hair and a red dress, Hannah can’t help but to look in the mirror and find her look kind of amusing. She had gotten so many comments from the members in B2ST; they said they liked her hair and so on. Pastel green, not a bright colour but definitely just as outstanding as her golden locks half a year ago was. In a way, Hannah thinks she will always stand out no matter what colour her hair is – the way 5 Pieces always stands out. Her look isn’t amusing like the way you see in a circus, it is more in a different amusement of being mature from top to toe, and with a little edgy colour on the hair.

With the life performance of [POWER UP] coming up, the ladies are getting ready to head to the stage with their crew. They won’t perform with a band because the live stage does not fit it even if the stage is spacious, but the singing is live and the dancers are all ready when taking their positions.

The audience is already screaming when Maria takes her position, the broadcast is airing 5 Pieces’ intro for a few seconds – just a going-through their wins this year on MBC and stunning performances – before the live performance of [POWER UP] begins and Maria starts off singing. The audience is amazing. Everyone is completely quiet during Maria’s beautiful opening verse, but when the music and lights starts off as well as the members appearing, the audience cheers and whistles to them, making it so much more fun to perform. It’s their fourth time performing on Music Core, and though it isn’t as nerve-wracking as the first or second time, it surely is just as fun.

In high heels the ladies on the stage are moving around, moving their bodies to the music and with the microphones held by their lips they are singing in five special voices, becoming one when needed and standing out for their solo parts.

After the first chorus, Emelia does her rap with class and Hannah smiles when hurrying over to kick off her own part, surrounded by female dancers. She smiles at the one holding her hand lightly, hearing the audience cheer at the performance and she gladly throws up a hand in the air while singing, not minding showing off on the stage with her friends and she knows those around her are having just as much fun with the concept of [POWER UP].

For the whole song they are shining, looking classy and bright with light movements and explosive voices – and the audience is the loudest for these ladies. It’s so much fun that when getting off the stage, Hannah starts laughing when having a dancer embrace her from behind.

“If I ever forget to say it on my deathbed, I tell you now that it is a circus of fun performing with you,” the dancer says to both Hannah and Julia, they all laughing as if they just have done a worldwide mentioned performance. Truth to be told, their song is mentioned worldwide so in one way their performance is worldwide mentioned.

“Glamour, ladies, you are all filled with glamour,” one of the male dancers smiles, putting his arm around a friend right before they starts bowing to a girl-group they walk by. Even 5 Pieces lower their heads to the five years younger junior-group, only to be receiving deep bows in return. 5 Pieces’ laughter fills backstage and their manager is smiling by the door when hearing them come back. The dancers are just as much heard as 5 Pieces.

“Hurry, hurry,” Manager Lim waves his hand for the ladies to get inside the room. “Fix your make-up and go back out there.”

B2ST have their comeback stage today, already their music is heard on the TV-screens backstage when 5 Pieces enter their room and the ladies watches one of the two performances of their colleague while fixing their looks before heading back to the stage to prepare for the ending of the show with the other singers.

The three MCs are standing in the middle with 5 Pieces on one side and B2ST on the other, as the third nominee for first place (Taeyang) is not attending. Emelia and B2ST’s Doojoon keep messing around behind the MCs, having SHINee’s Minho laugh and wave them away before the ending begins – Emelia and Doojoon are still behind the MCs and messing around while they talk. Hannah is standing the furthest away from the centre, like always hugging Julia’s arm and she is resting her head on Julia’s shoulder with a smile at the audience waving to them. Julia gives out a wiggle with her body so Hannah stands up straight and Julia turns to smile at her.

“My body is still moving to our song,” Julia giggles to Hannah.

Julia has been in a great mood all week because they have set the deal to move to the villa she has all by herself singled out as the perfect fit for 5 Pieces. She has even been planning a house-warming party, inviting their crew and who not even if the date has not been set – she is overly excited about it that the excitement on the stage added makes her almost unstoppable to move.

The winner is counted, Taeyang reaches third place and Emelia looks to be cheering with Doojoon that their new song is so high on the chart already.

“And today’s winner is…” Minho says; Carolina hits the air as if doing a drum roll. “It’s 5 Pieces, congratulations!”

“Wooh!” Maria’s cheer is heard in the microphone as she was standing next to Minho to see the chart counting the number one song of the week, and she laughs when realising her voice reached his microphone, just to receive the trophy with a bow from the MCs and receive a pat on the back from Minho asking 5 Pieces to say a few words. Emelia and Doojoon are still fooling around behind the others by shaking each other’s hands as if they have fought well after a game, and Emelia looks happy stepping back to her members who let Carolina take the microphone today.

“Wow,” Carolina smiles, looking like she is out of breath as she realises they won. Emelia walks up behind her and shakes her shoulders so Carolina laughs. “It is our tenth win with [POWER UP], we are so happy right now, thank you deeply our fans, Puzzle… A big thanks to our incredible Danger Squad, our dancers, to Yeong Hyeon, Hyeyoung… Also to the members of the band that didn’t perform here with us today but always make it fun to work with… Our loving families, and to our choreographers (the A-Team) and Kim Ji Hwa, our Park Hyekyung who made the song for us, our patient managers – Lim Chunho, Kim Sung Young, Lee Ji Young – our pretty girl Mi Young Unnie, pretty boy Yong Oppa, Chan Hyo Unnie, and Miyu. A big thanks to everyone for loving 5 Pieces and [POWER UP], thank you so much.”

Sensing she is done, the MCs say their final words and the encore are announced to begin with the goodbye. Hannah starts bowing as soon as Carolina finished talking, starting off bowing to the audience before turning to her left to bow to the MCs and B2ST once the encore is about to begin. Minho and B2ST cheerfully congratulate 5 Pieces on the win while everyone else are heading off the stage and when getting their microphones, Julia catches up on the forgotten first verse of the song before the music begins and the ladies starts cheering as their dancers walks up on the stage, applauding.

5 Pieces does their silly dance, doing it messily at first before counting it together so they do it in synch, ending up just singing and dancing to their song along with the dancers – everyone have the biggest smiles on their faces. After this they will go to the agency to meet up with the band, for 5 Pieces to keep their promise over the tenth win by making a video of them performing a ballad version of their song; 5 Pieces and the band.

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Headline 15th: 5 Pieces Rocked The Stage At Dream Concert Airing Tonight Instead Of Inkigayo

Headline 15th: Watch ‘Running Man’ Next Week To Find Out Who Made 5 Pieces’ Hannah Cry!

Headline 15th: Episode 15 Of ‘Good Sister’ Airs On SBS


Monday, Headline 16th: Child Actor Kim Kyung Ho Become Clothing Model With 5 Pieces For Fashion Brand, S/S Magazine Released

Headline 16th: Carolina Says “We Still Have A Lot To Show” On KBS Live Concert

Headline 16th: Watch 5 Pieces’ Brilliant Performances Of [Girls Power] & [POWER UP] On Tonight’s Live Concert


Headline 17th: Emelia Shares A Funny Picture Of 5 Pieces During Their Fan-Signing Tour In Korea’s Busan & Gwangju


Headline 18th: Watch Out For 5 Pieces’ Hilarious & Delicious Chips Commercial, Airing Now!

Headline 18th: 5 Pieces Performs [POWER UP] On Show Champion


Headline 19th: 5 Pieces’ 3rd Tour GIRLS POWER To Start Off In August

Headline 19th: 5 Pieces To Finally Take On Tokyo Dome

Headline 19th: The Members Of 5 Pieces Look Sophisticated For ‘Elle’ Magazine

Headline 19th: 5 Pieces Wins On M Countdown With [POWER UP]

Headline 19th: Carolina Photo-Bombs The Members Backstage


Headline 20th: Hannah Receive Praise For Her Body Once Again On Korean Entertainment Show

Headline 20th: 5 Pieces Wins 2nd Time On Music Bank With [POWER UP]


Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Show Off Their Breathtaking Figures In Best Summer Denim

Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Reveal Their Secret To Success On Radio

Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Talk About Their Current Worries And Responses To Their Individual Characters

Headline 21st: Maria Disappointed She Gets Praise For Her Slim Body When She Wants To Gain Weight

Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Wins Triple Crown As Well As Their Tenth Win On Music Core With [POWER UP]!

Headline 21st: 5 Pieces Keep Their Promise To Fans, Thanking Them For 10th [POWER UP] Win With A Ballad Performance

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X. devonalias

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Chapter 55: enjoyed reading this.. and will surely wait for the next to come..
Chapter 46: I don't know what to comment anymore but what I want to say is every time I read an update of this is I always think "how long am I going to wait to read the next one?" "I can't wait for the next update to come" "I hope soon". Then I keep on repeating reading this... Anyways keep it up authornim!
Chapter 35: i hope at this part 10 of the story jonghyun and hannah get engage or something kkk

anyways looking forward for more updates to come ^^

fighting! :)
Chapter 22: thanks for the update authornim!

Chapter 18: way to go hannah! marking territory hahahah

more jonghyun hannah interaction please...

thanks for updating authornim! fighting! ^^
Hello long time no see, could you make a story of 5Pieces biography pretty please??!!!
Plus could you keep uploading more chapters on Youngest of Pieces: Girls Power please!!!???
Chapter 11: 4 updates thank you authornim! :)

more to come please.

fighting! ^^
Please upload more chapters soon ok?
Chapter 4: the surprise visit jonghyun made was romantic. ^^

can't wait for the next updates...

more hannah and jonghyun moments please!

fighting! :)
Chapter 2: another story to wait for... really thank you for this. ^^